I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 537 The road of life fluctuates

At that moment, no one saw the license plate.

Yao Fangyuan rushed to the side of the road, only seeing the shadow of a car.

In the days when the monitoring and Skynet projects have not yet been fully launched and perfected.

Experience and courage are particularly important!

Usually the call to the police is connected to the dispatch center in the city, and then it is dispatched to each sub-bureau, and the nearest police station is arranged to dispatch the police according to the principle of proximity.

Moreover, the police officers of the district police station who were present at the scene had to feed back information to the criminal police department to intervene in the face of a major sudden case.

Therefore, no matter how quickly you turn around, the timing will be delayed.

Someone who is not familiar with the police system can't explain what to do with the police station so skillfully.

Even the colleagues who had already left the police station, just listened to Yao Fangyuan's proficient Beijing movie, and then explained the seriousness, and immediately set off.

Then on the road, Yao Fangyuan had already clearly defined the direction, and asked the police car to go to the nearest highway intersection in the relatively remote urban-rural junction, and it was the direction that seemed least prone to traffic jams at eight or nine o'clock in front of him.

At the same time, immediately report the case to the highest-level police, requesting to block all highway intersections, docks, trains, etc. out of the city.

After all, Zhao Dezhu is a living person, even if he is in a coma, it is impossible to get out casually.

What's more important is to form such a high-pressure situation immediately so that criminals can be deterred.

Yao Fangyuan knew very well that this was a kidnapping aimed at Zhao Dezhu's wealth and status!

He even immediately called his old colleagues in Pingjing and asked his acquaintances and friends in the contact system to step up efforts.

He even asked his daughter to contact Mrs. Zhao immediately, as well as the secretary assistants around Zhao Dezhu, and call any local high-ranking officials who could be reached.

To make the company so big, there must be local officials who can speak up.

This is experience.

Generally speaking, the huge system in the country is the most effective.

Without Yao Fangyuan's reminder, even Lao Xu and Tao Zheng didn't react so quickly.

Long Zhiyu didn't have this habit yet. She was a flight attendant, and she was used to reporting things to her superiors.

Feng Xiaoting immediately suppressed the emotion of crying, and called the city government she was in charge of, and a director assigned by Lao Lin to connect.

Chen Yanling also immediately called the deputy secretary-general of the municipal party committee in the industrial park who was the director of the management committee.

Li Yuanyuan remembered to report the bad news to Mr. Xia.

Quickly ramp up the whole thing to the point where it's blah blah blah.

It was really visible to the naked eye, and all the highway intersections around the city in Jiangzhou immediately got the news and began to inspect vehicles.

The job requirements are simple, a local white minivan, and a comatose or kidnapped person is the target.

The train station, bus station, and dock immediately began to step up patrols.

Then it felt like in the blink of an eye, suddenly many armed checkpoints popped up at both ends of bridges in the city, night market gathering places, and main roads.

The night defense guards in areas with a high incidence of various criminal cases have been strengthened, and red and blue flashing lights have begun to rotate and brighten in countless corners.

Even in Jiangzhou, a big city known for its Jianghu atmosphere, countless "hook (wo) sons (di)" began to inquire about their surroundings.

This is a foreign entrepreneur that the Jiangzhou government attaches great importance to. Encountering such a serious criminal case will definitely greatly affect the confidence in Jiangzhou's investment environment.

So after getting the news from Lao Lin and the others, it can be said that they were furious.

One can imagine the level of vigilance in Jiangzhou this night.

Afterwards, I learned that it was precisely this sudden tightening situation that caused the van that was scheduled to rush out of the city to turn back at the nearest highway intersection.

In less than half an hour, all the highway intersections were lit with police lights.

The criminals who hadn't considered hiding meat tickets in the urban area were confused by the unplanned situation.

The mountain city of Jiangzhou is different from many cities on the plains with four squares and criss-cross roads.

Here is similar to HK, full of winding and narrow roads uphill and downhill.

Therefore, there are only one or two main roads in each direction, and then a large number of branch roads, streets, and lanes are separated.

It's hard to turn around once you go wrong.

Subconsciously, they turned around and hid in the urban area, which wasted their precious "action" time.

Before he even had time to choose other non-highway roads to try, he ran into Yao Fangyuan's police off-road vehicle.

Yao Fangyuan, who was in the passenger seat, noticed the white van as soon as it appeared in the field of vision.

Although there are quite a lot of this kind of car in Jiangzhou, Zhao Dezhu and the others bought one when they first tried to rent a car, and later bought a lot of cars with a cargo compartment at the back for logistics work.

But this time it is easy to become the focus of attention.

The police car, which looks like a white off-road vehicle from the front, has to get closer to notice the blue stripes and police badges on the hood and side of the body.

Almost instinctively, the driver in the van and the figure in the back seat all put their elbows on the window at the same time!

This is a standard reaction of criminals subconsciously guilty when they see the police.

Look at that van, which is trying to cover up the rear two rows with dark car film to block the line of sight.

Yao Fangyuan yelled loudly with almost certainty, and told the police car to turn around and follow!

The police in the car have good experience. They are not in a hurry to arrest them directly, but after following them, they first call other police forces around for reinforcements.

In less than ten minutes, when they were about to pass through a temporary armed checkpoint, the police car behind them suddenly turned on their lights and called for the car to stop for inspection.

I don't know if the criminals in the van complained to each other at that moment.

In short, they followed and observed the dream of getting rich for half a month, and they only did it for less than an hour.

It felt like there were no bodyguards around Zhao Dezhu, and kidnapping him was easy.

If it wasn't for Zhao Dezhu who was always in the car, let them choose to do it when he was alone outside the car and it was not easy to attract the attention of the people around him.

Already started.

But immediately returned to the police siege.

Faced with the stimulation of various glare headlights, flashlights, and the pointing of many guns.

There is no room for struggle and resistance at all.

Four of the five criminals were recidivists who entered the palace for the second time. Seeing this familiar formation, they immediately pulled over and surrendered with their hands raised.

This is the attitude of an old criminal. When cornered, he will never resist. That is the rhythm of courting death.

Zhao Dezhu curled up on the last row of seats, he was still awake after being overwhelmed by narcotics.

Take it directly to the hospital.

The sudden armed inspection that night had caught many drunk drivers, drivers without a license, and other criminals by the way.

When Zhao Dezhu woke up in the hospital, the advanced ward was full of people.

Lao Lin brought all the directors of the city bureau here, and Mr. Xia also arrived and was talking with the leaders about the cooperation between the two parties in the smart community.

Long Zhiyu cried before, but the red circles under her eyes will not prevent her from facing all parties with the most upright attitude, thank you for your concern.

Nana was picked up by Wang Baoqiang.

Now she is sitting on the edge of the bed with tears in her eyes, supporting Mother Zhao.

Seeing Zhao Dezhu open his eyes, everyone applauded warmly.

Then Lao Lin took the lead in severely criticizing Zhao Dezhu: "You are now an entrepreneur leading so many talents, a leader in the high-tech industry that is related to society and people's livelihood, and you still treat your own personal safety as a trifle?! Remember this time A profound and severe lesson!"

Sister Xia also said the same thing: "We all thought that you are so smart and sensible, and you must have taken the necessary precautions. What are you doing? Don't you understand the truth that if you are innocent, you are guilty? When you are a young entrepreneur, shouldn’t you pay attention to this kind of safety issue? You let me down so much!”

In turn, Lao Lin comforted Mr. Xia: "Xiao Zhao is still simple, so young but focused on work, this time there is no danger..."

Sister Xia shook Long Zhiyu's hand comfortingly, and introduced Mrs. Zhao to the leader.

Long Zhiyu's intellectual generosity was well received by all parties, and Mrs. Zhao owed a lot to Zhao Dezhu's growth to what he is today.

In front of the leaders and all parties, Long Zhiyu deeply thanked everyone for their care...

Zhao Dezhu was also cheap, so he simply pretended to be weak and lay on the hospital bed, nodded with vacant eyes, letting his wife hold the scene.

After finally seeing off all the bosses, Long Zhiyu lowered his head and told how Papa Yao made a quick decision, and almost miraculously intercepted Zhao Dezhu himself.

Zhao Dezhu's eyes gradually cleared up.

It is impossible for him to say in his heart that there is no fear.

The story of Zhang Zhiqiang's kidnapping of Li Bancheng's eldest son was not widely known in the Mainland at this time.

However, people in eastern Guangdong have long talked about the kidnapping of rich HK people.

I didn't expect that it would really fall on me.

Who can be blamed.

It can only be said that the price has risen too fast this year.

It is not an Internet upstart, and there will be no such a rocket-like market.

Watching Chen Yanling, Feng Xiaoting and Li Yuanyuan who quietly returned to the door of the ward after seeing off the leaders.

As well as Yao Min standing in front of them, and the sturdy middle-aged man standing outside the door with only half of his body exposed.

Lao Xu and Tao Zheng also stood at the door and discussed in low voices.

Zhao Dezhu patted the back of his mother's hand, who was still full of panic and fear, and stood up.

Long Zhiyu and Nana quickly supported him, Zhao Dezhu actually felt that he had fully recovered.

Smiling, he motioned for those men to come in: "Mr. Yao, thank you very much for your rescue this time. I won't talk about the life-saving grace and my family's gratitude to you. The film and television company I cooperated with Tao Zheng and the others, I will transfer half of my shares to you or your daughter, and then I would like to invite you to join our company and take full responsibility for security, because not only the safety of our major shareholders and family members, but also the company's legal proceedings and internal corruption As well as network hacking and other work, you need someone to be fully responsible, and the annual salary for a vice president level position starts from one million yuan, okay?"

The ex-policeman who had already entrusted his life completely to his daughter, saw the happy daughter, and agreed without any hesitation.

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