I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 601 Chaos is not chaos

It takes only ten minutes to drive to the nearby capital city.

Long Zhiyu communicated with the driver to the place she designated, even if he thanked him for the reception, the rest was a self-guided tour.

He also signaled his daughter not to focus too much on listening to men calling with beauties.

It is estimated that I want to teach my daughter early, don't completely tie yourself in another person's mentality.

How can female high school students understand such profound philosophy.

Listen attentively.

Zhao Dezhu was relaxed, or he didn't think about the beautiful woman opposite him at all, he was trying his best to recall the plot of the movie: "In general, it's very simple, it's a girl with a very ordinary appearance who falls in love with another boy, and then becomes a girl for him. It's better, it's a bit like Cinderella becoming a princess... Well, it can be expressed as if it's your story."

Yi Fei couldn't hide her disappointment: "Is it so simple?"

What kind of script is this!

She obviously didn't adapt to Zhao Dezhu's script method of ripped clothes: "You find a recorder or...does your mobile phone have a recording function, turn on the recording..."

Nana silently turned on the tape recorder on her mobile phone and handed it to her father with a serious expression.

It seemed to be urging him to record the evidence.

Zhao Dezhu started: "Your father went to Citigroup to wash dishes..."

Yi Fei really couldn't get around this dish-washing stalk.

But her advantage is that she is very good at listening, and she is not in a hurry to express her attitude.

Zhao Dezhu began to tell the story bit by bit: "Your mother runs a small hotel, and you have a very naughty... brother or sister. The point is that you have three good friends, a fat girl who is big and a little girl. I thought there was a girl with buck teeth who was very beautiful, and there was another... anyway, you are as ugly as you, so you are black and wear glasses..."

I don't know if Yi Fei was a little choked up and didn't say anything.

But this plot, which was born out of the movie "A Little Thing of First Love", focuses on the first love affair of a boy and girl, with a lot of excellent supporting roles mixed in.

It is enough that the male and female protagonists are handsome and beautiful. The innocent feelings between the sisters, the narcissistic female teacher with a big mouth, the coquettish and coquettish male teacher, and the supporting characters with vivid images really make the listeners have a sense of the picture immediately.

Yi Fei finally pointed out: "The image of the teacher and the details of my father's work abroad are unlikely to pass the censorship..."

Zhao Dezhu is simple and clear: "Go straight to the Ming Dynasty or the right bank to shoot. The former finds a man of mixed race from the Ming country. On the right bank, you seem to know Peng Yuyan. Just ask him to play the leading actor. The specific details are not easy to go through. You and Tao We are discussing adjustments.”

Yi Fei gasped, mainly because she thought it was so easy to make a scene with Zhao Dezhu, and it was a joke.

But I was still very helpless to the boss: "Go on, I have a little bit of the feeling of being riddled with holes as Tao Dao said. Some details are very detailed, but the big picture is very scattered..."

It's good that Zhao Dezhu can recall some details: "What is the plot so complicated? In short, the boy is very naughty and handsome, and the people around him are uglier than the other. When they graduated, the two almost got together, but because of the misunderstanding of the brother's liking, they didn't get along." Can confess, the girl turned around and walked into the swimming pool with tears..."

It's the kind of details that he can recall are extremely detailed, but if he can't remember them, he will be perfunctory.

But the plot must have a succession and transition. Yi Fei is also a senior student in the Film Academy, so she can only listen to it.

But at the end, I finally had an opinion: "Huh? In the end, did they come together?"

Zhao Dezhu: "The heroine followed her father to Citigroup to wash dishes, but received a better education and became a well-known designer and returned to China. She wanted to find that boy on the show..."

A film school student objected: "From the perspective of reality, how can it be possible to remain single for several years or ten years? From the perspective of conflict composition, keeping regrets is the most eternal, and only regrets can be the most impressive..."

Zhao Dezhu denied: "It's a pity, the audience pays to watch the movie because it's fun, and it's only fun when they get together in the end. If you do it like that, it's a literary movie. We make money by making commercial movies. We can't let the audience go out of the theater. I'm so sad, I've already talked to the advertising director, no matter how much the production cost of the film itself is, the cost of advertising and promotion is set at 50 million, understand, if you want young people to see love, it should make each other better , instead of whining and whining all day long, wasting young time."

Yi Fei finally got scared: "Promote 50 million?"

This is absolutely unprecedented in the history of domestic films before.

Of course, it is commonplace in later generations, and fragmented films can still be announced with a publicity of 200 million yuan and push billions at the box office.

The return on investment ratio is definitely more cost-effective than selling alone.

So the film industry will become the main pool of capital investment.

Zhao Dezhu: "In the graduation season next year, when it will be released in June and July, the main force is to bring students into the theater, and then bring in young people, and then middle-aged people will also go to reminisce about their first love, so we want to hit the box office. , do you have the confidence, if you don’t shoot, I’ll ask Yao Min to do it.”

Yi Fei choked, and couldn't help being depressed with her indifferent personality. Zhao Dezhu's business talks with records made people feel very bad!

It can be regarded as revenge for these artistic thinking guys.

I always like to feed shit to the audience in my works, so I feel the same way now.

But she is also very clear that no matter how well the filming is done, at least as long as it has the level of embarrassment, and then pushes the publicity desperately, it is really likely to be a hit in the end.

Because this kind of youth commercial film doesn't pay attention to any profound connotation, handsome men and beautiful women, beautiful environment, comedy and funny style, it is a standard popcorn work.

Now it seems that Tao Zheng is really good at making this kind of film, if they add a few of them to come in and make cameo appearances.

Do a good job of publicity before the release, and push the advertisements and schedule the film after the release, so the box office will not be easy to collapse.

How could Yi Fei, who has never had a box office hit, not want it?

The voice was a bit difficult: "I... really want to make some profound works."

Zhao Dezhu was not that deep: "What's the meaning? Think about it. Anyway, try to shoot it in the second half of the year, and make good use of this film... Yes, this is also the reason I want to tell you. You are only seventeen or eighteen years old. See clearly You yourself, how deep can you go in the works made at this age? Don’t keep making those pretentious literary films, they are all deceiving people into bed... Ouch!"

Seeing that his words became more and more shameless, Long Zhiyu finally made a move: "There is a child here!"

Even though he has a lot of money, he is still cleaned up every minute in front of his wife.

Only then did Yi Fei realize: "Is there someone?"

Zhao Dezhu proudly said, "My wife... let's do it, that's it. We'll go back to China in two days, and we'll go through the formalities after making up our minds. Tao Zheng and the others will perfect the script..."

In fact, Yi Fei has already agreed: "I told you that I will enrich this script, I... can just try it as a graduation work."

Zhao Dezhu: "Let's say you wrote the screenplay. It's a gimmick to promote it. My own experience changes the script."

Yi Fei complained: "My family didn't come to Citigroup to wash dishes!"

Zhao Dezhu criticized: "Be grounded, comrade... ouch."

This time, I was scratched hard by my daughter on the face. Are you ashamed?

Only then did I hang up the phone.

Long Zhiyu also thought it was a joke: "Just such a story? How dare you make a movie and invest 50 million in an advertisement?"

Zhao Dezhu pretended to be old-fashioned: "Professional! Believe in professionalism. The simpler something is, the more delicious it is for a master. For example, the set of flight attendants may not seem very simple to outsiders, but every movement and every expression is a foundation. ,Right?"

Hearing this, Long Zhiyu couldn't help but laugh, and hummed arrogantly.

Nana felt her teeth hurt again.

Sure enough, when the group returned to China three or four days later, Yang Yichuan made an appointment to meet Charles in Pingjing, and Yi Fei also met with Zhao Dezhu in Pingjing to sign an agreement.

Because this is the most basic part of the entire film operation, it is not enough for publicity.

That is, a group of people meet at the hotel.

The most convenient thing for Nock Duck's headquarters to return to the capital is that Long Zhiyu actually knew from her fellow sisters that there is a Parliament Square, where there are several famous brand stores, and the prices are relatively cheap in the whole of Europe.

Buy, buy, buy until the end of the trip, perfect!

Therefore, there are more people who carry bags, and the few people who go abroad empty-handed basically carry their bags full.

No matter how arrogant Sister Long is, the principle of curing all diseases is still eternal.

So I flew back with jet lag for more than ten hours, even the first-class cabin was exhausted, and I was still excited to see the room full of trophies.

Hearing that the girl star was coming, I tidied up vigorously to face it in a more formal way.

Yi Fei came here with her mother, and her mother is currently acting as her manager.

Because she knew that she was bringing her wife with her, and Mother Yi thoughtfully brought some gifts, Nana rushed to open the door when she heard the doorbell.

In the big suites of five-star hotels, the bodyguards are on duty in the corridors outside.

Security is no problem.

But the bodyguard is not responsible for introducing the identity of the guests.

Nana was seventeen years old, Yi Fei was eighteen years old, and Long Zhiyu was thirty-seven. It seemed that Yi's mother was not much older than Long Zhiyu, and she even took better care of her.

When they opened the door, they saw a young girl in a T-shirt and jeans.

His expression and dynamics are definitely not follower assistants.

I thought that the young husband and young wife here are so well-matched.

To be honest, regardless of her clothes, Nana is even more mature than Yi Fei, who told her to pretend to be the female monitor at school all day long.

He also loves to imitate her mother's makeup, which is a little heroic.

Of course, the main reason is that Yi Fei is too fresh and refined, and is basically beaten among her peers.

So Yi's mother called Mrs. Zhao, and Yi Fei called sister-in-law...

That scene was almost frozen.

Nana was originally amazed to see such a beautiful star up close without any makeup.

After hearing the address, I couldn't control my expression, and almost got into a ball.

Before the burst of laughter came out, I turned around and called my parents.

Zhao Dezhu looked at the two couples, mother and daughter, and was still deeply moved.

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