I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 732 Are You Sha*

Chapter 732 Are You Sha

This may also be the most puzzling place for everyone.

Even Sister Xia knew Zhao Dezhu's elders so well, she might have thought that he was a little smart from the beginning, and took advantage of the knowledge and experience along the east coast of Guangdong to take the lead in GPS and golf.

But along the way, the entry point of online games is still an understandable category for fun and fun. Seizing the e-commerce platform can also be said to be plagiarizing the essence of a certain treasure. window……

The most outrageous thing is here, and every detail of Zhao Dezhu's success points is clear and solid.

It seems that anyone can do well in his position.

However, the son of such a rent collector in the suburbs, an illiterate who did not graduate from a high-level vocational school, precisely grasped every fork in these era nodes and Internet outlets, and then made the most correct choice.

Once or twice can be said to be lucky.

If it is correct three or five times or consistently, it will gradually form a strong psychological suggestion among everyone around Zhao Dezhu.

He was the one favored by luck.

In fact, on a global scale, it took only six or seven years for Paige to start an ancient song with a market value of tens of billions, and it took only five years for Erfu to start Penguin and it was listed on the market. Facebook, which is now very popular in Citigroup, is almost in sync with Zhao Dezhu. Same age.

Perhaps this is the magic of the Internet age.

After Zhao Dezhu's journey along the way, including his parents being seen by many parties, he would come to such a conclusion.

Only such a magical era can create such a myth.

Moreover, Zhao Dezhu did have a kind of composure that was rare among his peers, which could be called monstrous.

Not at all like a twenty-one-year-old.

Looking at the entire signing process, the Southwest Railway Army all over the country packed up as much as possible to participate in the signing ceremony in various places, and witnessed that the boss in their hearts became the guest of honor in various places. They are also glamorous and more motivated to work.

Obviously, they are all young people who came along with Zhao Dezhu, so why are they so different from him.

Not to mention that there are visits to TM stores in various places to learn about the standard items of mobile phone gas stations. In fact, officials from all over the country can truly feel the era of mobile Internet that has entered thousands of households.

Shen Jianing is responsible for the work of this explainer.

Zhao Dezhu, standing with a group of officials and leaders, is what a mature businessman should look like.

In the face of officials and leaders at all levels, they are neither humble nor overbearing, and there is no idea of ​​flattery or petty tricks, just spread their hands openly.

On the one hand, there are investment projects in Internet industries such as e-commerce and logistics, and on the other hand, the promotion of higher vocational education.

Acquired a city college in the Yangtze River Delta and changed its name to TM E-Commerce College on site. It is to rely on the strong industrial and commercial foundation in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai to promote the development of the e-commerce industry in various places and lay a regional foundation for the future development of the entire TM.

The higher vocational college in Pingjing is more inclined to major in performing arts, and in the future, the major of film and television performance promoted by Lao Xu will be expanded here.

As for the Northwest region, just hearing about the future annual salary of 100,000 yuan has caused more than a dozen higher vocational colleges to scramble to be acquired!

As the Spring Festival approaches, Zhao Dezhu always wears a down jacket over a slim suit, and takes it off when he enters a heated place like a conference hall or a hotel. Shen Jianing follows her with her coat in her arms.

The youthful spirit that everyone envies has won numerous praises along the way.

It has been featured on local TV news and newspapers countless times along the way.

It wasn't until he finally returned to Jiangzhou from the northwest that Zhao Dezhu felt a little bit like the richest man who set a small goal.

At this stage, just dealing with local governments and business partners every day will become the main work.

Sitting in the front row of the business class, together with the deputy secretary-general of the municipal government who is currently the director of the management committee of the high-tech industrial park, he is going back to the harvest of the recovery journey.

For an inland city like Jiangzhou, it has always been only when helping others, how could it be so proud to export it to the outside world.

After the establishment of this logistics system, Jiangzhou City seems to be the core hub of it, coupled with the source of higher vocational education.

It can be said all over the country.

So the deputy secretary-general was very excited and excited, and praised Zhao Dezhu's pragmatic style.

I am even more impressed by the cooperation between Southwest College and Tianhu Real Estate, one study and one business, and the motivation is unlimited!

Sister Xia stayed in the East China market. Since Zhao Dezhu and her went to a certain treasure.com, Tianhu Real Estate has been planning to enter the East China market.

Now that the situation is unfolding naturally, Jiangzhou City regards TM as the most important business card of the municipality.

It wasn't until Jiangzhou landed that the city's work car came to pick up the group of people, and boarded his own car at the airport to return. Only then did Zhao's father find the opportunity to stare at his son: "You really made it!" Big shot?"

Zhao Dezhu looked at his father's crumpled neckline and smiled to help tidy it up: "Where is the big guy, he's still the street boy, but I've learned it in this life."

Father Zhao was even more worried, and tentatively stretched out his hand to touch his son's forehead: "Aren't you a human being? I heard them say that projects worth billions of dollars can easily be spent, and you are still working on projects all over the country. If something goes wrong, will it be a target? We don’t want any demolition money, let’s go back to the countryside.”

Zhao Dezhu was warm, and put his arms around his father's shoulders: "You are willing to part with your granddaughter,"

Father Zhao is not used to being intimate with his son, so he fiddled with his remaining messy hair: "If it wasn't for looking at sister Ha, your mother and I wouldn't have followed you around like this. Nothing is as good as the kennel at home. Now The kennels are gone too..."

It's still a little sad, mainly because it's hard to believe that my son will build a few buildings in Pengzhen!

And it's the kind of office building with dozens of floors...

Mother Zhao was taken care of by Shen Jianing and Li Yuanyuan throughout the whole process, just like the Queen Mother.

When I got home, I immediately went to see my granddaughter non-stop. I missed my granddaughter when I went back to East Guangdong for the past few months because of the demolition.

Nana, who was standing at the door to pick up her father, couldn't help curling her lips secretly!

Fortunately, Long Zhiyu had a sense of proportion, and thanked the bodyguards and secretary assistants one by one for their hard work on business trips. Everyone went to bed early, and we will talk about what we have to do when we go to work tomorrow, and the Spring Festival holiday is about to begin.

Zhao Dezhu immediately obsequiously offered to collect various snacks and local specialties to his wife and daughter.

But when she turned around, she saw Yi Fei and her mother standing at the gate of the yard with a smile on her face: "I heard it was so lively outside, so I knew it was you who came back, thanks for your hard work."

Zhao Dezhu's first reaction was that Citigroupers would also celebrate the Spring Festival, but he held back.

It was only when I got home that I asked my wife about it, and found out that Yi Fei seemed to be going to the Spring Festival Gala during the Spring Festival, so she came back to spend two days with her mother just before the Spring Festival.

Zhao Dezhu wondered: "Can't her mother run around with her?"

Immediately, he was slapped lightly by his wife: "It's hard for a mother to let her daughter go out independently, how can she follow her all the time?"

Zhao Dezhu understood and said to his daughter: "See, your parents won't be able to follow you all the time when you grow up. Now we're going to the world of two?"

Nana, who was so angry that she was flipping through the presents, howled from behind.

The next day, Yi Fei did fly to Pingjing to attend the rehearsal.

It seemed that she was flying around in her busy schedule just to take a look.

The past year has indeed been a year worth mentioning for her.

With the broadcast of a martial arts TV series in the past two years, her national popularity has remained high, and it is precisely at this time that a record-breaking youth inspirational movie is coming.

Definitely become the leader of the young generation of actors.

Then she won the first prize in the well-deserved selection of Golden Eagle Goddess by Shonan Satellite TV.

Finally, at the end of the year, it also independently supported the release of Microsoft mobile phones.

They all refreshed the pinnacle of personal image time and time again.

Under such circumstances, going to the Spring Festival Gala is a matter of course.

I heard that relevant parties also asked Zhao Dezhu if he was interested in appearing in the audience of the Spring Festival Gala.

Zhao Dezhu still respected and thanked Bumin, and being with his family is the most important thing.

Of course, I also want to accompany my little daughter.

His series of real estate operations allowed Xi Huan's mother's business scope to quickly expand from the Jiangzhou area to the whole country.

Even more, it can only serve as a supervisory agency for the entire industry.

Because of this kind of expansive business expansion, letting her digest it all by herself will lead to the rapid expansion of the design firm, the cost and efficiency will become quite low, and there will be many future crises.

Under Pang Yong's planning and suggestion, Xi Lianying will lead her own team more to guide, supervise, bid and so on Party A's management work.

Of course, with that comes a lot of money.

It is an independent building next to the gymnasium in the commercial area of ​​the industrial park. It feels like a concave building with dark brown wall panels covered with cedar wood and an n-shaped building with white walls.

Such a building with sharp color and shape contrast has naturally become the best sign of Xi Lianying's architectural design firm.

However, looking through a large stack of land plot agreements from all over the country, I can't help but glance at Zhao Dezhu, who is amused by his daughter, from the corner of his eye.

She tried her best to speak softly like a husband and wife's communication attitude: "I am two and a half years old, and I have already taken Huanhuan to the kindergarten for an interview. After the Spring Festival, I will go to the kindergarten to deal with more children, but the security department said that they If you want to send someone, it's you...the kindergarten run by the industrial park itself."

Zhao Dezhu's local tyrant's idea is: "Then... open another kindergarten separately upstairs from me, and find some children to accompany them to class for free."

When the daughter of a billionaire attends class, others will naturally compete to be her classmate.

Xi Lianying couldn't help it: "Are you an idiot? Not everyone knows...the point is that now Huanhuan will withdraw from the crowd, I'm afraid she will be autistic in the future!"

If she didn't deliberately focus on contempt, she was really afraid that she couldn't help being attached to this feeling.

Before Zhao Dezhu could speak, Xi Xihaha, who had been flipping through imported albums, suddenly said, "Idiot! Are you an idiot?"

Parents are shocked!

She swears at such a young age, but she is going to be a princess in the future, what's wrong with that.

Xi Lianying blamed herself and couldn't hold back, Zhao Dezhu coaxed: "Okay, okay, sister Ha, just pretend you haven't heard this word before."

Ha Mei, who has made rapid progress in language skills, is concise and clear: "I have heard it! I have heard it since I went to kindergarten!"

The parents were surprised again, what the hell, isn't it an international bilingual kindergarten, Zhao Dezhu wanted to turn around and pull the person in charge over to spank his ass: "Who said that?"

Xi Huan immersed himself in the album without thinking: "Two young ladies who look the same..."

Xi Lianying quickly proved: "Yes, yes, there are twin sisters in the kindergarten, they are so beautiful!"

Xi Huan finally looked up: "I want to play with them, ask who is the older sister, the happy and cute little sister raises her hand and say yes, ask who is the younger sister, and the other one says are you an idiot?"

Zhao Dezhu decided that he should set up another high-end kindergarten. Whose kid is this?

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