As a result, the European media were the main force who came to Zhao Dezhu's office floor.

There are four media outlets, three of which are from Europe.

Some set up camera reflectors to set up shooting scenes when they came, and some sorted out manuscripts to prepare for questions and communication.

There are also those who sit quietly on the side, only need to watch the exchanges of peers, most importantly, observe this young rich man who has risen to fame, and then he can write an eloquent article.

There were seven or eight foreigners, and there was a tall white man who was handsome, but mainly the editor-in-chief of the Asian region with a bald head and unshaven beard. It could be seen that the standard was quite high and he was very polite.

On the contrary, several compatriots were rude, and the most aggressive one was a compatriot, one of the hostesses.

It seems that because Zhao Dezhu doesn't know a foreign language, they arranged for a Chinese speaker with the most standard Chinese.

She is not good looking, with narrow eyes, wide cheekbones, big mouth and big chin, which is the most respected appearance of East Asian women in European and American countries.

They think it's beautiful.

Zhao Dezhu, an old driver, knew at a glance that there must be someone behind this woman.

The words are very gentle and elegant, but the content is closely linked with a strong purpose.

Zhao Dezhu's top-floor office floor of this brand-new education world is not shabby for receiving national Internet giants to hold summits.

Full of the minimalist spirit of the modernist style, it is spacious and bright, no special decoration is required, and any corner you choose is a good interview location.

As for Boss Zhao's own attire, he has always been based on the original style of a young man with a certain hand and a certain tone, with more golf course clothing.

Long Zhiyu didn't even know how her husband's trendy style came about, and she herself didn't have the habit or vision of dressing up men.

He even deliberately didn't let his aesthetics affect Zhao Dezhu, as if he was afraid that he would make his husband look more old-fashioned.

No matter how fit the body is, the heart still cares.

In this regard, she definitely does not have Xi Lianying's strong desire to control her.

So Zhao Dezhu just blindly matched himself and relied on Feng Xiaoting to buy him some clothes from time to time. Li Yuanyuan put clean and changed clothes in the rest room every day, and Chen Yanling told him to appear in front of the employees with the most energetic image.

At the moment, a white polo shirt with horizontal stripes and beige slacks is a bit frivolous but still manageable.

It all depends on lighting skills to correct it, and people dare not ask this bad-tempered young boss to put on makeup casually.

Fortunately, this kind of financial and cultural media does not need to be as exquisite as art photos.

It's probably all right, just give a polite gesture.

The girl came up with ulterior motives: "Hi, I'm Wu Lili from Prism Weekly, and I'm very happy to have this exclusive interview with you. First of all, what I'm most curious about is, has your TM network business model borrowed from the successful experience of European and American countries? "

It's not too weird to say this.

For several years after 2005, there was still an attitude of learning from abroad in China.

Including Baidu, Penguin, major portal websites, and even a certain all carry the shadow of a certain foreign website.

Zhao Dezhu glanced at the woman, but didn't answer the question: "Chinese people are used to self-reliance, next question."

Wu Lili was stunned for a moment, and she persevered: "Europe and the United States occupy a dominant position in the Internet industry, and your domestic Internet companies are following. This is an indisputable fact..."

Zhao Dezhu began to treat people wrongly: "Which country are you from, and which side do you represent?"

Wu Lili did not expect such a sensitive response from him: "I am a professional reporter of the Pingjing branch of Hans Prism Weekly, and I represent the media angle of Prism Weekly."

Zhao Dezhu responded: "You must first remember that you are a Chinese. Do you understand? Speak well. A Chinese Internet company has broken the model of European and American Internet companies. This is a purely Chinese model of Internet success. Don't wear colored glasses from the beginning. How about foreign and domestic, talk about business, talk about business, don’t just talk about the relationship between countries, understand, if you don’t understand, get out of here, and talk to a translator who can speak well.”

More than a dozen people were sitting or standing around. Even though Feng Xiaoting and Chen Yanling had gone to Shonan, Li Yuanyuan took four or five assistants to take care of them.

They were all recruited from the two batches of Southwest College students who were both excellent in character and learning. They treated Zhao Dezhu like the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect. Hearing the sound, they all straightened their chests and looked at them with serious expressions.

Yuanyuan couldn't help tugging on her sleeves quietly twice, feeling like she could jump up and curse at people at any time.

Well, big bosses and big entrepreneurs have this kind of domineering style.

Several foreign devil reporters bowed their heads and wrote quickly, or were having sex on their laptops.

On the contrary, Wu Lili was excited, and her eyes were all squinted: "You have such a temperament, which is precisely the confidence brought by the Internet economy and the free flow economy. It is just such innovation and business miracles. There must be many difficulties in the domestic political and business environment. Place, I think your idea will definitely develop better in Europe and America?"

Zhao Dezhu didn't understand the other party's technical terms, but he could hear the digging. He turned to the accompanying official next to him and said, "Have you heard it? This is the international influence you care about. Do you know that no matter what we say, The words will definitely be twisted into what they understand, including this fake foreign devil and traitor. Is this what you want to take into account? They simply want to make money from you, and they want you to kneel down and obey."

The official smiled all over his face, noncommittal, and didn't know whether he came to work or to make a living.

Wu Lili, however, pretended not to hear Zhao Dezhu's blunt words: "Don't get excited, we are discussing the development of Internet business and your business prospect calmly."

Zhao Dezhu didn't even raise his voice, why was he so excited: "You seem to have been trained by foreigners to be like a dog, and you don't consider yourself a human being at all. Let's stop here for today's activities, what do you love? How to write, I am not interested in playing this kind of word games with you, the real Chinese are used to burying their heads in doing things without being forced, and when you are forced, you are probably already an idiot."

After speaking, he got up from the modern-style leather sofa group, and brushed his hands contemptuously like chasing a pack of wild dogs.

Wu Lili still wanted to get up, but Li Yuanyuan put on a cold face and stood in front of her: "Please leave, we won't play with you, there are many things to do."

The camera over there just wanted to turn his head, but an assistant stood in front of the camera and covered it with his hand: "Mr. Zhao said that's it, please turn off your machines and leave."

Another assistant was even more ruthless, and took out a walkie-talkie directly from the back: "The security department, some people from Mr. Zhao's side, to drive away these messy media."

This is the case with corporate empires. In this closed world, the boss is the emperor.

Almost ninety-nine percent of the employees only have eyes for the man at the top of the tree.

The official was a little flustered, and jumped up quickly to say something, but these media personnel, especially foreigners, took it for granted and took it easy.

A bald middle-aged man who was sitting on the sofa next to him with his legs crossed and taking notes still spoke, in a slightly out of tone Chinese: "Zhao Xiansen, can you compare the economies of Europe, America and China."

Sitting posture does not change.

Perhaps they have come into contact with too many successful people, not only knowing that these people are used to being praised by the people around them, but also knowing that these people are more interested in this casual and peaceful attitude.

Zhao Dezhu was already standing by his executive desk, and turned his head to lean on the table with a smile: "Citigroup is still relatively strong, and the Internet is indeed their home field, but everything will change. China has more than one billion hardworking people. , has our best management system, the efficiency of concentrating our efforts on major tasks, um, and a strong and complete manufacturing industry. Let’s wait and see. There is an old saying in China, don’t bully young people into poverty. Today’s China is a self-reliant youth. Sooner or later, shoot the old guy on the beach."

The twenty-year-old young boss leaned against the table with his arms folded and relaxed, his words were calm but full of confidence.

When Li Yuanyuan looked back, her eyes were full of caution.

Indeed, what kind of man can be compared to the pillar.

The official's eyes lit up.

The four or five Chinese employees in the media were also surprised and refreshed, but the main thing was to aim the camera more steadily at Zhao Dezhu.

The bald, middle-aged man seemed to be the editor-in-chief of the Asian region, and thoughtfully recorded: "What about Europe?"

Zhao Dezhu laughed even more: "Europe? It's just a second-generation rich second-generation, who relies on the elders to earn enough assets to eat dividends. In fact, what else is there? No matter how big the family property is, if it is lazy to build it, there will be nothing. The future is Citigroup. The competition between China and China, Europe should not take itself too seriously."

Even ten years later, even when Zhao Dezhu jumped off the building, Europe was still full of self-righteousness.

But the current Zhao Dezhu is even more far-sighted than he was when he jumped off the building in his previous life.

It's just that his remarks, in the eyes of people of this era, seem too far-fetched.

Wu Lili even said mockingly: "Since you have such confidence in your company, I hope to see you succeed in being listed on the mainland stock market."

This is what makes a cultured person swear without dirty words.

The ultimate pinnacle of an Internet company is going public, and only going public can bring a ten-fold, a hundred-thousand-thousand-fold premium to the trendsetters.

For example, the second rich man, if he hadn't gone public in HK, how could he have been promoted from a precarious Internet company to a billionaire in an instant?

It can be said that the bigwigs at the Internet Summit last month all relied on their stocks to be listed on Nasdaq or HK to completely turn around and make money from financial freedom.

As for going public in the mainland... none of them exist.

After all, the mature capital markets in Europe and the United States are still a myth, and the stock market will never become a place for leeks.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Dezhu would shrug his shoulders nonchalantly even if he didn't know the reason for the network cable: "I'm not short of money, why should I go public?"

In terms of pretense, I have never been afraid of anyone.

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