I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 716 The most important thing in the 21st century is talent

The establishment of the Penguin mobile phone production line requires an initial investment of 300 million US dollars, plus the purchase of various materials, research and development costs, and the continuous influx of thousands of workers on the production line.

Regardless of how many benefits will be generated in the future, it has already cost more than three billion yuan.

If it fails, this is tantamount to the rhythm of Zhao Dezhu dragging Penguin into the water and going bankrupt.

He himself also promoted the collapse of the electronics industry in such a large area of ​​Jiangzhou.

Jiangzhou City provides land and surrounding facilities, and the support is actually very strong.

If it weren't for Zhao Dezhu's amazing performance before, the participating Penguin, HPC, and Microsoft companies are all well-known brand-name companies.

Who dares to invest such a large amount of resources into a 21-year-old young man.

Rebirth has no bonus effect on the development progress at this time.

Er Fu never urged him, but he suppressed all kinds of voices as much as possible, let Zhao Dezhu operate, and fully supported the appearance of the hardware.

Zhao Dezhu, who was of ordinary talent, still felt tremendous pressure.

On the surface, this is Penguin's first mobile phone, a pioneering work that determines success or failure. Zhao Dezhu didn't get paid a penny, and he didn't take any responsibility for participating.

Even if Penguin exchanged the shares of TM for the shares of this production plant.

If Zhao Dezhu had the slightest ulterior motives and intentionally killed Penguin, Penguin, which currently only supports games, might completely retreat and become an ordinary online game company.

But it was the second rich's trust that made Zhao Dezhu feel more responsible.

Now it is not whether he can afford to lose this little money, but whether he can help Penguin to embark on the right path of mobile phone manufacturers.

This is worthy of Penguin letting go of TM's shares.

When I came out and took off the anti-static clothing of the electronics factory, several production managers from the right bank were still chattering about product design, material matching, and process difficulty.

That's why the yield rate of this production line is low.

So far, there are barely two or three thousand finished products in half a month of operation, which makes the annual sales order starting at one million seem like a joke.

If the product does not come out, everything is a bubble.

The vice president of the mobile phone business department sent by Penguin was so anxious that he begged Zhao Dezhu in a low voice: "How about...we just use Microsoft's hardware solution? Don't pursue such a high appearance requirement?"

Zhao Dezhu understood the feelings of the tree top man said by the second rich man.

At this time, no one can help him, only he, the boss, stands at the highest place, looking around in the open with nowhere to rely on.

I had to keep my expression on my face, and sneered very calmly: "Change the hardware solution at this time? How can you compare it with Microsoft? Can you compare the reputation of the world's largest IT company? You will take this responsibility?"

The sweaty vice president fell silent, but there must be someone who slandered you and was trying to hold on.

What can Zhao Dezhu say about the production process?

I can only pretend to have a very deep comment: "I don't care, I must see a monthly production of more than 100,000 mobile phones by the end of December, if not, I will call Xue Er to replace her!"

Wang Fenglian is a middle-aged aunt whose English name is Zhao Dezhu, and she has goosebumps all over her body.

Taking advantage of the trembling, he walked to his Mercedes-Benz, and the bodyguard had already opened the driver's seat for him.

Sit in and take out the phone to open the navigation map, and come every day to check the production progress. The route is already very familiar, and Zhao Dezhu mainly tests the performance of the phone.

The sensitivity of the navigation chip, the speed of power consumption and the fluency of multi-tasking operation.

Zhao Dezhu was almost the only experience tester.

Because all other R\u0026D engineers are not familiar with the use of smartphones.

Just hold it in your hand and you'll know how it feels.

Skillfully click on Yifei's WX voice, and listen to her narration with a slight ending. Today, Lao Xu also came to Pingjing to play the elder of the leading actor, Yuan Lang. The details about the use of high vocational students as group actors in the whole movie in discussion.

It’s better than Yi Fei’s dubbing of film and television dramas or the sound of the same period. Her life-like ending sound is a bit of a roundabout at the end, but it’s not exactly the kind of Pingjing accent, just very relaxed and lazy.

Zhao Dezhu's old snake skin can even conjure up a picture of a beauty coming out of the bath in his mind.

Just like an emperor fighting on the battlefield, after a fierce battle in court, he returned to the harem with irritability and boredom.

I can really slowly wash away my emotions and relax, and even tap the solid wood steering wheel with my fingers, just like listening to cross talk.

When he returned home like this, Zhao Dezhu looked like he was calm and relaxed after get off work, and he didn't bring his work emotions home, which was perfect.

The urban ring highway in the metropolitan area is approaching the logistics market. Zhao Dezhu heard Yi Fei say, "I explain to them that you promote the film and television industry in order to help more audiences enter the theater and experience the era..."

Zhao Dezhu rolled his eyes, and couldn't help reaching out to press the screen to leave a message: "When did I say that I was to let the audience feel the era, the audience paid to go to the theater, it is God, who dares to point them out, the purpose of my film and television drama , to clean up the air for those of you who are engaged in film and television dramas! Don’t you know how dirty the entertainment industry is and how bad its reputation is? Let’s just talk about you. Will it work? In the end, you have to rely on yourself, you can do it, Yao Min can do it, Yuan Lang can do it, Tao Zheng, Huang Bai, Wang Baoqiang can do it, you know, since I have the opportunity to push for criticism..."


Zhao Dezhu said it right, it will be up in 59 seconds!

With a whoosh sound, Zhao Dezhu listened to it cursingly, and felt that he was clearly criticizing actors who worked hard enough, but it sounded like pushing his ass!

It is ridiculous to find that there is no undo function, so I have to tell the technical department.

He didn't do much while driving the car, but Yi Fei's voice came back immediately: "You are supporting me right now, you sound in good spirits today, not as tired as the previous two days."

Zhao Dezhu was about to turn the car into the golf villa area: "Almost, I'm still bothered by the problem of mobile phone production. I'm not an engineer, so I'm staring at me for a solution. I have a fart!"

Yi Fei seems to be used to his rude tone with filters: "Yesterday you said that, and I was also thinking that Fuhuadao's lights are all professional things. Since you said it's a matter of materials, then Work hard on the material, find an expert in the material, the high demand for excellence, the perfectionist style that has to be picky..."

It was really Yi Fei's futile consolation that caught the information in Zhao Dezhu's mind.

He didn't notice what Yi Fei said later, perfectionism...

Zhao Dezhu had actually heard of this kind of glass phone. Later, it was very troublesome to drill holes when it was made in China. A fat man who made a phone called it the spirit of craftsmanship.

They are all copying the perfectionist style of Joe Bush, just like Zhao Dezhu "copying" the shape of the Apple 4 for the Penguin mobile phone. I think that in the last life, when Job Bush was doing this, he was tortured a lot.

Job Bush's rigorous and meticulous design and development stage... Zhao Dezhu couldn't help but think of his irritable and perfectionist partner.

Immediately step aside and call Jiang Taotao.

I have already driven into the golf villa area. The two bodyguard cars are still one in front and the other behind. They stop at a distance of about ten meters. Another bodyguard carefully got out of the car and stood behind the driver's seat of the Mercedes-Benz. Looking at Zhao Dezhu on the phone, it feels like Negotiations between gangsters are just as real.

After Jiang Taotao heard this, he sneered: "The guys from the right bank are fooling people. I also recruited a few engineers and production directors from the right bank in Pengzhen and HK. They picked up some of the technology and process ideas of the Citigroup. Running, in fact, there is no comprehensive academic foundation at all, and it is okay to do some parts such as chips and accessories. Once they are asked to work on the overall project, it is easy to go wrong..."

Zhao Dezhu was helpless: "I don't understand... In a word, hurry up and come to support me. The current good product rate is too low. If I can't burst the production capacity, I won't be able to launch the product at the end of the year!"

Jiang Taotao is simple and clear: "I'll go to the airport right away, it will definitely be done!"

Zhao Dezhu worried about the production process for a month or two, but he didn't expect to solve it in front of Jiang Taotao.

Although I don't know how this guy who makes drones solves it.

Zhao Dezhu heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately called Li Yuanyuan to arrange a pick-up and check the flight after hanging up. After Jiang Taotao arrived, he immediately notified himself to meet up, and he had to solve this problem overnight.

The kind where every second counts.

After the arrangements were made and then saw Yi Fei's message, Zhao Dezhu didn't speak for a while.

There was no question there, it was the voice that she replied.

Zhao Dezhu replied happily: "Thank you for your suggestion just now. I finally found a solution. I will treat you to dinner later!"

The obviously relieved voice made the girl sitting in the shade of the tree outside the rehearsal hall of the repertory theater listen to it several times before she smiled and held the phone with both hands to enter the text: "Okay, I want to treat you too, That's two meals."

Think about removing the period and adding a smiley emoji.

Then I looked up at the crisp autumn sky of Pingjing, but it seemed that I was standing under the vast Bailuyuan sky in the northwest a hundred years ago.

Just like the woman who dares to love and hate in the script.

My whole chest is swelling, and my heart is even more indescribably itchy...

I fully understand the feeling of the deer bumping!

Yi Fei's eyes were bright in the evening, looking at the distance where the setting sun was dyeing the sky red.

The corners of his mouth also began to smile slightly.

Women, in the troubled times a hundred years ago, could only be slaughtered and used as cattle and horses, and were used as tools.

Ended up tragically.

But not anymore.

Yi Fei seems to be very clear that her own destiny depends on herself in the end!

Well, that's what Zhao Dezhu just said.

Just thinking of this, she found that she couldn't help laughing.

This is what it feels like to fall in love with someone.

Yi Fei is extremely satisfied with her efforts to experience the characters.

Just at this moment, she can still lie to herself.

~~ Recommended book "Ordinary Life of Ordinary Human Beings"

This book is poisonous, you can't read it at night, you can't read it at work, you can't read it while eating, you can't read it while walking, you can only read it secretly.

He Sihai, known as He Dali, is good at farming, moving bricks, bragging, setting up stalls, saving money, and raising peaches.

It's just an "ordinary" life story of an "ordinary human being".

This is a story of helping the dead fulfill their wishes and extradite their souls.

Let us look for the moving in the ordinary together.

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