I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 316 Rapid Development (please vote for me~)

After all, the Lord of Mist is a domain creature and is not qualified to enter the tomb area of ​​Winter City.

Of course, they are not qualified to enter the Martyrs Cemetery.

It would not be appropriate to bury the Lord of the Mists in an area where humans live.

Feng Qi can clearly distinguish this point.

So he chose to bury the Lord of Mist in the snow forest outside Winter City and built a tombstone for him.

The night wind was noisy and blew out the bonfire.

Feng Qi stood in front of the tombstone of the Lord of Mist, thinking about the past in his mind.

During the years of growing up with the Mist Lord, the Mist Lord taught him many things.

Before he met his old crush, the villain in his mind was pure evil.

But in the last villain line, he saw the old fan’s inner struggle, determination, ideals, and ambition to lead his people to rise.

Responsibility, family affection, friendship... Although he is a villain, he also possesses various character qualities that humans call excellent.

In the final analysis, it is nothing more than a different stance.

In that timeline, the old fan gave him two things.

After breaking his arm, he was given a brand new bloody arm, and the other thing was the miracle bracelet that they desperately snatched from the Black Ultimate Field.

An old fan once said that rebirth after a broken arm means a bright future, and the miracle bracelet is a blessing shared by all.

But he always believes that there is an upper limit for the importance of love given by old fans.

No matter what, with his character that focuses on stability, when it comes time to give up, he will still choose to give up.

For example, when he was sent to the execution ground in Old City.

He had firmly believed that his old fans would take revenge on him, but would never come to rescue him.

This is very unconventional.

But he really came.

At that time, he was moved.

In the end, the old fan’s instructions before his death were filled with desire for life and expectations for him.

It seems that he wants to pass on the dream in his heart to him.

For old fans, he has the intention to change, but not in this timeline.

If he can bring Old Fan into the human camp, his understanding of Old Fan will definitely bring great help to mankind.

The most terrifying thing for old fans is never his fighting power, but his wisdom and strategy.

There are many strong people in history.

Ye Huang, Scavenger Sword Master, Mu Qing, Lu Yue, Mu Yan, etc.

Many powerful figures in history have left their own legendary chapters in history, but they also ended up in their own historical chapter.

Only the Lord of the Mist finally survived 1,500 years later and still exists in the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that he was the final winner.

At least in the future scenario he saw, the Mist Lord was the only one who succeeded.

After all, survival is victory.

If we can form an alliance with old fans, it will definitely be of great help to the entire human camp.

But it is still too early to form an alliance, and there are still many prerequisites that need to be resolved.

But these issues were no longer on his mind.

On this battle line, he just needs to follow his own path.

"Old fan, you've almost eaten. Brother, I'll leave now. If you're still alive next year, I'll come visit you again."

After taking another deep look at the tombstone, Feng Qi turned and left.

Mu Qing and Lu Yue saw this and immediately followed him.

The figure is getting further and further away, gradually covered by the wind and snow, and no trace can be seen...

After settling the affairs of the Lord of the Mist, Feng Qi, Mu Qing, and Lu Yue got on the plane bound for Star City.

Now that the Lord of Mist is dead, Star City's potential future risks have been eliminated.

The development of the battle line will also be on track.

The cruel war is ready to go, and everything is just waiting for the time to come.

Now that the Scarlet Research Institute has hid in a secret base in advance and is isolated from the world, Feng Qi has no last worries in his mind.

Feng Qi's next plan was very clear.


The Alliance of Weak Races in the Domain has surrendered. He does not need to worry about the relevant information in Star City being obtained by external forces, so he does not need to worry that the rapid development of the Dawn Organization will attract the attention of external forces.

In the next few months, the Daybreak organization entered a state of rapid development.

With the Hupo Research Institute as the core, Daybreak Organization continues to recruit people of insight to expand the influence of Daybreak Organization.

The Hupo Research Institute no longer devotes all its resources to the research of techniques and techniques.

Spending most of the resources on cultivating combat-oriented talents will be the main theme for the collaboration between various organizations in Star City.

After all, the essence of project research in cultivation is to cultivate more excellent and powerful warriors from a long-term perspective.

But this battle line has no long-term considerations and only seizes the day.

Everyone who knows the truth understands the truth, and they will all become stepping stones on the road to their ideals.

Sacrifice is inevitable.

The meaning of Daybreak also changed during this period.

Everyone gradually understood that "Daybreak" was not an organization, but a common goal.

Just as the old Scarlet Dean said at the time, he is also a member of the Dawn Organization. All members of the Scarlet Research Institute are members of the Dawn Organization, and all fellow travelers are also members of the Dawn Organization.

So Daybreak is more like a coalition with a common goal.

During this period, the influence of the Daybreak organization increased dramatically.

In just five months, Feng Qi completed the relationship between the various forces within Star City.

The Military Department, the Hupo Research Institute, and other small institutions and organizations connect all influential organizations together.

In order to ensure efficient cooperation, Feng Qi proposed the interconnection of the databases of major forces.

That is to create a brand new database, and no longer set internal permission areas between each other.

There is a potential danger in doing this.

If there are hidden forces in the field that have not been discovered, many secret information inside will be known to the hidden forces in this field.

So Fengqi set up a permission system.

In the context of data sharing, a laddered authority system is set up, with Daybreak Organization, Star City Military Headquarters, and Hupo Research Institute as the first echelon of authority, able to read all materials.

The permissions of other agencies are arranged in descending order.

However, the data on the same ladder is completely shared, and there is no longer a line of defense.

The first benefit of doing so is that the development of various institutions in Star City will be assisted.

Many materials that were originally unavailable can also be accessed by each other, including confidential information.

But what Feng Qi is most concerned about is how to gather combat power.

On the battle line, combat power must obviously come first.

He felt that the combat power of the military alone was not enough.

After all, Future City also has military strength, coupled with various black-tech weapons, it will be difficult for Star City to win the battle on the enemy's home court.

Although there is Li Xingchen in the city in the future.

However, the military power of Future City is always controlled by the dark shadow behind the Science and Technology Research Institute.

In a home match, Star City Military had no chance of winning.

How to quickly increase Star City's combat power, Feng Qi thought of other human latent forces.

Now he has a list of human latent forces in hand.

Among them, 13 forces were determined to be reliable. He could not completely guarantee whether the remaining forces were reliable.

This list comes from previous resistance lines.

In that timeline, he formed the Dawn Organization and chose to confess the hidden truth to the world.

Showing the fact that human society is already riddled with holes in front of the world, trying to awaken the world and launch a counterattack against the latent forces in the field.

But what he said turned out to be "alarmism" and was easily suppressed under the influence of the Science and Technology Research Institute.

But there are still some lurking humans who choose to stand up.

The Prajna organization behind the monks is one of them.

When he was sent to the guillotine, 13 forces took the initiative to stand up.

Most other organizations came forward later.

Among the forces that came forward later was the Tiger Soul Research Institute, which was controlled by the Lord of Mist.

The old fan's saucy operation is just adding insult to injury, and it does not prove that he is a latent human force.

That's why Feng Qi believed that the 13 forces that stood out first were reliable.

After all, if you chose to stand up at that time, you can imagine the pressure you faced, and there was a high probability that you would be destroyed by the fire.

As for what will follow, there must be many who have the same idea as the old fans, who just want to go along with the flow and eliminate a potential opponent.

To sum up, Feng Qi decided to win over the thirteen forces on the list first.

The remaining forces that are between reliable and unreliable are all labeled as unreliable for the time being.

After planning the next development, Feng Qi sent Monk, Yang Xinxin, Cai Guo, and Lin Ran to recruit the thirteen forces on the list.

A month later, Feng Qi received good news.

This news was brought back by the monk.

The Prajna Realm Chapter decided to move to Star City from the old Nippon Supply Zone and officially joined the Dawn Organization and became one of them.

As one of the ten war groups, the Prajna Chapter is very powerful.

After learning this news, Feng Qi became more confident about confronting the Science and Technology Research Institute.

Over the next few months, good news came one after another.

The reason why these human latent forces choose to lurk is that they know the truth but dare not expose the truth.

Feng Qi completely understands their thoughts.

The truth is a double-edged sword. When the dark truth is completely exposed, the bright spots in human nature will also appear.

During this period, someone will definitely stand up and passionately choose not to compromise, choose to continue fighting, and want to open up an ideal path for mankind.

There will even be many outstanding figures and heroes born during this period that will go down in history.

History can prove that wherever there is oppression, there is resistance.

But these hidden human forces understand one thing better. Choosing to confess the truth to the world is essentially a big gamble.

The disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves is too great.

If the hypothesis fails, the loser is the future of all mankind.

The impact of this is too great, how dare they stand up and declare the truth.

What's more, even if the truth is announced, it may not be effective. After all, the latent forces in the field have penetrated into all aspects of human society and have huge influence.

Due to multiple overlapping reasons, these latent human forces can only choose to endure.

They can't afford to gamble, let alone dare to gamble.

At this time, the emergence of the Dawn Organization was like a ray of light in the darkness, giving them a glimmer of hope in despair.

Feng Qi was not surprised that various human latent forces came to Star City one after another and joined the Dawn organization.

The experience of multiple timelines made him understand that this was inevitable.

The addition of these hidden human forces also proved that he was never alone.

Just as Feng Qi was preparing for the next confrontation with the Science and Technology Research Institute.

Star City West District.

As one of the four major urban areas in Star City, the industries in the West District are mainly in the energy industry, transporting electricity and other energy to other areas.

Energy-related spiritual material research institutes are also located in the West District.

For example, the Xinling Mine produced by the Domain Field will be sent to several energy research institutes in the West District for analysis and research. After analyzing the detailed attributes, it will be entered into the database and become part of the resource map.

From a historical perspective, these energy research institutes have made great contributions to the construction and development of mankind.

The first spirit stone power station of human civilization was planned and built by the "Star Energy Research Institute" in the West District of Star City.

At this time, the top of an energy tower in the West District.

A humanoid being with long flowing silver-white hair sat on the top of the tower crane, playing a musical instrument similar to a flute, and looking casually at the setting sun on the horizon.

The tune is melodious and melodious, like the sound of nature, seeming to influence the setting sun.

When the music stopped, the setting sun also dissipated in the western sky.

At this moment, the air around the boy distorted, and then a figure fell next to the silver-haired boy.

What arrived was a humanoid woman who also had long silver-white hair. She knelt down, reached out and rubbed the silver-haired boy's head, and said with a smile:

"What are you thinking about?"

"When can we go back?" The silver-haired boy raised his head, a trace of sadness appearing on his young face.

"I've told you many times, we will never go back." At this point, the silver-haired woman paused briefly, and then continued:

"But one day in the future, they will come, and then we can be reunited."

"When?" As he spoke, a look of anticipation appeared on the silver-haired boy's face.

"When the time comes."

“When the time comes, how long do we have to wait?”

Facing further questioning, the silver-haired woman rubbed the boy's head again and said with a smile:

"This is a major event related to the future of our clan. Don't be willful. Only when the time is ripe can they arrive as a clan and have a higher starting point for growth. We are working hard for this."

"Why can't they come with us?"

"Because the way here is very dangerous, the whole clan's arrival is undoubtedly a gamble on the future of the whole clan. If we encounter those terrifying blockers, our clan may be completely destroyed."

Hearing this, the silver-haired boy nodded in understanding, and then continued to ask:

"Why didn't we encounter any blockers?"

"Because we were divided into several groups and took different routes, our team was very lucky and came to this world without encountering any obstacles." The silver-haired woman explained patiently.

"Why do we have to kill people when we come? Do we have to hurt them?" As he spoke, the boy looked at the busy workers below the energy tower.

"Xiao Qi, when you come to this world as a pioneer, you must understand that you are responsible for the future of the entire ethnic group. Now our world is experiencing an unprecedented crisis. The general trend will come and devour our world at any time. We have no way out. This The world is our future habitat, and it is also our last buffer in the face of the coming crisis."

"If you want to live, you must get rid of unnecessary troubles. There is nothing wrong with these human beings living. What is wrong is that they are blocking the progress of our Silver Moon tribe. Star City will also be the future habitat of our Silver Moon tribe, and it is ours." Laying out the foundation for the future.”

"If you want your tribe to live, or if you want them to live, you can only choose one or the other... So tell me, how do you choose?"

The boy heard this, thoughtfully, and finally nodded obediently.

His eyes became determined at this moment.

Looking up at the sky again, a bright waning moon hangs on the edge of the sky.

The silver-haired boy once again raised the flute-like instrument to his mouth and played, but this time there was a hint of solemnity in the music.

The second update is completed, please vote for me~

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