I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 710 Please be yourself

How can he resist? Of course Zhao Dezhu went home to report to his wife.

Yao Min will report back to Pingjing Film Academy the next day, he is a sophomore.

Nana is also going to report to the Communication College, but she is not studying active duty.

This non-commissioned officer academy, which specializes in training technical officers, began to have a management department for ordinary local students a few years ago, taking the path of military-civilian compatibility.

Learn from the experience of local colleges and universities and promote general higher education with military education.

Both Zhao Dezhu and his wife pondered in private: "Isn't this a higher vocational college like ours?"

It's not that I look down on higher education, but that Nana's grades are quite good.

In the end, even with a net worth of tens of billions, the couple with the hearts of parents in the world still sent their daughter to report to the university.

Nana was disgusted all the way: "Zhao Dezhu! The smile on your face should be restrained, I think your uncontrollable joy is about to flow out!"

Long Zhiyu quickly looked out of the corner of her eye, suspecting that her expression was similar.

Zhao Dezhu lamented: "When I was in love with your mother, my father and father called me so affectionately, now I'm just taking Zhao Dezhu one by one!"

Nana didn't show her face: "Why, do you still want me to be called Charles?"

The strange and exaggerated tone made Long Zhiyu laugh so hard that his chest hurts!

Zhao Dezhu hurriedly discussed: "Do you want to disclose the matter of parents donating money to the school?"

Nana Fei kicked: "Do you still want me to live a good life in school? If everyone knows that you donate so much money, people won't treat me as a monster?"

Zhao Dezhu flattered: "How can there be such a beautiful monster..."

Nana's disdainful tone made her smile from ear to ear: "Hehehe, I thought you only looked at the good-looking vixen all day long."

Long Zhiyu laughed so hard that she couldn't breathe in the seat.

Because when Yao Min left yesterday, he actually left the business star nanny car, saying that he had two months of classes this semester, so he put the car in the company first, and then transported it when the next group came. past.

To make it clear is to find a reason to communicate.

As a result, Zhao Dezhu felt that when his daughter reported to school and packed a lot of things, it was just right for the driver to drive a nanny car, so he requisitioned it.

In fact, what he told Yao Min about the Bentley sports car, buying a house, etc., was originally for his daughter to look at when he had nothing to do.

Nana also satirized him for being so kind to the vixen and giving him such a good car.

Zhao Dezhu really wanted to say what this broken car is, it's just a bit bigger, especially since the driver with two bodyguards sits in front, it's unremarkable.

He just wants to be too lazy to buy a new car temporarily to escape the smell, so he wants the S600 to be smooth and comfortable after using it for several years.

Sure enough, at the registration office of a busy military academy, the honest and steady business star looks like a large minibus, not as ostentatious as the crown and Passat of some parents.

Moreover, as soon as they entered the school gate, they were required to be parked in a centralized manner by the military uniform, which must not affect campus discipline.

The accompanying bodyguard car stopped on the street outside the academy.

It is estimated that the two higher vocational schools in the family will enroll more than 20,000 students this year.

The couple agreed quickly and honestly, and got out of the car after a long distance.

He also told the bodyguard not to get out of the car.

Zhao Dezhu himself pushed the bedding rolls, clothes boxes and straps out of the car.

In the morning of the dog days in Jiangzhou, it was still terribly hot, and Zhao Dezhu's light blue T-shirt was soaked through just like that.

The bodyguard and the driver sat in front blushing and held back their expressions, but they didn't dare to move even the door was opened.

It was because Long Zhiyu was reluctant to let her daughter live in school for the first time, and felt that no matter how good the ones bought outside were, they would not be as comfortable as what she was used to at home.

That's why Zhao Dezhu carried the big and small bags like this.

For this man who dotes on her, Nana's eyes can melt away, but her mouth is stern: "I said you just do less housework! You are still sweating, are you so vain?"

While talking, he wiped his father's face with a handkerchief.

As a result, the teacher and senior who received the reception reminded: "In the School of Communication, the behavior of dating is strictly controlled, and public intimacy with outsiders, especially boyfriends, is not allowed, which is not in line with the norms."

Amidst her mother's wanton laughter, Nana's hands froze: "Dad! This is my dad!"

The teachers and seniors here almost believed your nonsense with black lines on their faces, and soon all the eyes under the awning at the freshman reception were looking at this side.

Nana was also annoyed by people watching: "I'll go through the formalities myself, just take your things to the dormitory!"

Walking on the hot campus playground, Long Zhiyu held up the parasol with a smile and tried to cover the coolies as much as possible, but the point was her well-maintained face, it didn't matter if the man was rough, the main thing was the profuse sweat that made her guilty conscience.

Zhao Dezhu also wanted to take over the work of holding the umbrellas. When he failed, he used the brochure of the School of Communication as a fan, chasing after his wife and saying, "I saw a small portable fan at the school gate just now, I should buy one for you."

Long Zhiyu wanted to wipe his sweat for him, but it would be too sad if it was misunderstood that the mother brought her son to report: "We won't come together in the future, hehe."

Zhao Dezhu thick-skinned: "Please accommodate me for a few more years, we East Guangdong people look old, I will soon be thirty or forty years old, you still look like a little girl, mainly because you have a mature temperament, wait for me to catch up. "

Long Zhiyu was in a good mood: "I'm not in a hurry. This kind of thing is fate. You are still doing well. For example, if you don't rely on your family's donation today, you must show your privileges. You are very good."

Zhao Dezhu's face was full of complacency: "It's no fun. It's no fun to show off to a man who donates a small goal like this. He will continue to devote himself to this in the future and scare them to death. Why should I give Nana a graduate student? Yes, we have a great scientist in our family."

Long Zhiyu squinted at him: "You don't have to count on Nana."

Zhao Dezhu really accidentally broke into the forbidden area, and quickly brought the topic to Yao Min: "This little girl may be stronger than Yu Xin, and she feels that she is more competitive, so if you say If you say something too much, you should clean up the slap in the face and scold it back, I absolutely say she deserves it!"

Clearly stated the attitude of dead friends not dead poor.

Long Zhiyu smiled: "I think she is getting more and more beautiful. Sometimes I can't help but feel tempted. Her facial features and figure are more and more perfect. You don't think she has psychological barriers after adjustment?"

Zhao Dezhu admitted: "I don't pretend to be a saint. She will definitely be moved under such an impact, but I think I can resist it. Getting married is the responsibility of facing the family, and our relationship is the most important. "

The young girl may be furious when she hears this, but the mature elder sister praises instead: "Yes, this is what we said when we were in love. Freshness, beauty, and excitement will eventually pass away. Apart from feelings, what can maintain a marriage is Responsibility, the willpower that gives us self-control."

The military academy is really big, and there are bright direct sunlight everywhere, as if there is no hiding everywhere.

The couple are not in a hurry as they walk slowly in the stove, Long Zhiyu still has feelings: "The school affairs meeting was held a few days ago, and the newly recruited dean of law from Southwest Associated University talked about an educational point of view that I think is very important , Looking through the serious crime cases, you will find that most of the perpetrators had extremely rough childhoods. Childhood misfortune led to teenagers not fighting, which in turn led to subsequent crimes. The seemingly invulnerable, cunning and vicious felons are actually the weakest willpower in essence. A herd of beasts."

Zhao Dezhu nodded vigorously in sympathy.

That's right, in his last life, he was actually a happy childhood, not so violent, but he didn't learn well. In the end, he became a pile of garbage who didn't dare to commit crimes, didn't know how to do things, and had weak willpower.

So Long Zhiyu seems to have a lot of confidence in her husband: "Because of weak willpower, these people can't stand the temptation, and they have to vent their desires, or because of weak willpower, when they have the opportunity to repent, they make more and more mistakes, and give up hard work to be able to do it." The ladder of progress, choose to slide down the slide, but you are just the opposite proof, different from the weak-willed beasts, more and more full of reason and judgment, this is the reason why human beings are human."

Even though he was carrying big bags and small bags, Zhao Dezhu applauded his wife warmly: "No wonder I feel confident. It turns out that my wife taught me well!"

Long Zhiyu teased: "But it's nothing to attack fiercely, I'm afraid that the breeze and drizzle of the night will sneak into the night with the wind, and slowly nourish my heart."

Zhao Dezhu was full of righteousness: "No way! Didn't you mean Yuanyuan and the others? I took care of my daughter, and I took care of it!"

Long Zhiyu couldn't help but laugh: "Hand, don't wave your hand to assist the tone..."

Zhao Dezhu looked at his dancing paws in amazement, and slapped him twice reproachfully: "Next time something good happens, I won't take you with me!"

Long Zhiyu laughed again when she saw Shabao's husband, she was really happy.

At this time, Nana rushed over and slammed on the brakes: "Are you two taking a walk? It's such a hot day, take your time to fall in love!"

Zhao Dezhu was surprised: "I really don't feel the heat, maybe as long as I'm with your mother, anywhere is the most comfortable place."

Here the mother and daughter vomit together uh uh uh.

I can't stand his shamelessness.

However, Nana notified a bad (HAO) news: "It will take three months of military training, and it is the kind that is directly pulled into the field army to serve as a soldier. The mobile phone and everything will be confiscated..."

Tears are about to come out here.

In the past two or three years, I have never been separated from my parents. Only children who have been neglected understand the feeling of wishing for family warmth.

But looking at her parents who were trying to suppress their smiles, Nana kicked them away one by one for the last time!

Let's go through your two-person world!

When my military training is over, I'll clean up you guys!

I really wish you a son, I will definitely teach him to be a filial son!

In fact, they didn't leave. The couple, who reminded each other not to get too carried away, pretended to be reluctant to say goodbye. As soon as they walked to the parking lot, they saw the school leader smilingly greeted him next to the business star.

You must know that the local life college under this college only invested tens of millions in total.

It is equivalent to the student's parent directly donating a college.

Why don't you come and talk.

As a result, Zhao Dezhu said it was no problem, I donate so much every year.

As long as it is spent on chip research and development, it will do.

And achievements, patents, and benefits have nothing to do with me.

As a contribution to the country.

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