I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 975 It's Not Forgiveness, It's Forget It

Maybe Yao Min just never realized that Zhao Dezhu's weakness lies in his wife.

Do you think men have the same weaknesses?

So what she called to confirm was: "Did you really get a marriage certificate? Hehe...Happy newlyweds!"

Zhao Dezhu sat on pins and needles under the gaze of the four pairs of beautiful eyes: "Happy fart! You don't know why yet?"

Yao Min hummed in satisfaction: "It's not all a cover, how can I make up for my hurt feelings?"

Zhao Dezhu still has a big heart: "The gambling business can't be completed, it's called injury, and you are right for not coming out to speak up for Yi Fei. Do you know how heavy the losses are these days? If WB is a listed company, do you believe it or not? It can drop billions!"

Yao Min hehe: "Then there is a talisman? I want it too!"

Nana frowned again.

Long Zhiyu actually showed Yi Fei to look at the man's expression, mainly referring to Zhao Dezhu's unconsciously raised left hand.

Zhao Dezhu quickly put his paw under his buttocks: "Okay, okay, that Cheng Weiting spent 20 million Hong Kong dollars to buy out the contract, it is worth bringing it with you, it will definitely be popular, this is the amulet."

Yao Min sneered: "Him? My achievements will be counted if I become popular?"

Zhao Dezhu tried his best to recommend: "Man Lin is very optimistic about you. Now Ting Feng and Cheng Wei Ting in her hands can definitely bring you results, Yang Siluo... If you are tired of filming fairy tales, you can make adjustments with Yang Siluo Let’s act in a Hong Kong movie.”

Yao Min changed his tone a little better: "You know I'm tired of filming, I'm also number one in film school! These idol dramas make me want to throw up, I don't have a chance to act in an art film, it's just a money-making machine .”

This sad tone made the four beauties here frown.

Zhao Dezhu actually replied: "Is your aunt coming?"

The atmosphere was broken immediately, there were at least two hands grabbing Zhao Dezhu's flesh, and Yi Fei felt itchy, so she endured it.

Yao Min laughed and scolded Pooh.

Zhao Dezhu didn't finish: "You said that when a girl comes, what does my aunt most want a man to say?"

Even with Yao Min's rank, he couldn't help being curious: "Huh?"

Zhao Dezhu was lavish: "The five million, use it to buy hot water..."

Everyone around couldn't help laughing out loud!

Yao Min was vigilant: "Who?!"

Zhao Dezhu was distressed: "My wife's hands are on the ears, and my daughter's hands are on the waist and ribs. You should give me a way to survive."

Yao Min hung up the phone in embarrassment and anxiety.

Mother Yi finally got up: "Thank you Xiaoyu for your understanding and support. Xiaofei will definitely be a sensible child, so I won't bother your family."

Yi Fei didn't seem to think that this was a great day for her wedding, she covered her mouth and smiled and pinched Nana's hand to say goodbye, feeling naughty about being carried back by her mother.

Following Hei Wa's probe to observe that the courtyard door was closed, he hummed twice.

The living room became quiet, and Long Zhiyu leaned on the sofa relaxedly: "It seems that student Xiao Yi still has a lot of ideas, and he put his heart into it."

Zhao Dezhu had no choice but to wipe the sweat off his forehead: "It's too hard for me, wife, let's go to bed early."

It's a little annoying for my daughter to go home, otherwise she would clean up, and all the sour words would be gone.

It was Long Zhiyu who felt that there was a talisman, so she could tease comfortably: "Well, old lady, I only see newcomers laughing, but I don't see old people crying."

Nana clenched her fists tightly, she didn't know whether she hated her father for marrying a concubine, or was soured by her mother.

Zhao Dezhu's condition is stable: "Wrong, why do men call their wives? Because this marriage started from Yuelao, and then ended with Mengpo, so it is called so, no matter how old you are, you have to talk about it."

Alas, woman, I still can't hear these sweet words after all.

Besides, Zhao Dezhu's performance today is still good, he didn't do anything wrong.

Long Zhiyu was just making use of the problem to buffer his mentality.

At this moment, the eyes are still soft and shimmering, and he raised his hand to hug.

Standard signal for old couples, go upstairs.

Zhao Dezhu was naturally smiling and hurriedly held it, even if his steps were a bit staggering and difficult, he still insisted on going upstairs with a clean jerk.

Just returned the amulet.

Now leave Nana alone in the living room, is that all?

I haven't taught my dad a lesson yet!

Bang, the door upstairs has been closed heavily, and there is a loud sound of locking it.

Nana was so angry that she was going crazy!

Puberty is really hard.

I had no choice but to take out my phone and look through the damn news.

Yi Fei's wedding anniversary...

In fact, from the perspective of fans, this is the best ending.

Zhao Dezhu is married, but it doesn't seem to be registered in China, so his household registration is still unmarried.

Then Yi Fei was forced by public opinion and chose to marry and return to China to change her nationality.

This logic spread early in the afternoon.

At least Yi Fei posted her marriage certificate herself, and she didn't have the sweet happiness of marriage at all, let alone love.

The emphasis is on returning to the country.

When the marriage certificate was first released, even the editors of WB emphasized this point of public opinion intentionally or unintentionally.

Otherwise, they would not be able to help the boss get back.

Regardless of whether this kind of transnational bigamy will be investigated for legal responsibility, at least from a moral perspective, marrying a third party while married can make people completely socially dead.

Now that the boss has done it, the people below can only wipe their asses quickly.

After talking about it, I believed it, and it was so tragic and touching.

Yi Feiduo is an honest and pure little girl who was forced into this role, and Zhao Dezhu is the only person who is not afraid of public opinion attacks.

He did not look at the theory that games are toxic a few years ago, and poured national pressure, but he still started the e-sports industry.

In June and July, there were all kinds of rhetoric besieging him to monopolize the mobile phone industry with rhythm. This guy intensified his efforts to create a series of businesses and even joined forces with Sansun.

It can be said that the driving force behind the siege of Yi Fei is more like venting out of despair.

To be so aggressive...

This kind of "analysis article" was finally read by someone at this time.

Finally, someone began to understand that there is no wave without wind, why so much dirty water was poured on Yi Fei without any technical content.

They really couldn't find any dirtier topics, and even writing some descriptions of Yi Fei's dirty dealings did not hurt the slightest bit.

Only that patriotic foothold can discredit Yi Fei, slander WB, and then hit Zhao Dezhu.

Because Zhao Dezhu completely cut off so many mobile phone manufacturers, making money and dividing up the market steadily.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents.

How did Zhao Dezhu respond to the previous monopoly remarks?

Directly cooperate with Sansun to expand production capacity, further promote the price reduction of smartphones to seize the market, and go to the world to grab the market.

In fact, there is no monopoly in the domestic market at all. Didn’t BBK and Weiwo mobile phones launch OEM smart phones at the end of August?

As long as each company makes smart phones, Dopta does not use the original mobile phone sales channels to compete for the market.

It is purely that each family just wants to sit back and enjoy the benefits.

So Yi Fei took this trip on behalf of Zhao Dezhu, and he stood up to get a marriage certificate, which can be regarded as making up for protection.

In the evening, Yi Fei had actually notified that all parties in the WB editorial department publicly said that the marriage was to change their nationality before withdrawing it, but the heated public opinion had already spread.

This is a typical feeling that love is greater than law.

Especially after about nine o'clock in the evening, Yi Fei posted another WB, which was to take a selfie with her mother on the small swing chair in the backyard. The faint moonlight shone down, and she couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly, but the mother and daughter were dressed Very casual and ordinary, with a smile and a little weird look.

Accompanying text: "I hope that people will last forever, and enjoy the beauty of thousands of miles. The orchids are in the depths, and they will be quiet and fragrant all day long. The troubles will pass, and I will go to work tomorrow, and I will spend another night with my mother."

This is saying everything and saying nothing.

Not even mentioning that the marriage certificate is still hanging in the last WB, and the wedding day is not with that man, but with the attitude of solving the matter, looking forward to the new job starting tomorrow.

The attitude of making this marriage a business is so clear.

What else?

Isn't it bullying enough for the marriage that every girl dreams of?

Those words with ulterior motives were mobilized to bully a little girl.

So many remarks are still hanging on it.

The inflammatory remarks of those Twitter accounts were posted on the top of the page, like a gallows hanging up.

Unfounded speculation, dirty and dirty abuse and humiliation.

All nailed to the rack of shame.

Some accounts that used to be known as VIPs were sorted out by "enthusiastic fans" and posted together.

Let's see what these accounts have said besides humiliating Yi Fei's rhythmic attack on WB.

Even if some people have already acted on the wind, they quickly deleted the comments.

But the Internet has a memory...

There are always screenshots of "enthusiastic netizens" recording everything.

Yi Fei looked more and more pitiful, as pure and innocent as a lotus flower emerging from the mud but not stained.

It was a wave of goodwill!

All over the world, all the users on WB will go to Yi Fei's page to see, there are blessings, cheers, and all kinds of people who are looking forward to her new works.

Or simply go and read "Bai Lu Yuan" again.

The most shameless thing was that a cultural shirt with Yi Fei's marriage certificate as the background immediately appeared on TM.

He just vaguely felt that the photo was Yi Fei.

It's a standard posture to rub the heat, but there is a comment hand-picked by Zhao Dezhu marked on it: "It's not an forgiveness, it's just forget it."

Little Fairy does not pursue the harm caused by that cyber storm.

It's not that she chooses to forgive unconditionally, but so what.

The world of adults can only be forgotten.

But once again solidified Yi Fei's image, she really felt like a fairy sister in her life.

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