I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 402 Ugly people fall in love, beautiful ones sell air conditioners

Shen Jianing's change is the most difficult.

The whole golf class, you say she doesn't work hard.

Participate in everything you do.

However, he naturally dozed off while reading and attending class. In this regard, Zhao Dezhu felt sorry for each other and had no study habits at all.

Zhao Dezhu chose to study from the social university and follow the big guys.

Shen Jianing is not that smart.

Most of the time, when she arranges something, she can't handle it well.

If it is not beautiful, it will really disappear from everyone.

In a way it hurt her again.

Because with this appearance, I haven't suffered much since I was a child, and I don't need to work hard.

Cultivate this kind of submissive and muddled temperament.

Even Li Yuanyuan didn't have the habit of eating delicious food that she developed in a difficult and embarrassing environment.

Delicious food is also a yearning for a better life.

You can only work hard if you are driven by desire.

Shen Jianing didn't have any, Buddhist.

She is very satisfied as a receptionist with thousands of dollars.

Especially after Zhao Dezhu found her a tea art job, she became more calm and peaceful.

Zhao Dezhu didn't know whether this change was good or not.

But it must be the parents in front of him who formed this temperament.

At first glance, it is terribly ordinary, the most inconspicuous faculty and staff that can be seen in any primary and secondary school, neither the nerdy academic atmosphere of Lao Meng, nor the confident aura of professionals like Wan Qingyue.

Stiff and dull, even resisting change: "What is the relationship between Xiaojia and you? We are not greedy for these things, and we don't want her to get into trouble because of these things. What we want is for her to live a peaceful life for the rest of her life!"

Zhao Dezhu suddenly had a kind of understanding, as if he had seen his parents treat him like this.

Even though the parents in front of them are still school staff, even though they still live in a big city directly under the central government, they are as conservative and ignorant as their own parents.

It's fine if it's really ordinary, but Shen Jianing is so beautiful because she has money for the demolition of her home.

This trajectory is completely different, and it is too easy to be coveted by others: "You have been abandoned by society... Fuck, I have been talking more with cultural people recently, and I am also sour. It's just that you can't get along in society anymore, don't It hurt Shen Jianing."

There are roughly five types of domestic swearing routines, the expulsion-style get out and the like, the cursing type that your f*ck and the whole family will die, the threatening style of Lao Tzu will kill you, the most common sexual harassment type is grass mud horse, and the most lethal one is actually Attributively, all of you here are hot chickens...

Because people who say that are often beaten in a calm manner.

There is no urge to speak out of anger at all, and he can still present the facts and reason so that people are speechless.

These people are said to be Shen Jianing's parents, relatives and colleagues, why did you make a noise just now, what right do you have to say such a thing, you little bastard.

Zhao Dezhu began to explode: "I have seen all the cars below. You have no money to buy them all your life. What should I take Shen Jianing to HK for? Our company is listed in HK. Do you know Penguin QQ? The one chatting online is our parent company, she Do you know what it means? You just need to stand there to show that our school has such outstanding students. Why, I have money, and I am the chief experience officer of Penguin, understand? I Only then can she ensure that she is not like the public relations of other companies, who wants to sleep with clients!"

Is it better than refreshing society's dark cognition?

I am much more familiar with you than you are.

Don't talk to me about the public relations department of a big company to sort out social relations and handle public relations affairs. In fact, many public relations... still have to use the most primitive method.

I really thought I was living in a vacuum.

This society is complicated. Zhao Dezhu shut up the ordinary people present who have specious perceptions of society: "Yes, parents want their children to live a peaceful and smooth life, and so do my parents, but those children are also ordinary. , look at Shen Jianing, she is beautiful, that means how many people want to get her in bed, are you parents capable of protecting her?"

Shen Jianing's face was flushed red, since Zhao Dezhu talked about public relations, she was blushing in disbelief.

But out of trust in Zhao Dezhu, he has been sitting there upright according to the standard posture.

It's just that the body tilted towards Zhao Dezhu involuntarily, subconsciously looking for something to rely on.

Her parents were also caught off guard: "What... what are you talking about..."

Originally, this was a matter of parents educating their children, it was none of Zhao Dezhu's business, I don't know if it was because he figured out the relationship, Shen Jianing was another self in a sense, or he was really greedy for beauty.

Anyway, just like a high-speed maglev train, I hope it can impact the thinking of these people: "Let me tell you a real incident, Shen Jianing took golf lessons for the first time, and there were twenty girls in our class, even if they were pretty, she And the most notable…”

As if she didn't notice that she was praised as the prettiest in the class, Shen Jianing's face became even more embarrassing, and she even wanted to beg Zhao Dezhu not to say it.

Duzui quietly sat closer to Zhao Dezhu, but he didn't dare to stretch out his hand to pull.

Didn't Zhao Dezhu want to take advantage of the situation to stimulate this girl who avoids things when she encounters them and only wants to rely on others?

"But the most important thing is that she is so timid and afraid of getting into trouble. A coach started to take advantage of her. Do you know what it means to take advantage of it? To teach you how to play..."

There was an uproar in the small two-bedroom room immediately: "Who!"

"Kill him a bitch..."

"Absolutely can't underestimate that doggy coach..."

Shen Jianing was short of breath, secretly looking at Zhao Dezhu.

Zhao Dezhu was bullish on the parents of the red-faced child. His father complained that his mother shouldn't take that golf class, and his mother said that there was no way out that her grades were not good since she was a child, and she couldn't even get into the accounting school.

The instinct is to choose to avoid, escape, and avoid.

Just like when Shen Jianing encountered harassment in HK, she just wanted to escape back to school immediately.

Zhao Dezhu sneered: "Go, Boss Bao's young owner of Beicheng Real Estate, the rich second generation, who of you has the relationship to fight against him?"

It was a momentary silence, and the relatives and friends who were still angry just now immediately fell silent.

Those who were too excited just now and couldn’t take it back under the influence of inertia had no choice but to scold Fu for being unkind: “People like this shit don’t want to die, God really doesn’t open their eyes…”

Zhao Dezhu ignored these bullying rubbish and said directly to Shen's father and Shen's mother: "A girl like her is more likely to be cheated and robbed than an ugly one. Do you have the ability to hide her at home for a lifetime? Don't you have to rely on her?" Have the ability to protect yourself! Valuable only deserves to be protected!"

It is true that he realized the principle of self-reliance from himself.

But the consequence of being uneducated is that the argument is wrong. He is a man, and he is hunted because of his wealth. He is a girl, and he is coveted because of his appearance.

It is only natural for men to improve their ability to protect their wealth.

What can a girl... improve to protect her beauty?

Fortunately, these slags hit by him with the high-speed train did not react.

Father Shen nodded thoughtfully.

Probably also an honest person who is easily brainwashed.

Zhao Dezhu was in a hurry to go back to dye his hair with oil, so he put away his knife and stood up: "You can check the news of Penguin's listing on the Internet. We have also acquired a Penguin building in the high-tech development zone on the other side of the river. Jiajia may be in the future. Working there, big companies and big companies are her confidence, don't be stingy and think that it's just a matter of sending out a mobile phone to buy something, we are a regular company..."

Shen Jianing never expected to jump up immediately: "Wait for me! I'm going back to school too."

Her dad still didn't understand: "It's summer vacation now."

Shen's mother can gently pull her husband's clothes.

Seeing Shen Jianing rushing into the bedroom: "I'm at work, I have a lot of things to do, everyone is very busy...Zhu, the squad leader is here to help me with the box."

Zhao Dezhu didn't want to stare at these people either, he himself simply got rid of his original environment.

It is enough for parents to respect the elderly care, there is no need to argue about right and wrong, the times are changing so fast that even educated people can't keep up, let alone ordinary people.

It's just so lucky to be able to step on the top of the waves.

With such an exclamation, when she walked to the bedroom and saw Shen Jianing filling up the two boxes in a hurry, he was duty-bound to help.

He could pick up a stack of clean and tidy cotton pink underwear on the bed and hand it over as if nothing had happened.

Shen Jianing's ears were bleeding, so she didn't raise her head to pick it up.

Zhao Dezhu knew about polite tutoring, and he was familiar with the rules in the business world, but he didn't care about the details of these men and women's lives.

The old antiques, old-fashioned, and old Donghong outside looked at each other in blank dismay. It didn't matter which boy or boss would come to the girl's boudoir.

You just said it clearly and logically, and it's a big company, it's listed, and it has a luxury car, so now it's exposed?

There are already aunts or something who give Shen's father and Shen's mother the kind of congratulatory expressions that you know.

Therefore, Xingshi, who had been waiting in full force before, immediately turned his head to look forward to watching the young couple.

The change came so fast.

Especially when Zhao Dezhu came out with two suitcases, Shen Jianing blushed like a little daughter-in-law and followed behind, as if she was about to get married.

Her mother was also in the drama, and she choked up a little, as if she saw the red circles around her daughter's eyes when she got married.

It made Shen Jianing baffled when she raised her head to say goodbye.

However, Zhao Dezhu knew what was going on at a glance, nodded his head, carried two suitcases and went downstairs to the car, feeling that he was surrounded by all kinds of eyes from the family courtyard.

It is estimated that he is regarded as a second-generation dude who embraces a beautiful woman.

Lao Tzu talks about self-reliance!

Only what you chase after is the most fragrant.

Don't be so blind about mandarin ducks.

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