I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 518 Poverty is not terrible, the terrible thing is that being poor is so peaceful

Officials thought that Internet companies' meals were high-tech.

The result is winning with dishes!

The whole floor is like a food court, surrounded by a transparent all-glass curtain wall, which gives a modern feeling when walking inside.

Moreover, from the side of the exhibition hall on the first floor, there is a very wide walking ladder to go upstairs.

I feel that when programmers continue to maintain the attitude of charging when they are in college, they can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people at the same time.

According to the four major categories of burger fast food, nutrition, fitness and beauty meals, North-South differences in non-local meals, and home-cooked dishes in the Southwest, the four corners of the floor occupy the vegetable counters.

In the middle is the free pick-up area for drinks, condiments, porridge, pickles, and tableware.

No matter the amount of all dishes at all counters, it costs 5 yuan, and you need to swipe your card.

Chen Yanling stood at the stairs with a smile, presented each leader with an IC card, and then said: "Welcome to have a meal, and I will come here often in the future."

Choose a category, take the plate and walk along the counter to choose the dishes you like, and let the aunt who serves the dishes shake her hands twice.

Li Yuanyuan made a demonstration in the front, she loves this one the most, and gave a lot of suggestions when designing the distribution.

Picking up the foreign trade tableware specially sent back from the east of Guangdong, he explained in soft words how light, hygienic and easy to use this special export version of wheat straw environmental protection material is.

In fact, the joy in my heart was beyond words, and I almost cried out.

According to the comments of some officials, just seeing this lovely work assistant, they feel that the food in this restaurant must be delicious.

Where is she introducing an Internet restaurant? The whole dish is named: "This sweet and sour pork tenderloin is delicious, sweet and sour... Stir-fried pork with garlic sprouts, shredded cabbage, Kung Pao chicken, curry potato chicken, Shredded beef with pickled peppers, roasted white vegetables with salted vegetables, a combination of braised flavors, and mango pudding here..."

The high tables around the windows are suitable for dining alone, and the long tables for six or eight people are the most.

There are also small places for four and two people everywhere, and there are round tables that form a half-height private room, which is just right for Lao Lin and the others to hold their own plates and chat while eating.

Can you still look up and see white-collar workers, technicians...even construction workers wearing engineering helmets, and dusty decorators coming to eat?

Zhao Dezhu took a look and took it for granted: "Some are freshmen of our Southwest College. Everyone has to take turns to work on the construction site here for a week since entering the school. Others are the construction team here. They will issue such an IC card. As long as you work hard People who work are entitled to be respected, and we place more emphasis on respecting the weak... well, those who are self-reliant and weak."

There was silence at the round table that could seat eight to ten people, and a middle-aged man who looked like a secretary asked, "Can engineers and programmers accept it?"

Anyway, that is also a white-collar worker.

Zhao Dezhu was simple and rude: "If you don't accept it, then don't come to eat. Even if the construction is completed, all the cleaning, drivers, and logistics supporting us will have such dining opportunities. On the one hand, let these people see a better way of life, at least know Educate your children to work hard, and on the other hand, tell those high-income engineers and programmers, don’t forget that there are still many low-income people in this society. We do these things to make everyone who works hard have a better life , rather than how much money we make, once the money reaches a certain number, there will be no difference.”

After taking a bite of food, Lao Lin finally looked at Zhao Dezhu: "You are nineteen years old this year. If you were a little reckless when I saw you last year, you have already shown a distinctive drive and sharpness, but today you are even more aggressive. It amazes me, whether it is the concept of a smart Internet town from a macro perspective, or the mature mentality of treating the weak like this from a micro perspective, how did it come about?"

Right, anyone would be surprised, even unbelievable.

Who is this?

Didn't finish high school.

If it was the first time they met, they would have mistakenly thought that this was a high-achieving student arranged by Principal Li to promote higher vocational education.

By now, I must have read all kinds of information about Zhao Dezhu.

This is a backward person with poor grades since childhood.

It's so confusing.

Zhao Dezhu chewed the stewed pork rice and swallowed it, and drank his saliva: "Many people have said since childhood that one must study hard in order to be successful. You know, but to me, these words are meaningless, because what is success?"

As he spoke, he raised his finger and pointed around: "I have never seen this kind of scene when I was a child. It is high-end, neat, and everyone is very polite. No, I grew up in a small county town, and that street is ours. House demolition, rent collection is enough, I am already the most promising young man, right? What are you trying to do..."

It was very quiet at the round table, and the officials at the next table all turned around to look. There were more people than in the exhibition hall.

It's like those success books at the airport, telling it in person.

Only Principal Li is a little bit of a scumbag, you are destroying the youth leader personality I created.

Fortunately, Zhao Dezhu came back: "But one day... I saw another senior who was demolished, he had money, he ate, drank, gambled, his family was ruined, you know, as long as you have money, there will be a group of people around, Teach you to play and teach you to gamble, take it to open your eyes, and then lend out all kinds of money, and you can lose all that little family property. It’s like a dream. I’m actually a weak person, a weak person who knows nothing, I I understand how these people, who didn’t get a good education or read a good book when they were young, have to become the weak in this society when they grow up. I also want to work hard, and I also want to be self-reliant and do something, but society is no longer I'll give you a chance because you're a piece of shit."

The other people present are all excellent in the absolute sense, step by step in their respective circles, they are absolutely outstanding and top-notch.

Looking at this young man, it should never have been expected that he actually defined himself as a loser.

Lao Lin nodded slowly, which could indeed explain why Zhao Dezhu did this.

Only when you have experienced and felt the empathy mentality of the bottom of society, will you take helping the weak as your direction.

Zhao Dezhu spread his hands: "It's like I had a nightmare, so I decided that I still want to study and leave my environment completely... But I don't even have the qualifications to go to university. Fortunately, I have a higher vocational education and a golf major. This is a project that I am good at in eating, drinking and having fun, but at this time I am still confused, I don’t know what to do, play golf? Be a professional player? Fortunately, I met my wife at Southwest College, who is also me. My teacher is actually a very ordinary retired flight attendant director, a model of strict self-discipline, she taught me to learn to reverse self-discipline a little bit, and taught me not only to change myself, but also to change the entire golf class as the monitor, and then as the student council Chairman, to change the fate of the entire school, I have come here step by step..."

When he said this, Zhao Dezhu happened to be able to see Long Zhiyu and Xi Lianying sitting on the high stools beside the floor-to-ceiling glass curtain wall from a distance, as if they were eating and drinking.

In his heart, he just wanted to make a phone call to remind, wife... You are wearing a skirt today!

It can't be cheap for outsiders.

So I was a little absent-minded in the back, and I didn't say that it was difficult to start a business by myself, selling alcohol, renting cars, and so on.

But enough is enough.

It perfectly explained his kind, he has no culture, but has such a high level of mind and practice.

It is out of a simple empathy mentality.

I have felt and understood.

Of course, the most important thing is: "You have a good wife...Huh? Aren't you only nineteen years old?"

Zhao Dezhu explained with a smile: "For the wedding I held in HK, I asked Mr. Zha to be the officiant. As long as there are celebrities over the age of 18, HK can hold the wedding. The main reason for the rush to hold the wedding is that it involves I am not afraid to explain the very complicated ownership of equity to the leaders. The Internet industry is changing rapidly, and TM Network will soon reach tens of billions, hundreds of billions, and my net worth will also skyrocket, but I have no cash. , so I don’t need any high consumption myself, I would rather use the money to do something to help the weak.”

Principal Li quickly set the tone: "It's still the power of education. Higher vocational education really puts you on the right path. Your wife also represents the sanctity of education."

Zhao Dezhu applauded: "I thank you for your evaluation of my wife, I will always respect her."

The secretary looked around. In fact, the workers who came to eat tried to clean up as much as possible, and sat together quietly and neatly as much as possible. They did not appear to be noisy or low-quality.

He thought about it: "Poverty does make people feel sad and ashamed. Making good use of this kind of psychological stimulation seems to really bring some touch."

When I said this, I couldn't help playing with the small label on the table with my fingers. It was a cute cartoon label, reminding not to waste, recycling empty plates by myself, and whispering softly to maintain order in public places.

Very concise and clear tips.

Zhao Dezhu said: "I don't understand the general principle. Giving money is meaningless. You have to make people work hard on their own. Only those who are self-reliant are worthy of respect. Higher vocational students need this to be respected."

Lao Lin smiled: "We are a Marxist-Leninist party, not a party of peasant uprisings, let alone Bakuninism. We don't shoot the rich when we see them, and hand out money when we see the poor..."

He also said softly: "What we want is the release of social productivity, giving everyone the opportunity to receive education and employment opportunities, so that everyone's ability to create wealth can be brought into play. This is the common prosperity we want. , work hard, Comrade Zhao Dezhu has set a simple example, I am very glad that you, as a Guangdong native, came to Jiangzhou to do such a career, and we will do our best to help you do a good job in your career and develop Jiangzhou , develop the Southwest, develop the national economy, and promote the orderly development of Internet voices in an all-round way, which is very good, and I have gained a lot today."

Zhao Dezhu heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that he should call it a day, and I can have some food with my wife!

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