I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 445: The Baby Is What I Love

The game R\u0026D and operation center, which provides huge core productivity for Penguin, is going to replace the TM e-commerce shopping platform of a certain treasure.com, and now a news social platform that is going to reproduce WB is also added.

Even if only the headquarters of the latter two are placed in Jiangzhou.

In the future, the economic landscape will be greatly changed.

Without the support of Tianhu Real Estate, Zhao Dezhu would not have dared to make such a decision.

After all, it was only more than half a year ago, and he wanted to follow the original flavor as much as possible even when he was filming and choosing a role, and he didn't dare to surpass him.

He who was cautiously still seeking the rebirth bonus as much as possible.

Now, he actively began to tamper with the script of this world.

This may even cause the market value of Penguin in the future to not reach what it used to be, and of course it may be higher.

But does Zhao Dezhu still care?

In fact, he doesn't have much money now, and Penguin's shares will be allowed to be traded in at least five years.

The game funds will not go into private pockets on the surface.

He is relying on all kinds of "private money" to live.

Fortunately, the college belongs to his girlfriend, the car belongs to his aunt, and the company belongs to his brother, so they can still use it.

If you want to sit back and enjoy the benefits, it is safest to buy Moutai stocks and buy houses in Beijing and Shanghai.

But if you choose self-reliance, the path in this life will be completely different.

It was really these four words that made his transformation.

Speaking of the end, Zhao Dezhu and Xia Jie signed a cooperation agreement, agreeing that the two parties of the new WB company will share 37% of the shares, and Xia Jie will give 2% to Jiangzhou Media Group and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.

Although she is a major shareholder, the decision-making power is in Zhao Dezhu's hands, and in the future, whether it is diluting shares or increasing investors, she can only take out her part and split it.

Of course, it can be split, which already shows that it has made money.

As for how much angel investment or initial start-up capital the company needs, there is no specification in the agreement. It is only determined to be no less than 20 million yuan, and the initial period is no more than 200 million yuan.

This does not include real estate investment, that is, the money to buy the two buildings is not included.

Zhao Dezhu invested in technology, creativity, and team building.

Even if he still doesn't have a single soldier, and he hasn't written a word into a PPT, there are two buildings at the beginning of the game.

Of course, Tianhu Real Estate didn't need to spend so much cash all at once, because according to the results of the discussion between the two of them drinking tea.

Zhao Dezhu was in charge of setting up a computer technology team, and Sister Xia went to recruit a group of media professionals to lay the groundwork for the news.

After all, for such social media, there is always an editorial team to ensure the direction and bottom line.

This is a set of things that Zhao Dezhu doesn't understand at all.

If you are not careful, you will fall to the vulgar level of that "Big Star Weekly".

In view of the progress of the building's acquisition and renovation, the team can be set up first, and then move in next year from small to large.

That is, the operating model of a small Internet company plus a small editorial department.

In addition, an investment agreement on the TM e-commerce platform was signed. Tianhu Real Estate will invest 500 million yuan in this large-scale new noble that is in urgent need of funds.

However, how many shares can be obtained depends on Zhao Dezhu negotiating with Penguin.

That is to say, on the basis that he owns a start-up team and needs to get at least 20% of the shares, he now also brings his own 500 million funds.

See how much share distribution can be negotiated with Penguin in the end.

Zhao Dezhu really didn't have the nervous excitement of ordinary entrepreneurs who see hundreds of millions and billions of investment agreements flying around and get flushed.

Sign the agreement quite calmly.

In fact, Feng Xiaoting and Li Yuanyuan, who had been waiting outside, were busy drafting an agreement with the legal affairs and general manager's office of Tianhu Real Estate, and also sent faxes and emails to Long Zhiyu for filing and retrieval.

Mr. Xia mainly observed Zhao Dezhu and Nana with a smile.

The high school girl was amazed that such a huge sum was reached in such light negotiations.

But the excellent tutoring allowed her to sit by the side all the time, not disturbing but listening.

Only the ever-widening cute eyes can explain her surging heart.

Occasionally meeting Boss Xia's eyes, and quietly sticking out her tongue, subconsciously acting cute.

However, such things as temperament and vision are indeed formed bit by bit.

Just like Zhao Dezhu didn't blink because of the hundreds of millions of demolition in his previous life.

The hundreds of millions of funds raised that Nana saw at the opening of the HK stock market also gave her a psychological buffer.

It's just that the agreement had just been signed, and Mr. Xia was still discussing whether to invite Ms. Long over for dinner, when Zhao Dezhu's phone rang.

Wang Fang called in a hurry: "Miss Xi has entered the delivery room. The doctor said that she might give birth prematurely, and the family members need to sign. She said she asked you to come..."

Zhao Dezhu took a deep breath, and immediately made a look: "Xiaoxi is about to give birth."

Sister Xia's expression was a little naive, and she quickly glanced at Nana who was busy with paper and pen documents.

The command secretary as if nothing had happened: "You guys look at the details again, you go, I'll come here."

However, Zhao Dezhu patted Nana on the shoulder and called her to join him: "You should also go and see, when your mother gave birth to you, it must have been very hard."

Feng Xiaoting hurriedly reported that Shen Yuhong had brought Li Shengjun back to the company to consider programming issues.

So she and Yuanyuan stayed to pack up the files.

However, Zhao Dezhu trusted Mr. Xia: "It won't cause any problems if you put the documents here. You two should go and have a look, and receive real education. Single mothers, or you should have a sober attitude towards getting married and having children."

Sister Xia just watched with gusto: "Then what are you paying for? Let's go together, we can sort out the documents on the way! Xiaoxi is... my right-hand man!"

Originally wanted to tease Zhao Dezhu, but held back, and deliberately asked Feng Xiaoting and Yuanyuan to sit in her car, so that Zhao Dezhu and her daughter could communicate alone, and then arranged for the driver to follow behind in Feng Xiaoting's small off-road vehicle.

Four cars rushed to the hospital mightily.

Zhao Dezhu was really shameless, not embarrassed at all: "It was already decided to give birth in this hospital, there is a nanny and housekeeping, so this matter is not complicated, but I didn't expect...the birth will be two or three weeks away."

Nana looked at her father with complicated eyes: "You say you... I don't even know what to say about you. Will that aunt be a single mother like my mother from now on?"

Zhao Dezhu explained: "That's her business, but it should be different from your mother. The mood is different. Originally, I have no relationship with her, but... everyone just... Anyway, she chose to be a single mother, and she Its economic strength is not difficult in all aspects... Fuck, after these two or three building businesses are completed, the child's milk powder must be enough, and you can hire more nannies."

Yoyo, Zhao Dezhu made a joke casually, and now the little padded jacket can hear it: "Is it so expensive?"

The tone is relaxed with a bit of teasing, with a bit of envy in the teasing, and with a bit of humming in the envy.

Zhao Dezhu corrected immediately: "Responsibility! You also hope that I am a moral person, right? This is my responsibility. It will definitely not affect the relationship at home. Everything must be approved by you and your mother."

Nana felt that she had just signed an investment agreement of several hundred million yuan, and there was nothing to worry about in front of her.

Because I instinctively feel that it is not that simple.

Sure enough, Zhao Dezhu didn't expect it either.

The two of them took the lead to let the convoy of two Mercedes-Benz and two off-road vehicles rush into the hospital. In fact, Tianhu Hospital was two or three blocks away.

Originally, she had to wait behind to get off the car, but Sister Xia already waved vigorously to signal her not to delay.

She told the two young girls: "How is Xiao Zhao usually, do you have any other girlfriends?"

Feng Xiaoting hurriedly went all out: "No! In fact, no one knows about this designer. I only guessed it because I was his secretary and knew that he transferred two people to take care of the driver... At his age, he must do something he likes to do, normal physiological needs, but in our company and college, there has never been any such thing, thousands of pairs of eyes are watching."

Li Yuanyuan was shocked: "I... I just knew."

So it was Sister Xia who came to explain to the two girls: "Xiaoxi is a young designer who has been with me for several years. She has a westernized style and the style of studying art. This is a matter of their private life. There is nothing to worry about. I blame you, but I think Xiao Zhao brought you to visit, in addition to possibly needing your help with some work, it is also to remind you that it is a more desirable principle to take your love life seriously and choose carefully, right?"

Three drivers were outside to help park the car, and only the secretary of Tianhu Real Estate followed the boss.

Surprised that the boss, who is always strict in front of his subordinates, would talk softly to two girls who are not particularly outstanding.

The two clearly have their own minds.

Feng Xiaoting is well-behaved, you are right in everything you say, and you have a sweet smile.

But anyone with a little social experience will see that the left ear goes in and the right ear goes out.

Li Yuanyuan didn't care at all, no matter how old your boss is, she was always looking around absent-mindedly.

Boss Xia is more funny and interesting, anyway, it's much easier than watching a lot of intrigue in his own company.

Then, following the guidance of the nurses, as well as the leaders of the hospitals who came one after another, they greeted the major shareholders of the hospital and asked about the cases of their relatives.

Outside the delivery room, Zhao Dezhu was already holding a light blue non-woven swaddle in his arms.

Nana was jumping up and down to watch. Sister Xia quickly stepped up, she was still very knowledgeable: "Ah? Why is this child so big..."

An overweight daughter...

Big fat girl!

But the point is not that.

To be honest, the newborn at the moment is very ugly, wrinkled and with many marks.

But the moment Zhao Dezhu hugged him in his arms, he was stunned.

His own flesh and blood.

It's a feeling of connection.

Holding it in his hand, he subconsciously felt that even if it was ugly, it was also the most beautiful treasure in the world!

Wait, what did you say?

Wife is the oldest, daughter is the oldest, biological daughter...

Which one is the biggest?

Anyway, what Zhao Dezhu tried his best to suppress was the irresistible sprout in his heart.

Keep giving yourself psychological hints, Nana is the best...

Can you believe this?

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