Yang Yichuan stopped talking instead.

He ate the lobster quietly and slowly, but he could see that it didn't make any difference to change him to a plate of mapo tofu at this time.

All his attention is on thinking, and eating is just a mechanical action.

Zhao Dezhu didn't bother the technicians' thinking either.

I was making my own calculations in my heart.

He's still thinking about the importance of search, and social search does seem to be a prospect.

Moreover, this kind of surrounding search about basic necessities of life has already taken the prototype of a takeaway system.

It also requires a large number of local promotion teams to promote participation offline.

At the stage when takeaways have not yet reached the stage where everyone has a smartphone, it is convenient to place and receive orders.

This can further build the working capacity of the push team.

To put it simply, it is to find work for the push part.


Turning his head to explain and discuss in a low voice to Long Zhiyu.

Nana also strained her ears to listen as hard as she could.

Like everyone else at the table, they all wondered about the young boss's choices.

However, the vice president of a certain wave changed his expression a bit. Maybe he made this trip, and the focus was on this Yang Yichuan, and asked the technical director with a smile: "Didn't Charles ask you to make videos, and he will definitely not allow input methods." , and the input method can’t be realized, how can I advertise?”

Advertising can be said to be the biggest monetization channel for Internet companies these days.

Before Zhao Dezhu pointed out that Penguin should use its huge user base as the key to unlock games, software, and other treasures, all of Penguin’s income beyond its means came from advertising, although their huge server fees were not enough.

Even Microsoft thinks so, and Gu Ge relies on advertising to gradually stand on the Internet throne of Citigroup.

After all, there is a $500 billion advertising market in the whole world, but the Internet was only $17 billion in 2005, and there is still a lot to do.

Before the Internet industry has been truly inspired by the huge industrial value.

Almost everyone in the industry believes that the monetization channel is advertising.

Gathering huge online crowds through the Internet is just like the main channel for TV monetization is advertising.

Where can this input method be advertised?

If you have to add an advertisement somewhere abruptly, this input method will not be disgusted by people?

Even the public relations manager also chimed in: "The input method market is very small. The input methods bundled with the Windows system are already very comprehensive, just typing. Unless those who use Wubi input or special input methods, it is difficult to install additional input methods." Law."

Yang Yichuan still shook his head slowly.

Those who can conquer the world can listen to other people's advice and have their own opinions.

It's just that winning is called assertiveness, and losing is stubbornness.

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "Microsoft's input method on computers may really be a monopoly, but it may not be theirs on mobile phones."

Several others immediately paid attention: "Are you not optimistic about Microsoft's mobile phone system?"

Among the few present here, there are quite a few people who have registered for WB, and are observing the advantages and disadvantages of this new media software.

At present, WB has only launched the windows ce version, but they still don't agree with this system?

Zhao Dezhu also had no way of analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of several mobile phone systems, but Erfu has already invested in Android, so he must support it.

There is no Android version now, because there are no Android phones on the market.

Penguin didn't say a word, wondering how far their mobile phone plan had progressed.

So Zhao Dezhu is very sure: "The computer system and mobile phone system all use Microsoft, how can we let it take advantage of all the benefits."

As a result, these people immediately laughed and coaxed one of their companions, who turned out to be an alumnus who worked at Microsoft.

Zhao Dezhu is not afraid of embarrassment: "Let's discuss the matter as it stands. Now there is no choice to use Windows. If there are other options, I will definitely guide users to turn."

The face of the director of the Microsoft Asia region changed a little.

Zhao Dezhu didn't care about him, because Yang Yichuan seemed to have a lot of support: "Mobile phone...yes, I can put the breakthrough on the mobile phone input method...mobile phone input...you can register a user, and he can share this user on the mobile phone and the computer at the same time. Then the commonly used words entered in it can be shared, right?"

There is an inside taste.

All the input methods so far have not had this kind of user experience of personal habits.

The former chief experience officer of Penguin gave a thumbs up: "Didn't I just say that different people and different habits are reflected in your input method, which reflects the characteristics of the Internet. Compared with the input method, this is enough to beat them, and the mobile phone input method will definitely be used by many people in the future, do you know the difference?"

Everyone at the scene has a deep understanding of this: "Since the appearance of Penguin Chat, there are indeed a lot more input methods...Ordinary users are too important for this experience."

"In the past, the input method was a special tool, and some units even had typists, and the printing shop outside also had input services, so Wubi input and the like were very marketable, but if it is true as Mr. It means that everyone needs to use the input method, and the market is too big!"

"But what about monetization? Xiao Chuan, this is a very difficult road. The input method that is difficult to monetize has no prospect. Besides, Charles will not be optimistic about this direction, right?"

Zhao Dezhu finally wondered: "Which Charles, my name is Charles too..."

Everyone laughed, only the Microsoft guy was quietly operating the phone, probably a little bit aware of the seriousness.

Microsoft seems to dominate the computer system situation in the world, but in fact every department is facing various competitions.

Mail, chat, player, etc., each of which has alternative software on the market that does a better job than system bundles.

Now even the input method may pose a threat.

The boss even mentioned that he is not optimistic about Microsoft for the mobile phone system.

Do you panic?

At present, the domestic IT industry is really advocating the backbone of the future of smart phones, but they are not optimistic about Microsoft's mobile phone system.

This is a clear indication of damage to Microsoft in the future.

Yichuan Yang rarely laughed: "My boss, Charles Zhang, the CEO of Fox, is a very nice person. I was influenced by him when I was still in college. It is my honor to follow him on this IT road."

The vice president of a certain wave probably also felt that it was a bit difficult for him to poach someone, so he said resentfully: "Charles likes to brag without doing much business, he just rushed early..."

Oh, this Zhao Dezhu met at the Jiangzhou Summit, and at that time he felt a little overachiever.

Be regarded as the top boss of the Internet, Mouhu is also one of several major portal websites.

But it is obvious that they have been compared by Lao Ma, Er Fu, and Zhao Dezhu, a series of Internet upstarts who can realize cash. These few basically don't pay attention to those who run portal websites, and only maintain a polite attitude towards portal bosses.

It feels like Shaolin Wudang is giving face, but in terms of status in the world, it is still worse than our Hengshan School and Sun Moon God Sect.

Yang Yichuan has a good temper outside of technology: "Charles takes good care of us juniors. There are all kinds of possibilities on the Internet. He has his plan. I... can make R\u0026D technical reserves first."

For this kind of people, Zhao Dezhu will not try to poach corners: "Okay, I will invest money in this project of yours. It is considered to be a cooperation with a certain fox. We have traffic on WB and can help promote this input method. As for cashing out, I will There is a way."

Yang Yichuan's expression immediately beamed with joy: "That's good! That's good! I'll call Charles... He, he seems to have gone to climb the snow-capped mountains in Nepal."

Fuck, you people in the Internet circle are very good at playing.

The vice president of a certain wave is in his forties or fifties, and he was helpless when Zhao Dezhu cut him face to face.

Although he is also a veteran of Tsingjing University, technically he just can't resonate with a straight man like Yang Yichuan. He doesn't want money or go public, so he finally found a mountain-climbing atmosphere to win him over.

But he was taken away by Zhao Dezhu in a few words...

And still throwing money at it nonchalantly, it doesn't matter if you jump ship or not, anyway, I'll be the one who gets the stuff in the end.

In terms of throwing money, who can spend more than TM.com now.

Everyone is burning the money of venture capital and the stock market, and there is no net profit or net income.

But he doesn't have a single loan or stock market investment, and he has tens of billions of cash in his account. Everyone knows that he is currently the richest cash bull in the country.

Zhao Dezhu also understands why big IT companies such as Penguin, Moudong, and Moubao invest in various projects like crazy, or they can't help investing in microfinance later.

There is really too much money in hand!

It would be a crime to leave it unused.

Several other people also rushed to congratulate Yang Yichuan.

But I still heard him get through the phone with great difficulty and briefly talk to the other side, but I didn't expect the other side to ask something.

Yang Yichuan raised his head to Zhao Dezhu: "What do you think is the name of this input method?"

Don't talk about the amount of investment, otherwise the prospect of the project, what is the name?

Long Zhiyu sat beside her and watched her husband discuss business with great interest, and couldn't help but laugh.

Zhao Dezhu didn't care about this: "Whatever, whatever you call it."

Yang Yichuan said to the other end of the phone in a serious manner: "I think since Mr. Zhao is a TM, then let's split the two characters and combine them, how about calling it Somao input method?"

Zhao Dezhu dropped the knife in his hand, huh?

It turned out to be you dog man!

You are a real dog!

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