I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 453 Although Sitting on Treasures, Ning Xu's Heart Is Like a Valley

At a certain moment last year, Zhao Dezhu jokingly thought about whether he should go to the door of Nokia and wait for the information about the battle to sell the mobile phone system.

He will definitely be regarded as crazy and thrown into the sewer.

Who would believe a beggar's prophecy?

But now, Zhao Dezhu has inexplicably grown into an Internet boss.

can influence this trend.

He signed a very favorable and very unfavorable agreement.

The enterprise model with three-point decision-making power is very strange.

Any two parties jointly voting can overthrow and restrict the other party.

On the surface, Zhao Dezhu and Tianhu had the best relationship and had the absolute right to speak.

But don't forget that Tianhu and Penguin are essentially the same, they are businessmen and capital.

If the decision is related to whether the company can make money, capital will involuntarily choose to make money instead of morality.

With the combination of capital, Zhao Dezhu, the management side, will be easily emptied.

This has been an iron law that has been proven countless times in business management.

So the premise is that Zhao Dezhu must guarantee to make money and be irreplaceable.

It's really like what Lao Xu said at the opening ceremony, he must continue to make money, and he must continue to show that he has the inspiration to constantly innovate to ensure that the company makes money.

Warn capital, if you squeeze him out, TM may not be so profitable.

Only in this way can he guarantee his own value in the game.

This is almost like a gambling agreement.

At the beginning, all three parties had a certain conscience, and their original intention was to seize the opportunity of e-commerce in the Internet age.

If successful.

After the small sampan becomes an aircraft carrier, or even a huge aircraft carrier fleet, the control will not necessarily be as commanding.

Because any branch, any destroyer or cruiser has the energy to rebel.

Both will represent a huge profit drive.

And the biggest and biggest hidden danger is probably Penguin Payment.

If it can really squeeze out a certain treasure.com, Penguin Pay will span the three major fields of game social empire, e-commerce shopping platform, and real estate sales!

Just thinking about it makes my hair stand on end.

This seems to be a nuclear submarine that can rival any national bank!

The key point is that at this moment, there are indeed no laws and regulations to restrict this strategic nuclear submarine.

Even the two or three online payment platforms that have emerged internationally have not reached such a height.

Think about it, more than ten years later, there is only one QR code option for mobile payment across the country.

What is the flow of funds behind it?

So this dangerous yet thrilling prospect.

Who will voluntarily give up?

While a person walked forward anxiously with nothing to rely on, now a little friend is fully aware of the danger.

Stretch out your hand and hold your peers, and you can also bring an old aunt...

Well, it can be said that Xia Fenglin is a just right collaborator.

First of all, she is a woman, so she will not feel a strong sense of oppression psychologically.

Secondly, she is just a real estate developer from Jiangzhou.

Even if there are all kinds of legends about how she broke through the siege and got to where she is today.

But when Erfu and Zhao Dezhu talked about it, they all agree very much, everyone is the person at the top of a tree.

At this point, talking about any backstage background is nonsense.

Because there is nothing to rely on in which direction to go.

No one can be trusted.

Zhao Dezhu called Sister Xia on the way, and she agreed to the allocation of shares in a few words.

After the bosses reached a simple agreement, the remaining technical links must be done by the people below.

Tianhu Real Estate will immediately send legal counsel and lawyers to start lengthy detailed negotiations with Penguin.

Er Fu chatted with Zhao Dezhu relaxedly.

Zhao Dezhu didn't shy away from talking about the WB start-up promotion model that the couple mentioned on the flight.

Erfu also smiled and came up with an idea, pointing out the core that Zhao Dezhu hadn't realized yet.

This software can be customized to certain mobile phones, but given that there are currently three or four smartphone systems on the market, who should you choose?

It is likely to drive the development of some kind of mobile phone.

That's why Zhao Dezhu suddenly discovered that he had really reached the point where he could affect the mobile phone system.

At this time, he could only mention very vaguely that he accompanied Jiang Taotao to Citigroup in April to meet the founders of Apple and Guge, and overheard their discussions on the mobile phone system: "We don't understand many English terms. , Jiang Taotao's translation is also fragmented, but it means that they are all attacking the smartphone system, and they all want to compete with Symbian and Microsoft in the market, and they all think that they are the most powerful in the future..."

Er Fu's eyes behind the lens were all rounded: "You didn't record this moment of peeking at the secret?!"

Zhao Dezhu's heart is empty: "We are developing in another direction, because the drone is watching the world's highest level of unmanned driving. Who would have thought that I would meet the founder of Apple. I admire him very much. That's why we quietly approached the stands to hear what they were talking about. Who knew that the other had a better chat with him, and later found out that he was the founder of Gu Ge, so pay more attention to all the information about these two companies. Maybe we can follow suit?"

Even Zhao Dezhu knows that Apple at this time is a veteran IT boss who wrestled with Microsoft ten years ago, and it is impossible to be eaten. Potential stocks.

Then you have to find a way to get closer.

As expected, Er Fu knew it well: "Apple is rumored to be entering mobile phone manufacturing. It is no longer a matter of a day or two. IPOD also proves that they have great ambitions in this regard. These clues can be captured and completely match your perception. , Gu Ge is also secretly accumulating power, this is the most difficult thing for people to know, I have to find someone to find out."

Then Erfu pointed out the hidden danger that Zhao Dezhu thought of on the flight: "I don't judge your way of promoting software to the market, you have extraordinary sensitivity in this regard, but, Charles, have you thought about it if you, a WB, become popular? What if someone else plagiarized? Follow you exactly the same."

Zhao Dezhu suddenly realized: "Yeah, yes, it's very dangerous!"

Erfu asked: "What should I do?"

Zhao Dezhu thought about it for a while, and then he was simple and rude: "Push all kinds of discounts and promotions on it, and you can get a good opportunity to go to TM, so that users won't run away. Other plagiarists must not be able to do this, right? ?”

Erfu laughed loudly: "Yes, this is the power of monopoly. You have resources and capabilities that are difficult for others to match. You strangle all possible competitors. The strong will always be strong. Hahaha, you keep saying that you are against monopoly, but you still fall into the In the bonus of monopoly, the use of cross-industry power ensures the monopoly of the market!"

Zhao Dezhu is lying, raised his hand and slapped his face lightly: "It smells so good!"

Er Fule quickly poured himself a small glass of red wine, and took a sip comfortably.

Long Zhiyu doted on watching Zhao Dezhu play tricks, but her professional habits still made her get up and pour him a glass: "Don't drink carbonated drinks, you can drink less to soften blood vessels."

Zhao Dezhu was flattered and took the wine glass shamelessly, which made Long Zhiyu almost regret it.

But his words are even more shameless: "In order to get the market in the early stage, we still have to use the means. In fact, the starting point at the beginning is, for example, to publish sales information about Tianhu Real Estate on WB, which will definitely attract users to follow. When real estate developers join in, the software will basically take shape, and then in the automotive industry...fuck it, it’s not a big problem for this TW to monetize.”

Er Fu was really happy, shaking his glass: "I confirm that Mrs. Zhao will influence many major decisions in the future..."

Zhao Dezhu quickly thanked: "Thank you, Brother Bob, for your blessing. I will definitely be my wife. In fact, we men in eastern Guangdong are very good at listening to my wife's arrangements."

Long Zhiyu felt embarrassed: "I'm in charge of small things at home, and I never talk nonsense about big things at work."

Erfu shook his head: "That's not what it means. Charles is originally lawless, but Mrs. Zhao... Well, morality is self-discipline, not heteronomy. The reason why Mrs. Zhao restrains you is to hope that you will be morally noble. You get better."

Zhao Dezhu was stunned for a moment, jumped up and grabbed the big wine bottle, raised his head and blew the bottle!

I am so happy inside.

Long Zhiyu quickly went to catch this immature guy in embarrassment.

Erfu laughed happily again: "Mrs. Zhao, look, he didn't make him so happy when he reached such a big agreement just now."

Immediately, Long Zhiyu couldn't help the red circles under his eyes, but he still had to hold back what should be done.

But Zhao Dezhu's bottle blowing skills practiced in bars and nightclubs.

Where did the two here meet.

The 750ml pot-bellied wine bottle, he lifted his head and shook his tail, which could make the wine in the bottle form a vortex and speed up the flow out.

It's like swallowing a whale with a big gulp!

The housekeeper who heard the movement and probed all stared!

Are there such high-rollers?

In fact, Long Zhiyu couldn't even use his hand strength.

Because both she and Erfu could see Zhao Dezhu dancing.

It was a joy almost insane.

Obviously, at the age of nineteen, he has become a real asset tycoon, a game player in the mainstream Internet economy, and holds great authority, and can even change the world.

But he said it calmly.

But under Erfu's words, he was as happy as a silly son of a landlord's family.

Maybe only Zhao Dezhu himself understands.

In this life, I finally have a wife who loves him, treats him well, and hopes that he will become better.

So it was basically just the whole bottle of wine that he had poured out before, and he really killed it in one go.

Holding an empty bottle, like a grandson monkey who just got a golden cudgel, jumping and showing off...

It's normal to drink too much.

But the shopping group who returned with a full load was shocked.

Erfu said his goodbyes contentedly, and went home with his wife and children. He had already bought real estate in HK, but he joked that he was not as luxurious as the presidential private room, so he just waited for these projects to be completed before changing to a bigger house.

The rest of Long Zhiyu tried her best to put on a normal expression and asked her daughter and the two students to pack up and rest early.

This is a three-bedroom presidential suite.

As he spoke, he dragged Zhao Dezhu, who could only smirk, back to the master bedroom.

The three girls looked at each other.

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