I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 595 Money is not everything

Even today, Zhao Dezhu is still a reborn who doesn't understand technology.

But starting from GPS, he also figured out bit by bit how to use this rebirth bonus.

He doesn't need to understand every technical detail, nor does he need to remember the technical nodes of the previous life.

As long as it can push those who understand technology to move forward.

Moreover, by accident, he embarked on the road of rebirth of technology and Internet from GPS.

The most critical point is the direction.

In China, it took 20 to 30 years to catch up with European and American countries, which took 200 to 300 years.

Even after more than ten years, there are still big gaps in many aspects.

But on the Internet application, it is not much slower from the starting line.

So even if the current mainstream is still copying Citigroup's various models, from Penguin to TM and WB are already starting to go their own way.

The biggest difference between catching up and self-reliance lies in the direction.

Crossing the river by feeling Yingjiang's hair is the easiest and safest way for the entire domestic technology industry.

Because many wrong directions have been proved by European and American countries through trial and error.

This can save a lot of manpower and material resources for the catching up country.

But it is different if we are walking on self-reliance to find the direction.

There are countless plans for e-commerce shopping in China. Until the battle of Pebble Beach, Lao Ma was almost overwhelmed by shareholders in fear.

Where is the future of instant messaging and chatting, and how to monetize social software? These questions have been plaguing the entire Internet business.

At least until five or six years later, there are still many competitors fighting each other in chat and social software.

The significance of Zhao Dezhu is that, relying on the dividends of the past ten years, he can simply and directly point out the direction.

It may be really another technician who is reborn, and maybe he will still be entangled in what is the optimal solution.

Zhao Dezhu can't, he doesn't know which nodes in the Internet world, anyway, just do it.

Compromise first if the technology is not up to scratch, but the direction is clear and precise.

Based on this, engineers and technical experts will be relieved.

For example, among these few people, the search engine expert...

A few years older than Zhao Dezhu, a master of Qingjing Computer High Performance Institute, what he asked Zhao Dezhu to discuss was: "Which direction do you think is more important, search or video?"

For someone with a high level of education, speaking must be how to look at this issue.

YOHOO became the number one stock in the world by searching, isn't it important?

In Zhao Dezhu's eyes, Baidu is nothing but a fart, but even a search engine can occupy the corner of BAT.

Including within the TM network, the first thing buyers do when surfing the Internet is basically to search.

Didn’t Zhao Dezhu instruct the technical department to experiment with the showy operations of search result bidding ranking and seller through train?

He traveled thousands of miles to Northern Europe to purchase algorithm programs, and the distribution algorithm is also a search engine in a sense, which actively pushes relevant information in reverse according to user preferences.

Important batch!

But now he speaks without a doubt: "Video! Video will definitely be the king in the future, especially mobile phone video."

The seven or eight people around wanted to bow their heads and take notes immediately!

This is status.

They won't question your f*cking age or education.

But TM network has proved everything.

Even if I doubt it in my heart, I will take Zhao Dezhu's statement as an important reference.

The search engine expert's face darkened.

The three members of Zhao Dezhu's family even had backpacks that included symbolic bottled water and a towel, and heavy things were carried by bodyguards.

So he walked vigorously and observed others: "Not at all. It's not that search is not important. Every link of the Internet needs a search engine. I just said that video must be the focus of the future. I'm here with..."

Still refrained from talking about his cooperation with Zhen Yuejin.

Big Huyou didn't cheat, he had already packaged and sent over a R\u0026D team of more than 20 people, and started to fiddle with the first floor of the teaching world building.

Both Chen Xiaolong and Li Shengjun went to see it, and praised each other's qualifications from a research institute in Pingjing.

A bunch of high-achieving students, but staying in a research institute that doesn't have much work all day long, is really blind to their various top-scholar identities, and now it's useful to do some research and development.

However, the transmission method of this smart set-top box still needs to be kept secret.

As a result, the middle-aged man who is the vice president of a certain wave and also a partner of a certain fund laughed: "What makes him depressed is that he is obviously engaged in search engine research and development, but the boss has a similar opinion to you and insists that he lead a team to do it." P2P video technology!"

The search engine expert didn't hide anything: "Oh, seeing that my side is about to produce results, I have to... P2P transmission technology is not the focus of my own research and development!"

The partner advised him: "So, come to us, or you can go it alone for fund investment."

Zhao Dezhu heard it, oh oh oh, you alumni are here to climb mountains, in fact, to cultivate feelings and want to poach the wall.

A few other people of different ages didn't agree. When talking about mobile phones, almost all of them took out smart phones, but they were all kinds of fragmented ideas, which did not condense into shape.

But Zhao Dezhu's ears were hanging on the young man's response.

He didn't know what kind of god this was, but his partner introduced him as the technical director of a fox.

Facing the olive branch offered by his brother, the young man’s response was: “Thank you, it’s good for me to follow here. It’s up to the boss to make decisions, but I like his trust and team atmosphere very much. When he bought our small company back then, I hadn’t graduated yet and was doing an internship, and it’s not the reason for me to leave after training me until now.”

In an IT company where milk is a mother, mastering technology is mastering equity, and having patents makes it a dream to go public and become a billionaire.

Such people are extremely rare!

Honesty, loyalty, and non-greedy qualities are also possessed by many people, but they have reached the level of high-end technology.

That's really just a thought.

As a technical director, you are always working for others. Once you hold the trump card and start your own business, you will be the founder of potential stocks. Seek venture capital and then step by step to the pinnacle of life.

This is the dream of countless digital farmers.

This is a huge watershed between millionaires and billionaires with annual income.

But Yang Yichuan was very calm, shook his head and refused, and then followed the opportunity to ask Zhao Dezhu what he thinks about the prospect of search engines...

What the hell is Zhao Dezhu's blind spot? He doesn't know much about technical details, and in his last life, he didn't use search engines to find license plate numbers, certain online celebrity videos, or gambling websites.

There is no connotation.

Fortunately, when we arrived at the parking lot at this time, Zhao Dezhu smiled perfunctorily: "Talk slowly while eating, I will open a bottle of good wine to entertain everyone."

Then, as soon as he drove the car, he asked his wife to call Chen Xiaolong for him: "Have you heard of Yang Yichuan, the technical director of a certain fox? How is he?"

Chen Xiaolong was confused: "How do I know, this algorithm is a bit interesting, and the way of thinking is completely different from ours..."

This is the style of a technical straight guy, Zhao Dezhu had no choice but to cater to him: "Then what does P2P video technology mean?"

Talking about this, Chen Xiaolong was very energetic: "Oh, oh, this technology is very popular recently, which uses many users' computers to participate together, so that the speed of video transmission is faster, um... Xunlei is P2P technology, if you want to upgrade to P2P video technology Well, that is to use this idea to consume as few resources as possible to transmit streaming media... so that you can download and play at the same time..."

Balabala, there are a lot of technical terms, Boss Zhao yawned, and when he heard one while downloading and playing it, he immediately understood: "Damn it, isn't it just a fast broadcast!"

Chen Xiaolong was confused: "What's the fast broadcast?"

For this man's home, Zhao Dezhu can only remind his technical director: "Please help us to pay attention, we will acquire when the P2P video technology matures, er, the acquisition is called Kuaibo, which will affect our next live video broadcast, etc. Industry is very important."

Chen Xiaolong oh oh oh: "Quick broadcast... Well, the name is good, I can't wait, play it quickly!"

So when he sat down at the restaurant on the shore of the fjord, Zhao Dezhu could chat with Yang Yichuan about the P2P video technology.

But obviously this guy is also a bit stubborn, helpless: "I really don't want to do this, I don't like it, I'm not interested."

Zhao Dezhu can't say that he wants to benefit the male compatriots in front of a group of people at the dinner table.

He just skipped and didn't say anything, he didn't remember who invented Kuaibo, anyway, he knew that this guy pirated TV dramas and small island movies, occupied the market fiercely, and then was arrested and imprisoned.

This is talent but no legal concept.

You can play side-by-side, after all, it is human nature, but we still have to control what users do on the surface, so don't let people take advantage of it as a bird.

So I can use this technology to release the power of video in advance.

After all, Zhao Dezhu knew very well that the high-definition video resolution technology of Zhen Yuejin's coaxial cable set-top box was just a temporary product.

Once the overall bandwidth increases, temporary solutions such as fast broadcast and coaxial cable may be abandoned.

It will definitely be better if we walk on two legs in the future.

Yang Yichuan is the guy with the taste of Shuchuan. He really likes the dipping dish made by Nana with condiments such as chili here: "I often can't eat such a good taste in Pingjing. It's delicious! I really want to make it." An engine to search for food in Pingjing!"

Well, this...isn't Koubei or Renren Dianping.com?

This is how the Internet industry came about, allowing skilled people to discover market demand and promote research and development.

Zhao Dezhu was about to take advantage of the situation and ask if we should be a Dianping website?

Yang Yichuan asked again: "What do you think about the prospect of search engines..."

What kind of person is this?

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