I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 414 You should be gentle but powerful

One snap, really fast.

This era is still the last glory of traditional media with TV and paper media as the main carriers.

If we talk about the e-sports competition before, the relevant parties in Jiangzhou were conservative.

Now it is certain that there is no thunder point, and began to follow the trend and eat meat.

Focus on promotion.

The headlines on the front page of the computer newspaper pulled out a full page!

The title is "Self-made 19-year-old billionaire who could only have been born in the Internet age".

This is for computer enthusiasts and practitioners across the country.

The strength of the spread can be imagined.

At the same time, Jiangzhou Morning News, Evening News, and the official website of the media group all took out important pages to push the news.

Even Jiangzhou TV station had an exclusive interview with this character.

This is aimed at all walks of life in the entire city of Jiangzhou, and anyone who reads newspapers and news will be attracted.

Nineteen-year-old billionaire!

Moreover, legal income, legal tax payment, and the most impeccable thing is that the hundreds of millions of game profits are all used to invest in higher vocational education.

It is difficult to criticize morally.

Mr. Chen deliberately asked Zhao Dezhu at the end of the show: "Since it is said that the profit of the game company is not your personal money, how can you be called a billionaire?"

Zhao Dezhu smiled lazily: "I won the shares of Penguin by playing golf. With the listing of the company in July, the shares I own can be queried through the stock price at any time. This will also reflect the value of my share capital in the company's annual report. , the publicly disclosed assets are over 100 million, but it is estimated that I will not have to rely on selling stocks to live in my life, and I am confident that I will win more!"

Therefore, Zhao Dezhu, a billionaire, has two meanings.

The game has earned a billionaire, which proves that he owns a billion-dollar business.

Then there is the real estate investment in the stock market that is closer to 200 million...

Impeccable and unquestionably legitimate property.

There are various attempts to start from scratch, and finally make a lot of money in the game industry steadily and steadily.

There is also a coincidence, climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix to follow the legendary experience of listed companies in the equity.

From any aspect, you can find a foothold.

The most important thing is that he is only nineteen years old and has a high vocational education level.

It is just to focus on the ups and downs of the Internet industry.

Rise up like a rocket.

And the core is education.

It's good publicity.

In an instant, headlines exploded from major Internet portals.

We have to report it.

The country and even the whole world should be the youngest billionaires.

Billionaires, even in dollars, are not enough.

But as long as you read this report, you will feel that it is only a matter of time.

Even if the major portals stand on the standpoint of advocating the great potential of the Internet economy, they must spare no effort to shout out.

And all kinds of paper media, major official media, and even TV news can be used to promote higher vocational education, self-employment, and institutional reforms in colleges and universities.

The main reason is that this gimmick is too loud.

It seems that the ten thousand yuan households are still vivid, and suddenly they soared to billionaires.

And they are still so young and can be done within a year.

Legendary colors are colorful.

In fact, as long as there is a media report, it can go viral.

What's more, now all parties are simply relaying promotion.

Even the previous nationwide discussion on criticizing the game industry for poisoning young people can be related to the rise of this young rich man.

Aren't you scolding a lot? Let's see what people are playing games for?

Anyway, whoever does online games these days is not doing it, and doing it is not to make the rich spend their time, but to invest in higher vocational education.

It was a bit of a slap in the face, leaving people speechless.

Taking advantage of the trend, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" has another wave of recharge peaks.

The negative downturn caused by the influence of hackers before has brought back the situation.

Because the players are laughing and saying that they are still engaged in education and doing good deeds while playing games.

The funniest thing is that many players are calling customer service, asking if this golf major is recruiting...

I feel that Zhao Dezhu's road to success is largely due to golf.

Famous, really famous.

Everyone came to interview Zhao Dezhu!

Even Xi's mother also called to find her son-in-law to be happy: "This year's high school enrolls, many people come to our Wujiang No. 2 Middle School for the purpose of studying in the Southwest Vocational College. Well done, well done!"

Zhao Dezhu had no choice but to prevaricate what he said about the pregnant woman's physical examination that day.

As a result, the mother-in-law immediately said that she would go to Jiangzhou to accompany her daughter to give birth immediately after the start of school in early September.

How can this be!

Zhao Dezhu hurriedly explained that a nanny, a driver, and a confinement wife are invited here, so let's come and see when you are born, education is important.

But grandma's enthusiasm is definitely unstoppable, and she actively agreed to shine on the education front together. If necessary, the old couple can come to Southwest Higher Vocational College as helpers after retirement.

That's even more impossible!

Zhao Dezhu was so helpless that he put down the phone and returned to the office from the lounge to face Li Shengjun.

It was the high school student who was brought back from southern Shonan by Pan Jiangyuan and the others. He was a seventeen-year-old sophomore in high school.

He looked at Zhao Dezhu with a rebellious face, and his parents persuaded him with a look of horror.

But obviously he couldn't convince his son at all.

Facts have proved that Long Zhiyu's approach is the most appropriate. The lawyer and legal counsel went to the local police station and presented a series of evidence to communicate with the child and family who had broken the law.

Refer to the attitude of the other party to decide how to sue.

The list of more than 30 million yuan involved in the case frightened the police station of this county-level city.

There has never been a case of more than 100,000 thefts in the local area.

It's too scary.

So they immediately sent people to accompany them to arrest people. It was Pan Jiangyuan and Lin Xiu who repeatedly explained that they should not be rough or violent. It was a mistake, but the purpose was not to arrest people and go to jail.

In view of the nature of the case on the Internet, it has never been touched in this small place.

So the relevant departments didn't say anything, they just sent big caps in different uniforms to go together, and they even took video shots of the whole process.

This situation really scared Li Shengjun's parents enough.

The honest ordinary laid-off worker has no idea what his son is doing on the rusty 586 computer in the corner of his room.

The technical engineers in the same company immediately sealed up the computer and quickly retrieved the hard disk in front of the police and court prosecutors.

The various secret tricks left on the 5G hard drive were quickly deciphered by them, and a bunch of original data codes were found.

unambiguous evidence.

Even the local police at the scene couldn't understand what the whole process meant.

Li Shengjun proudly admitted that he did it himself.

His purpose is to kill the rich and help the poor!

This is a child who likes to read martial arts novels since childhood, became obsessed with computers in junior high school, and bought scrapped computers from scrap buying stations after the high school entrance examination to study hacking techniques.

Obviously a bit secondary.

It is believed that the poisoning of young people by video games criticized by the news all over the sky does exist, and online games have implicated and discredited the entire computer world.

Therefore, the online game companies criticized by various media are bad guys.

I am doing justice for the heavens, returning the property looted from the player to the player...

The police were about to handcuff him.

It was Pan Jiangyuan and Lin Xiu who tried their best to explain, saying that the company still wanted to give this kid a chance, and wanted him to understand what the game industry is all about.

The lawyer and Li Shengjun's parents signed a memorandum of understanding, "inviting" the family to visit Jiangzhou in front of the police.

I thought that the tall office space and the vibrant Southwest College would always have something to impress this child.

But the reality is much more difficult than Zhao Dezhu imagined.

This extremely clever boy may be a big boy who is a computer genius and a mentally handicapped boy.

In his mind, apart from the rigid code, there are simple values ​​that are either black or white.

He was dark and thin, wearing a pair of highly myopic glasses, and scoffed at everything Zhao Dezhu proposed.

Contempt to the extreme.

Facing the thinking that the code is like a torrential river, if you put it in the world, it is an elm head.

It doesn't make sense at all.

Zhao Dezhu looked at the P900 mobile phone in his hand, and probably felt that smashing the mobile phone could not convince this kid.

But Lian Shenyuhong and the others admitted that the code collected on that hard drive has now been spread among Penguin's internal technical departments.

For this little boy, the ability to rebuild and organize code in the most basic language is a genius!

It's like the same Chinese characters, some people can't write any articles after racking their brains, but this guy can write "white hairs floating in green water, red palms to clear waves" at the level of literacy in the second and third grades of elementary school. of verses.

Well, when King Luo Bin wrote this poem, he was only seven years old.

Some people just enjoy food from God.

If he can be given better training and tools, the future is boundless.

So Zhao Dezhu was also reluctant to throw him in prison: "In a word, you have indeed profited from the hacking Trojan horse virus. Theft does constitute a crime, we can sue you at any time, and lock you up until death."

The boy's thought was: "You are the force of evil, and it is justice to fight against you!"

His father slapped him with a slap, and Pan Jiangyuan rushed forward to bear it with his own arm.

I'm afraid that this genius will be beaten stupid.

Zhao Dezhu understood what Sister Xia said to him at that time.

As a boss, you would rather use someone who is obedient than someone who is capable but disobedient.

But the problem is that this guy is too capable, even letting him go is afraid that he will cause more trouble in the future...

While talking, Nana knocked on the door and probed: "Mr. Zhao, it's time for you to go to the airport."

Zhao Dezhu subconsciously observed Li Shengjun's reaction immediately.

Li Yuanyuan and Chen Yanling were not there, and Feng Xiaoting was mainly responsible for the work on the customer service side, and also served as the office director of the entire office.

So Nana came here often during the summer vacation, and she has already become an assistant very skillfully. It is absolutely no problem to organize the schedule.

Such a simple white suspender skirt, a high-end product bought in HK, well-tailored, showing skills in simplicity.

The long hair that can be loosened hangs on both sides of the chest, and the loose bangs are fresh and pleasant.

A fair face with pink and light makeup, red lips and white teeth.

The sixteen-year-old girl is already blooming the outline of a beauty embryo.

It is absolutely in line with the dream of a goddess on a young campus.

Li Shengjun just looked up, then immediately lowered his head and continued to fight without saying a word.

It is obviously the straight man level of space aluminum alloy.

Zhao Dezhu didn't have extravagant hopes, and of course he was even more reluctant to trade his daughter for such a guy.

Get up and pack a few things casually: "I'm very busy, and I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. I guess you won't listen to what your parents say, but you have to pay the price for doing something wrong. If you don't admit your mistakes, your parents will bear the responsibility." , because they didn’t educate you well, Brother Yuan arranged for his parents to work as a janitor at the college, including dormitory and so on. If you leave within three years at least, we will sue the police and arrest you, that’s all Simple, do what you like to do at Southwest College for the past three years, but you can't leave, we will call the police if you leave."

After speaking, he walked away with the resolute style of a successful person.

Nana was still facing a group of people in the office behind, making a cute goodbye gesture, and then ran away.

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