I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 336 Closed Beta Creatures (10,800 words long chapter)

The war between Star City and Future City attracted the attention of the world.

The spies lurking near the future city used drones to take high-altitude shots and live broadcast the battle to the rear in real time.

The live broadcast picture from a high altitude is very unclear, and even shakes violently under the influence of the aftermath of the battle, and even turns into a blurry screen at certain times.

But the scenes that happened during the battle touched the hearts of countless people in front of the live broadcast.

Residents in other cities are longing for the war to stop, but they can only see the fratricide killing each other.

It is not that people have never experienced wars. The world structure before the disaster was dominated by humans and distributed into different national forces.

At that time, there were countless wars, big and small.

But after the invasion of the realm and the arrival of foreign races, there has never been a cannibalistic war between humans.

History and reality have taught people who have experienced the catastrophic period to understand that there is still room for reconciliation between conflicts between the same ethnic groups. After all, they are born from the same source.

There were also many human rights regulations that appeared in the war before the Cataclysm.

For example, it is forbidden to attack or bombard undefended towns, villages, residences and buildings by any means, and it is not allowed to attack negotiators, or to give preferential treatment to prisoners, etc.

And wars often end with compromise and surrender by one party.

But in a war with foreigners, it's a matter of life and death without any room for maneuver.

No rules apply to wars between humans and domain races. Genocide is the only end point to end the war.

Since then, all human beings have had a strong sense of racial belonging and identity.

At this time, many people felt a strong sense of grief and indignation when they saw the killing of the same race through the live broadcast.

Public opinion surged like a tide, and senior officials in major cities were implicated and had to continue to appease them.

Future city direction.

The morning light breaks through the night and appears from the end of the east.

The heavy rain that had fallen all night also stopped at this time, and the dark clouds dispersed with the sudden appearance of morning light.

The time came to seven o'clock in the morning.

The war has been going on for six hours.

This battle does not involve the strategic competition between the two strategists in the hegemony-themed movies, let alone intrigues and intrigues.

There is only a bloody frontal fight.

Both the dawn warriors and the city defense warriors of the future city have consumed a lot of energy.

Fatigue surged through their minds.

The sore muscles were no longer controlled by thoughts, and even the hand holding the weapon became difficult to drive and trembled uncontrollably.

What keeps them fighting is the obsession in their hearts.

The obsession of the Dawn Warriors is to follow Feng Qi, complete the mission of this battle line, become part of countless sacrifice lines, and dedicate themselves to the ultimate ideal world.

This is an uncompromising spirit.

Even if we know that this battle line will be defeated, there is no way out for the future of mankind.

But the light of hope will accompany their efforts and shine into other timelines. Humanity has not yet been completely defeated, and the inheritance of hope is still being relayed.

In the eyes of the city defense fighters of the future city.

Behind them are the lights of thousands of families in the future city. What they are guarding are their parents, friends, children, and the future of countless residents of the future city.

Defeating the invaders is far more important than your own life.

As city defense warriors, it is their mission and responsibility to protect the future city.

Now that the mission falls on our shoulders, how can we retreat?

Soldiers on both sides have their own obsessions, and the battle continues.

The edge of the central district of the future city.

Feng Qi cast his gaze forward and saw countless city defense soldiers armed with cold weapons, covered in blood, staring at them with cold eyes.

Behind these city defense warriors are rows of armed tanks and other technological weapons.

The cold barrel stood high, and the buzzing sound of charging reverberated in my ears.

A brief respite, but a more brutal battle is brewing.

Relying on brute force to break through and advance, Feng Qi led the dawn warriors to suppress the city defense soldiers from the south gate to the central area. However, the city defense soldiers still did not fall and still had tenacious fighting power.

After fighting all night, Feng Qi's blood source form never dissipated.

This was the first time that he had maintained his blood source form for such a long time. Even though he continued to absorb blood to replenish his energy and blood consumption as he advanced, his body still entered a state of high load.

Soreness flooded my body.

As he clenched his fists, dark green flames rose up on his body. He looked up and roared in attack.

Then he led the charge, and the Dawn warriors behind him followed suit.

A new round of fierce confrontation began again.

Feng Qi had already made a decision, and he would rush to defeat the city defense army blocking the way, and then rush towards the Science and Technology Research Institute.

After a night of fighting, he found that the city defense forces they were fighting seemed to be constantly drawing on their strength.

Feng Qi's judgment was that the transferred city defense soldiers should have been urgently transferred to the battlefield in the west of the city.

The reason is simple, Mu Qing is there.

The saying that one person is against an army is not a joke to Mu Qing.

Throughout human history, it seems that no one can compare with Mu Qing purely from the perspective of combat prowess.

Before Mu Qing rebelled, she had already reserved her position as the leader of the ten war gods of this era.

It was only after Mu Qing established the Dawn Army that the God of War's reputation changed to the sinister name of "The Great Demon King".

Mu Qing's current combat power may not be as strong as it was at the peak of history.

After all, Mu Qing, the great demon king in history, had many years of frontline experience. During this period, he ate a large number of domain creatures, which greatly increased his combat power.

Feng Qi still clearly remembers that during the villain line, the old fan often read the newspaper in the morning.

Then he complained and complained that Mu Qing's strength was developing rapidly, and the gap between him and her was getting wider and wider.

This shows that setting foot on the front line is the stage where Mu Qing's strength grows rapidly.

But on this battle line, even if Mu Qing's strength is not as strong as at her peak, it is not weak.

When he started this line, he had already planned that Mu Qing would be the main core force of this battle line.

During the construction of Star City, he only gave Mu Qing one task.


Eat as much as you like!

Eat whatever you want.

Spiritual plants, spiritual minerals, spiritual beasts... As long as you want to eat them, there is an unlimited supply.

Even though Mu Qing has not yet reached her peak combat power, she already has the prototype of a great demon king.

He had wanted to test how high Mu Qing's strength had reached.

But various tests ultimately failed.

The reason is simple. The existing strength testing instruments completely limit the evaluation of Mu Qing's strength.

For example, a force detector half the size of a room.

This is a strength testing instrument commonly used by universities and research institutes, but in front of Mu Qing, they are all toys that can be exploded with one punch, and it is impossible to detect Mu Qing's strength limit.

The grip strength detector made of Super A alloy shattered in Mu Qing's hand.

Use your strength to interpret what it means to hold on to iron like clay.

In order to test Mu Qing's strength, Scarlet Research Institute once built various body strength detection devices tailored for her.

However, these body detection devices generally turn into toys before long and cannot keep up with Mu Qing's improvement in strength.

Wei Wei, who is Mu Qing's guardian, understands this very well.

Wei Wei also had a conversation with him.

She said that Mu Qing's current age does not match her body shape, and it is most likely caused by malnutrition.

In other words, the reason why Mu Qing, who was embedded with scarlet rune crystals, did not grow much was because of insufficient energy intake.

Having enough food and replenishing energy are two completely different concepts for Mu Qing.

The Scarlet Research Institute did not treat Mu Qing badly, who loved to eat, but if Mu Qing was allowed to eat without restriction, then major departments would not receive adequate resource allocations, and Mu Qing would be destitute.

In history, Mu Qing, who founded the Dawn Army, had the figure of a royal sister, which proves that Mu Qing received sufficient energy supplements at that time and her combat power was significantly improved.

Let’s look at 1500 years later.

After 1,500 years of development, the sucker still looks like a young girl.

As for the reason why the suckers don't grow big, Wei Wei's explanation also comes from the perspective of insufficient energy intake.

Therefore, Mu Qing can be regarded as the combat bug of this era.

During the years when he was building Star City, he turned on his blood source form and fought with Mu Qing, trying to test Mu Qing's strength.

Reality teaches him how to behave.

Even though he used all his strength, Mu Qing remained calm and calm, unable to shake Mu Qing's arm at all.

What made him most speechless was that Mu Qing seemed to think that she had gone too far, so she deliberately tilted the water 30 degrees, and then assumed a strenuous posture that showed no acting skills.

What kind of enemies Mu Qing, who was so powerful, faced in history, and why he died in battle, has always been a mystery in his heart.

At first he thought that the Dawn Army's opponent was the Science and Technology Research Institute.

Now it seems that the Science and Technology Research Institute is no match for Mu Qing and Ming Mingjun.

Although there is Xiaohei, a more unsolvable BUG-level combat force in the Science and Technology Research Institute.

However, there is no historical record about Xiao Hei in the period of the rise of the Dawn Army, which proves that Xiao Hei never appeared in the era when the Dawn Army rose and had no contact with Mu Qing.

On the contrary, the psionic race, which is of the same origin as Black Shadow, may be the mastermind behind Mu Qing's death in the battle.

But he prefers the more mysterious blue-skinned people.

Compared to the psionic tribe, the blue-skinned tribe seems to be more mysterious and powerful.

Although the psychic tribe has the Holy Spirit Consciousness Vault, an artifact that can significantly enhance the growth potential of the race, the blue-skin tribe obviously has more than just one miraculous item in their hands.

At least the blue-skinned people were behind some of the miraculous items he had seen.

For example, the miraculous blood stone escorted by the Old City was snatched from the hands of the blue-skinned warriors.

Another example is the Miracle Bracelet on Black Island. There were a large number of blue-skin warriors gathering in that area at that time.

The Lord of the Mist and Qin Shikong, who possess miraculous items, have all encountered sneak attacks and assassinations by blue-skin warriors.

Including himself.

In almost every timeline, he would be attacked and killed by blue-skin warriors.

The only exception is the timeline of the Undercover Technology Research Institute.

That timeline had lived long enough but had never been attacked by a blue-skinned assassin. This made him suspect that there was a special device in the Science and Technology Research Institute to block the search for blue-skinned assassins.

Now he is very close to the answers to these questions.

During the battle, Feng Qi's thoughts surged in his mind, and he became increasingly eager to get the secrets behind the Science and Technology Research Institute.

Future City, west of the city.

Under the leadership of Mu Qing, the Dawn Army has pushed across to the central area of ​​Future City.

Mu Qing, who was attacking with all her strength, was like a god of death on the battlefield.

No enemy is a perfect enemy.

There are also many outstanding warriors recorded in history textbooks in the future city.

But these powerful city defense warriors were vulnerable to Mu Qing, and they were not even on the same level of combat power.

Impeccable physical defense, terrifying power.

Facing Mu Qing's fist, any weapon was like a toy, broken by the terrifying force.

In front of Mu Qing, the city defense soldiers of the future city felt a sense of powerlessness and frustration.

The most cutting-edge technological weapons in the future city also have no effect in front of Mu Qing.

Melee siege, artillery fire coverage, trap siege... While being pressed back all the way, the city defense soldiers tried all means.

But Mu Qing was like the undefeated God of War, and no method had the desired effect in the face of her absolute power.

The successive deployment of troops to the east and south districts only slowed down the advance of the Dawn Army, but they could not stop the leader Mu Qing from charging as if he was in an uninhabited land.

The figure shrouded in jade light has become a nightmare in the hearts of the city defense soldiers.

Mu Qing's performance on the battlefield attracted great attention from the shadows behind the scenes.

At this time, the black figure was hovering over the base of the Science and Technology Research Institute, staring intently at Mu Qing in the distance.

Ever since Mu Qing destroyed the war machine with ease, she had become a thorn in Sombra's side and the biggest variable in the war.

It thought about wearing down Mu Qing's physical strength.

But it turns out that Mu Qing's physical strength seems to have no end. She is not tired at all from the battle so far, and her lethality is still astonishing.

Now Mu Qing has led the Star City soldiers to break through to the central area of ​​Future City.

It was already a matter of time before we approached the Institute of Science and Technology.

At that time, it may have to face Mu Qing's challenge.

After observing Mu Qing for a long time, it believed that it was no match for Mu Qing and that a head-on confrontation would be a dead end.

The development of science and technology research institutes is now at a critical stage.

It doesn't want to abandon the layout it has built for many years and run away in despair.

Faced with the choice, a fierce look appeared in Heiying's eyes.

At this time, he finally made up his mind, stopped worrying too much, and revealed a few trump cards to challenge Mu Qing.

Black Shadow picked up the communicator at this time.

After pressing the button, he said in a deep voice:

"Release the chimeras!"

The other end of the communicator heard this and did not respond directly. Instead, after a brief silence, he said:

"Boss, once the chimera appears, maybe the psychic tribe will know that we are in the future city!"

"Listen to me, let it out!" Black Shadow said coldly at this time.

"I understand." The shadow tribesman on the other end of the communicator did not insist anymore.

After putting down the communicator, Black Shadow looked at a platform at the base of the Science and Technology Research Institute.

While waiting, a metal box rose from under the platform.

This metal box has a Death Scythe mark on it and a row of indicator lights on it.

If Feng Qi were here, he would definitely feel very familiar with this mark.

There is a special department within the Science and Technology Research Institute called the Biochemical Modification Department. Its main research directions are biochemical modification, bacteria, viruses, etc.

Feng Qi had brutally transformed himself in the biochemical transformation department in order to compete for the position of leader of the wolf-loving field group.

While gaining powerful combat power, the root of his disease was also imprinted on his body.

Hair loss and vomiting blood are normal occurrences in life.

The scars on his body continued to crack and never healed, causing him extreme physical pain.

At this time, the first indicator light on the metal box lit up, and a crisp spring impact sounded.

When all the indicator lights came on one after another, the four sides of the metal box fell down at the same time, and white mist rose and spread.

The wet ground immediately froze after the rain, and the ice spread rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the green plants more than a hundred meters away were frozen into ice sculptures.

This shows how low the temperature inside the metal box is.

A gust of wind blew, and the white mist continued to spread, and the huge figure under the white mist finally revealed its true appearance.

This is a strange looking creature.

He is nearly three meters tall and has two heads, one on the left and one on the shoulders. A necklace made of the bones of some kind of creature hangs around his neck, glowing with black light in the air.

The two arms are very unharmonious in length. They can touch the ground when standing upright. They are extremely thick.

It has very clear muscle texture on its body, and you can feel the terrifying power surging in its body even if you stand there motionless.

At this time, this strange-looking creature is in a frozen state of sleep.

But as the body comes into contact with the outside world, the frost covering the body is rapidly melting.

The slight blinking of its eyelids indicates that it is about to wake up from its deep sleep.

Looking at this strange creature, the black shadow sighed helplessly.

If it wasn't forced, it really wouldn't want to use this killer weapon.

The origin of this creature is related to a technology of the psionic tribe.

The name of this technology is chimera super life form. Essentially, it is not a creature from any domain, but a genetic combination of creatures from multiple domains.

This is one of the future layout plans of the Psychic Clan.

The purpose is to create a chimera super creature as the secret weapon of the psychic race.

The conceived chimera organism combines the excellent genes of all kinds of life while discarding all kinds of impurity genes.

Therefore, this type of creature has almost no shortcomings.

Except for the lack of intelligence.

In order to better control the chimera life, the chimera life conceived by the psionic race cannot have intelligence. Only in this way can it be better controlled.

And intelligent chimera life will inevitably become an uncontrollable disaster.

In fact, the technology for creating chimera life did not originally come from the ideas of members of the psychic race, but from the knowledge already stored in the consciousness library of the Holy Spirit.

When the psionic tribe obtains the Holy Spirit Consciousness Vault, it already contains a lot of technology and knowledge.

This knowledge and technology comes from the previous owner of the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library.

Although much of the knowledge and memory inside is gradually fading with the extinction of this race, it is about to enter a state of self-renewal similar to formatting.

This formatting process did not stop until the psionic race inherited the Holy Spirit consciousness library.

The Holy Spirit Race has read a lot of information left by the previous race in the Holy Spirit Consciousness Library from the residual knowledge and memory.

This race is called the "Tianduo Tribe".

During the glorious period of the Tianduo clan, they had a huge world territory in the domain world and occupied multiple small worlds at the same time. They were one of the racial forces standing at the top of the pyramid in the domain world.

But in order to become more powerful, this family made a fatal mistake.

The Tianduo clan, which had grown rapidly relying on the Holy Spirit's consciousness bank, encountered a more powerful domain force challenge at its peak.

Facing that racial force, the Tianduo Clan is still no match for them despite all their secrets.

At the critical moment, scholars from the Tianduo tribe came up with a concept to create a powerful creature that combines the excellent genes of all races to fight against the invading forces.

This suggestion was quickly implemented.

At that time, the Tianduo tribe extracted a large number of genes from enslaved ethnic groups, collected the genes of their own outstanding warriors, and began fusion breeding.

To this end, the Tianduo tribe also selected a highly tolerant domain monster as a basic sample.

After years of cultivation, the chimeric organism was finally born.

At that time, the Tianduo tribe was completely at a disadvantage in the battle with the powerful tribes, and they had high hopes for the emergence of chimera life, hoping that it would change the destiny of the Tianduo tribe.

But the Tianduo tribe didn't know that what they created was not a savior, but a demon.

The Tianduo tribe originally gave this demon creature wisdom, thinking that holding the chimera's life switch in its hand could determine its life or death.

But the growth potential of demons is far from being as simple as the Tianduo clan imagined.

Relying on the knowledge sharing of the Holy Spirit's consciousness library, the demon grew rapidly, and gradually understood the reason for his birth, and became more aware that his life was controlled by the Tianduo clan.

It greedily devoured the resources stored in the Tianduo tribe to grow, and used the knowledge it learned to gradually crack the life switch restrictions left by the Tianduo tribe in its body.

When the Tianduo clan was faced with a powerful enemy and found it difficult to resist, the devil showed its fangs.

A fatal blow was given to the surviving Tianduo clan.

At this point, the Tianduo clan withdrew from the historical stage of competition for hegemony among all races, but the demon chimera still existed in the realm world and grew into a disaster.

It combines many excellent genes and is greedy and crazy.

As it grew endlessly, this demonic creature was jointly suppressed by multiple races.

But the demon was not killed.

Every time it dies, it explodes and sprays countless demon eggs into the outside world.

These demon eggs are essentially part of the demonic creatures. When they break out of their shells, they will crazily devour the surrounding life, absorb the genetic sequences of those lives, and then instinctively search for other demonic creatures that have broken out of their shells, and interact with each other. After devouring, the main consciousness of the demon creature will awaken at that time.

It was nearly immortal and was destroyed several times, but was successfully resurrected.

And every time after completing the reunification and resurrection, the strength will be significantly improved.

Demonic creatures with super intelligence have been identified as disasters by the racial forces in the area during their long growth. Every once in a while, they will set off a wave of death and disaster.

As a lesson learned from the past, although the psychic race has learned the technology of creating chimeric life forms.

But he dared not give the chimera life wisdom.

Chimeric life with intelligence is a double-edged sword. Once out of control, it may bring catastrophe to the race.

Although this technology is not the most important future layout plan for the psionic tribe, Black Shadow attaches great importance to it.

It does not have the resources and foundation of the Psychic Tribe. It defected midway and wanted to gain the strength to match the Psychic Tribe in a short period of time, so it could only choose to overtake in a corner.

There will be no future if we keep our feet on the ground.

The creation of chimera life is certainly full of risks, but at least it is one of the opportunities for overtaking in corners.

Including the Black Death Project.

If it wants to no longer fear the search of the psionic tribe, it must have the strength to challenge the psionic tribe.

And this two-headed chimera is one of the biggest killer weapons in its hands.

It calls it the "two-headed devil."

The experiment of cultivating chimera life has experienced 4395 failures, and the only successful one is that it has the excellent characteristics of 378 kinds of domain creatures embedded in its body.

Powerful recovery ability, terrifying power, affinity for spells, instinctive talent for releasing spells, etc.

In addition, the two-headed demon also has extremely terrifying growth potential.

The only disadvantage is that without intelligence, it can easily lose control. Once out of control, it will fall into an almost crazy state, which will last for a period of time before recovering.

But compared to the loss of control with wisdom, this unconscious loss of control is still within the acceptance range of Black Shadow.

In order to restrain the two-headed devil, it usually chooses to seal it in a specially customized ice cage and put it into a deep sleep.

Sombra never thought of using the Two-Headed Demon until he gained enough strength.

After all, the technology used to create this chimeric life comes from the Holy Spirit's consciousness library. Once the psionic race discovers its traces, it will be completely exposed.

But facing the terrifying Mu Qing, it knew that it could no longer hide.

As the frost on the two-headed demon's body gradually faded, a metal box rose again on the right side of the platform where it was located.

When the metal box was opened, what was revealed was a set of battle armor engraved with many psychic symbols, as well as a huge bloody battle axe.

A few minutes later, the two-headed demon opened his eyes.

After twitching its nose twice, its eyes suddenly looked at the black figure hovering in the air, and a flattering look suddenly appeared in its eyes.

"Put on your equipment, go kill her, and then give you the food you want!" As he said that, the black shadow pointed at Mu Qing in the distance.

When the two-headed demon heard this, his eyes briefly lost focus, as if he was thinking about the meaning behind this sentence.

After a full minute or so of silence, the two-headed demon came to his senses, then walked to the weapon box and started putting it on.

The equipment in the arsenal is tailor-made for the two-headed demon and fits perfectly after wearing it.

This set of psychic equipment is the cutting-edge crystallization of the psychic technology of the Science and Technology Research Institute. The resources consumed to create it are enough to arm a small-scale legion, which is far beyond what the psychic weapons in the hands of city defense warriors can match.

After putting it on, the two-headed devil changed its appearance.

Wearing a battle armor engraved with psychic runes, he held a bloody battle axe, and wore a golden lion helmet on each of his two heads. Strong psychic fluctuations radiated from his body.

Even if he stood there motionless, bursts of psychic pressure would stir up a breeze and blow around.

"Go ahead, kill her and you can eat her when you come back."

Under the instructions of the black shadow, the two-headed demon nodded vigorously, then stood up from the ground and jumped straight to the west.

After flying a distance of tens of meters, the two-headed demon hit the ground heavily, and the ground beneath his feet sank instantly.

After squatting slightly to gather momentum, he leaped up again.

Jumping forward like this quickly, the two-headed demon quickly approached the battle zone.

At this time, Mu Qing was leading the Dawn Warriors to charge. If she had not been assisting her comrades in advancing, she alone would have been able to break through the heavy defenses of the city defense army and reach the base of the Science and Technology Research Institute.

After smashing a heavy armed tank with her fist, Mu Qing was about to continue moving forward when her eyes suddenly looked not far away.

In her sight, a giant with two heads was staring at her with blood-colored eyes.

When their eyes met, Mu Qing felt a strong killing intent.

At this moment, the two-headed demon suddenly jumped up and fell towards the area where she was. The bloody battle ax in his hand bloomed brightly in the air, like a magic weapon falling from the sky and striking down.

Facing the ferocious attack of the two-headed demon, Mu Qing did not dodge and swung her right fist straight into the air.


The moment his right fist collided with the bloody battle axe.

A radius of 100 meters suddenly sank, and the cracks that appeared on the ground continued to spread outward like spider webs. The psychic pressure set off even blew away nearby armored tanks.

In the stalemate of power, the two-headed demon grinned ferociously, and the power in his hand began to increase.

But it soon stopped laughing.

Mu Qing slowly raised the bloody battle axe, and then looked at it with curious eyes, as if she was very curious about why it had two heads.


While roaring, the energy core embedded in the psychic battle ax rotated rapidly, and the muscles in the two-headed demon's body tightened, and its power suddenly increased.

It wanted to split Mu Qing open with an axe.

But Mu Qing's fist only sank an inch and withstood the pressure of the two-headed demon's power.

The jade-colored light on the body surface bloomed brightly at this time.

The moment she swung her left fist, dense cracks appeared in the air, and even space seemed unable to withstand the pressure of her power.


When his left fist hit the two-headed demon's abdomen, terrifying power suddenly erupted, and the armor engraved with psychic runes dented in front of Mu Qing's explosive power.

The two-headed demon hit by this punch flew straight out like a cannonball, flying close to the ground and rolling all the way, knocking down many figures, and did not stop until it collided with an armed chariot, but half of it But his body fell into the chariot.

Under normal circumstances, the creature that received Mu Qing's punch would have exploded and died.

But the two-headed demon only shook his head a few times before standing up angrily.

The psychic symbols engraved on the abdomen separated from the armor. Countless characters spun and jumped around the injured area. The originally dented armor miraculously repaired itself.

At the same time, the two-headed devil's powerful self-healing ability is also demonstrated at this time.

The bruises on his abdomen healed quickly, and he was back to his peak condition in the blink of an eye.

It stared at Mu Qing with wide eyes, let out a menacing war cry, and waved the weapon in its hand high, as if to provoke Mu Qing.

Mu Qing responded to this.

I saw an afterimage passing by, and Mu Qing arrived in front of the two-headed demon in an instant.

After gaining momentum and squatting down, his right arm crossed a semicircle and hit the two-headed demon directly in the abdomen. Immediately, the demon's feet left the ground and his figure flew into the sky.

Mu Qing gathered strength under her feet, jumped up suddenly, and struck the two-headed demon on the back with another powerful punch.

Accompanied by the sound of sonic boom, the two-headed demon let out a miserable wail after receiving two consecutive punches.

But it still withstood Mu Qing's heavy blow.

As his body twisted in the air, the two-headed demon locked eyes on Mu Qing who had landed on the ground.

Trajectories of spiritual energy formations emerged in front of it, quickly completing the outline and blooming with bright light.

The two-headed devil's genes are embedded with many racial genes that have a high affinity for spiritual energy, and magic combat is also its strong point.

Compared with the cumbersome steps of human cultivation to outline the technique, the two-headed devil just completed the outline of the technique in a blink of an eye.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth converged towards the psychic formation.

Countless psychic symbols floated out of the formation and began to circle around the two-headed demon.

As the body fell, more and more glowing and twisted runes appeared on the two-headed demon's body.

With the blessing of these psychic symbols, the body of the two-headed demon began to expand, and its body glowed with divine light.

Facing the two-headed demon falling from above her head, Mu Qing obviously did not want to continue to struggle with it.

She slowly squatted down and began to gain momentum.

The jade-colored light lingering on the body's surface immediately sped up, sending out circles of jade-colored ripples.

The terrifying pressure continued to spread, and the scarlet runes embedded on his arms flickered.

"Ha!" As she exhaled, Mu Qing suddenly pumped her fist.

Her fist collided with the bloody giant ax coming towards her.

The coercion generated in an instant turned into a strong wind, making it difficult for the nearby Star City soldiers and city defense soldiers who were still fighting in the melee to open their eyes.

Jade-colored electric arcs danced on the surface of Mu Qing's fist.

The terrifying power keeps rising. Even if the two-headed demon is blessed with psychic runes, it still cannot match Mu Qing's power.

The collision of spiritual energy and jade-colored light caused waves of aftermath.

The ground was shaking from the outpouring of power generated when they fought.

Finally, the two-headed devil was the first to be unable to hold on, and his body suddenly flew back more than a hundred meters and crashed into a building.

Mu Qing's eyes, which had been aroused, were filled with scarlet light, and the jade-colored light surrounding her body had turned into arcs, making a crackling sound.

After crouching slightly, she suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of the fallen two-headed demon.

The jade-colored electric arc-wreathed right arm was like a mountain-splitting battle ax, falling with terrifying pressure.

When the fist hit the two-headed demon's head, the sudden explosion of power caused the entire building to instantly fall apart. The rubble fell like raindrops, but before it even got close to Mu Qing, it was shattered by the jade-colored arc on her body and scattered.

At this time, the two-headed devil still did not surrender.

It struggled and tried to resist, but it was in vain under Mu Qing's fist.

This great killer weapon with unlimited potential in the future was completely defeated in front of Mu Qing, who had just begun to show his power as the great devil in history.

Under the violent offensive, the vague silhouette of the ancient ferocious beast appeared above Mu Qing's head again.

Feeling the terrifying coercion of the fuzzy ferocious beast that looked down upon the world, the two-headed demon finally showed a horrified expression.

Various excellent genes give the two-headed demon powerful perception capabilities.

But the moment it sensed the vague aura of the ferocious beast, its fused instincts told it that this was a predator standing at the top of the food chain.

Driven by instinct, the two-headed demon showed a timid expression and began to cry involuntarily.

But Mu Qing didn't give it a chance.

Mu Qing was surrounded by jade-colored arcs as if possessed by the God of War, her hair turned jade-colored, and the scarlet light in her eyes was like an abyss, bringing infinite fear to the two-headed devil.

Punch after punch hit Mu Qing's strength still rising.

The psychic armor with the ability to repair itself cannot withstand a few punches before it completely shatters and can no longer heal itself.

Under constant heavy blows, the ground sank rapidly.

The two-headed demon gradually lost consciousness under the heavy punches, and only his body was still recovering quickly to bear Mu Qing's heavy blows.

At this time, the vague beast above Mu Qing suddenly looked up to the sky and let out a roar.

A flash of scarlet suddenly appeared in the jade-colored light on Mu Qing's body, quickly traveling around Mu Qing's body and finally converging on the surface of Mu Qing's fist.

When the punch landed, the two-headed demon's nearly invincible body could no longer hold up and instantly fell apart and exploded.

"hold head high!"

After killing the two-headed demon, the vague ferocious beast above Mu Qing roared up to the sky, and the terrifying pressure caused both warring parties to lose consciousness for a moment.

"Breathe deeply, breathe deeply!"

After killing the two-headed demon, Mu Qing closed her eyes tightly and suppressed the violent emotions in her heart.

At this point she was on the verge of losing control.

Once the violent emotions emerging from the bottom of the heart take over, what follows may be a massacre without distinction between friend and foe.

In order to suppress her emotions, Mu Qing immediately sat cross-legged and tried to slow down her breathing and the flow of jade-colored energy.

Direction of Science and Technology Research Institute.

Seeing the two-headed demon holding on in Mu Qing's hands for less than ten minutes before dying, Heiying couldn't hide the look of horror in his eyes.

It discovered that its judgment of Mu Qing's strength was completely wrong.

Especially when the vague ferocious beast appeared above Mu Qing's head, even though she was far away, she could still feel the terrifying aura that was looking down at the world.

"Is it...the power of the Pillar God?"

The black shadow's inner thoughts made it feel unbelievable.

The Pillar God is a creature that transcends all things in the domain world and stands above all living beings. It can also be called a god.

Exactly how powerful they are is a complete mystery.

But even the lowest racial forces in the domain world clearly know that the power of the Pillar God is simply not something that ordinary people can bear.

Occasionally some scattered blood and fur can make a weak clan grow into a strong clan.

According to Heiying's knowledge, the ancestors of the "Mist Tribe", the strongest force in the small world where the Psionic Tribe was originally located, accidentally obtained a drop of the exhausted blood seal of the Pillar God, thus starting a path of brutal growth and rise, and personally created The Mist Tribe.

But in Mu Qing, what it felt was the complete power of the Pillar God.

Although the power Mu Qing currently displays is far from reaching the level of a Pillar God.

But it is like a sprout that will one day grow into a towering tree and become a transcendent god standing on top of the clouds overlooking all living beings.

While there was an uproar in his heart, the black shadow suddenly had the idea of ​​​​escaping from this place.

No matter how powerful the Star City Army is, it is not afraid. In addition to the two-headed devil, it has other trump cards.

But facing the terrifying guy who might have inherited the power of the Pillar God, it felt fear in its heart.

At this moment, it thought of the Black Death in the core area.

But as soon as the thought came to mind, it was suppressed.

This plan is the foundation for its future. The experiment is still in the preliminary testing stage. If it is launched now, a series of uncontrollable factors may occur.

From a long-term perspective, even if the Science and Technology Research Institute is lost, the Black Death Plan cannot be exposed in advance.

Just as Heiying's thoughts were surging, a figure leaped from a distance, crossed the gate of the Science and Technology Research Institute base, and landed below it.

It was Feng Qi who arrived.

While the Western District was still fighting fiercely, he led the Dawn Army to break through the blockade of the city defense soldiers and enter the central area of ​​the Central District.

There was still a fierce battle at the rear, but he chose to come to the Science and Technology Research Institute one step ahead.

History has proven that when the situation is completely out of control, the shadow will run away.

For example, in a historical line that I learned before, in the face of the siege from all forces, Black Shadow took Mo and fled the future city after being defeated, and his whereabouts were unknown after that.

After learning all this, he also hoped that no Xiao Hei would be born in 1500 years.

As a result, reality slapped him hard in the face.

No matter how the timeline changes, Xiao Hei will never leave him and enthusiastically sends him on his way.

"Come down and chat?"

Feng Qi, in the form of a blood giant, looked up at the black shadow suspended in the air and grinned.

Facing his invitation, the black shadow did not refuse and immediately landed in front of him.

"I'm very confused. What is the purpose of you leading the Star City army to invade Future City? Is it because we have a conflict of interests? But even if there is a conflict, we can resolve it through negotiation. What are you planning to do by launching a war?"

Looking at the "black shadow" of his old acquaintance floating in front of him like a ghost, Feng Qi did not directly answer his series of questions.

Black Shadow has many doubts, and so does he.

Thinking of this, he immediately said:

"How about exchanging information? Each of us will ask questions and then answer each other's questions."

Hearing these words, Black Shadow was also stunned, as if he didn't understand that the bloody giant in front of him would talk to him in this way.

After thinking for a moment, it nodded:


After hearing Heiying's promise, Feng Qi immediately asked his first question:

"Do you know anything about the Blueskin Tribe? You should know what I'm referring to."

Facing the inquiry, a surprised expression appeared on Heiying's face, as if he was a little surprised that he actually knew the relevant information about the Blue Skin Tribe.

Regarding this question, Heiying was silent for a while and then said:

"I know very little about them. I just know that there seems to be a figure comparable to a pillar god standing behind them. The seemingly simple blue-skinned creatures are far from being as simple as they appear on the surface."

"Be specific." Feng Qi immediately frowned.

"I have already said that I don't know anything about them, but I can tell you an intelligence information obtained by a certain race after conducting detailed research and investigation on blue-skinned creatures."

"One of the races you mentioned must be the psionic race, right?" A playful smile appeared on Feng Qi's face.

After hearing these words, the black shadow suddenly showed a surprised expression:

"How do you know I'm referring to the psychic race? What else do you know?"

"Answer my question first, and then I'll answer your question. Let's continue the topic. What information do you have about the Blue Skin Tribe?"

Facing the inquiry, Heiying was silent for a while and then slowly said:

"After conducting in-depth investigations and research on the blue-skinned creatures, the team of scholars from the Psychic Tribe called the blue-skinned creatures: closed beta creatures!"

"Closed beta creature?"

"Yes, as for why they are called beta creatures, I don't know." Black Shadow affirmed at this time.

Thanks to the reward of 10,000 starting coins from May the Glory of Mankind Live Forever, I became the master of this book.

Thanks to classmate Weiwei for the 3,000 starting coins.

Today's update is completed, and by the way, the foreshadowing that has been buried for a long time is shoveled into the ground.

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