I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 763 Five Star Tiger Fist

Come to Scarlet Research Institute through space jump.

Feng Qi met Wei Wei.

Then he followed Wei Wei into the spiritual sea of ​​consciousness space, where he saw countless suspended golden beads.

Every bead here is made of the power of faith, but unlike the original version of the Miracle Power Carrier Bead, every bead of faith here is also embedded with derivatives of Miracle Communication.

As Wei Wei said, miracle communication can completely help borrow miracles and deepen the connection between the borrower and the miracle.

In fact, without using derivatives of communication, the faith beads created by Wei Wei can now borrow the power of miracle rules.

But the maintenance time is very short, and it will end after a short period of time due to the unstable structure of the Faith Bead.

This time, with pseudo-miraculous as the core, the creation of faith beads was completely perfected.

Under Wei Wei's explanation, Feng Qi took a suspended faith bead, and then followed Wei Wei to the fourth talent track.

Try to borrow the power of the strengthened gem. When the consciousness comes into contact with the strengthened gem, a ray of energy suddenly flows from the strengthened gem into the faith bead, and the originally golden and translucent faith bead is rendered red.

The consciousness returns to the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness of the sacrifice line, and the red bead that stores miraculous power also returns.

When Feng Qi opened his eyes, the bead that stored the power of the enhanced gem seeped out from between his eyebrows and was caught in his hand.

Next, Feng Qi tested the faith beads with enhanced gems attached.

The test results surprised Feng Qi.

The power of strengthening gems has not been weakened. It can be perfectly used on various materials to increase the strength of the materials to the limit.

It is equivalent to completely transferring the rules to the talent beads.

But Wei Wei, who was standing aside, poured a basin of cold water on her:

"Although the power of the strengthening gem has not been weakened, it cannot be borrowed at the same time, and the cost of borrowing is expensive. For example, the cost of the faith bead in your hand is about 150 million blood crystals. The consumption of the power of faith cannot be recovered. Utilize, fortunately, the communication-derived pseudo-miracle that serves as the core can be reused.”

"A miracle can only be borrowed from a single source?"

After hearing Wei Wei's explanation, Feng Qi couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Depending on the situation, I divide miracles into two categories, namely miracles that can be borrowed by groups and miracles that can be borrowed alone."

"Among them, the talents that can be borrowed in groups are the Infinite Memory of the second talent track, the True God Bracelet and Mind Stone of the third talent track, and the evolution token of the fourth talent track. The rest of the miracles can only be borrowed individually. Unable to share."

"Also, when borrowing a sharable miracle, the more believers borrow it, the power of the rules will be dispersed, just like a damaged product of the miracle, and the effect of the power of the rules will be weakened."

After understanding the reason, Feng Qi felt regretful but still felt very happy.

At least he took the step of borrowing the power of miracles.

This means that there is no need to leave any miracles in the future timeline.

Due to early development needs, he needed to leave part of the miracle for the development of the next timeline.

For example, space jump.

If this miraculous item is absorbed by the main body, the next timeline will not be able to establish contact with the Tongtian Road. After all, the miracle of the main body cannot be used by the sacrifice line.

But starting from this timeline, this problem no longer exists.

By absorbing the space jump at the end of this timeline, he doesn't even need to wait for Shen Jue's return in the next timeline to establish contact with Tongtian Road and even Destiny City in advance, saving decades of developing space technology.

This is of great significance to the early development of the human race.

The decision to sacrifice the line in the future will also change because of this. He can even choose to absorb the Eye of Truth in advance, eliminating the need to plunder the Shadow City Lord.

The Lord of Shadow City was once an extremely important gift package for beginners whose sacrifice line was extremely important.

But after being able to borrow miracles, the problem of resources can be solved through miracles.

For example, after the main body of this timeline arrives, he can completely absorb time control, so that future timelines can quickly obtain startup resources by cultivating spiritual plants.

Time control only takes a few years to create benefits that exceed the wealth of the Shadow City lord.

Therefore, the Lord of Shadow City became no longer important.

Being able to borrow miracles means that the human race will take off completely, and it is certain that it will become the eight royal families.

Even surpassing the royal family is no longer a luxury. The human race has the potential to become the pinnacle group above all other races and witness the coming of the great trend with their own eyes.

But at this stage, borrowing miracles cannot be fully popularized.

According to Wei Wei's statistics on the current power of faith, coupled with the birth rate of miracle derivatives and the consumption rate of the power of faith, only close to 100 million people can borrow miraculous abilities within five hundred years.

Weiwei's idea is to continue to improve the structure of the faith beads and strive to change the faith beads from consumables to permanent faith beads.

To achieve this goal, there are still a lot of technical problems that need to be overcome.

But what is clear is that this direction is completely achievable, but it will take a lot of time to deduce the carrier structure that is most suitable for the power of miracles.

Before getting the Miracle Communication, this was exactly the direction Wei Wei was researching.

The existing power of faith is enough to create five million faith beads. As for the service life of each faith bead, it will not be affected by the power of miracles.

The specific service life is between 30-50 times.

This year, the human race officially entered a new era of borrowing miracles.

The miracle of merging with the real body cannot be borrowed and becomes a thing of the past.

one year later.

Feng Qi, who was practicing, sensed fluctuations, opened his eyes and found that the communication gem had information.

Touching the communication gem with consciousness, Ji He's old voice came:

"Old Feng, the problem of practicing the exercises has been solved."

Hearing these words, Feng Qi suddenly became energetic and immediately asked Ji He what happened.

Just yesterday, he also checked the reports of various practice research institutes in Daybreak City and understood that although the current practice research problems have been alleviated, the fundamental problems have not yet been solved.

The main reason for the problems at the level of skill research is related to the speed at which the growth potential of the human race increases.

The improvement speed is too fast, causing the early skills to be completely eliminated.

For example, when he and Lin Ran were studying together, it would take about 60 years for the Kung Fu to be perfected.

The limitations of the times meant that the society at that time did not need lengthy exercises.

It is impossible for the founder of a Kung Fu method to be able to deduce a Kung Fu technique that has been practiced for more than 60 years like martial arts or fantasy novels, and he does not yet know the effects of practicing the Kung Fu technique to the extreme.

The difference between the human race and races in other fields is that the growth potential of the human race has exploded.

This results in completely different demands for exercises in each era.

After the final battle, the potential of the human bloodline has been greatly improved, and the speed of cultivation has also increased. The skills that took hundreds of years to perfect in the early days now only take decades.

This resulted in the update speed of exercises in each era being completely unable to keep up with the growth rate of the human race.

Similar problems do not exist for other races.

The growth of other flesh-and-blood life forms follows a step-by-step rhythm, with each generation making steady progress.

The growth potential of the human race can be described as cheating by all members.

How to solve this problem, I can't think of a good way at the moment.

Feng Qi thought about the starting stage of the sacrifice line and began to study the techniques suitable for the future.

But this idea is not realistic.

The lifespan of early humans was only a few decades, or at most a hundred years old.

For later-stage exercises, it would take at least hundreds of years of study to master the knowledge of the research and development of the exercises and then put them into action.

The limitations of the times made it difficult to implement the early idea of ​​studying later exercises.

Postponing this attempt to the medium term remains unfeasible.

In the mid-term, the life span of human beings reaches 500 years, and they need to spend most of their lives studying. There is simply not enough time to develop the cultivation methods suitable for 2500 years, or even 3000 years later.

For this sacrifice line, Fengqi adopts a step-by-step approach.

For example, humans in the Bronze Age proposed the framework of the exercises based on the information in the belief database, humans in the Silver Age filled in the content, and humans in the Golden Age perfected the content and conducted actual practice tests.

In this way, the problem of inappropriate exercises is solved.

However, the number of skills obtained in this way is very small, and it is impossible to achieve the blooming of skills like the Bronze Age, which is suitable for various growth systems.

At this time, Feng Qi was a little unbelievable when he heard from Ji He that the problem with the technique had been solved.

In just a few days, this century-old problem has been solved?

He asked with doubts.

Ji He's subsequent answer solved Feng Qi's inner doubts.

Ji He said that the problem was indeed solved, but it was not the people who developed the technique who solved the problem, but borrowed the power of miracles.

And this miracle is the evolution token.

Compared with other miracles, the miracle of evolution token seems very unreasonable. It seems that it can only be used by him, and others cannot use it even if they can borrow it.

After all, other believers have no natural abilities that can be fed to evolution tokens.

As a result, the function of the evolution token seems very useless.

This seems very unreasonable.

Feng Qi also thought about a question, does the evolution token have no effect at all if it is used by other forces?

Now this question has been answered.

It turns out that the Miracle Token has a special function on him, and the way it is used under normal circumstances is completely different.

Just a few months ago, Huo Lin, an S-class researcher at the Hupo Research Institute, had a sudden idea to test the effect of the evolution token when he was borrowing his natural abilities.

Originally, Huo Lin was thinking that since the evolution token had decomposition talents and could be made into talent beads with additional growth values ​​of other talents, would it also be applicable to the skill system?

With doubts, Huo Lin started the experiment.

During this test, Huo Lin opened the door to a new world and found a way to solve the slow progress of his research on exercises.

During the test, Huo Lin discovered that whenever he borrowed the ability of the evolution token, bubbles of different colors would appear in his sea of ​​consciousness.

This discovery aroused Huo Lin's interest.

In subsequent tests, Huo Lin came to an incredible conclusion by comparing the traces of spiritual patterns in bubbles of different colors.

Whenever I borrow the evolution token, the colorful bubbles that appear in the consciousness sea space are actually the cultivation techniques I have learned.

Continuing research with curiosity, Huo Lin finally found the correct way to use the evolution token...

After listening to Ji He's story, Feng Qi got the answer.

After hanging up the phone, he didn't hesitate and immediately sat down on the sofa and closed his eyes.

When consciousness comes to the space of faith, a vast golden ocean appears in front of our eyes.

After Feng Qi took out the "Miracle Carrier Bead" from his consciousness, he flew straight into the sky and passed through the colorful talent stars to the fourth talent orbit.

Use your consciousness to control the Miracle Carrier Bead and touch the Evolution Token. The Evolution Token is the power of rules that is instilled into the Miracle Bead.

With the success of borrowing, Feng Qi's consciousness began to retrace its steps, returning from the space of faith to the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness at the sacrifice line.

Just as Ji He described on the phone, when the evolution token appeared in the spiritual sea of ​​consciousness, many bubbles of different colors appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness. They were suspended above the golden ocean, and each bubble had complex lines and trajectories. .

Observing closely, Feng Qi determined that the trajectory engraved in the bubble was the trajectory of the skill.

Tiger Fist, Flesh Sacrifice, Soul Capturing, Flesh Cauldron... All the techniques he had practiced were presented in the form of bubbles in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

These bubbles can also be called memory bubbles of the exercises. Each bubble records all the insights of the exercises.

At this time, Feng Qi took out the miracle carrier borrowed from Faith Space, a black Faith Bead.

With curiosity, he used Professor Jihe's method and used his consciousness to push one of the bubbles closer to the faith bead that stored the rules of the evolution token.

This bubble stores the "Body Tempering Technique" he practiced back then.

The moment the body-tempering bubble comes into contact with the faith bead, the faith bead emits black light. The body-tempering bubble shrinks at a speed visible to the naked eye, and is absorbed and digested by the miracle bead in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Feng Qi was surprised to find that the training method of body tempering technique in his memory had disappeared.

It's like a memory has been wiped out of thin air.

I saw a string of small golden bubbles spit out from the miraculous bead that absorbed the body tempering technique.

Seeing this scene, Feng Qi was ecstatic, and he finally understood the magical use of the evolution token.

In his case, this bead absorbs the natural ability, but in the hands of other beings, it can be used in a completely different way.

Kung Fu memory bubbles can be regarded as innate abilities. Decomposing Kung Fu memories is equivalent to decomposing innate abilities, and you can obtain experience beads similar to talent beads.

In the next test, Feng Qi pushed the twelve experience bubbles obtained from decomposing the body tempering technique to the "Tiger Fist" skill bubble.

The tiger fist technique bubbles quickly absorb the bubbles after they come into contact with the experience bubbles.

Suddenly the area of ​​the Tiger Fist bubble expanded, and the path of the spiritual patterns inside began to change.

A new perception sprouts in my heart.

Experience bubbles are like nutrients, watering on Tiger Fist, allowing the seeds of Tiger Fist to take root and germinate.

Feng Qi found that he had a new understanding of Tiger Fist, as if he suddenly had memories of years of hard training.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the path in the Tiger Fist bubble automatically changes and extends after absorbing the experience bubble, making the training trajectory more complicated.

Feng Qi then continued to test, breaking down a large number of cultivation techniques he had learned into experience beads and feeding them to Tiger Fist.

The bubbles of the Tiger Fist that continue to swallow the experience beads grow rapidly...

After Feng Qi's consciousness returned to reality, he immediately took Xiao You to the Hu Po Research Institute through a space jump to test the new path of the Tiger Fist.

After several hours of waiting, a detailed data report was placed in front of Feng Qi.

Ignoring other data, Feng Qi looked at the line of text marked in red on the report:

[After simulated practice testing, Tiger Fist has reached the five-star standard, with a comprehensive score of 129 points. 】

The once three-star technique Tiger Fist has actually reached the rating of a five-star technique through the decomposition and feeding of evolution tokens.

Although the five-star skills at this stage have long lagged behind the times, the growth of Tiger Fist has allowed Feng Qi to see the establishment of a new training system.

The issue of skills will no longer be a problem in the future.

Thanks to Gu Shiyuluo for the reward of 20,000 starting coins~

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