I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 255 God of the New World

To the west of the Old City is the Old Mountains.

There are endless undulating peaks, dense green vegetation, and many wild animals and plants.

The Lord of the Mist and Feng Qi, who decided to retreat, came to this forest after some searching.

They chose to cut a clearing in the dense forest next to the mountain stream, then built a fence with trees, and lived in seclusion in such a quiet environment.

Compared with the Lord of Mist who can retreat without eating or drinking, Feng Qi obviously cannot do this.

He needs to hunt some game in the dense forest every three days to supplement his nutrition.

As for training, he doesn't need it.

After the transformation of Demon Dragon, his body changed and his cultivation efficiency was extremely low.

The only way to grow that you can choose is to temper your body and improve your physical strength.

The increase in physical strength can also alleviate a series of sequelae caused by the rapid growth of mental power.

During this period, the Lord of Mist's strength began to grow rapidly.

During the fierce battle in the canyon, he had absorbed a large amount of energy and blood, and even absorbed the blood of super domain creatures.

These essences and blood have not been completely transformed.

During the retreat, the Lord of the Mist absorbed these blood essences, and his strength improved rapidly.

In addition, the miraculous blood stone that has been integrated into the main body of the mist is producing pure blood every moment.

The qi and blood produced by the blood stone do not need to be converted, and can be integrated into the main body of the mist and become part of his power.

Feng Qi has nothing to say about the Lord of Mist's continuous adventures and growth.

This is simply a protagonist template.

Survive a catastrophe, be accompanied by adventures, explode before death...and now there is a miraculous blood stone that can perfectly match his abilities.

In the words of the Lord of Mist, now his strength is steadily improving even if he lies still.

Compared to the hard work of groping forward in each sacrifice line, Lord of the Mist is simply lucky.

Thinking of this, Feng Qi felt bitter in his heart.

People are more irritating than fog.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

This evening, the sun sets at dusk.

Feng Qi, who had finished a day of intense training, was cleaning and processing the newly caught hare by the stream.

Next, he used the prepared branches to pass through the hare's body and came to the already lit bonfire.

Having not eaten for several days, he decided to reward himself with a game tonight.

As time passed, oil and water oozed from the surface of the hare as the branches turned over, sizzling under the licks of flames.

At this moment, a gray mist appeared next to him.

As the gray mist surged, it condensed into the appearance of the Lord of Mist:

"I didn't teach you the ability to absorb Qi and blood, so why are you still eating in such a wasteful way?"

Hearing a familiar voice ringing in his ears, he couldn't help but roll his eyes:

"What you taught me cannot fill my stomach, it can only replenish energy. I have long been accustomed to eating during the time I lived in human society. Maybe my original race also used this method to replenish nutrition."

"Don't talk about this, I came out of seclusion this time to tell you some good news!"

After hearing these words, Feng Qi turned to look at the Lord of Mist curiously:

"What's wrong? Has your strength improved by leaps and bounds?"

At this time, the Lord of Mist's eyes were filled with purple light, and he seemed very excited. He spoke at this moment:

"It has nothing to do with the growth of strength. I recently made a new discovery while studying blood stones. This discovery may allow us to stand on top of the world in the future,"

Hearing these words, Feng Qi felt ashamed.

He felt that the Lord of Mists was about to blow again.

From beating up Mu Qing to becoming a Pillar God...every once in a while, the Lord of the Mist would have weird ideas.

But he was very curious as to what new ideas the Lord of Mist had this time.

As if he noticed Feng Qi's carelessness, the Lord of Mist immediately spoke:

"This time I found something very interesting on the blood stone. It is very likely that it is a regular path."

"Regular path?"

"Yes, for example, releasing a spell is actually copying a section of the trajectory according to the rules of heaven and earth, and then the spell can be formed. This is actually part of the power of the rules."

"For example, you will find that some spells cannot be released in some special fields because the rules in these fields are different from the rules of the outside world. For example, in the yellow sand field we went to, water attribute spells cannot be released in it. …”

After listening to the Lord of Mist's explanation, Feng Qi understood what the rule path meant.

This is actually a natural rule.

The release technique is actually operating according to the trajectory formula and combining another form of energy within the rules.

When such formulas and energy forms do not exist within the rules, such spells cannot be condensed even if the trajectory is outlined.

The Lord of Mists said that he also saw regular tracks on the blood stone.

After experimental practice, he discovered that this track had the effect of greatly enhancing physical fitness and the strength of qi and blood in the body.

It can even enhance the cultivator's bloodline growth potential.

Hearing these words, Feng Qi couldn't help but be stunned.

The first thing that came to his mind was the super skill "Flesh and Blood Sacrifice" that would affect the future.

He had two conjectures about the origin of the flesh and blood sacrifice technique.

The first conjecture is that after infiltrating the Tiger Soul Research Institute, the Lord of the Mist used Wang Jinjin to develop the flesh and blood sacrifice.

But it turns out that even if Lin Ran replaced Wang Jin, "Flesh and Blood Sacrifice" still appeared in history.

The second guess is that the Flesh Sacrifice was developed by the Lord of Mist himself.

During the period of contact with the Lord of Mist, he was convinced of this conjecture.

The Lord of Mist's learning and research and development capabilities are no weaker than Lin Ran's, and he is fully capable of developing this super technique that changes history.

But after listening to the explanation of the Lord of Mist, he suddenly realized that the birth of "Flesh Sacrifice" was most likely related to the Miracle Blood Stone.

Judging from this perspective, he suspected that the Lord of Mists in the normal historical line also obtained the Miracle Blood Stone.

Next, he asked the Lord of Mist in detail about his understanding of this rule trajectory.

In the Lord of Mist's narration, he became more and more certain that the rule track imprinted on the blood stone was the prototype of the "Flesh Sacrifice".

In the following days, the Lord of the Mist began to study the rules of the flesh and blood sacrifice and entered a state of seclusion.

Half a year later, Feng Qi, who was logging, saw the Lord of the Mist again.

At this time, the Lord of the Mist told him shocking news.

He improved the regular trajectory on the blood stone, eliminating some of the profound trajectories, weakening the effect of the trajectory, but also allowing this trajectory to be used smoothly.

The first version of "Flesh and Blood Sacrifice" is officially released.

During this half-year retreat, the Lord of the Mists made an astonishing discovery.

He conducted experiments on squirrels in the dense forest, helped the squirrel practice the flesh and blood sacrifice, and found that its new offspring also inherited the bloodline increase brought by the flesh and blood sacrifice, and their starting point for growth became higher.

This discovery excited the Mist Lord.

In the words of the Lord of the Mist, when he resurrects his tribe in the future, he will be able to let them practice this super skill, and the future growth potential of the tribe will inevitably reach a higher level.

Looking at the Lord of the Mist who was imagining the future development of the ethnic group, Feng Qi remained silent.

From a historical perspective, flesh and blood sacrifice was not used in the growth of the Lord of the Mist clan, and eventually evolved into a sacrificial technique that harmed humans and weak races in the realm.

There was obviously a growth experience that he didn't know about during this period.

He didn't know if he could influence the process in a way that would have huge consequences for the future.

But soon the Lord of Mists gave him the answer.

Late that night, Feng Qipan sat on his knees at the top of the tree crown, looking up at the bright moon above his head.

The spiritual power in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness gradually removes impurities under his purification.

But the process is slow.

When Lin Ran developed "Spiritual Immortality", he only considered growth efficiency and did not consider issues such as the purity of spiritual power at all.

So he could only filter slowly and clumsily.

At this moment, a gray mist appeared around him.

Feng Qi, who felt the aura around him, opened his eyes at this moment.

"I have decided to give up infiltrating the Scarlet Research Institute and choose to infiltrate the Tiger Soul Research Institute."


He was surprised when he heard these words.

The Scarlet Research Institute has always been the first choice for the Lord of Mist to infiltrate.

He has been thinking about a problem for a while.

How to make the Lord of Mist give up infiltrating the Scarlet Research Institute.

After all, Scarlet Research Institute is the core of every timeline. If Scarlet falls, the efforts of all those traveling along this sacrifice line will be in vain.

Unexpectedly, the Lord of Mist suddenly said that he wanted to give up the Scarlet Research Institute.

"I have a concept in my mind. If this concept can be realized, our future will be bright." As he said this, a look of hope appeared in the eyes of the Lord of the Mist.

"Tell me more about it." He asked curiously.

"Do you still remember what I said at the beginning that a large part of the Blood Stone Cultivation Technique was eliminated by my improvement?"

"Remember, didn't you say that the entire trajectory is too complicated and that many of the contents are not suitable for practice?"

The Lord of Mist nodded at this moment and said:

"Yes, some tracks are too complicated, and the speed of practice is much slower than my improved and reduced version... But recently I tried to practice the complicated part of the track. Guess what happened?"

Looking at the excited Lord of Mist, Feng Qi said decisively:

"Speak quickly."

"I discovered that I, who had practiced the complex part, could actually attract the blood of an experimental squirrel practicing a reduced version of the blood stone technique to come towards me... During the experiment, I accidentally killed an experimental squirrel, and found that the blood flowing out of its body actually actively Flow to me..."

The Lord of Mist became more and more excited as he spoke.

Finally, he took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with excitement:

"If I guess correctly, that part of the complicated blood stone path is the main path and the core of this regular path. Just like the spiritual energy running in the body during normal practice will eventually converge in the Dantian, just like all rivers returning to the sea."

"I now have an idea to turn this flesh and blood sacrifice into two different cultivation techniques. The complex part is the source, which I call the flesh and blood cauldron, and the other is a reduced version, which I call the flesh and blood sacrifice. "

"All lives that practice the flesh and blood sacrifice technique will eventually become the source of nutrients. It only takes me a thought to make the flesh and blood disintegrate, and the blood imprinted in the body will automatically gather towards me and become the nutrients for my growth..."

After listening to the Lord of Mist's story, Feng Qi finally understood the reason.

After many improvements, this technique that the Lord of the Mist originally intended to use for the development of the ethnic group has evolved into the "Flesh Sacrifice" technique in history.

The reason why the Lord of Mist suddenly wanted to choose Hu Po Research Institute was very simple.

He needed a platform to release Flesh Sacrifice.

Compared with the mysterious and low-key Scarlet Research Institute, the Tiger Soul Research Institute will obviously be a better choice.

What's more, the Hupo Research Institute is one of the largest Kung Fu research institutions.

As soon as the new technique certified by the Hu Po Research Institute is released, it will inevitably attract a large number of practitioners to try it out.

If he can successfully infiltrate the Hu Po Research Institute, he can also use the many cultivation media controlled by the Hu Po Research Institute to promote the flesh and blood sacrifice and continuously increase the influence of the flesh and blood sacrifice.

After figuring out the reason, Feng Qi suddenly felt enlightened.

Obviously, the Lord of Mist also experienced this growth process in history.

The Scarlet Research Institute is too low-key and mysterious, and internal changes do not easily attract the attention of the outside world.

Penetration risk is small.

But Hupo Research Institute is different.

Not only does it have journals every week, but it also holds training competitions from time to time. It is a star institute.

Internal personnel transfers and changes can be posted on the news information platform.

From a safety perspective, Scarlet Research Institute is obviously better.

But from the perspective of flesh and blood sacrifice, Hu Po Research Institute is the best choice.

It was the flesh sacrifice that changed the Mist Lord's mind.

What he didn't expect was that the flesh and blood sacrifice was actually divided into two parts.

What the Lord of the Mist obviously controls is the "flesh and blood cauldron", the source of all rivers returning to the sea, and what all humans practice is obviously the flesh and blood sacrifice as a sacrifice.

Next, the Lord of Mist talked about the future plans for flesh and blood sacrifice, and seemed very excited during the process.

He couldn't help laughing when he talked about having fun.

He said that he would continue to improve the flesh and blood sacrifice and enhance the effect of "the return of hundreds of rivers to the sea".

Apart from this, there is one very important point that needs to be modified.

Different species lead to different meridian paths in the body. If the flesh and blood sacrifice has only one fixed meridian route, it can only be applied to one species.

But this problem is not unsolvable.

Flesh Sacrifice is originally a technique for tempering the strength of blood vessels, and has little to do with meridians. The Lord of the Mist said that he can completely improve Flesh Sacrifice into a purely physical technique.

He already has experience in this area.

What is used on the experimental squirrels is actually a pure physical tempering version of the flesh sacrifice.

It's just that this version has reduced several processes and is very imperfect.

What he has to do now is to perfect this part and make the flesh and blood sacrifice a technique common to all races.

Only in this way can we truly achieve a total kill.

Having said this, the Lord of Mist stood up on the tree crown.

He looked up at the bright moon, slowly opened his hands, and his figure was shrouded in the dim moonlight:

"Aqi, our target should not just be humans, all creatures in the field will be the targets of our great plan. When they taste the sweetness of practicing flesh and blood sacrifice, they will inevitably vigorously promote it within the clan, including in the blood of their descendants. Being marked with the path of flesh and blood sacrifice...the flesh and blood sacrifice will spread and spread like a virus, and eventually all creatures in the world will become nutrients for our growth."

"At that time, we will become the pillar gods of the new world!"

"Is it too cruel to achieve the pinnacle at the expense of most of the world's living beings?"

After hearing these words, the Lord of Mist turned to look at Feng Qi with a smile on his lips:

"If you have studied human history, you will definitely find that decline is just the other side of prosperity. It can also be said that decline is to accumulate strength for prosperity again. This is the complete chain of life development, and this is true in every world."

"As long as I can stand at the top, it doesn't matter if there are millions or tens of millions of corpses lying at my feet!"

"While we bring destruction, we will also create prosperity again in our new world."

Late update.

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