I kidnapped the timeline

Chapter 207 The Mystery of the Tiger Soul-Silence Field

Scarlet Institute.

After the three-hour recuperation, the nutrient solution dropped, and then the warehouse door opened slowly.

As the hose attached to his body retracted automatically, Feng Qi walked out of the nutritional compartment.

Picking up the towel on the table next to him, he wiped the liquid off his body and then put on clean clothes.

Taking a deep breath, he felt refreshed and comfortable.

The fatigue caused by exercise is gone.

Then he came to sit on the sofa on the side of the nutrition warehouse.

He looked up at the screen on the nutrition bin, which recorded his physical details, bloodline strength, age and other data.

Three years have passed and he is already 20 years old.

As for how long this timeline can live, he doesn't know.

But judging from the situation in the previous timelines, it shouldn't be a problem to live for more than ten years.

During this period of training, he has become more and more comfortable in controlling his power. Enhanced by the Demonic Dragon Rune Crystal, his strength has reached the lower level of Silver.

If it were purely a matter of strength, he would not even lose to a silver mid-level physical expert.

During this period of time, he has been following Mu Qing's news in real time.

Knowing that Mu Qing has already joined a domain battle group at this stage, she is about to embark on a real battlefield.

He was not worried about Mu Qing's safety.

Even though he changed history and allowed Mu Qing to join a group in a different field than history, Mu Qing's strength was not affected.

The special rune crystal on her body not only gave her great strength, but also gave her unparalleled fighting instincts.

In Weiwei's words.

If she really gets anxious, this girl can easily overturn a beast-level (third-level) field and eat the space crystals in the field as snacks.

As Wei Wei, who knows Mu Qing best and also personally transformed Mu Qing's runes, her comments clearly show how terrifying Mu Qing's strength is.

Even during her time at Star City Academy, she never showed her true strength.

In addition to Mu Qing, he also frequently contacted Lin Ran.

He urged him to conduct research in this area on the grounds that the technique he was studying required mental attack techniques.

He also learned.

After entering the Hu Po Research Institute, Lin Ran showed an extremely terrifying talent for spell research.

The first is that he officially disclosed the "Ket Seal Style Technique" to the outside world.

Then he won the honor of "Gold Medal of Outstanding Contribution to Humanity" in the shortest time.

The seal flow technique took shape, and a super technique school worthy of being recorded in history was born.

In addition, Lin Ran also released several excellent output spells in one breath, making him a top player in a short period of time.

Major media outlets rushed to report news about Lin Ran.

But in his recent contact with Lin Ran, he discovered something strange.

According to Lin Ran, after entering the Hupo Research Institute, he proposed more than once that he wanted to join the Kung Fu Research Group to conduct research on Kung Fu.

But these requests were all rejected.

Even in order to prevent him from conducting research on Kung Fu, the senior management of the Hupo Research Institute held a meeting and severely criticized Lin Ran as a negative teaching material.

Then there was some earnest persuasion. All Hupo executives believed that Lin Ran's talent in the study of techniques far exceeded that of the study of Kung Fu, and he should not spend his energy on the study of Kung Fu.

In order to prevent Lin Ran from coming into contact with martial arts, the Hupo Research Institute even arranged a large number of tasks for him in martial arts research.

This seems a bit strange to Feng Qi.

At this time, Lin Ran had already emerged and was already a top magic researcher in the outside world.

If the Lord of the Mist behind the Tiger Soul Research Institute wants to launch "Flesh and Blood Sacrifice", he can completely start to control Lin Ran's future direction.

But at this time, Lin Ran took the initiative to apply to join the exercise research team, but was rejected.

According to the normal historical trajectory, even if Lin Ran does not join the Kung Fu group now, he will still join the Kung Fu research group one day in the future, and it will be the "Infinite Kung Fu" group with him as the leader.

It would be strange for Hu Po Research Institute not to agree at this time.

Two guesses came to his mind.

The first possibility is that the Lord of the Mist behind the Tiger Soul Research Institute feels that Lin Ran's current influence is not enough, and plans to wait until Lin Ran becomes more influential before launching "Flesh and Blood Sacrifice".

But there is something unreasonable in this guess.

In his opinion, Lin Ran's influence is completely sufficient, and now that "Flesh and Blood Sacrifice" is launched, as long as there is good feedback from outside practitioners, it will soon be known to all practitioners.

The second possibility is that the Tiger Soul Research Institute is not yet under the control of the Lord of Mist at this stage.

Therefore, the Hupo Research Institute considers the problem from the perspective of all mankind and believes that Lin Ran is more suitable for the study of techniques and should not waste his talent on the study of techniques.

As for Lin Ran joining the Kung Fu group later, it was because the Tiger Soul Research Institute was infiltrated and controlled by the Lord of Mist at that time.

In contrast, the second guess is obviously more reliable.

After all, letting Lin Ran join the Kung Fu research team in advance does not conflict with the Lord of Mist's plan. It can even be said to pave the way for the Lord of Mist in advance.

When "Flesh and Blood Sacrifice" is released, it can be said that it was the result of Lin Ran's painstaking study of the technique for X years.

Therefore, the guess that the Tiger Soul Research Institute has not yet been controlled by the Lord of Mist is more reliable than the first guess.

If this guess is correct.

He began to speculate on the time when the Hupo Research Institute was actually penetrated.

From a historical perspective, when Lin Ran launched "Flesh and Blood Sacrifice", he was already dead in any previous timeline.

Then the time when the Hu Po Research Institute was completely penetrated was several decades after his death.

But if you think about it carefully, this answer is obviously wrong.

When he first joined the Science and Technology Research Institute, he tried to sow discord between the Science and Technology Research Institute and the Hupo Research Institute, and the Science and Technology Research Institute used the "Truth Word Machine" to actually catch the spies planted by the Science and Technology Research Institute in the Science and Technology Research Institute.

In other words, when he was still alive in the previous timeline, the Hupo Research Institute had been infiltrated.

So the time span can be reduced again.

Based on the analysis of the available information, he felt that the real penetration of Hupo Research Institute would be about ten years later.

That was the years when he was close to death in the previous timeline.

Probably in his early 30s.

But a new question came again. Since Hupo Research Institute had been infiltrated by that time, why did the launch of "Flesh and Blood Festival" have to be moved back more than ten years.

His guess about this was that perhaps the Lord of the Mist had not yet developed the "Flesh Sacrifice" when the Tiger Soul Research Institute was first taken control.

So he lay dormant for more than ten years. After successfully studying "Flesh and Blood Sacrifice", he took advantage of the situation and seized Lin Ran, who had great influence on the outside world.

And established an infinite group to study the exercises, and then released "Flesh and Blood Sacrifice" in the name of Lin Ran.

What the answer was, he had no way of knowing.

But judging from the available information, this speculation is the most reasonable line.

It can not only explain why the Hupo Research Institute at this stage does not allow Lin Ran to study the technique, but also explain why the "Flesh and Blood Sacrifice" technique was not launched in advance.

Thinking of this, he recorded this information in his mind.

In addition to Lin Ran, the recent development of the "Breaking Dawn" game is also being vigorously carried out.

But so far, they have not chosen to promote it externally.

the reason is simple.

The promotion of the "Breaking Dawn" game will inevitably have a huge impact, and all forces will turn their attention to the Scarlet Research Institute.

Even if forces in various fields believe that Scarlet Research Institute has been penetrated by forces in other fields because of his existence, it may still cause many variables.

Whether this timeline can reach Mu Zhen, he needs stability, not waves.

This is also the result after he discussed with a group of Scarlet executives. He will bring the follow-up technology for the development of "Breaking Dawn" to another him. This timeline will not launch "Breaking Dawn".

After all, in the eyes of him and the Scarlet executives, the current situation is already a sacrifice line.

The launch of Daybreak can change the future, but it cannot change the ending, so there is no need to launch it.

It's better to hold on to this line and try to get in touch with Mu Yan. The key is.

All kinds of information converged in his mind, and Feng Qi couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

After a while, he picked up the drink specially prepared for him by the Scarlet Research Institute and took a sip, then sat up from the sofa and started a new round of high-intensity training.

Outside Winter City, in the supply area.

It is covered with snow all year round and is covered in silver.

The continuous mountains to the east are like entangled snow dragons. When the biting cold winds collide and merge, the roaring sound is like the roar of snow dragons.

The environment here is the worst among the six eastern cities.

And this is also the origin of the name of Winter City.

Winter City continues to the north and is one of the frontline supply areas in the Eastern District. It is also called the Winter Supply Area.

A large number of Domain Chapters are stationed here.

At this time, in the Winter Supply Area, the carnival was coming to an end.

But at this time, there are still many interview media sent by various cities in the supply area.

Just a few days ago, the medium-sized "Blood Thorn Field" in the north direction of the supply area was dispelled, and the space crystals in the field were shattered. Humanity ushered in a big victory.

As for the resources left in the blood stab field, they were all divided among the fields participating in this operation according to their contributions.

At this time, trucks one after another loaded with domain resources drove into the supply area, and then a large amount of resources were put on transport planes and sent to major cities.

The direction of the airport is also filled with various resources.

Advertising spots in major cities have also taken turns broadcasting this good news in the past few days.

All mankind rejoices.

At this time Snow Wolf Manor.

A team of more than a hundred people gathered in the manor, and everyone was fully armed.

Mu Qing stood at the back of the team, carrying a package several times larger than hers, and was listening to the leader Tuo Yan's speech with a serious look on her face.

Although they are already the core staff.

However, she still knew very little about the battle group. The only time she entered the field was the recently dispelled Blood Thorn Field.

That was five days ago.

But at that time, the Blood Thorn Field was almost completely conquered, and their Snow Wolf Field Chapter was just there to assist with the aftermath and transportation. The Blood Thorn Field was dispersed without even meeting the final enemy.

Today will be her first time as a combatant, officially going to the front line.

"After five days of recuperation and rest, you must have all regained your energy. We joined too late in dispersing the Blood Sting Field. The next target is the Silence Field. We will be part of the main force... Now, let's all set off. .”

With the group leader Tuo Yan waving and shouting, the entire group began to board the bus.

At this time, Mu Qing came to the back of the team, boarded a military truck used to load resources, put down her bags and sat down.

"Are you nervous?" The bison sitting opposite her asked with a smile.

Facing the inquiry, Mu Qing shook her head and said honestly:

"I'm not nervous, I'm even a little excited."

Hearing these words, the bison was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

The convoy drove out of the manor at this time and headed north of the supply area.

Soon the convoy met up with several other convoys and headed north together.

This operation was carried out jointly by eight domain battle groups.

The Snow Wolf Chapter is one of them.

The target this time is the Silent Domain to the north.

The emergence of this domain was more than ten years ago. Several domain war groups in the Winter Supply Area had preliminary explorations of this domain.

But the early exploration teams suffered heavy casualties.

The only information available is that there are monsters in the Silent Domain that can suck human blood, but what they look like specifically is impossible to see clearly because the domain is wrapped in thick fog.

Due to the several failures of the exploration team, and the fact that there were several domains being conquered near the supply area to the north at that time, the exploration and strategy of the Silent Domain was temporarily put on hold.

However, with the recent dispersal of the Blood Sting Field, the relatively close Silent Field has become the main strategy target for each battle group in the supply area.

In addition, the Silent Domain has existed for more than ten years, and the internal rules and the world have gradually merged. It is very likely that there are domain-transcending creatures that can step out of the domain.

It is a big threat to humans.

In the newly born domain field, there is a very small probability that a creature that transcends the domain will appear.

Since the rules in the domain are different from those in the world, it is extremely difficult for domain creatures to overcome the obstacles of the rules and enter the human world.

But with the integration and expansion of the domain field and the world, this obstacle will gradually weaken or even disappear, and thus domain-transcending creatures will appear.

Just recently, the expansion of the Silent Realm has significantly intensified, and can even be described as crazy.

Therefore, this field has become the target of the next main strategy in the Winter Supply Zone.

It will also be the next field to be dispelled.

Along the way, the bison began to tell Mu Qing what he should do in the field as the main core of the team, and many of his experiences were also mixed in during the process.

When the bison talked about the first time he entered the field, his face turned pale with nervousness, and he added an exaggerated expression when he said it. All the comrades in the truck couldn't help but laugh, and Mu Qing also smiled.

Here are all comrades who live and die together. There is no hypocrisy in the workplace, only true brotherhood.

So when dealing with them, Mu Qing is no longer as cautious as before.

The convoy drove for most of the day.

Night enveloped the earth, and a gorgeous aurora appeared in the sky.

"Mu Qing, do you have any talents? Let's have a talent show." The heavily armed woman sitting next to Mu Qing said with a smile.

"I...I have no talent." Mu Qing immediately shook her head.

"Don't be shy, I obviously saw you carrying your harmonica with you, and you wiped it several times before setting off."

Hearing these words, everyone in the truck booed.

Facing the invitation, Mu Qing stopped refusing and took out the white harmonica presented by Feng Qi.

Looking at the misty green aurora in the sky, she played the harmonica.

At this time, everyone stopped making noise and listened quietly to the music, and the music brought back memories in their hearts.

Looking at Mu Qing's green face, many people thought of the scene when they first entered the Snow Wolf Group.

From then on, the youth faded away and they accepted the baptism of blood and fire.

But every time we go to the front line, it is a life and death test.

No one knows how many people will return safely this time.

Looking up at the bright starry sky, everyone has their own thoughts.

But when they chose to take this path, they had already accepted their fate of dying in battle.

At this time, my heart was as strong as ever and I had no hesitation.

After the second update, I went to bed first, otherwise my life would be at risk.

Finally, please give me a monthly ticket!

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