I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 327 The Rabbit Crossing the River While Touching the Eagle Sauce, There Will Be a Day of Bal

It certainly has nothing to do with the phone now.

These high-tech companies have a large number of pre-R\u0026D teams.

That is, when our scientific researchers are still catching up with the world's advanced level.

People are already exploring unknown territories in various directions.

As a scientific researcher, Jiang Taotao also sighed: "This is the reason why I didn't major in China. The R\u0026D mechanism in our system is very slow, far inferior to the rapid promotion of other commercial models. Of course, our advantage lies in Once the direction is established, it is easy to concentrate all resources to catch up, so I am more inclined to use the advantages of these two models to establish a base in Hong Kong that can use overseas technology experience, but can also mobilize domestic production, R\u0026D and mass production in Pengzhen. "

Zhao Dezhu can only say that all successful people have certain shining points.

And all he can express is: "Maybe soon, domestic scientific research will catch up with the world's most advanced level in many aspects, and the habit of crossing the river by touching Citigroup will eventually become our own to find the direction."

Jiang Taotao strongly agreed: "Old Zhao! What I admire most about you is this kind of foresight. Many domestic scientific researchers simply don't believe that we can surpass the focus of Europe and the United States. For example, this drone, they always have to follow international advanced experience. Come, but what you can find in the world are aircraft configurations, not multi-rotors, but in fact, the hovering function and balance of multi-rotors have very special advantages, which you pointed out to me.”

That's right, this is what Zhao Dezhu can help.

Jiang Taotao could only explore by himself.

Even Zhao Dezhu has given a lot of directions in terms of the remote control operation method, the shape of the drone, and so on.

He is still a layman who knows what he doesn't know why.

The rest of Jiang Taotao told him where his technical difficulties were, but he was at a loss.

That's why Jiang Taotao decided to take a look to see if he heard the word driverless driving.

In fact, it can be said that the whole world has not yet linked the term multi-rotor aircraft with drones.

It is purely due to Zhao Dezhu unblocking in advance.

Things that were taken for granted in later generations were unbelievable in the eyes of the time.

For example, Apple mobile phones, Android mobile phones, and Nokia mobile phones, which are still in full swing.

Perhaps at this time, the three families can't imagine what the situation will be like in more than ten years.

When Jiang Taotao drove to the competition town, there were all kinds of RVs and tents on the side of the road.

Then piles of hippie-like scientific researchers set up tables and chairs like roadside barbecue stalls, eating, drinking and chatting.

And beside those temporary equipment tents, the oily clothes that come in and out are more scientists than maintenance workers.

Jiang Taotao, who seemed to have found the organization, immediately slowed down and greedily glanced around along the several hundred meter long road.

Then there was no scene of strict military control, and the two stopped the car in a place.

Shaking around like two Asian thieves.

Found nothing to see.

The seemingly relaxed and freehand gypsy wandering scenes actually draw strict boundaries.

No one will manage it, but each team must hide their scientific research equipment in tents like peerless treasures.

Those who arrived one after another were completely covered with boxes or cloth.

There are marks of various companies on the tents and covers, which have a sense of honor.

Any stranger approaching will be politely asked to stay away.

So Zhao Dezhu and the others had no choice but to return to the spectator area where there were no participating vehicles.

I bought two cans of beer and a hot dog, and sat at the booth to listen to the exchanges of technology enthusiasts.

Zhao Wenbiao couldn't understand anything, and looked down on other people's food, so he called and sent emails to his family, and the timing was just right.

Long Zhiyu said that she had just arrived at the company, and she also saw the photos he sent to the mailbox.

Tell him to pay attention to the wind and sand, so as not to get sunburned.

He didn't even satirize him for not looking for girls or anything.

Zhao Dezhu was not used to it.

But I didn't make a fool of myself.

However, he saw that Locke just sent him an email, informing the entire online payment system that internal testing would begin.

Try to deliver the game in about a week and start the public beta here.

Compared with the future investment in the shopping platform, there is a problem.

Now the cost of this going wrong is much less.

Because you can only get in and out.

Zhao Dezhu forwarded the mail to Chen Yanling to worry about.

But he pretended to explain to Locke that he was watching the unmanned driving competition in the desert of Nevada.

Names of several top R\u0026D teams are listed.

Jiang Taotao helped him complete the spelling.

Obviously, as the Chief Experience Officer, I am not squatting in that mountain depression in Jiangzhou.

The outside world is vast.

Finally, a photo of the surrounding environment is included.

At the same time, they complained: "I still miss the green mountains and green waters of Jiangzhou. The wind and sand in this broken place are big and unaccustomed. I'm so annoying!"

Very Versailles style, which his ex-wife was better at.

In fact, Jiang Taotao didn't find anything.

At least in these environments dominated by Citigroup researchers.

It's more like a game party like Robot Contest.

Well, GAME is a competition and a game.

At the moment, those sitting outside are just chatting.

So I sat all afternoon, blowing the cold wind on my neck, and heard the roar of test engines everywhere.

But the second rich and the others were really envious of the real name of lemon essence!

Everyone has not been beaten by Moments these days.

Quite honestly, he comforted Zhao Dezhu to be a superior person despite all the hardships. If he needs support from the company, he can contact some college alumni to send him warmth.

Moreover, they scrambled to send emails to ask for details. Basically, no colleges and universities in China could receive this invitation.

Charles, you are so fucking smart to get into this line.

Erfu also posted a screenshot of himself timidly asking about the competition in an English forum.


In the eyes of technical geeks, this is something more prestigious than power and wealth.

You can drop what you are doing at any time to participate in this grand event.

The chief experience officer really has his own uniqueness.

Henry also said that he has more confidence in the future of penguins!

When I ask Charles to come back, I will go to Pengzhen to take a look at the staged internal testing of the shopping platform.

There is still half a year to launch, and his technical pressure is much greater than that of the payment system.

Zhao Dezhu withdrew his knife in satisfaction.

I feel that I have paved the way for my next launch of Moments.

After nightfall, they casually ate some pizza and drank some hot cocoa, and the two of them got into the newly bought sleeping bags, and barely took a nap in the flat compartment.

Then the next morning in a daze, he was awakened by someone knocking on the glass.

There was a gap left, and the window glass was still covered with water vapor.

Zhao Dezhu opened the car door inexplicably, and was surprised to see that there were law enforcement officers wearing FBI jackets outside!

He couldn't understand what the other party said at all, so he quickly pushed Jiang Taotao who was next to him to wake up.

According to the request of the other party, I took out the passport and visa, and handed over the invitation letter of HK University to visit the competition.

The staff member with a serious expression laughed after taking the passport, ended the inspection and inquiry in a few words, and returned the passport with a good attitude.

Zhao Dezhu heaved a sigh of relief with a smile, but when he turned his head, he saw Jiang Taotao's face was ugly: "What's wrong?"

The young tech genius suppressed his expression and turned around and said, "Shame, when I saw our passports, I smiled and said that I thought we were people from Jiaopen who came to spy on scientific and technological information, Huaguo...doesn't understand this kind of high technology at all. "

Zhao Dezhu also suddenly realized, and repeatedly patted his chest to put down the big stone in his heart.

He really came to Citigroup with the mentality of more than ten years later.

Who would have thought that more than ten years later, the two superpowers would be on guard against each other.

At this moment, Huaguo is still a local turtle that many people in Citigroup don't pay attention to.

The skill of keeping a low profile has really won a rare development space for various industries.

The dangerous trip I expressed to Sister Long also instantly lifted the alarm.

So Zhao Dezhu quickly put his arms around Jiang Taotao's shoulders, reassuring him that it is this kind of contempt that allows us to have a chance to watch.

Otherwise, with Citigroup's precautionary attitude, wouldn't our trip be in vain?

Jiang Taotao still felt that he had to chase after him vigorously.

This feeling of being despised by an uneducated white-skinned pig is too uncomfortable.

The two have different temperaments, different positioning angles, and different reactions.

Fortunately, in the early morning, all R\u0026D teams have already set up their positions.

The two ate something casually and followed the audience to squeeze into the temporary wooden stand next to it.

The dozen or so cars lined up below finally revealed their true faces.

Most of them are four-wheel drive pickups or all-terrain climbing vehicles welded by steel pipes.

But whether it is in the body or on the seat, electronic equipment, remote control devices, etc. are fixed.

Jiang Taotao got as close as possible in the stands, concentrated on looking at the vehicles, and listened to the comments of the people around him.

But Zhao Dezhu was told in advance not to take pictures.

There are warning signs of "NO CAMERA" all around.

Zhao Dezhu dismissed it.

What is there to see in these backward things?

He has played with an unmanned Tesla.

Stretching your neck to see what's around can be worth it...

Ordinary spectators are of course limited to the stands, but a group of bigwigs who seem to have extraordinary identities can come and visit various equipments.

Jiang Taotao ignored these human figures at all.

Zhao Dezhu was right in the crowd, and saw the tall, thin, gray, bald, wise figure in a cold-proof padded jacket with a high-necked black sweater underneath.

The famous Qiao leader of later generations! !

Old friend Zhuo Muxian's new book "Yanggang Community" is on the shelves. He and I are honest people who work together on writing. The book is a good book. You will know it after reading it. Please subscribe

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