I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 397 Colorful flags are fluttering, but the red flag will not fall down

When they walked out of the airport pick-up gate, Long Zhiyu could feel the intimacy between the "father and daughter" at once.

It doesn't have to be physical contact, eye contact, facial expressions.

Let her feel that her daughter is more intimate than herself.

Of course, I immediately noticed the beautiful clothes on the three girls.

It clearly exceeds the level of women's clothing in the entire terminal hall.

Especially Feng Xiaoting's clothes.

Although she is not as tall as Nana, the black lace dress with big sunglasses is definitely unforgettable.

With the enchantment of a young high school girl who has not yet bloomed.

In addition to Gao Yuxin and the others taking advantage of the peak of the summer competition to continue running, Zhou Mengxia will also have further experience and learning in the Penguin Financial Center.

Zhao Dezhu asked Li Yuanyuan to stay with her as an administrative assistant, and by the way, feel more about what the office atmosphere of a large listed company should be like.

Originally, she planned to let Shen Jianing leave her feelings, but her family urged her to call almost every day.

Zhao Dezhu brought it back by the way.

Although a pink sling is still a bit childish, the overlapping black shoulder straps inside are a bit playful and fashionable.

Multi-pocket trousers are a style that girls in the mainland wear less these days.

Let the quiet and beautiful girl have a little more aura.

Originally, he had a preoccupied expression, but he quickly smiled and said hello to the class teacher and boss.

For a time, these four women of different ages and styles can make all kinds of eyes feel beautiful.

Zhao Dezhu quickly took out his phone to take pictures.

He didn't have the calm demeanor when negotiating with the big boss, and he didn't look like a shareholder of a listed company.

Seeing him smiling and squatting half-squatting to take the photo, and then going over with a shy face to praise Long Zhiyu for her best flattering appearance, no one would believe it.

Long Zhiyu had to communicate with Zhao Dezhu on text messages every day, asking about her daughter's condition.

Text communication has become more and more familiar.

One dime a text message, almost hundreds of dollars have been sent in the past ten days.

Work, daughters, building a house, and decorating are naturally everything to talk about.

The event originally scheduled for three or four days was inexplicably delayed for twelve or three days.

When driving over just now, Long Zhiyu repeatedly told herself that she was missing her daughter in the mood of eager anticipation.

Now he pretended to be too lazy to talk to him, let alone ask him face to face, why the high-end rolling boxes pushed by girls have become standard equipment.

The spring breeze smiled and asked Feng Xiaoting and Shen Jianing if they lived far away, and if they would take her car home together.

Shen Jianing quickly nodded and said thank you, but Feng Xiaoting said that she would go back to the company first, and the work situation of the customer service department for more than ten days must be rectified quickly. She learned new things in HK and Pengzhen.

Zhao Dezhu put on airs: "Oh, I knew I would have asked someone from the school to pick me up. I have nowhere to go."

Nana hurriedly pulled him to comfort him: "Let's go, let's go together, take mother's car first into the city and then back to the company."

But Long Zhiyu glanced at Zhao Dezhu: "After walking for so long, the company's affairs will be sorted out first, and I will talk to you about other things."

After speaking, she took the lead and led Shen Jianing to the parking lot, Zhao Dezhu pushed Nana to follow.

I took a taxi with Feng Xiaoting back to the company.

After finally getting along alone, Feng Xiaoting was indeed the kind of tenderness leaning on Zhao Dezhu's arms, but her eyes were full of curiosity: "Is this how you two fall in love?"

Zhao Dezhu was much more serious than thinking about the company's development plan: "What's wrong? There's nothing wrong with text messaging."

Feng Xiaoting giggled coquettishly: "Sometimes I think you two are so naive, your daughter is so old, and you are not a novice, but you still have to pretend to be like innocent boys and girls."

Zhao Dezhu was contented, and sat slumped in the back row. The feeling of the girl lying in Chen's arms was indeed very comfortable, and he was reluctant to push away: "Anyway, I think it's good to see her heart beat faster when she frowns and stares. It's really a feeling of being in love. Just to be happy with her."

Not only was Feng Xiaoting not jealous, but she also made a serious idea: "There are some things in this world that should be beautiful, how about a marriage proposal ceremony?"

Zhao Dezhu was moved, but he had a criminal record: "Forget it... I told her that I chased girls like this before, and she would definitely be upset if I did this again."

Feng Xiaoting wasn't surprised, she only had a teasing smile in her eyes: "Oh, there really was a history before?"

Zhao Dezhu hugged her and wanted to push her up, but the girl resisted vigorously, so he half pushed and said, "Anyone can have a history, but as long as they find their way again, we are all the same, right?"

Feng Xiaoting got even worse, she turned around and buried her face in Zhao Dezhu's waist, saying yes in a muffled voice.

But slowly, his shoulders shrugged, he sobbed silently, and tenaciously put his slender arms around Zhao Dezhu's waist.

Small body but very strong.

Zhao Dezhu could feel that his shirt tucked into his jeans was wet, and instead of being distracted, he even patted his shoulder with a smile: "Let's talk about work, what's the matter if you like to hold me and cry all the time, you can't Pay you more."

The secretary, who was moved by himself and vented himself, pinched the boss's back angrily.

Zhao Dezhu was lucky to resist, but he let out a fart.

The taxi driver heard it, looked in the rearview mirror, and was disappointed to find that the dog and man were hiding behind the driver's seat.

With sparkling eyes, Feng Xiaoting looked up at Zhao Dezhu in disbelief.

Zhao Dezhu was helpless: "No matter how handsome I am, I still want to spank my feet, right?"

The girl who felt that she had finally found a good feeling jumped up angrily and hit someone, but her little fist was useless at all.

As soon as Zhao Dezhu grabbed it, she completely nestled into her arms and complained: "You can't let me enjoy it!"

Just say it, and twist it a few times.

Zhao Dezhu hurriedly begged for mercy: "I'm enjoying this very much, please let me go, I was a little unruly before, and I lost my life, now it's over, what the hell, I think there must be something wrong with this It's hair."

These days, anyway, Long Zhiyu didn't mention her contact with the designer at all.

Zhao Dezhu still has the desire to survive.

Feng Xiaoting was curious: "When did you hook up with that designer?"

Zhao Dezhu felt ashamed now: "Hey, that's what happened. I drank too much. But at that time, Sister Long didn't agree to me, and I didn't count as cheating. Now I don't dare, so you should sit back." Well, I'm flustered."

Feng Xiaoting just chuckled: "Then if I were at that time...well, would you..."

Zhao Dezhu scratched his head: "What do you mean we can get along well after that? Now I have to take on the responsibility of being a father and regret my indiscretion. We have also become that awkward relationship. It's better for you to disappear, just because of that little mess on the bed, ruining our good relationship? Is it worth it? "

When he said this, he was still holding the girl.

Feng Xiaoting's face was also blushing, but she wasn't shy. The black lace skirt with a square neckline was a little red against her collarbone. She adjusted her sitting posture and said softly, "That's it...it feels better than me. It's as good as you can imagine.”

Zhao Dezhu could only try his best to make himself think about work matters: "Let me tell you something, next month you may be able to get the ringtone income for that song you sang, no matter how much it is in the first month, I will try to give it to you." You put together one hundred thousand and two hundred thousand and give it to that knife brother first, so that no matter how much money this song can make in the future, at least people will have nothing to say."

Feng Xiaoting closed her eyes softly: "You can do whatever you want, I'm enjoying it very much now..."

Zhao Dezhu just wanted to be obsessed with work: "From now on, your main job is to recruit people. Continue to recruit this beautiful customer service department, and at least expand to two or three hundred people..."

Feng Xiaoting stared with a pink face: "Ah? You don't think there are enough beauties?"

Zhao Dezhu put on the airs of the boss: "Just do what you are told, why are there so many nonsense?"

Feng Xiaoting exaggerated: "Wow, so domineering!"

Zhao Dezhu rolled his eyes: "Look, look, we have nothing. Are you what a secretary should look like?"

Feng Xiaoting quickly reviewed herself: "Oh, yes, yes, you should switch roles when you come back, ummmm, good boss..."

Still can't help but add some sweet charm.

Zhao Dezhu's dog's paw couldn't help but hug him tighter.

The secretary felt it and was even happier.

Well, she does think this is the best.

When I got downstairs in the company, I took a few deep breaths, as if I had indeed switched to work mode.

But in the elevator, he handed his roller box to Zhao Dezhu, and patted the famous brand cosmetics store paper bag hanging on the trolley.

Only then did I walk out with a vigorous expression.

From the front desk to the customer service department, there are crisp urgings and reprimands: "What does it look like in a mess? You don't even clean up the basic desk work?"

"How's your attendance during this time?"

"I heard that user feedback satisfaction is not very good, how are you doing things?"

"Gifts! I don't have any money, I'm asking the boss for..."

"Ask Mr. Zhao, let me tell you, Mr. Zhao decided to expand the customer service department and recruit one or two hundred beauties. You just wait to fall out of favor..."

The laughter and laughter really made the atmosphere of the entire game company suddenly warm, and everyone got up from their workstations to welcome the boss back.

The bold beauties dared to gather around and ask the boss for a gift: "The company is listed, boss, you must also have a bonus, and everyone who sees it will have a share!"

"Go to HK and bring Yuanyuan and Sister Ting, next time you have a chance, bring us too..."

Feng Xiaoting smiled but said, "If you don't perform well, how can Mr. Zhao give you a chance? Think about how to perform well!"

Zhao Dezhu only needs to take out the eye shadow and lip gloss from the paper bag and distribute them one by one.

With a good secretary, you really don't have to worry about it.

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