I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 499 Everyone Wants to Eat Dumplings

Zhao Dezhu had already come down to discuss sponsorship with the leader of Shonan TV Station.

Unlike most variety shows and talent shows, which were popular in the first season, the Super Girl show became popular in the second year.

A lot of people don't know there is a first season.

This has something to do with the fact that in the first year of the program, local auditions in southern Shonan began.

What's more, the form of audition shows is relatively new all over the world, and there is also a process of acceptance in China.

The first quarter of 2004 was a test of the waters.

Shonan Taiwan has seen the signs of a successful fire, and it must be the focus of cultivation.

The big boss of an e-commerce platform with daily sales of over 100 million came to do the show, and gave out nearly 10 million red envelopes before the show, and also actively mentioned in the show that he could sponsor the naming rights of the show.

This kind of news has long been passed on to the leader through various channels by work assistants and on-site directors to make a small report.

Even though it was already eight or nine o'clock in the evening, several leaders of Shonan TV and producers of the program group rushed over.

They even knew that Zhao Dezhu had thirty million checks with him.

This is real money.

And the timing is just right.

At the end of November, it is time to prepare for the budget for various major projects next year.

The finals scheduled to be held at Shonan TV Station in July, in fact, auditions across the country will start in March.

It's just three or four months of preparation time, with a Spring Festival that takes up almost a whole month in the middle.

So everything is busy in full swing.

The leader of the TV station and the producer of the program group originally wanted to greet and introduce the program.

However, Zhao Dezhu immediately grasped that the entire structure has not been fully set up until now, and he himself is still a little worried about whether he can succeed.

Looking at the hosts and TV stars who were about to finish, he suddenly asked, "Who are the hosts?"

For TM, this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime advertising opportunity.

Zhao Dezhu, a non-mainstream person, has never paid attention to the advertising banner of Zhuaner TV Station.

In other words, he didn't know at all what status it had in the history of domestic advertising.

As a grassroots person, he only knows about Super Girls. The unprecedented one in 2005 is still a swan song more than ten years later.

He also didn't know that last year's Zhuaner TV station had invested 300 million yuan as the champion, even if the third place was a mobile phone brand that would never be found in a few years, it would still cost more than 100 million yuan.

Local TV stations across the country are extremely jealous.

Everyone wants a share.

But it is extremely rare for Internet brands to come to TV stations to advertise.

Anyway, it's pretty weird.

Several leaders in their 40s and 50s also felt a little awkward talking to him, a young man in his twenties.

Fortunately, the famous hostess of the Happy Conference who came to the side, sat and listened and didn't speak.

Zhao Dezhu caught a glimpse of it, but didn't look at it much, and he didn't care why the other party didn't come to host just now.

After listening to his question now, the hostess of the pillar daughter finally said, "Isn't it just our partner lineup on stage?"

As the most famous program on Shonan TV, it is indeed the most capable group of people.

Zhao Dezhu shook his head: "You're fine, the male host had better find someone else, otherwise people will easily think that they are watching a happy conference."

The others were a little surprised, mainly because the young businessman dared to say such responsible words.

Sometimes, even if many people have opinions and ideas, they dare not say them.

Whether the content of the topic is insightful or not is not important.

The key is whether you dare to take responsibility.

For example, now, do you dare to say that you put forward an opinion, and if you fail after doing it, can you take responsibility?

Many people are afraid to step up to the opportunity when it comes. They have various concerns and miss it.

There is such a Kangbo theory that a person can meet seven opportunities in a lifetime, and if he catches one, he can turn around, but can most people catch it?

If it wasn't for his rebirth, Zhao Dezhu wouldn't have dared to say that.

Just at this time, the bearded director and the supporting actress came down from the stage.

The beautiful supporting actress extended her hand to Zhao Dezhu generously: "Hi, my name is Yao Min, nice to meet you."

It's like a middle school student's youthful first meeting, with shy eyes and smiles.

Just like the real thing.

Ordinarily, there are obviously five or six people sitting in the corner of the auditorium seemingly chatting, but they are actually discussing work.

It was very abrupt for the two of you to come here.

Yao Min was still so bluntly ignoring the side and caring about himself that the pillar almost jumped up and cursed.

She's only in her thirties, but she's already at the forefront of domestic entertainment hosts.

This kind of person is somewhat domineering in character.

But isn't the big director of Zhuaner TV station even more like this?

The local TV stations are totally ignored.

With the height and status given to him by the system, he thought he was awesome, and the way he talked to Zhao Dezhu with a smile didn't care about Shonantai.

It was the program producer who held the pillars. If they were invited to smooth things over, let's go to have supper together. They are familiar with many places.

Just taking advantage of this gap, I also brought out a few male hosts in my hand for discussion.

Zhao Dezhu agreed, because Yao Min shook hands, brushed his long hair behind his ear with a smile, and sat down next to him.

As casual as a female tablemate.

It's no different from Yang Qian and the others who took the initiative to drag a small hot pot in three places.

Anyway, in Zhao Dezhu's view, they all mean the same thing.

So he stood up calmly and spread his hands to the director: "I still say the same thing, give me the money, it's fine, what will you give me in return, I invested 3 million in the movie, and I got 30 million back, what do you think I will care about, what do you want?" ?”

Is it really a joke, a businessman with tens of millions of income can make ten times his income in a short time, would he care about beauty?

In the eyes of businessmen, money is everything, only those who use money to buy beauty, no one else uses beauty to take advantage of it.

That's not worth it.

This is different from officials, they want everything.

The bearded director originally disdained to use this method, but Yao Min was a little bit instigated by the young man, so he came to try it.

Hearing this, he laughed loudly: "Then what do you want?"

Yao Min and Zhao Dezhu walked out together side by side.

Li Yuanyuan rolled her eyes quickly, and signaled to Jiajia to look at the vixen!

But when he heard that he was eating supper, he looked down in distress, did he eat again?

Shen Jianing hurriedly carried the coat to Zhao Dezhu.

As a result, Yao Min took it naturally!

This reminded Zhao Dezhu of what Er Fu had told him. When he was promoted to the status of a shareholder of an Internet company, he was surrounded by the temptation of undergraduate and graduate students. After being listed, the temptation of doctoral supervisors increased.

A star, and I know that I will become a top-notch star in the future, so I take the initiative to show my favor at this moment.

Will it swell?

Zhao Dezhu's heart didn't fluctuate at all, and he even wanted to laugh.

This feeling is summed up too aptly.

While walking outside, he took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Er Fu: "Well, I really met a doctoral student who rises when the tide rises."

After walking to the elevator room of the studio building, Er Fu returned hahaha.

Zhao Dezhu is used to it: "If there is an emoticon pack at this time, how useful it is, and how it can express our mood"

The technical man responded: "You are so right, I will arrange to strengthen this link"

Yao Min actually poked his head to see Zhao Dezhu chatting text messages, but didn't speak.

Maybe she takes it for granted that beautiful women do what they do.

And Zhao Dezhu didn't care, he was still communicating with the bearded director: "What I want is very simple, investment income, you heard it just now, I invested more than 10 million yuan to make a movie with my sole proprietorship. And to invest in TV dramas, the building that was filmed in the early stage cost...how much? Yuanyuan?"

Li Yuanyuan quietly walked to the side: "The acquisition is 9.72 million, and the reconstruction and maintenance are not included in it."

Yao Min hurriedly pointed his head to help him direct: "Your location also cost more than nine million yuan, so it's a coincidence!"

The bearded director was envious and angry: "The filming location of such a large ancient building complex is only more than 9 million, it is simply shoddy, no money..."

Zhao Dezhu was ruthless: "That's your business, no matter how much you cry poor, it has nothing to do with me."

The bearded director seems to be making friends with entrepreneurs, and Zhang Luo skillfully said: "Don't worry, talk slowly, we are all friends..."

Zhao Dezhu thought to himself, playing with me as an empty-handed white wolf?

Don't lose the milk baby, you can't catch the wolf.

Tao Zheng and Huang Bai brought Du Mingsha and the publishers to wait in the lobby: "We are going to talk again..."

Zhao Dezhu took care of his own people: "Let's talk, all expenses will be accounted for later! I'm talking about another business here."

Now even the publisher complimented him: "Mr. Zhao is busy, busy, Shonan TV still has great potential."

Zhao Dezhu chatted with the local push members waiting by the door: "How is it, are you still used to the life here in Shonan?"

A few guys from the Southwest Iron Army were surprised that the female star was just following him, and even took the initiative to wrap Zhao Dezhu's winter clothes over the small dress!

Zhao Dezhu turned a blind eye to this kind of high-end tea ceremony performance, and smiled and told these guys to seize the opportunity to learn more about the work of Shonan TV Station. Next year, TM will make a big move here, and maybe they will be able to do a lot of things, improve their positions and income.

The few guys were excited when they heard it, and they agreed repeatedly, and Zhao Dezhu sent them to the taxi with his own hands.

Yao Min's bare legs were still a bit cold, but she still didn't get into the car early by herself, and stayed with Zhao Dezhu all the time, with a bright farewell smile and sister-in-law Fan'er, which probably made it difficult for those Tiejun to sleep tonight.

In this way, when Zhao Dezhu and her got on the commercial vehicle that slid over, they sat together logically: "Look, my hands are so cold..."

Zhao Dezhu almost laughed out loud, he has no interest in the entertainment industry at all.

All that is needed is this exposure.

She reached out to help Yao Min get into the car, and the girl smiled and put her back on his shoulder.

This series of actions was faithfully recorded by the camera squatting on the side of the road.

If you want to stay with domestic stars, the most convenient place in recent years may be to come to the recording site of the Happy Conference.

One catch one accurate.

Especially the paparazzi...

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