Just after Zhao Dezhu left Seattle, Microsoft finally released the news briefly.

Announced in a very official tone to explore various possibilities of mobile device systems with the R\u0026D team from China;

Then it was mentioned that the chairman spent a fruitful week with Mr. Charles, the founder of TiTa invested by Microsoft, and exchanged a lot about the future world, from smart home to artificial intelligence, and decided to build an ecology of the Internet era with smartphones as the core...

Speaking of which, Zhao Dezhu is also a guy who can smash his legs with money.

For the first time, TiTa was established with US$600 million, and for the second time, it signed a long-term large order of US$5 billion for new mobile phones and systems.

Especially for the latter, China has never been a pioneer in the software industry. In the previous life, Mouyin and WX only started to emerge more than ten years later, gradually leading the Chinese wave.

These days, Brother Ah San's software strength has beaten China.

Or to put it another way, the entire European and American software industry regards Asan as the main cheap software manufacturing factory.

Just like they handed over various industrial production and processing plants to China.

After all, Ah San has been colonized by the Great Empire for so long, and has a deep English context to satisfy software development.

In fact, the entire European and American markets are intentionally or unintentionally avoiding the rise of China's software industry, including Microsoft, which is not a good bird.

This hardware production and software development have been understood by the Chinese people.

But when it comes to Lao Gai, he is one of the very few people who is friendly in his bones and can promote this cooperation as a personal starting point.

After all, Zhao Dezhu's team has demonstrated amazing strength, and what Microsoft urgently needs now is this kind of strong medicine, although the part of the people who work on Microsoft's mobile phone system is not happy.

In short, the news spread in the IT circle mainly on the west coast in an instant.

Microsoft is still a famous mountain and great river in the minds of many practitioners, and Shaolin Wudang actually found a dragon and tiger bodyguard agency in an underdeveloped area to cooperate with, which is really surprising!

Almost all programmers and engineers will know this gossip from various channels.

Then I can't wait to get to know this team, and suddenly realize, Fa Ke, the founder of a unicorn company with a valuation of 30 to 40 billion!

Shet, also introduced TiTa...

The TiTa website, which has already been launched in Citigroup, has actually received deep attention from all parties.

This kind of social model is obviously a bit close to Facebook and Twitter, but more comprehensive and complex than the two. The ambition is as clear as it is on the table.

It depends on how you exert your strength!

Mainly amazed that besides kung fu, there are people in China who can do software IT?

Don't all the people there still wear long braids?

Master Gai must be plotting again...

This kind of speech is actually very popular in the IT circle.

In a society that has been influenced by superheroes and Marvel stories since childhood, it may be particularly easy to believe in the existence of evil forces.

Just like the terminally ill master Qiao who didn't believe in medicine, he was already very curious about how that young oriental man had such extraordinary design ability, but he kept silent.

Instead, he frowned and looked at the brand-new trends shown by Microsoft in front of him.

You must know that he is the kind who thinks of something, no matter what time and place, he will call to find the other party.

Don't finish discussing things, solve the ruthless characters who can't sleep in your mind.

It was because Zhao Dezhu was attached to Microsoft.

Back then, Apple lost in the operating system battle with Microsoft, and the founder, Mr. Joe, could only be out of the game with hatred.

Unexpectedly, the work he admired very much in front of him, followed by Microsoft and stabbed him again!

Liver pain!

It's like Page pointing at Pang Yong and cursing on the other side!

Gu Ge, who just decided to pay 600 million dollars to invest in his smartphone, watched Microsoft's stock price start to soar again!

Other people might not be able to cope with this scene, but Pang Yong was like a rock in a stormy sea, letting the opponent wash away, and then said quietly: "Didn't Charles say that he has always been optimistic about Android, and he knows that Android can be in front of him?" Winning this face-to-face war, Microsoft is precisely aware of this failure, so it will find Charles to buy a new solution. We are businessmen, aren’t we? If you pay the funds, you will guarantee a perfect product presentation. Next week The first batch of 300,000 Guge mobile phones will pass the customs inspection, and your day of victory is coming."

Page's voice was a little hoarse after being tortured by the disease: "You and Charles are both devils! I know what your plans are, Three Kingdoms! Look at us fighting Microsoft, but benefiting from both sides!"

In fact, Microsoft was about to miss the future of the entire mobile Internet, but was stopped by Zhao Dezhu in time. God knows what this change will turn into?

You must know that even in Citigroup, analysts from Wall Street and Silicon Valley asserted in 2005 that everything related to computing and information is shifting from Windows desktops to cloud computing.

That is to say, it has something to do with the hot development of P2P technology.

The end of Windows has arrived.

That's why Page can't wait to poach people and so on a series of operations, which is the mentality of the rookie king on the rivers and lakes eager to stab the martial arts leader off his horse.

In the IT and investment circles of Citigroup, there is talk everywhere that Microsoft's monopoly will be broken within five years at the most.

Change is inevitable, as it was with IBM in the 1980s.

Microsoft simply cannot prevent this ups and downs of fate.

In other words, the more top people, Job Bush, Page and many outstanding colleagues firmly believe that Windows will be finished.

Just like the natural change of dynasties, this is the law of historical development.

New competition is encroaching on Microsoft's Windows turf. The shift of competition to mobile devices associated with cloud computing is strikingly similar to the shift from mainframes to personal computers.

Before the personal computer PC, computers were huge and expensive. Only big business can afford it.

Mainframe monopoly manufacturers like IBM made a lot of money at that time, and it was hard for ordinary people to believe that computers would be popularized at home and on everyone's desk.

Thirty years later, Microsoft's position has become very similar to that of IBM, and its situation is similar to the era of IBM's mainframe dominance.

Microsoft's main business is also selling the company's software to the same business users, which is almost the same as IBM was 30 years ago.

Much of Microsoft's strategy follows a similar trajectory: make concessions, avoid risks, keep existing customers and try to attract more.

So it's like the Berlin Wall came down suddenly in 1989, with no obvious signs of it before.

These bigwigs are all looking forward to the day when Microsoft falls, waiting to swarm up to carve up the market.

Zhao Dezhu is simply helping Microsoft survive!

How can you be angry?

Pang Yong said very pertinently, we are businessmen, and whoever gives money will serve them. Your Android phone is obviously profitable and winning. Why are you angry?

Only a middle-aged man like him can slowly ink with each other.

Is it the phone that Paige is angry with? He is such a smart person, but he found himself being tricked unconsciously.

Because Gu Ge also has its own problems, that is, the income is too single, and basically it can only rely on the source of advertising revenue from search engines.

Last year, I just acquired the Youtube video site, which seems to have increased advertising revenue, but in fact, the revenue here is more than 2 billion in advertising fees, and I have to pay another 2 billion in traffic fees.

After finally grasping the mobile phone system and preparing to make money from the mobile phone hardware, Zhao Dezhu took advantage of it.

Obviously the system is their own, and the hardware is built and produced by themselves, but they are stuck in the appearance between the software and hardware!

If you are a short-sighted boss, you will naturally feel that this wave of profit is enough.

But a talented person like Page must think about the long-term future.

Moreover, various mobile phone manufacturers these days still have the idea that one mobile phone has one style, and the subsequent models will definitely have a major change.

Do you want to re-establish a mobile phone research and development organization?

This is not in line with Page's positioning of ancient songs.

Originally, he wanted to treat Zhao Dezhu as a cheap supplier, but now he has been manipulated by the supply source instead.

Can you not feel angry?

But I can't help but look at the response of Guge's mobile phone after it's launched.

At the same time, Job Bush also decided to reopen the Apple mobile phone conference on St. Patrick's Day more than ten days later!

It is impossible for a blockbuster product regarded by the entire R\u0026D team to have completely brought about the rise of Apple to just disappear so silently.

It's just that Apple has just half-disguisedly announced that it is a new product launch event, and Page announced that he chose to release the ancient song mobile phone the day before St. Patrick's Day. It is clearly a matter of trouble!

Immediately afterwards, Microsoft also announced that it will release a Microsoft mobile phone the day after the festival!

For a time, the entire European and American IT circles were sensational.

The three most valuable companies in the current IT industry are all launching smartphones?

You must know that Nock Duck sells more than 100 million mobile phones every year. In 2006 alone, a total of 35 smart phones were launched in the world, and Nock Duck accounted for 13 models, and its dominant position is leveraged.

Motorola has also made a lot of money around the world relying on the sales of foldable blade phones in the past two years.

The mobile phone in everyone's impression should not be this kind of mainstream mobile phone manufacturer. How did it become Internet giants to release mobile phones?

The European and American markets are still arrogant. Many people have not noticed that the Q1 mobile phone released by the distant China at the end of last year was the most powerful among the 35 smartphones last year.

Just because it was released around Christmas and only sold for a few days, the sales volume is very deceptive.

So the CEO of Nock Duck said with a smile: "I think these Internet companies should first try to convert market recognition into market share."

The implication is that these laymen with zero market share get in together, and it is not something that can be solved by their fame.

Still a bit disdainful.

I don't know the result of the outbreak of this war that has never happened in the previous life.

On the other side of the ocean, Yue Yaofeng also put away his disdain for Zhao Dezhu.

After all, money matters.

After all, Yue Yaofeng, who has been sued for various patent infringements by GSMC, has come to a dead end.

However, at this time, national resources did not favor semiconductor R\u0026D and chip production due to various reasons.

There is no support even in various aspects such as copyright prosecution.

The most difficult juncture.

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