I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 690 Just pretend, I'll sing

That's why Zhao Dezhu felt bad when he saw this bean for the first time.

It's like digging the corners of the walls one by one with a hoe.

Improve his own reputation by hurting Microsoft.

The more Microsoft messed up, and it was reflected in the stock market price, the more it proved that Page was right.

In turn, his fame and worth will be higher.

What kind of business can make money faster than his kind of sowing discord, digging holes and drawing bridges?

In just one or two months, the market value of Gu Ge soared from 40 billion U.S. dollars to 100 billion U.S. dollars through the operation of a few masters!

His net worth has also skyrocketed to tens of billions of dollars!

Even if it costs several billion dollars, it is still a huge profit.

Besides, the purchased things are still assets if they are stored there.

In the memory of Zhao Dezhu's previous life, he didn't know this person at first, but the super rich man who made electric cars and rockets also followed the same pattern.

There are quite a lot of leeks in Citigroup's stock market. They follow the aura of this top boss and follow their dreams.

So the whole Wall Street was really stirred up by Page.

The Internet bubble that burst at the turn of the century has once again frantically poured into various Internet concept stocks.

While pushing up the stock price of Guge, it also pulled up various other Internet stocks.

The most intuitive thing is that U.S. stocks such as Xhuhu and Xlang, which were listed on Citigroup early, have made a lot of money.

Several bosses came out to give high-profile pointers, jokingly talking about Hongrujian and lamenting that it is so good to go public, secretly insinuating that some people are petty and reluctant to go public, for fear that investors will influence their decision-making, but they are just ignorant.

It turned out to be in early July, when Nana just got her college entrance examination results.

Microsoft suddenly announced the launch of the acquisition of WB!

The estimated price is three billion US dollars!

The entire domestic Internet industry was shocked!

Everyone has worked so hard to get listed on Citigroup, and it would be nice to get a company with a market value of more than one billion US dollars, but Wall Street brokerages, investors, and retail investors will take more than half of it.

The founders generally get 20% and it is considered awesome.

Now there is actually a company that was acquired by Citigroup in turn, and it was worth 3 billion US dollars at the first opening!

Didn't Zhao Dezhu net more than one billion US dollars? ?

Are you hot-eyed?

The entire Internet market is like a beating, and everyone is calling for entrepreneurship, innovation, and... yes, it is the most awesome to be acquired by Lao Hua like WB!

This wave of news made the top college students graduating this year immediately send a lot of cover letters to WB.

And Zhao Dezhu, who got the news of the acquisition, was full of face? ? ?

Facing the swarming media and cameras: "What do you want to say about Microsoft's acquisition offer now?"

In terms of pretense, Mr. Bean is almost there, right?

The 21-year-old young man showed a three-point sneer, two-point frivolity, and four-point casual disdain expression: "Three billion dollars? That was the valuation at the end of last year. I didn't see that the valuation of TM Network has exceeded 300." Is it 100 million dollars, I am short of this money?"

When he said this, Zhao Dezhu had just gotten out of his second-hand Mercedes-Benz that Sister Xia had given him.

You say he is poor, but the Butterfly Ben three or five years ago was still so clean and luxurious every day.

But you can say that he is arrogant, there is always something wrong.

The reporters are all in the OS, why don't you just say something human, you don't want to do this job, it's too frustrating.

But professional ethics still make them fight for news topics: "Then you have such a successful business now, what do you want to say to the majority of netizens or investors?"

Zhao Dezhu sighed: "The biggest mistake in my life was founding TM..."

The reporters are all thinking, you are really good at making sarcastic remarks!

Zhao Dezhu is sincere: "I never thought that TM would be so successful that it would completely change the way I work. We obviously just wanted to do a good job in higher vocational education and internships on our own, but in the end everyone was forcing us to go public and asking for money to invest in shares. , and there are all kinds of people who want to take advantage of it, I want to say... TM and WB represent the future development direction of the Internet, not a tool to make money, I really don't want to make so much money..."

The reporters are going to throw up!

He squinted at this shameless guy.

I still have to endure the discomfort: "Then how far do you want to continue to make the company bigger and stronger, or retire early and enjoy a successful life?"

In this world, everyone really lacks something to emphasize. Most people lack money. What Zhao Dezhu lacks is this kind of opportunity to pretend.

So one time must be enough.

Zhao Dezhu spread his hands: "What is success? Maybe some people will say, become a billionaire, a powerful company, millions of dollars in minutes, own airplanes and yachts, own countless real estates, and then get married or not. There are many. The girlfriend is also good, and then there are a dozen luxury cars, is this called success? This is called waste..."

Some reporters couldn't help but fell to the ground and died.

Zhao Dezhu calmly said: "If you have ever been a billionaire, you will know that this money is not well spent. It is a knife. When you stab someone, someone will stab you to death. If there are only these things in life Things, one day I suddenly woke up and found that I either don’t know anything or can’t move anything. The rich people show you how to spend time and money, but they are actually thinking about the money in your pocket. I don’t use it, because I don’t need to make decisions. Money will also come into my account every day. I am too busy to use the money to the right place, solving higher vocational education, e-commerce, and future social responsibilities. I don’t care about this little money..."

After these remarks were broadcast and disseminated on the Internet, the whole Internet really went crazy.

You are too pretentious!

But Microsoft's acquisition offer is real business news.

At this time, it shows some benefits of not being listed.

Not subject to the constraints of the capital market, there is no risk of hostile takeovers if the price is placed on the shelf.

The ancient songs are still echoed by Citigroup. Page appeared on a famous talk show, talking about the bright future of social media: "Facebook represents a strong online social demand, but in terms of how to realize it, it is obvious that WB is more forward-looking. , They cleverly avoided the single channel of advertising revenue, and effectively used their influence among netizens to carry out commercial marketing. As far as I know, it is commercial marketing for a fee, which makes their financial statements easy to generate profits... "

After a pause, he began to criticize: "And the most important thing is that every user who comes into contact with WB will find that this damn company is always guiding users to log in with smartphones intentionally or unintentionally. WB, you can have more interesting experiences..."

Speaking of which, he even took out a latest HP iPaq smart phone to demonstrate the operation of the English version of WB.

Then, at the live broadcast of the talk show that is said to be the most popular in Citigroup, the phone crashed gorgeously!

The screen freezes there...

Page and the host looked embarrassed: "This... From the perspective of a programmer, apart from the compatibility problem of the mobile phone manufacturer, the biggest reason may be this kind of system, just like the blue screen of a computer or Crashes, that's part of life, right?"

Think about it, everyone, when your computer crashes, is it the hardware or the software that you blame?

And if the computer crashes while playing a game, is it because the game has a bug, or is the system too bad?

It must be the fault of the system!

That's why Page was intentional or unintentional in the end: "So we united the best engineers and programmers in the world to create a completely free and open mobile phone system. When the mobile phone world has not been monopolized by a certain system, use open Idea launched a brand new smart phone on which we can socialize, play games, surf the Internet, chat, listen to songs, watch movies..."

This is a deliberate play on Microsoft.

Anyone who uses a computer can understand the feeling of being dominated by Microsoft's computer system.

No choice.

If it is true that even the mobile phone system has become controlled by Microsoft.

Is there still freedom in this world?

The paranoia of persecution in the bones of Citigroupers is very intense.

Originally, people in this country had an indescribable sense of resistance to that Mr. Gates.

I always like to imagine him as the villain in the movie that will control everyone.

How the hell are there still people organizing a parade!

What a crazy line.

This will inevitably lead to a setback in Microsoft's stock price!

When the entire Internet market was rising, Microsoft was almost the only unlucky one who suffered a setback.

This is where Page is great.

Various peers such as facebook, HP, WB, YOHOO, etc. are tools at his fingertips.

The outflanking of Microsoft from all over the world is not very heavy, but bloodletting.

The king with the world's largest market capitalization was so bloated that he struggled to resist and was at a loss.

Just at this time, Mr. Gates, the famous richest man in the world, just publicly announced a month ago that he, aged 51, would gradually withdraw from Microsoft's daily management within two years.

The founder and chairman chose to retire bravely in this troubled time.

Everyone would think that the company is going downhill, right?

Could it be that the world's number one throne is going to be replaced?

The US stocks in July and August are really enchanting and dizzying.

So using the WB promotion with a market value of 3 billion US dollars to promote super girls, even Shonan Satellite TV thinks they have a lot of face!

A lot of ordinary viewers who only read news or gossip went online curiously to watch WB, and got to know this domestic website worth tens of billions.

It may have inspired countless teenagers to strive for their dream of becoming an Internet rich man.

In fact, it is so easy to be a rich man.

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