I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 271 Dark Stepping Stone

After the information session, Feng Qi's life returned to normal.

Now that external public opinion is gradually beginning to ferment, the popularity of "Flesh and Blood Sacrifice" is steadily increasing.

He has also become the focus of attention from the outside world, and everything is developing in the direction planned by the Lord of Mist.

This morning.

The sky was still bright, with dark clouds and low pressure outside, and a steady drizzle fell.

The south gate of Hu Po Base was rarely open on this day.

A long queue of trucks outside the base followed the main road, passed through the security check at the gate, entered the Hupo base, and headed towards the Hupo warehouse.

The Hupo Research Institute's warehouse is located behind the base.

It is surrounded by walls made of special metal, and there are three instrument checkpoints for detecting life fluctuations along the way.

There is a 30-person duty team outside the warehouse, patrolling 24 hours a day and rotating every 8 hours.

At this time, Feng Qi was standing outside the warehouse wall, staring at the transport convoy coming from a distance.

At this moment, he turned to look at the assistant standing aside and nodded to him.

The assistant is one of the members of the Night Shadow Clan who was surrendered.

His current name is Ye Lao Er.

At this moment, it turned to face the metal fence, reached out and entered a long list of passwords on the screen of the fence.

As the ground trembled, the metal wall slowly sank into the ground.

Then the warehouse quickly extended and unfolded like the base vehicle in Red Alert.

In a moment, a lifting platform leading to the underground warehouse rose from the center of the base warehouse.

The transport convoy also stopped outside the warehouse at this time.

"Let's start counting resources." Feng Qi said at this time.

When the members of Hu Po's subordinate battle group standing behind him heard this, they stepped forward to help unload the goods.

All unloaded containers will be opened and resources will be inventoried.

The counting method is very simple. You only need to take out a scanning device and scan it around. The testing instrument produced by the Science and Technology Research Institute can automatically classify and record the resources in the container.

At this time, on the tablet in Feng Qi's hand, the number of resources on the list is increasing.

The spiritual materials scanned by the instrument will be displayed simultaneously on the tablet in his hand.

This is a resource inventory that he needs to personally supervise and take responsibility for once a month.

The Lord of the Mist is not interested in the research projects within the Tiger Soul Research Institute, but only values ​​the resources.

When he is here, the resource inventory will be personally responsible.

Now that the Lord of Mist is launching a plan against the Scarlet Research Institute, he will naturally be responsible for this aspect.

It took half a day to count.

The inventory of spiritual materials allocated this month has been completed.

After comparing the list and confirming that there were no problems, Feng Qi issued the order, and then a large number of spiritual materials were sent to the underground warehouse through the elevator.

The remaining spiritual materials will be sent to each branch base, the headquarters scientific research project team, and the Hupo Restaurant.

After working for a long time, my clothes were soaked by the rain.

Feng Qi was about to go back to his room and change his clothes when he noticed a figure walking slowly towards him from the south door.

His clothes were torn, but his face was filled with a confident smile.

The one who arrived at this time was the Lord of the Mist who had been gone for more than ten days.

Seeing the smile on the Lord of Mist's face, he knew that the mission was obviously a success.

While waiting, the Lord of Mist stepped in front of him.

Reaching out and hitting his chest, the Lord of Mist grinned:

"The plan worked."

Hearing these words, Feng Qi was not surprised.

On the normal historical line, the Lord of Mist was also successful.

If the Lord of the Mist had not secretly secreted the top management of the Wolf-thirsty Chapter, he would not have become the new leader of the Wolf-thirsty Chapter and successfully promoted to the second echelon of the core of the Science and Technology Research Institute.

After some exchanges, Feng Qi roughly understood the Mist Lord's experience in Twilight City.

There were no errors in the process.

At this stage, the Science and Technology Research Institute has become wary of the Scarlet Research Institute.

Next, vigilance will gradually turn into hostility in the subsequent plans of the Mist Lord.

After listening to the Lord of Mist's story, Feng Qi took a look at the ragged Lord of Mist, with a smile on his face:

"Now that you are back, it means that the current stage of Operation Gonghuo is over. What are your plans next."

"I will retreat for a few months first, and then consider the subsequent plans. After all, improving my strength is the first priority."

With that said, the Lord of Mist turned to look at Ye Laoer who was following him.

His tone turned cold at this moment, and he said viciously:

"Younger Ye, open the warehouse door for me. Your master, I want to go in and retreat."

After practicing the Flesh Sacrifice, Ye Laoer's life was completely under the control of the Lord of Mist. His body was shaking, and he trotted decisively back to the metal wall of the warehouse, and then entered the password.

The newly restored metal walls sank again, and the warehouse base spread out like a blooming flower.

The Lord of Mist reached out and patted his shoulder:

"I'm going to retreat first. If there's any emergency, please contact me through the messenger."

"Go ahead."

The Lord of Mist nodded, and then walked towards the lifting platform of the resource warehouse.

This warehouse is of great significance to the Hupo Research Institute, and it is even listed as a forbidden area.

But for the Lord of the Mist, this place is just a treasure trove where spiritual resources can be obtained at will.

Looking at the Lord of Mist who was already standing on the lifting platform, Feng Qi was about to turn around and leave.

But he saw the Lord of Mist raising his right hand and giving him a thumbs up with a smile.

Feng Qi:......

Three days later, Feng Qi was sitting in the office, reading the news.

Then his cell phone rang.

Picking up the phone, he found that it was a call from an unknown number.

Confused, he answered the phone.

"Is it Teacher Feng?"

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"I am a staff member of the Achievement Evaluation Department of the United Research Institute. The evaluation team recently passed the review of your achievements. We are already in the process of ordering the Gold Medal of Human Excellence award for you and will deliver it by express delivery within a month. For you."

"In addition, we have decided to set up a heroic statue for you in the Star City Memorial Hall. I hope you will come to the Joint Research Institute branch in Star City recently for a body scan..."

After hanging up the phone, Feng Qi stood up and left the office, heading towards the room in the core area.

This honor came as no surprise to him.

The "Flesh and Blood Sacrifice" technique has become a super technique that can promote modern cultivation in the eyes of major research institutes and even the joint research institute.

Winning the Gold Medal of Excellence for Humanity has long been a certainty.

As for building a statue of him in the Star City Memorial Hall, this is a step in the Mist Lord's plan.

The Lord of the Mist submitted this application to the Joint Research Institute in the name of all the senior leaders of Tiger Soul before going to Twilight City.

The first round of testing received a "perfect" rating, which obviously accelerated the progress.

He didn't want to delay this matter.

If it is resolved as soon as possible, the Lord of Mist's plan can be launched faster, and he can also rely on the power of faith to continue to grow stronger.

Maybe the speculation last night will actually come true.

He can see himself in the main timeline 1500 years later.

After returning to the room, he changed a set of clothes and contacted the staff of the Joint Research Institute again.

After hanging up the phone, he summoned a military vehicle and went straight to the Joint Research Institute.

As the military vehicle drove out of the Hupo base, he looked at the scenery outside through the window, feeling extremely emotional in his heart.

The last time he went to the Joint Research Institute, he was a human traitor.

But this time he put on the disguise of a "hero" and carried glory.

One month later.

Outside the Star City Heroes Memorial Hall.

A military vehicle with the logo of the Hupo Research Institute stopped outside the memorial hall, and Feng Qi, who was wearing plain clothes, stepped out of the vehicle.

After explaining to the driver, he put on a mask and turned to look at the Heroes Memorial Hall.

This is a building full of history. In front of the memorial hall stands a towering monument with the names of the martyrs engraved on it.

Along the steps, he came to the memorial hall step by step.

The memorial hall was crowded today and one had to queue to enter.

Because today is a special day, his heroic statue will be unveiled today and officially settled in the memorial hall.

Many Star City residents came here because of its fame.

Following the flow of people, he finally entered the memorial hall after waiting for half an hour.

The memorial hall is spacious, and the first thing that appears in front of you are the broken military flags and the albums posted on the walls.

Arriving at an explanation desk, he turned his attention to the staff who were explaining the story behind the album.

Listening to his explanation, Feng Qi turned his attention to the album.

The album shows a lame warrior.

His name is Ye Wushui.

Feng Qi was no stranger to his story, having heard it in Lao Wang's history class.

That period of history was in the early stages of the catastrophe.

Ye Wushui was originally a soldier who graduated from Victory Academy. After graduation, he has been fighting on the front lines of the war zone, shedding his blood to fight against field invasions.

His legendary experience occurred when he was 29 years old.

At that time, there was a field numbered 3-11 called "Tutan" that was integrated with this world.

There are a large number of realm-transcending creatures, one of which is called the "Tutan Clan".

This group is extremely special.

They are extremely camouflaged and difficult to tell by their appearance alone.

And this group has never fought head-on with humans. They capture humans and then study their genetic sequences to create genetic viruses, trying to destroy human civilization in this way.

The Carbon Field brought many hidden dangers to the development of Star City at that time, but it was eventually successfully dispelled.

But the crisis is not over.

After the charcoal field was dispelled, a large number of lives inside lost the blessing of rules, and their bodies collapsed and died.

But many members of the Tutan tribe survived.

In the days that followed, the remaining Tutan tribesmen walked in the darkness, capturing residents of affiliated cities around Star City, and then using their bodies for genetic virus experiments.

Want to use this method to complete revenge on mankind.

In order to remove this cancer, the Star City Military Department thought of many ways.

But these methods failed without exception.

The remaining Tutan people are very cautious and will not easily come into contact with humans.

They disguise themselves as humans and mix in the affiliated cities around Star City. The operation to capture humans will only be carried out when they think it is absolutely feasible.

Ye Wushui stood up at that time.

After learning the news, he returned home from the front line for vacation and asked for a long leave from the battle group.

Next he came to an affiliated city around Star City, where he pretended to be mentally retarded and a beggar in a densely populated area, pretending to be crazy and stupid all day long.

During this period, he competed with vicious dogs for food and often picked up food scraps on the ground to eat, always with a silly smile on his face.

This situation lasted for more than a month, and he was finally targeted by the Tutan clan lurking in the crowd.

The Tutan clan, who thought he was harmless, captured him and took him to a secret stronghold outside the city.

During this period, he suffered unbearable pain.

He gritted his teeth and endured all kinds of torture including imprisonment, body modification, and amputation.

This time lasts for three months.

Finally one day he seized the opportunity and escaped from the Tutan tribe's secret base while the Tutan tribe had completely relaxed their vigilance against him.

After escaping from death, he informed the Star City Military of the Tutan Clan's secret stronghold.

In the end, the Tutan tribe was completely wiped out.

At this moment, Feng Qi looked at Ye Wu Shui, who was covered in scars in the photo album, with awe in his heart.

Lu Xun once said that since ancient times, there have been people who worked hard, people who worked hard, people who prayed for the people, and people who sacrificed their lives to seek justice... Although it is the so-called "official history" that is equivalent to writing genealogies for emperors, generals and prime ministers, They often cannot hide their glory, which is the backbone of a nation.

Lao Wang also said something in class.

They choose to carry forward in the darkness in the hope that your future will be filled with light.

Following the crowd forward, his eyes scanned the broken flags and photo albums.

There are some things that you only know the heaviness behind after you have experienced them.

Just like him on every sacrifice line, he only left his name or a few sentences of description in every historical record.

History is vast, but individuals are small.

The same goes for the heroes in the memorial hall.

Behind every name there is a touching story, which cannot be expressed in just a few paragraphs and pictures... They all had a life of their own.

At this time, his heart resonated across the long river of time.

Following the flow of people, we passed through memorial halls one after another. Broken flags, blood-stained clothes, broken weapons, each item carried a piece of history.

Finally, they arrived at the unveiling hall of the memorial hall.

This is also the destination of his trip.

Standing in the crowd, he looked at the statue in front of him that was covered by a black curtain, feeling uncomfortable in his heart.

He is indeed qualified to be standing here as he has sacrificed many things on the line.

But on this line of sacrifice, he felt that he was not worthy.

From the Winter Supply Area to the Old Nitong Supply Area, and then to the Tiger Soul Research Institute, his hands have been stained with a lot of blood of the same kind over the years.

The funny thing is.

He who chose to fall completely into darkness will become a human hero, and his statue will forever be kept in the Star City Memorial Hall for future generations to admire.

Behind this glory is twisted black.

He even felt that placing his statue here was an insult to the heroes.

It's like a canvas full of color stained with an indelible black.

He took a deep breath to regulate his emotions.

At this moment, a familiar female voice sounded beside him.

"Do you feel unworthy?"

He turned to look to the right and found that Wei Wei had come to him at some point.

"Were you surprised to see me when you were invited to this event?"

"It's indeed a bit unexpected." He said slightly surprised.

"Back to the topic just now, do you feel that you are not worthy of being honored here?"

"Is it worthy?"

"Of course, in my opinion you are more qualified than anyone else."


"I understand the guilt in your heart, but you must always understand one truth. Falling into darkness does not mean that you are darkness. Darkness is just a stepping stone for you to climb towards the light."

Looking at the smile on Wei Wei's face, he couldn't help but froze.

"Are you warmed by me?" Wei Wei came closer to her face with a playful expression.


Thanks to Enmo Itsuka Kotori for the 5,000 starting coins~

Everyone go to bed early.

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