But Zhao Dezhu is really not afraid.

"It won't be talked about publicly, it won't be talked about publicly, but it will slowly move in this direction, sooner or later they will sell the shares of TM, and I will also empty out my Penguin shares and become two separate companies , at least on the surface.”

What Zhou Mengxia cares about is: "What about online payment? We use this for the game system now, and we also use this for TM e-commerce transactions. If WB involves online payment in the future, we should also use this. Should we make one ourselves?"

There was that momentary hesitation, really.

No matter how ignorant of financial law or online payment, Zhao Dezhu also understands how important this f*cking online financial license is.

In almost a few years, the door will close and there will be no such opportunities at all.

Among other things, if you build an empty shell, you will be able to sell for eight or nine figures in the future.

And he still has a trump card in his hand.

Seemingly ordinary online payment, wait until the mobile payment seizes the market, and use the legendary QR code to solve such a big event that the whole people throw away their wallets.

Just thinking about the fact that people all over the country are scanning their QR codes, doesn't that money flow into their pockets like the Yangtze River next to it?

If it were another person, he might have been so excited that he rushed forward at this moment.

This kind of fat is not earned is a grandson!

But facing the three faces with different expressions, Zhao Dezhu shook his head in a strange way, pretending to be forceful: "Use theirs."

Even after many years, it is difficult to explain Zhao Dezhu's choice at this moment.

His own statement is: "Zhou Zhou, if you were a senior accountant or financial officer from a famous university, I might have done it. It was nothing more than paying someone to do it, but I don't understand it, and you don't understand it either. If someone sold it, they would have to help count the money, right?"

That's right, wasn't he cheated countless times like this in his last life?

The bow of the cup is like a snake.

Really, don't rush to reach out for things you don't understand.

This is the most important warning for Zhao Dezhu in this life, second only to self-reliance.

The bigger the fat, the more it means that it will be hunted and hunted.

Zhao Dezhu now understands that tearing down the second generation like him will arouse the despicableness in the hearts of everyone around him, to hunt and bite his wealth.

Even Boss Xia, who is so wise and powerful, said that he was determined not to enter the financial market to make huge profits.

At this moment, Zhao Dezhu controlled himself.

Zhou Mengxia looked at the two little friends who turned their eyes to her, and explained in a low voice: "Old Zhao asked me today if I wanted to go to a prestigious university, but I gave up, because maybe I will no longer be the person you need in two or three years. I want to follow along."

Feng Xiaoting smiled cunningly, and introduced to Chen Yanling: "You didn't join in last year. In the beginning, the few of us, Liu Jiangtao, Ding Wei and the others sat together to discuss how to do the wine business and how to do the car business. We still have the same atmosphere now, welcome to join us.”

Chen Yanling smiled and said nothing, and continued to look at Zhao Dezhu with shining eyes.

Zhao Dezhu smiled wryly: "What about next year, five years, ten years? This time, because of Henry's influence on the e-commerce platform, Bob finally chose to persuade him to quit... And I think this grandson, just by this opportunity, I have long wanted to get Henry away for retirement, and that’s enough, the stocks alone are enough for Henry to live comfortably for the rest of his life, but he can no longer affect the development of Penguin.”

The three girls finally changed their faces together.

Zhao Dezhu just reminded them: "It's not that you have good intentions to help the company. The company will need you in the future. For another example, Boss Xia took the opportunity to fire a group of people during the forced demolition last time. He also took the opportunity to clean up the old subordinates, because The company has developed to a certain point, Xiaoting, you control the beauties in the customer service department, Zhou Zhou, you have the final say in the finance department, and the younger brothers and younger sisters want to follow you for benefits. If Yanling is in charge of you, isn't it? Contradictions start to fight among themselves, and it’s not Lao Tzu and the company who suffer in the end?”

How many people may never understand the art of the emperor in their lifetime.

Feng Xiaoting giggled: "But we won't, the head of the bed and the end of the bed don't distinguish between you and me."

While talking, he leaned on Zhao Dezhu's shoulder and blew, maybe he was imitating blowing pillow wind.

Strangely, the expression on Chen Yanling's face did not change, and Zhou Mengxia brushed her thick bangs nonchalantly, as if she didn't hear it.

An otaku boy might be defeated. Zhao Dezhu stretched out his hand and gave her a flaking pat on the head: "I'm fucking married, and you're the only one telling me this!"

Feng Xiaoting judged that she was pampered from the strength, her eyes moved and she raised her eyebrows: "How is it? Long Jie...I admire the mature women of her age the most. She knows how to advance and retreat, how about cooperation?"

Zhao Dezhu showed a feigned shyness and hesitated to speak: "Okay, she is your proprietress, we are joking but don't make mistakes, and now we are talking about business, even if we don't engage in online payment, our future finances will definitely be big. How to pay and settle with Penguin Online for the funds for daily online shopping? WB may only make money from advertisements, so how to settle the financial affairs? Compared with game companies and education companies, it is much simpler. manage?"

Feng Xiaoting's body is delicate like a fox, leaning softly on him: "That's why I panicked, I'm afraid I can't do something, and you won't get under the covers..."

Zhou Mengxia snickered: "So you panicked too, I thought I was the only one panicking."

Xueba's attitude is different: "It's not terrible to be inferior to the situation. The terrible thing is to give up studying. The class leader has created so many opportunities for us. Study hard. I have already reported to the marketing management department of Jiangda University. After get off work, I will go to the night university to attend classes."

The two art students hissed softly: "We are related to Lao Zhao, we really can't make it through reading, right?"

Zhao Dezhu still wants to promote positive energy: "Okay, I will pick up Nana later and take you to class. Have you got your driver's license? Let's buy a car..."

Chen Yanling lowered her eyebrows and smiled softly: "Actually, working in the office every day is just going out and changing the environment in the car to relax. Whether it's reading a book and thinking about things, I think it's a very pleasant time. The heart is finally relaxed, so there is It’s fun to take the squad leader’s car when you’re free, and it’s also fun to take the bus or taxi at other times.”

When it was time to relax, he bravely met Zhao Dezhu's eyes.

Expressed very clearly, she has such a positive attitude towards embracing life after unloading her psychological burden.

Zhao Dezhu was satisfied, and there was a bold idea in his mind.

Feng Xiaoting was the first to be suspicious: "You two are not dating in front of me, are you? If you count me in, I won't bother you!"

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "You like this set... In this way, since Xiaoting is in charge of the overall management of the customer service department, Yanling, you try to be the senior management of these parts in the future, just like Zhou Zhou said that he would do a small account for me Similarly, let's simplify this matter. The e-commerce platform first invites Fu Jianqing to be the general manager. As for the WB Media Center, I actually want to invite Mr. Chen from the former media group to do it. To sort out the relationship, we are just supporting outsourcers who make games for them. We can find Shen Yuhong or Lao Tang to be the general manager. What you have to do is to take care of the relationship with them and manage our relationship with these companies. Relationship, I don’t know exactly how to count it, it’s the relationship between me and Zhou Zhou.”

Chen Yanling thought about it quickly: "Actually, I have already talked to the squad leader about our structure. If the special development team was registered in Jiangzhou at that time, you are a legal person and own 42% of the company. Others belong to Penguin, e-commerce platform, WB media center, you should be the founder, who is the chairman or the legal person, then if these companies are entrusted to professional people to take care of, we are How much voice do investment companies or asset management companies have in different companies?"

The two art students were dumbfounded.

Even Zhou Mengxia has never been exposed to comprehensive company law or corporate management content, to be precise, Long Zhiyu has never delved into this part.

What's more, the scale of Zhao Dezhu's company that has sprung up like mushrooms really needs to be comprehensively sorted out to clarify various relationships.

What Zhou Mengxia can point out with her fingers is: "Dexi Business is a limited company registered by Lao Zhao with Xiaoting and me, and Liu Jiangtao, Dexi Education is owned by Lao Zhao and Long Jie, and Dexi Art Education is owned by Yuanyuan and Lao Wan. Yanling and Yuanyuan are the management companies of Dexi Homestay, Jiajia and Yuxin are the skin care products companies. These old Zhao companies only invest as shareholders, and the legal persons are all over the rest of us, including Long Jie. The scale of commercial platforms and WB media companies is too large, and the registered capital... how can I not panic."

Zhao Dezhu was simple and straightforward: "Okay! Yan Ling just thinks about this matter clearly and what to do, it's almost like this, Zhou Zhou, you should figure out the finances, e-commerce platforms and WB media, let Tianhu and Penguin come and send us high-level management first." However, the ordinary financial personnel below need to use our... Zhou Zhou you are responsible for training, but unfortunately our financial professional is too poor... we can only recruit people from the society..."

Feng Xiaoting suddenly said: "Aren't Jiajia's parents a finance school? Last night I heard from them that the employment in finance schools is not very good now, because there are more and more finance majors in colleges and universities. gone."

Zhao Dezhu immediately made a decision: "Okay! Zhou Zhou, you and Jiajia can get this done. A group of basic financial cashiers are trained from the most basic positions, understand?"

When the sisters nodded vigorously, Feng Xiaoting took the initiative to challenge: "I... just take care of the beauties?"

Zhao Dezhu was satisfied: "You are an important asset. It will be of great use to us in the future. You can manage the customer service staff across several departments. By the way... you can also keep some senior technical personnel in Jiangzhou."

Feng Xiaoting understood in seconds: "Okay! This matter is on me, I like being a matchmaker best!"

On the way to Jiang University together, Chen Yanling and Zhao Dezhu had a deep understanding of Zhao Dezhu's point: "Using everything to the extreme, I think this is an excellent advantage in you."

When he said this, he held Zhao Dezhu's sleeves, and his slender eyes were always shining.

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