However, choosing Chris as the manager of the ranch also has one of the biggest obstacles.

That is Hu Zhigao.

Lisa and her painter brother both set their sights on Hu Zhigao.

This man is Chris's dream lover. Once Chris knows that the reason why Lisa gave up the ranch is to follow this man to China, she will definitely not take over the ranch.

The person who tied the bell had to be untied, and this matter must fall on Hu Zhigao. Let him solve the troubles he caused by himself.

Hu Zhigao was a little creeped by the strange gazes of the two, and immediately understood, and quickly clarified: "Don't look at me, I have nothing to do with that Chris from the beginning to the end, I am innocent."

Lisa still believes in Hu Zhigao's words, but now that she wants Hu Zhigao to solve this problem, she naturally put on a posture of disbelief, and said with a smile: "Zhigao, things have come to this point. Don't hide it, and I don't hate you, I just ask you to go to Chris's farm and persuade Chris to take over our family's farm and become our manager, and I will forgive you!"

Although Lisa pretended to be very similar, Hu Zhigao was keenly aware that she was going to let herself do her best.

Well, anyway, it's all to solve the problem of Lisa being able to go to Huaxia. If she is wronged, she will be wronged. Hu Zhigao didn't try to defend himself, he picked up the keys of the off-road vehicle from the table, got on the off-road vehicle and drove to Chris' Farm.

Chris Farm at this time.

The farm owner, Chris, is inspecting the farm according to the schedule. Chris grew up on the farm from a young age, and knows the actual situation of the farm very well. I was admitted to an Ivy League university, studied business management, and later attended an MBA class.

It can be said that in the western part of North America, there are not many people who are more familiar with ranch management than Chris. She combines theory with practice to form a whole set of farm management programs.

Every morning, she would ride the bay red horse along the pasture. The first thing is to exercise. Chris knows that beauty is a woman's greatest weapon. She has always paid attention to her own image. After years of training, her figure is top-notch. .

The second is to observe the working conditions of the cowboys on the farm. She knows that many of the cowboys working on the farm are old and slick, and they will look for any opportunity to hide and be lazy. This is not a factory, and it is impossible to install cameras on the vast prairie.

"Hooks, why are you hiding here to sleep, that little pony that was sick yesterday, did you take your temperature in the morning?"

Sure enough, Chris found a sleeping cowboy next to a pile of grass. The cowboy covered his face with a hat and snored from time to time.

"Who, calling someone so early in the morning, don't you know that I was busy until midnight last night?"

The cowboy whose dreams were disturbed wanted to vent his anger by cursing twice, but when he picked up his hat and saw that the farmer Chris was standing in front of him, he immediately swallowed the dirty work that came to his mouth.

The cowboy has been on the ranch for ten years, and he can be regarded as the old man of the ranch. When the old rancher was managing the ranch, he relied on his half-baked veterinary skills to walk sideways on the ranch, and he could sleep when he had nothing to do. The only job he usually did was to prepare some medicine for those big sick animals.

Those days were very happy.

However, after Chris took office, she changed the old rancher's stingy approach and hired a professional veterinarian from the animal husbandry school. Hooks was naturally dissatisfied, so he planned to make trouble secretly. Years of experience made him understand that the mixture of several weeds can cause diarrhea in large animals. Once such things happen again and again, the professional veterinarian will definitely be fired for failing to treat the large animals. Unexpectedly, he only made a move once before being discovered by Chris. It's no wonder that Chris has lived on the pasture since she was a child, and is very familiar with the nature of various weeds on the pasture. Just a brief look at the grass in the trough, and I knew that someone was doing something wrong.

As long as you are not a fool, you can understand that the biggest suspect among them is the former veterinarian Hooks of the ranch. After all, after the new veterinarian took up his post, due to the adoption of scientific treatment methods, the number of sick animals in the ranch has been greatly reduced compared to before. The efficiency has improved a lot, and the former former veterinarian Hooks can only do some menial work now, and his salary has also been reduced a lot, so he is naturally not satisfied.

Chris was immediately afraid that the cowboys would arrest the former veterinarian Hooks. Faced with the persecution, Hooks, who thought he had done a perfect job, naturally refused to admit it. To catch a thief and seize stolen goods, as long as he is not caught on the spot, Chris will have nothing to do with him.

Who knows, Chris just asked a question, and after seeing him denying it, she stopped asking, but got up and turned on the TV.

Hooks thought he had escaped the catastrophe, and was secretly happy, but when he saw the TV screen, he was so shocked that he almost fainted.

On the TV, the picture played was exactly the picture of him secretly placing poisonous grass in the trough yesterday.

He didn't expect Chris to secretly install more than a dozen cameras above the large barn.

Chris watched Hooks' face turn from red to white, and his whole body began to tremble, feeling extremely satisfied.

After taking over the ranch, she looked through the ranch's financial bills and found that the ranch's annual accidental loss was as high as US$500,000. Generally speaking, such a large loss will only occur when a large number of large livestock on the pasture die in a major disaster. But now is a normal year, with good weather, so many large animals will die accidentally, it must be a loophole in a certain link.

So Chris secretly conducted an investigation. Through the investigation, she found that there were too many mistakes in the entire ranch. When the cowboys worked, they were almost always unsupervised, and of course that was because the old ranchers had always been kind. He believes that as long as he treats these cowboys sincerely, they will work hard and give back to the ranch.

However, Chris knows that human nature is the most untrustworthy thing. Everyone's heart is full of selfish desires, and strict supervision must be used to make them hide their selfish desires carefully.

So, Chris secretly went to a nearby city, found more than a dozen installers to pretend to be cowboys, and installed hidden cameras wherever cameras could be installed in the ranch. And connected the camera to her computer through a network cable, so that she can monitor every move in the ranch while staying in the room. Of course, due to the vastness of the pasture, cameras cannot be installed in the grassland at all, and many places cannot be monitored, but within such a small part of the scope of work, Chris has discovered a large number of violations.

Chris didn't say anything, but changed the violations by adjusting the rules of the ranch.

And this time, if the original veterinarian Hooks hadn't gone too far, Chris would not have exposed the camera.

Facing the overwhelming evidence, Hooks had to kneel down and beg for mercy. He himself was wanted by the North American government because he participated in a zero-yuan shopping event. If he was driven out of the ranch, he would not be able to go to the big city , he may only have a dead end.

Chris is not a person with a vicious heart. Faced with Hooks' begging for mercy, she generously expressed her willingness to forgive him, but Hooks has to work for the ranch for free for five years, and she is not allowed to ranch at will or be lazy. Compared with the tolerant old rancher, Chris is like a dedicated capitalist, she will find ways to make profits.

So, when Chris saw that Hooks was slacking off again, her face darkened immediately.

And Hooks learned the lesson from last time, of course he wouldn’t be lazy on purpose, he quickly got up and explained: “Boss, fifteen lambs gave birth last night. In the morning, I was supposed to go back to the shed to rest, but who knew that I fell asleep halfway, I can swear to God, I didn’t do it on purpose, of course, you can investigate and monitor, if you find me lying, you can drive me away immediately Out of the ranch, I will definitely not have any complaints."

Chris nodded and rode back to the ranch without saying much. Of course she would not believe what Hooks said. For a person like her, she would always only believe in evidence. After returning to the ranch, Chris Immediately investigating the surveillance video, it was soon discovered that Hooks was not lying. He had indeed been busy for 23 hours from six o'clock yesterday morning to five o'clock this morning.

Seeing that Hooks hadn't lied, Chris was also relieved. She was not a cold-blooded person, and she didn't want this old cowboy who was over half a century old to go out to live a rough life. Chris found the assistant ranch officer. Assistant Ranch Officer is a new position set up by Chris after becoming a rancher. She is responsible for notifying the rancher's order and supervising the execution of the order. To a large extent, it can improve the rancher's ability to control the entire ranch.

After the assistant officer of the ranch came, Chris asked the assistant officer to inform the ranch's finances that Hooks would be paid full salary from this month. The reason why she deducted Hooks' salary at the beginning was not to save a little expense, but to make Hooks remember a little bit, and let him understand that in this ranch, he must work honestly and in a proper manner, otherwise he will be killed. will be punished. And now it is obvious that Hooks has learned his lesson, so it is natural to pay his salary. After all, Chris is not a real black-hearted capitalist.

The assistant officer didn't raise any objections. He had known Chris's character for a long time, so he agreed and went down to handle the matter.

And Chris poured a cup of coffee and continued to sit in front of the monitor to observe the situation of the entire ranch. After becoming a rancher, she realized how much responsibility she has on her shoulders. There are more than 200 cowboys and more than 5,000 large livestock in the ranch, and their fate is all on Chrissy's shoulders. Moreover, compared with other industries, animal husbandry has a lot of risk. There is an old Chinese saying that a family is rich, and those with hair are not counted. It means that large livestock in the pasture are likely to get sick and die overnight, so Everything must be well planned.

Chris keeps adjusting the monitoring screen and nodding. After more than ten years of training, everything in the ranch has been arranged in an orderly manner by her. All the cowboys are as smooth as parts on a precision instrument. The meshing together, the non-stop rotation, pushes the behemoth of the ranch to move forward.

Suddenly, Chris was stunned, and her hand holding the coffee cup began to tremble, because a familiar figure appeared on the surveillance screen. This figure was riding a white horse, running backwards on the pasture, and the sun was shining on him. He was plated with a faint golden brilliance.

This person is Hu Zhigao.

Seeing that Hu Zhigao was heading in the direction of her own villa, Chris yelled in surprise, and rushed upstairs to the bedroom to change into a dazzling dress. Of course, she didn't know what Hu Zhigao was talking about coming to the villa. , maybe Hu Zhigao was just passing by, but now Chris is like a girl with a bad spring, she would rather believe that Hu Zhigao came to find her.

After ten minutes of grooming and grooming, Chris has already dressed up beautifully, from a strict farmer to a modern girl in a big city. The slim dress on her is even more impressive to the servants in the villa. With their eyes wide open, the servants immediately discussed:

"What's wrong with Miss Chris today, she's so beautifully dressed, is she going to the city?"

"No way, I haven't heard the news, and Miss Chris didn't order us to prepare to salute!"

"That's too weird. Usually on the ranch, Miss Chris would never wear that dress."

"Hey, this is not something we should talk about, let's work hard."

Chris couldn't wait to run to the door and looked into the depths of the grassland. Her heart was pounding like a deer, and her face was hot.

Although she knew that Hu Zhigao and Lisa had a good relationship, she would never leave Lisa to be with her. However, Chris, who is open by nature, thinks that she may be a second wife. In some areas of North America, polygamy is practiced, and they can marry there.

Soon, Chris saw Hu Zhigao jumping out from the horizon of the grassland radiating light. His whole body shone with charming brilliance, and he was riding a tall and strong white horse, wanting to come galloping by himself.

When Hu Zhigao came to her, Chris found that she couldn't say a word. The words she had thought up just now seemed to have disappeared from the human writing library in an instant, so she could only open her mouth and squeeze. A most original greeting: "Hu Zhigao, good morning!"

Hu Zhigao didn't seem to notice Chris's predicament, and nodded with a smile: "Chris, good morning, I'm looking for you today, I need you to do something, do you welcome me?"

"Welcome, welcome, of course welcome, please come in!" At this moment, Chris realized her gaffe, and hurriedly asked the cowboy to lead Hu Zhigao's horse, and tied it to the large barn for easy care.

Then let Hu Zhigao into the villa.

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