This time, Mr. Lian Zha is in HK to wish the players of "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" to have fun and play freely.

Zhao Dezhu entrusted Luo Shixin to find Mr. Zha, and shot a small video face to face, and posted it on the homepage of and the official website of "Snow Mountain Flying Fox".

Once again, it proves the identity of the genuine authorization and the authentic lineage.

It has indeed raised the status of the entire game.

Luo Shixin said that Mr. Cha took back a series of game copyrights that had been handed over to Right Bank Game Company to operate.

In fact, these right-bank companies took over the copyright more than ten years ago, and have not produced any popular works until now.

For Mr. Zha, who needs to rely on his reputation to maintain financial appreciation, those cultural game companies that do not have market competitiveness are a bit outdated.

I heard that someone from Penguin has approached them, and they want to win other gold medal copyrights such as Shooting Condor and Xiaoao at a high price to follow suit.

Mr. Zha is thinking.

As shrewd as he is, he must have noticed that the division between Zhao Dezhu and Penguin has become more and more clear.

From at least December onwards, the monthly transfer of technicians, which had been maintained before, ceased.

In the words of Penguin, the newly built game business group will become the most important money printing machine under Penguin.

All technologies, funds, and personnel must be tilted towards this business group.

Then Penguin's own scientific research business group is also expanding, so the transfer of engineers to the special business department is suspended.

After all, the existing game team here is enough for research and development, right?

Next, the server management and operation and maintenance of "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" is still handed over to Penguin, but this time it is not just the cost price.

Almost two-thirds of the funds were taken away!

Heavy agreements and contracts began to be signed frequently.

The relationship between the two parties is very clearly defined. As a legal person, Zhao Dezhu's special development department, the Jiangzhou company, is also owned by the head office.

It's just that he has half of the equity.

In exchange for this, Zhao Dezhu obtained the ownership of the Penguin Building!

Currently, it is Penguin's special development game company, temporarily renting his office building to work.

Penguin came out of people, Zhao Dezhu came up with ideas and operations, and jointly owned the management and ownership of the previous two games.

It's just because Mr. Zha's agreement requires that all profits other than "costs" have to be owned by higher vocational education.

That's why Penguin failed to get a share of the net profit.

But it is said that the purchase of games from Nan Li suggested by Zhao Dezhu before is already the main work of the Penguin Game Division.

Hundreds of games have been searched for evaluation.

The initial work of this part was done by Zhao Dezhu at the beginning.

Of the more than 300 engineers and programmers in Jiangzhou, nearly 50 still chose to develop in the Penguin system.

Others began to transfer personnel relations one after another, entering the game company, TM company, and WB company respectively. Fortunately, everything is in order.

But all of this was overshadowed by the popular launch of "Snow Mountain Flying Fox".

The original news from the operation and maintenance department was that this time Penguin no longer provides free pop-up advertising support, and everything is calculated according to the market price.

If Zhao Dezhu asked, then don't, this kind of dependence on others will be weaned sooner or later.

Still on your own.

Therefore, the entire Penguin game business group is a bit on the sidelines, and it depends on whether this side can create another glories.

In the end, who would have thought that Zhao Dezhu would use the paparazzi to gossip about him to attract players' attention.

In one fell swoop, on December 12th, the 24-hour game turnover was 8.2 million, and the number of online players reached a dazzling result of 500,000.

But I have to admit that no one thought that "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" turned out to be a female-oriented racing game, and it also had a strong color of dating community.

The outside world is very suspicious that Jiangzhou's well-known beautiful customer service department is posing as a large number of GM managers and players, and communicates with game players in a rhythmic manner.

This caused other game players to flock to them one after another.

Especially use "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" to invite your female friends, the person you want to confess, and the goddess you have a crush on to play together and get closer.

It has become the core of all sales pitches.

The local promotion teams distributed in various provinces are once again at the forefront. In addition to posting posters of the beauty game in Internet cafes everywhere, they are bragging that this game is convenient for dating and online dating.

No brotherhood, blood-thirsty slashing can compare to the stimulation of hormones.

Who would have thought that a racing core like "Snow Mountain Flying Fox" is not as good as some Need for Speed ​​two-dimensional cartoon racing game, but it can be played under the banner of female players.

It quickly attracted a large number of girls to play, especially in the campuses of provincial capital universities where the local push team is the main force, and distributed leaflets, posters and discount cards everywhere.

This in turn attracts a large number of boys to enter...

Continue to alternately increase the viscosity like a snowball.

Just like Erfu's evaluation of Zhao Dezhu, the chief experience officer of the company has his own unique perspective on human nature.

Especially for women...

I heard that many women in Penguin are playing this game.

Simple fun and relaxing.

Within a week, the number of online players quickly increased to 1.7 million, and the cumulative game turnover has exceeded 120 million!

It has to be said that the krypton gold strength of female players is indeed stronger than that of boys.

Zhao Dezhu also felt that he could take this report card and report it to the leaders of Jiangzhou.

After all, to achieve the scale in front of it, it has already vaguely become the overlord of the domestic Internet in the Southwest.

Sister Xia reminded him again and again that if he was doing everything he could on the Internet, he really thought he was omnipotent and disdainful of the local government.

Don't forget the foundation, even if you are watching people come and go on the stage, you must cooperate with the stage so that no one can underestimate it.

According to the suggestion of Fu Jianqing, CEO of TM Network, Zhao Dezhu first contacted President Li of Southwest Associated University.

From the beginning to the end of the year, can Southwest Associated University or Jiangzhou universities give priority to supporting some high-achieving students majoring in computer science in the coming year? At least at the current stage of the industrial park, there is an urgent need for a large number of professional staff with a bachelor's degree or higher to support them.

Principal Li cheerfully praised Zhao Dezhu for his good work in the past six months, and he reported to the city leaders to come to the industrial park to inspect and visit.

It's almost time to show up under the care of the leaders and get good results and praise.

Zhao Dezhu immediately urged Jiang Taotao to send the drone over.

The guy was very puzzled: "Just send you something, can you use it?"

Zhao Dezhu sneered: "If your drone still needs very complex technology to control, what's the point? We just want to popularize it to the point that every ordinary person can easily use it."

Jiang Taotao hesitated, but chose to come and be a pilot himself.

But the current advantage is that Yang Qian can act as a housekeeper when he leaves.

Zhao Dezhu didn't say a word about Yang Qian's character and pursuit, and he didn't even tease her about how she was going to live. Since she was right with her, it was a matter between the two of them.

Drive directly to take Jiang Taotao back to Southwest College.

In fact, since school started more than three months ago, Zhao Dezhu seldom returns to the campus.

The main reason is that besides the busy work in the industrial park, it is necessary to avoid the overlap between the identities of the son-in-law of the Xi family and the son-in-law of the Long family.

After all, the students from the previous class who knew about his relationship with Long Zhiyu had been scattered all over the place one after another.

For more than a year, the gate of the campus is far from the empty and deserted appearance.

Dozens of various shops and restaurants are lined up on both sides of the road, which is so lively that it even affects the traffic a bit.

The commercial street, bar, water bar, e-sports training center on the right hand side, and Internet cafes opened by foreigners are already full.

If you just look at these, it is no different from the domestic second-, third-, and fourth-tier ordinary colleges and universities.

But when you drive to the school gate, you can see that the outer wall of the sports field has been demolished and replaced by a construction fence.

On both sides of the long staircase in the past, various three- and four-story teaching buildings have been built one after another, and the density is very high.

Scattered according to different shapes, it looks messy, but in fact it is very rhythmic.

At present, the framework of twelve or thirteen buildings is under construction, and only four or five buildings have been delivered.

But even so, it has relieved a lot of pressure on campus teaching.

Zhao Dezhu directly took Jiang Taotao into the video game department for a visit: "I heard that you are still a handicraft workshop, and you can only produce and assemble dozens of drones every month?"

Jiang Taotao explained: "When verifying the production process, there can be no mistakes at all, even if each screw cap must be accurate enough to use a torque wrench to ensure that the tightening force must be the same."

An illiterate like Zhao Dezhu doesn't know what a torque wrench and a torque wrench mean.

Opening his mouth, he still didn't dare to say such bastard words that it's almost enough.

Wujiang's ability to fight against invincible opponents all over the world may be due to Jiang Taotao's almost paranoid management of details.

Now I can only: "Look here... What kind of workers do you want to train, what kind of factory do you want to form, let me train you in batches."

Just as Jiang Taotao was about to say something, when he walked in, he saw a huge computer room where hundreds of senior vocational students were dismantling the entire program structure of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" under the guidance of engineers.

From an industrial point of view, there is really no need for a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, or a doctorate. These computer languages ​​are already very mature, and a large number of rapid vocational education is the focus of enabling these people to enter the maintenance work.

From the fact that the maintenance department required dozens or hundreds of engineers to face so many servers, it has now rapidly dropped to a few senior engineers and a group of highly skilled technicians can complete the work.

Non-creative work has to be maintained in this way.

Then, in the e-commerce classroom, a dozen or so online stores used for practice are directly operated by a crop of students. Except for the sophomores who can be trained from among them to enter the company headquarters, most of them will be supplemented by the local push team to support the whole country. For the development of online stores in various places, these people can drive the operation of online stores hand in hand.

As for the logistics major, it is even more busy.

Pointing at all this, Zhao Dezhu wanted to tell Jiang Taotao: "Now I have the ability to support you to become the largest and best drone company in the world. Whether it is funds, workers, or equipment, I can support you in all aspects. dream."

Jiang Taotao took a deep breath, spread his arms and hugged Zhao Dezhu tightly: "It's our dream."

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