I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 727 The real blessing

Zhao Dezhu's method is simple and rude. All regular employees, as long as they complete the work according to the quality and quantity, the minimum wage income is 100,000 yuan per year!

In 2006, college graduates could earn 2,500 yuan, which means that the annual salary of 30,000 yuan was regarded as the upper-middle level. Even in first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong, the annual salary of 100,000 yuan was often given to managers and above the supervisory level. income.

Even if there are three or four thousand "interns" in the entire high-tech industrial park, more than half of the Southwest Railway Army outside are novices led by the old team.

There are still 5,000 to 6,000 people who meet this standard. If you count the annual salary of a considerable number of technicians and engineers far exceeding 100,000, Zhao Dezhu will have to pay a salary of 1 billion every year!

Even the chef in the kitchen, the receptionist, and the cleaning lady can get an annual salary of 100,000!

The news quickly spread to all several companies at the speed of light, and then spread to the Internet and even the whole country!

And along with the news, Zhao Dezhu, as the actual controller, also set his salary at 100,000 a year.

In the public video released by the entire high-tech industrial park, Zhao Dezhu said it very straightforwardly: "As the founder of all these companies, of course I still have share income, but I will spend these shares year by year in fifty years. To reward the employees who put their heart and soul into the enterprise, I just hope you remember that this is your own enterprise, and if you are still living with the minimum annual salary of 100,000 in 50 years, you are only worth this money."

It is said that employees of many departments watched with tears in their eyes.

Because their young boss sat in the office and was very sincere to the camera: "The purpose of my doing this is also very simple. I hope that everyone can solve the problem of survival from salary. You can already survive in this society decently, and then Do you choose to eat and wait to die, or abandon the calculation of eating, drinking, and lassing, and try your best to prove your worth? I also get a salary of 100,000 a year, and I don’t live in a luxury house. I drive a sky-high sports car. Let’s see who can create more value , to repay this society, so that people around family and friends can see a better life..."

Yes, decent.

How many white-collar workers in Shanghai and Guangdong seem to be sitting in an office with a lot of land and a lot of money doing high-end jobs, but in fact they commute for five or six hours a day, live in the urban-rural fringe far away from the downtown area, and eat cheap food , that is, the basic standard of living for a family.

It is not decent at all, let alone the happy experience of a better life.

This is the standard that Zhao Dezhu proposed. Correspondingly, there are interest-free mortgages, low-interest car loans and almost free medical insurance provided to all employees in the high-tech industrial park.

This announcement video, like a heavy bomb thrown into the artificial lake in the industrial park, immediately caused an uproar!

All interns, as long as they perform well and are conscientious, can be transferred to full-time employees after completing a two- to three-year "internship study" period.

At that time, the starting salary was 100,000 yuan a year.

Just ask, under this kind of encouragement, who doesn't work hard?

Of course, Zhao Dezhu dared to do this, and he was still a bit of a thief. From the very beginning, Feng Xiaoting controlled a considerable part of the outsourcing business.

Most of the cleaning, logistics, and canteens, beverage areas, etc. all over the office building are managed in the form of outsourcing companies.

At that time, it was for the convenience of accounting and management. Now, the annual salary of 100,000 is guaranteed, and almost all of them are core members of the family.

Even the management staff of the cleaning department are basically students who majored in domestic economics, and of course they are basically "interns" now.

But the front desk, customer service, logistics, editing, accounting, data, game production and other very ordinary high-level positions can get an annual salary of 100,000 as long as they become regulars.

In one fell swoop, the decent problem that Zhao Dezhu said was solved.

Being able to get such a high salary in TM, WB, and game companies is a proud state of mind wherever he goes.

It can be said that the spirit of the entire industrial park has been lifted.

Pang Yong was shocked when he first heard Zhao Dezhu analyze the salary adjustment.

But when he figured out that this basically harmed the interests of Zhao Dezhu, the major shareholder, and shared his profits with ordinary employees, he felt relieved after being shocked.

Isn't it just such a person who I follow.

If Zhao Dezhu said a word, he would run and break his leg willingly.

In the past few days from Pingjing to Shanghai, the remote control innovation department contacted the entire finance department to make salary adjustments for all positions.

The higher the level, the smaller the adjustment range. The main reason is to greatly increase the salaries of bottom-level employees, and to design an incentive structure that allows bottom-level employees to change and improve.

The top management still mainly counts on the incentive shares, which are reflected in the contract. After a certain number of years of service, there is a ratio of incentive shares.

In short, let the employees of the entire enterprise from top to bottom be completely tied to the enterprise.

To truly achieve the situation that the enterprise is my family and everyone is the master.

Behind the simple minimum annual salary of 100,000 yuan, there must be so many complicated calculations.

But these words have already traveled around the country at the fastest speed.

Almost in the two or three days after New Year's Day, major media and various online media across the country spread the news in prominent places.

"The chairman of the e-commerce platform TM Network took the initiative to cut the salary to the minimum standard, and the minimum annual salary of all employees is 100,000!"

"Is the youngest billionaire a prodigal? He voluntarily distributes his wealth to cleaning workers with an annual salary of 100,000!"

"A job with an annual salary of 100,000 yuan, do you want to go, and it is an international high-tech Internet industry with free food and lodging!"

The annual salary of 100,000 is definitely an eye-catching and heavy topic, causing all parts of the country to pay attention to this change.

Everyone is amazed and envious!

Of course there are countless gossip.

"It's just for eyeballs."

"This kind of practice that does not conform to economic laws will come to an end sooner or later!"

"Do you treat all employees as uncles? In a company with no future, everyone will become lazy!"

"Wait to go bankrupt, it will never work, it will fail sooner or later, it's stupid!"

"Hehe, let's wait and see if we can play for a few days..."

These remarks were sorted out by the editors of WB.com and posted on the public website of the industrial park and on the WB account. All employees can see the views of the outside world on all these changes.

What followed turned out to be that after the New Year's Day in 2007, the overtime rate of the entire high-tech industrial park rose steadily!

Moreover, it is not the kind of hard indicators of various departments to suppress performance and cause overtime.

Employees in various departments start to pay attention to what they can do for the company within the scope of their jobs, so that they can be worthy of their wages.

Even the cleaning department is spontaneously engaging in various energy saving activities, turning off the lights to keep things tidy.

The voice of the customer service department is also much sweeter, and I can't wait to treat customers with all my heart and soul.

Not to mention those technical departments. The stadiums, e-sports halls, and commercial centers where young people gathered most at 5, 6, and 7 in the afternoon are now silently empty.

Employees with a little bit of technical content are discussing whether to make technological innovations, or to create innovations and start businesses with a few people.

Because in addition to this basic salary guarantee, there are also initiatives to encourage various departments to start businesses. As long as they are approved during the entrepreneurial period, the basic salary can continue to be guaranteed.

Who doesn't want to live a more dreamy and confident life?

After solving the basic living security, all the ideals in my heart were inspired.

The most obvious is of course the game building.

The entire building has almost become a 24-hour lighthouse, and countless game divisions are racing against time to hold meetings, write programs, and design and produce.

Then it continued to fission. As more people learned the relatively simple production process of mobile games, three or five people fissioned out to start a new creative team.

Bringing in a bunch of cheap interns can keep the cost to a minimum, and put the game in the mobile assistant for users to download.

Failure is nothing more than starting from scratch, as long as you succeed, you can dig a pot of gold!

Didn't the boss also start with games?

And WB is not bad, isn't there a joke before that sliding screen is now recognized.

This is actually the beginning of the creation of the whole people.

Long microblogs, official accounts, and other text creation modes can also inspire editors to start writing.

Although article rewards have not been opened yet and will not produce direct benefits, it is obvious that the drainage that these articles can generate is to help companies improve their strength.

High-quality articles began to appear one after another, and various editorial departments were also discussing how to convert them into benefits.

There was no need for Zhao Dezhu to give the subordinates blood, and the subordinates rushed up and screamed.

All the people are involved.

So many people don't think highly of us, isn't it because they envy us for being so lucky?

Everyone cheered up and made an extraordinary performance for everyone to see!

Let you know how terrifying the combat effectiveness is after solving basic life problems.

Yes, the company guarantees that everyone has an annual salary of at least 100,000, and there is no cruel persecution to eliminate ordinary employees at the end.

But middle and high-level managers are under performance pressure, especially in such an environment where everyone is desperately cherishing this opportunity.

If you want to be lazy, you will be blasted by everyone!

What you are damaging is everyone's interests, this is everyone's company!

In fact, the boss gave up his sudden wealth.

Let the employees turn the blessings of 996 into self-improvement.

This also directly led to the arrival of the national college recruitment season in 2007. Most of the TM, WB and game companies did not need to recruit at all. The applications and resumes of major colleges and universities had already filled the human resources department to the brim.

Who wouldn't want to work in such a company.

Empress Dowager Xia is summoning Zhao Dezhu to be scolded.

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