I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 308 Look at the mouth first

The passionate scene even made Zhao Dezhu take back the topic of the industrial chain that had already come to his lips.

Save it for the next time.

Yang Qian drove as soon as possible to accompany Chen Yanling to the media group to coordinate the placement of advertisements, and Zhou Mengxia also followed to serve as a payment machine.

Long Zhiyu was slightly surprised that Zhao Dezhu had entrusted three little girls with such an important task.

The education investment funds returned from Penguin during this period, that is, the net profit of "Condor Heroes", are all on the books of the education company.

The public cash account was also newly opened and controlled by Long Zhiyu, and the finance department only had the authority to transfer less than 500,000 yuan.

During the entire Spring Festival, as the general manager of an education company, and even as an outsourced contractor for a game company, she was exhausted in all kinds of prevention and control.

It's just that these children, if they don't pay attention, will go the wrong way in the face of the huge temptation of money.

She dare not go out to travel, and there are also reasons for this.

Zhao Dezhu did not explain Chen Yanling's family affairs: "I can trust them, and we will face a larger amount of money in the future, let them get used to it in advance, do you like the clothes?"

Long Zhiyu didn't accept the offer at all: "Nana has gone to the office area in the city today, I can see that you get along very well, but I think you should urge her to study more, she has good study habits and leadership skills , don’t get carried away by missing feelings, okay?”

Zhao Dezhu didn't bother: "I'm trying to straighten out my responsibilities as a father. It's difficult, but it's also very fresh and interesting. You don't object to me setting up a beauty customer service team?"

Long Zhiyu finally smiled: "It's good for you to be happy, I still believe that your starting point is very good, and you can also use the beauty economy to drive performance, but those who are flooded with water, can they persist in the temptation of this biological instinct?" Your own self-control is a test for you."

Zhao Dezhu didn't speak big words: "Then let's wait and see."

Long Zhiyu put on a meaningful hehe, she is dressed in an old-fashioned way today.

Zhao Dezhu is also growing a beard to look mature.

The two are just comparing who can pretend to be a veteran.

Such a company with tens of millions in monthly turnover does not fight for power and profit, and the two of them are always older than each other.

It is really enough.

But in terms of morality, Long Zhiyu is really worse than Zhao Dezhu.

After Zhao Dezhu came back, both the education company and the game company in the special development team began to work hard to speed up the progress.

Shen Yuhong did not participate in the work progress of selecting games from Nanli Bangziguo. He only stayed in Jiangzhou for two days to sort out the next work content with his colleagues.

I immediately went to Maple Leaf Ma for a cross-border business trip, which was expected to take about fifteen days.

Another engineer who returned from Citigroup also returned to North America, and made appointments with several familiar studios to see the progress.

Especially regarding the prospective development of mobile games, this trend must be grasped.

Therefore, other engineers and programmers who came back from Phuket are also very clear about their responsibilities.

Quickly set up a game research and development department, a game operation department, and a game education department within the company, which now has only more than 30 people.

Get the frame up before the mass recruiting.

Then they went to Southwest College one after another to get acquainted with the educational positions of higher vocational colleges.

By the way, I also experienced the unusual opening scene here.

Because there are only more than 1,000 students in total, and only more than 400 people have returned by the opening day of the journal, and the rest are all over the country!

As for the students who came back, many of them also came to hand over the money, reimburse travel expenses and get subsidies, and most of them turned around and left.

The common procedure is to bring a lot of reimbursement vouchers of your companions and groups, and set up a formation in the original logistics warehouse to stick the reimbursement list in full swing.

They exchanged their experiences across the country, and some boys whispered with the expression you know.

Then he was beaten up by the tough girls.

It is said that during the long work abroad, many lovers were formed...

This has also improved the procrastination and laziness of the boys to a certain extent.

Because I don't work hard, I have my own tigress to clean up one-on-one!

When Zhao Dezhu listened to Chen Yanling's report on this phenomenon, he laughed so bluntly: "Good guy!"

Ask the secretary to remind these hard-working comrades to remember to use internationally renowned sports protection brand products.

If necessary, he will personally bear the cost. Isn't there that kind of free distribution machine?

Pack two at school...

The business secretary blushed and wrote it down.

At the beginning, Zhao Dezhu and Long Zhiyu were worried in various ways, fearing that these energetic guys would kill them, because everyone was bored.

Now I know that this is a pastime for everyone in a busy life. It can effectively relieve stress, better unite the team, and in turn support it.

He is really a capitalist.

But when everyone is in full swing.

Lao Meng, who has been actively preparing lessons for the entire winter vacation, is preparing to comprehensively promote the teaching order of logistics and e-commerce majors.

Completely dumbfounded now.

Serious classroom records, improve teaching quality, this is the only way for any university to promote education reform.

As a result, there are no students!


The class cadres take the lead on business trips, and the student union is the main force in the charge.

It is said that the competition for the thickness of the bus ticket has become an internal entertainment for the teachers and students of Southwest College.

Yes, even the teacher ran and pushed outside, enjoying it.

Earn more than in school, and there is also a travel subsidy in the name.

Isn't it good to make money for a vocational college that doesn't have much academic atmosphere?

When looking for the principal, Lao Long basically didn't care about anything else. During the Spring Festival, Long Zhiyu took advantage of his daughter's absence to have a long talk.

Haven't shown up since school started.

Not to mention the teaching director or something.

Finally, when asked about the education company, Long Zhiyu laughed professionally.

After the flight was delayed, the stewardess made all kinds of apologies, but they didn't solve the problem, and they did everything they could.

It's even worse if you call Zhao Dezhu.

The guy's original words were: "What kind of school is called a thousand people? All of these people have gone outside to recruit students. Look at the original e-commerce class. There were only seventy or eighty people. Now more than forty people have gone to Pengzhen for internships." , you don’t want to have only such a small number of people in the class, so the situation in the past six months is special, we need to recruit all the students and expand the scale.”

This can make sense to most people, and a pedantic researcher like Lao Meng can't fool around.

Schools are for classes, and students are for reading.

Internship is to learn practically after mastering the technical theory, don't talk about those messy things.

Zhao Dezhu ignored him, and if he wanted to, he turned around and complained to President Li of Southwest Associated University.

Even heartbroken, he claimed to go to the education department to report this chaotic situation in teaching.

This frightened Long Zhiyu.

It's like a flight attendant complained to the Air Traffic Management Bureau by passengers.

The little woman panicked immediately. After all, it was her father's painstaking effort for more than ten years. It would be a disaster if it was ruined like this.

He could only call Zhao Dezhu in a low voice to ask for advice.

Zhao Dezhu was straightforward and rude: "Damn it, I told him it's not okay. In this case, you ask someone to drive him to the office here, and I'll talk to him face-to-face. If it's not okay, I'll take him to talk to Principal Li. What about doing things?" It's so unreasonable."

Long Zhiyu inexplicably felt confident, but still cautious: "Don't scold Lao Meng, he is a good person. Our school should teach and educate people. It is our fault for not doing well."

Zhao Dezhu hehe, and then warned: "You are not allowed to drive, I have never been in a car, forget it, I will call to arrange, I still don't believe that he can't be cured."

Long Zhiyu hung up the phone, sat there for a while, and chose to close the door and draw the curtain to lie down on the massage chair.

No matter how tired she was, that was her safe haven.

At the beginning of school, all aspects of manpower are also abundant.

Shen Jianing was originally at the front desk downstairs, after accepting the arrangement, she immediately asked Ding Wei for a driver to drive Lao Meng to the city center in a Jetta.

Zhao Dezhu's instructions were clear and clear. Seeing that Lao Meng's face was not good, she would simply accompany him and talk with him throughout the process, so as to prevent Lao Meng's phone calls from causing trouble.

Fools remember to talk with them.

Sitting in the co-pilot half turned around chattering, does Mr. Meng like drinking tea, how old is Mr. Meng's child, Mr. Meng...

Lao Meng almost had a cerebral hemorrhage.

When Shen Jianing accompanied him every step of the way to the office on the dozens of floors, when he stepped out of the elevator, he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage.

Outside the front desk are full of chirping young girls!

Chen Yanling is in charge of official arrangements, posting advertisements and contacting the recruitment game customer service, but the screening selection is Feng Xiaoting's decision.

Very simple, the age requirement is between 17 and 25 years old, junior high school or high school graduates, college students are also fine.

But they can't be students at school, there is no height limit, and the weight must not exceed Li Yuanyuan and Gao Yuxin, except that Zhao Dezhu requires good looks, customer service work, at least Mandarin must be proficient.

Dubbing professionals are still very sensitive to this.

The most important thing is that Feng Xiaoting is very keen on this matter, and feels that she is choosing a concubine for Zhao Dezhu...

It also fully proves that Jiangzhou is a city that produces beautiful women.

After it was published in the Evening Post and Nv Bao last night, the Morning Post added another wave this morning.

In the early morning, the elevator poured boxes of beauties into the office!

It made the engineers on the entire office floor boil, and it also made other floors of the entire office building want to watch the excitement after hearing the news.

It's a pity that we can only squeeze in the fire exit and open the door crack.

The entire floor here is owned by Penguin.

Even Shen Yuhong, after reading the email photos sent by his companions immediately, sighed why Charles wanted to hold such a grand event when he was on a business trip?

Li Yuanyuan took the front desk and asked these beauties to fill in the information form first, and then quickly went to Feng Xiaoting to have a conversation.

Quickly wipe out some of the obviously unqualified ones, but please wait for the notification politely.

If you pass the initial test, you will be called to come to work for a trial within three days.

But the beauties grabbed Feng Xiaoting and asked to show off her talents again. I can sing and dance. Will these add points?

In fact, the beauties are also quite hard.

Not to mention the adept leaning against the front desk and the office area to make friends with Yuanyuan and the programmers.

Ask who the boss is, and the boss has no topics in the office.

A mentality of preparing to capture the thief first and capture the king first!

The most high-end office in the center of Jiangzhou, the famous Penguin company, and a monthly salary starting at 2,000.

The wages of ordinary clerks are still between 800 and 1500 in 2004.

Just answering the phone, playing games, and commuting to and from get off work on time.

Who wouldn't?

It is said that every pretty girl in Jiangzhou City wanted to try it that day.

Many companies, industrial and mining enterprises asked for leave and absent from work, and girls who were absent from school classes and absent from school all came.

Good-looking girls in various circles will be ridiculed, why didn't you apply for the customer service of Penguin Company?

So even if you don't go, you have to hide in the dormitory for a while, so as not to be asked by others, it is obvious that you are not confident in your appearance.

Because last night, the game advertisement of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" was officially broadcast on Jiangzhou Satellite TV.

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