I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 451 There has never been a backstage in this world

Of the two men, Zhao Dezhu looked older.

Er Fu has a white face and no beard, and is dressed in a similar suit and shirt in a gentle manner.

But Long Zhiyu, the oldest among them, was more beautiful than the second rich's wife.

Perhaps it was mainly because she was finally going to publicly appear as Zhao Dezhu's fiancée, which made her face too hot.

In the past few days, Zhao Dezhu has been beaten for no reason.

Now anyway, she blushes before she speaks, but she is very tolerant of all kinds of etiquette and reception.

Er Fu's wife could see it and had to hold back her laughter.

She rarely opened her mouth the last time we met, this time she offered to take the children to play by herself, so as not to delay the discussion here.

Zhao Dezhu hurriedly thanked him, but wanted to keep Long Zhiyu: "Because this time it really involves a very complicated handling of property rights and shares, and my wife will also participate in our work a lot."

Long Zhiyu couldn't help but stand up straight but bowed her head and her ears were hot.

She herself didn't know how shy she was.

Er Fu laughed: "You two are really a perfect match..."

Then he received a light elbow from his wife: "Do you think I haven't done anything?"

Er Fu hurriedly sent his wife out amidst the laughter from Zhao Dezhu's side.

Her daughter has rekindled her friendship with Nana who she met, and Nana solemnly invites elementary school students to join their play plan.

The little loli looked at her mother expectantly.

It must be more strict than usual.

Watching two double-brand off-road vehicles protect the nanny car and go away.

The three people here went upstairs to the presidential private room reserved by Zhao Dezhu. They thought it was enough to give the wedding a good memory, and now it is very suitable for conversation.

And the housekeeper and maid.

People in a capitalist society easily accept this class distinction.

Long Zhiyu tried her best to look like a general manager, not a hostess.

But Erfu was very relaxed, and sat down to talk about technology, jokingly talking about Zhao Dezhu's social software, which seems to be similar to Penguin Chat, but in fact it is very different.

In short, Penguin chat is an internal communication, you must add friends to chat and know each other's situation.

But WB is for external communication. As long as you follow someone, even if the other person doesn't know you, you can silently observe all WB words and deeds of that person from a distance, isn't that true?

This has risen to the in-depth thinking of software design, Zhao Dezhu never thought about this.

Choose to tell the whole story: "It's not that I want to do this, but that I need this in the future. The whole idea started when the paparazzi started to surround our house..."

Long Zhiyu was surprised, Zhao Dezhu didn't talk much about these negative things outside when he went home, he only mentioned them in passing.

What's more, I didn't expect that Zhao Dezhu would expand from a simple paparazzi to the change of media era. Paper media will soon wither, TV and even outdoor print advertisements will go downhill, and online media will become the mainstream.

These were macrocosms that her men rarely talked to her about.

Er Fu had his legs crossed with a habitual expression on his face, and he sat comfortably on the luxurious leather sofa, listening intently.

He was not even surprised to hear that Tianhu Real Estate, which had sales of more than 30 billion last year and was about to break a record this year, entered strongly and won 70% of the shares of WB Company.

Zhao Dezhu also explained in detail: "Boss Xia has been a good teacher for me in many major issues this year, and taught me a lot. She used to be a media person, so she is very sensitive to changes in this kind of media, and she is more vigilant about this kind of media. The right to speak has changed, so I decided to preemptively seize this right to speak, not even for Tianhu Real Estate, but for the sake of this world, not all lies."

Er Fu responded: "Your expectations for this are higher than I thought."

Zhao Dezhu had a hard time expressing it. He was full of stuff and couldn’t get it out, so he had to not expose the signs of rebirth: “In my opinion, you will definitely lead Penguin to become a great company, because Penguin has mastered so many users, which will affect the future. In all aspects of life, the e-commerce platform is another great direction, but both of them will use Penguin's online payment system, you understand what I feel in my heart... it can be said to be fear, right?"

Long Zhiyu was even more shocked. She didn't expect Zhao Dezhu to talk to the biggest partner like this, fearing the other party.

Sitting on the sofa, the gentle second rich man tried his best to think about this prospect, and spoke slowly: "Penguins occupy the future entertainment spiritual world of consumers and players, and TM e-commerce platform takes over the future shopping material world of consumers. Is that what you mean?"

Zhao Dezhu nodded: "Last year, I started with only nine people, and gradually got the support of my wife, dozens of people, then hundreds of people, thousands of people, I don't know how to describe my feelings, if it wasn't for my wife Full control, I don't have the ability to manage such a large team, but even so, I would feel like raising... well, like my mastiff, getting bigger and eating more and more Too many, gradually out of my control, five or ten or even more, they will drag me away, not that we can do things well if we want to, nor that we can make mistakes if we want the company to have a conscience, right? ?”

Erfu finally applauded softly: "Last time on the phone, you mentioned that your elders reminded you not to dominate the family or dominate the market. I have thought about it repeatedly, and now it looks more like you and I am very worried It's a good thing that you're worried about us going down the road of monopoly."

Even Long Zhiyu was full of praise: "My appreciation for Charles is that many of his ideas are germinated on his own. This kind of keen feeling is the most precious."

Long Zhiyu hurriedly smiled politely yet awkwardly, isn't your saying that Zhao Dezhu is uneducated and doesn't like reading.

Speaking of which, he couldn't help but sit up straight, and turned his head as if he was warming up: "Charles, I've been surprised at your progress since the first night we had tea and talked at the beginning of the year, remember, when we talked about Giving you one million dollars is to test your control over the team, and even the one million and two million dollars I promised you at the beginning is to see how you treat money, this is the most important start.”

Zhao Dezhu also sat upright, but took a sip of the tea next to him.

Long Zhiyu sat side by side with him, so the movements of his hands were subconsciously synchronized.

After all, the second rich man is still the man who created a trillion-dollar empire, and his different origins determine his starting height: "When I was very young, my father told me that in society, in the world, the most worthless thing is to take People who sell their lives for money, such people can be bought by us whenever we need them, right?"

Long Zhiyu even thought of the flight attendant talking about using a mobile phone to drive the software, isn't it just like this.

Nod slightly.

Er Fu raised his finger: "A higher level than this is to have assets, capable people, this kind of people are the most worth recruiting to join, a successful enterprise needs a lot of such capable people to participate."

Zhao Dezhu actually said: "The premise is that they must be obedient."

Er Fu smiled: "The highest level is someone who has ideas. If you find this kind, you must either fully integrate and confirm the same direction, or kill them early. This is why all kinds of rebellions in the Qing Dynasty, as long as you confirm that there is a ginseng disorder, supervise the standard." It is necessary to attack, because at that time, scholars and thoughtful people knew the general situation of the world and the government's operating mechanism, and they also had organizational skills, so they could turn bandits and rioters into rebels."

Zhao Dezhu also smiled: "It means that my wife and I, together, have ideas and organizational skills?"

Long Zhiyu was getting nervous!

She was a flight attendant, when had she ever been involved in such a knife-edge negotiation?

And she knows that these two men are good partners who have great wealth and power, so why are they at war in a few words?

Erfu laughed loudly: "That's why I said you two are a perfect match... You have a sensitive mind full of whimsy, if it wasn't for Mrs. Zhao, you would probably be like that little hacker who ruined the game , Kong has a talent but doesn't know where to use it."

Think back to last year when I just started school, the ignorant second generation who hit a wall everywhere and couldn't make money everywhere.

Zhao Dezhu reached out and grabbed the palm of the beauty beside him, and even looked at each other with affection, and responded: "Thank you Bob, this is the best blessing we heard before the wedding."

Long Zhiyu suddenly lost her sense of shame, and even lightly put her other hand on the back of Zhao Dezhu's.

It seems that no matter what kind of game is ahead, she will accompany it without hesitation.

Erfu sat upright again, leaned forward, put his elbows on his knees, put his fingers together, bounced his fingers a few times and said, "Charles, you have done very well these past few months, much better than I imagined, I I even wonder how you grew up..."

Looking up at Long Zhiyu: "Mrs. Zhao, you have worked in an airline company. You should understand that no matter how difficult the job is, as long as someone else gives you the order, it is the easiest, right?"

Long Zhiyu immediately thought about it and nodded: "Basically, the characteristic of a large enterprise is that every link has specifications, no matter how difficult and complicated the work is, it is also dismantled into countless details. If you follow the requirements and specifications, you will not make mistakes. When I get to a higher position, it will be more troublesome, because there are more places where I can decide on my own. Should I give priority to this, or ensure the normal operation? The more mistakes you make, the more you can’t close it.”

Erfu asked again: "Then what would you do in this situation?"

Long Zhiyu did not hesitate: "Report to the superior, and when I am unable to make a decision, I will immediately report to the superior."

The second rich man threw up his hands at Zhao Dezhu: "See, when you come to today, including me today, many people will say that there are people behind us, that we have relationships, connections, and capital support. Actually?"

Zhao Dezhu already understood a little bit, and nodded seriously to Er Fu: "The choice is actually ours. If we make a wrong choice along the way, we are one of the countless losers, right?"

Erfu nodded in satisfaction: "That's why I said you and Mrs. Zhao are a perfect match. She has norms that you don't have, and you have creativity and problem-solving skills that she doesn't. Moreover, many people are used to standing in teams and looking Relying on the mountain, looking for the backstage when solving problems, but looking up one level at a time, to the highest point of each team, there will always be someone looking back, and there is no one behind, you have nothing to rely on in all directions, everyone has to rely on you, Is it right?"

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "I am a self-reliant man."

Er Fu raised his hands hahaha: "Me too!"

When Long Zhiyu heard Zhao Dezhu say the last sentence, why did his ears suddenly feel warm again.

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