I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 632 Deep Superficiality

In essence, the e-commerce sales model created by Lao Ma is a guaranteed trading platform.

What it advertises is free and safe transactions to protect the rights and interests of all parties.

So until now, he is still figuring out how to make a profit.

Relying on the account period to have a huge amount of funds, this is a benefit that will only be discovered at TM's current size.

Relying on through trains, recommended positions, and marketing and operation exposure, this kind of routine similar to Baidu's bidding rankings did not start to develop until at least 2005 or 2006 in the previous life.

This has led to the fact that merchants who entered the e-commerce platform in the past few years can indeed make money.

But the basic intelligence behind it is to work for a certain treasure.

The bigger the platform, the harder it is to exploit sellers.

This is the power of monopoly.

So when Brother Dong was fighting against a certain treasure, there was such a big gap. He started from the commonly known 3Cs of mobile phones, digital, and computers. This was also his own advantage.

After this has gained a foothold, it will start to introduce the momentum of home appliances.

His magic weapon against a certain treasure is self-employment.

Home appliances, a category of products that care about after-sales service, are a shortcoming of a certain treasure, and there is no way to restrain after-sales disputes.

That's why we got the living space completely.

This is the correct path proven by history.

I don't know how many roads Brother Dong, a famous university student, has traveled and endured so much hardship before he confirmed this road.

Zhao Dezhu originally wanted to take advantage of the situation to help Dong Ge, but now it has become his own self-operated store inexplicably.

He also doesn't know what size Jingcheng Electric means.

Just look at Moumei and Mouning, and you will know what a big home appliance seller can become.

The big man who went to Italy to buy a Serie A club.

And Jingcheng Electric, the top five giant in terms of home appliance sales in China, could still sell it to a certain beauty for several billions after two or three years of hard work.

Now it means that Zhao Dezhu didn't spend any money, and directly included in the other party's online sales rights.

Originally, 2005 was almost the last glorious moment of Jingcheng Electric.

Song Dalin, as the boss who has been at the helm for decades, is more threatened by Moumei's super capital operation ability.

At this moment, I definitely didn't expect that I would leave the scene sadly soon.

But the dead horse is acting as a living horse doctor to fiddle with things on the Internet, let's try it.

It doesn't cost much anyway.

No matter how far-sighted Dong Ge is, it would be great to be able to make his own 3C products well at the moment. If TM completely changes its shopping habits and spreads the sales of home appliances online, that would be a big improvement for the e-commerce platform.

It never occurred to me that this actually cut off my way to become bigger and stronger in the future.

Happy to help introduce that Jingcheng Electric’s product channels are fine, but to sell nationwide, this kind of logistics and storage must be well planned.

Zhao Dezhu looked at this 30-year-old face from the side. He had the impression of the middle-aged appearance of the big boss, so he was a little green now.

He suggested with a smile: "Brother Dong, let's get involved too. Didn't you say that you have some strengths in warehousing and logistics? This will be a big business in the future."

Brother Dong was so excited that he rubbed his hands together. Song Dalin looked at the young man and agreed noncommittally.

It doesn't matter.

Brother Dong participated, anyway, he has also been doing business in Pingjing for several years.

A lot of detailed things are well implemented.

Start planning now.

It's just that Shen Jianing, a silly boy, is temporarily acting as Zhao Dezhu's assistant.

When handing over the contact information to Song Dalin's son, he took the business card with superficial seriousness, but the habitual hollow gourd was absent: "Okay, what's your name?"

Song Zhiqiu was quite polite: "Miangui's surname is Song, Baogaitou Song."

Shen Jianing said, "Oh, Mr. Bao, hello."

But Song Zhiqiu was amused, and he took a closer look and found: "I seem to have met you somewhere, you look familiar?"

Facing the set of magnets, Shen Jianing took it for granted: "Oh, you must have read it wrong. I basically don't go out. Thank you. Our marketing department will cooperate with you as soon as possible. This is the phone number of our general manager's office."

It is this kind of attitude that knows that the other party is a rich second generation, but still avoids it.

Song Zhiqiu couldn't help it: "Can I leave your contact information?"

Shen Jianing has been tempered into steel, and the standard stewardess gesture folded her hands and covered her waist and bowed: "I don't talk about personal affairs during working hours. Welcome to Dexi."

Song Zhiqiu felt that this girl was rare: "Then when do you get off work? Can... Do you need to visit Pingjing? There are many places worth seeing."

Shen Jianing's vigilance is the highest, and she immediately took precautions: "Thank you, I am in the company and school all the time, and I don't get off work."

Song Zhiqiu is still mature, and seeing this attitude, he didn't press every step of the way: "Well, well, I hope to get in touch more in future work."

Shen Jianing has already quickly jumped back to hide behind Zhao Dezhu.

But any of the bosses present, after seeing the interaction between the two, probably wouldn't think that the boss had unspoken rules for the secretary.

Zhao Dezhu didn't care about the details of this fool's work at all.

Thanks to Brother Dong for accompanying Li Xiaojun to take over the baton, I went to take care of my daughter by myself.

Chen Yanling was continuing Zhao Dezhu's topic on stage.

She is a standard business-style data flow. All of Ou Fanny's data is at hand. How did she go from selling tens of thousands of dollars a day to tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars a day? Now following TM's exposure in Super Girls, she has jumped to selling more than three times a day. One hundred thousand.

Then by analogy to the operating models of other industries, self-opening a store is indeed a zero-cost operation, which is suitable for novices, but this method of paying for high-end players to be operated by the official is an important step to seize the industry's Internet beachhead.

Not tens of millions, the starting price is only 200,000 a month's operating expenses, which can be deducted from the payment for goods, and can be digested from the inventory.

Coupled with Li Xiaojun's lobbying, many bosses are really tempted.

In the end, almost seven or eight well-known manufacturers and business owners in Pingjing decided to start their own flagship stores on TM.com.

By the way, as for the promotion case of WE, it is her own business, but there is not a single smartphone at the scene, and Li Xiaojun's one is passed around to watch.

On the contrary, Zhao Dezhu stopped giving mobile phones to the big bosses.

If you are interested in buying it yourself (ˉ▽ ̄~)cut~~.

Because these big bosses themselves have limited market appeal.

He's targeting the stars.

The next day's party will be the stars and celebrities in the capital.

Li Xiaojun is really good at this kind of thing, just like the pile of luxury cars parked at his home, from the famous 0001 license plate Ferrari to Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Maybach and other famous cars, it shows his seemingly Low-key, in fact widely legendary reputation.

Turning the legend into the credit and hammer of one's own business is actually a kind of communication effect.

Zhao Dezhu took the line of Crazy Stone in the first place, in order to promote the promotion effect of the celebrity circle on his own industry.

Li Xiaojun has already played very slippery.

From the Secretary-General of the United Nations to the former president of Citigroup, he would never miss a handshake and a group photo.

The domestic celebrity circles are all friends with the steady factions like Uncle Ge, Fatty Wang, and Zhang Deli, and there are seventy or eighty people at the dinner party!

There are a lot of bigwigs in Beijing's film and television industry who are serious and honest, and they are helping to promote WB.

The other young actors who got the news just wanted to squeeze in with their heads sharpened.

Well, in the circle of fame and fortune, capable people in the capital are everywhere, and everyone wants to step into such a circle to gain the opportunity to be appreciated by the bigwigs.

Of course Yao Min would not miss this kind of occasion.

In the morning, Zhao Dezhu was still signing an agreement with Yang Yichuan in a certain fox, and Yao Min called: "I saw on WB that you were discussing business with the Pingjing business community yesterday, and you didn't tell me when you came?"

Zhao Dezhu knew very well that Yao Min's extremely strong motivation for personal achievement, and his enthusiasm for success would make people uncomfortable.

But after staying in high positions full of ordinary people for so long, and seeing countless bigwigs.

You will understand that top achievers must have such a strong desire.

Otherwise, there is no way to drive forward at all, and it is difficult to get ahead among many top competitors.

So not only did he not hate it, but he also tuned him in: "Yes, I was going to call you. Today is the gathering of the film and television industry. I bought you a car and counted it as a benefit for the company's shareholders. By the way, let your senior sister call."

Yao Min dared to hum in surprise: "Do you have any thoughts about her! Don't you know how to take care of your own people at such a time?"

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "Can you make movies and TV series by yourself? We have so many people and so many careers, we need a lot of smart, capable and talented people to join in. Not to mention, no matter how beautiful a beauty is, everyone's aesthetics will be different. , grab the attention of most people as much as possible, this is the vision that a boss and a shareholder should have, and you still think of yourself as a little actor?"

Yao Min was indeed extremely smart, and immediately murmured softly, one word could reveal the feeling that she was thinking.

It is also very solid.

In the afternoon, Yi Fei also called Zhao Dezhu: "Yao Min invited me to the film and television industry dinner organized by you? Is there anything I need to pay attention to and prepare?"

This is another manifestation of cleverness. Zhao Dezhu described the topic of WB: "The main thing is influence. I want to rely on film and television stars to drive the spread of WB topics, but I don't want WB to be full of stars. entertainment news."

Yi Fei tried her best to keep up with her train of thought: "Mom said... I am very happy to pick up dance again in Jiangzhou, and the meaning of higher vocational education is indeed very different. Can you make this the focus of publicity and invite famous celebrities to give teaching guidance? .”

The 40-year-old Zhao Dezhu sneered: "It's all about the money. No matter how good the meaning is, it must be packaged under various scenes that you are willing to listen to and watch. This is the same as when you act in a movie. You think It’s true to pursue art, but most people are not interested, so it’s meaningful to be able to really shoot what everyone accepts, that’s a master, instead of thinking that you are an artist, looking down on this and looking down on that.”

Yi Fei would not be sensitive: "Well, self-admired self-admiration is really bad. So you arranged this youth comedy for me, and there is such a deep meaning in it, I understand."

Um? Did Zhao Dezhu think so deeply?

He is so superficial.

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