I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 241 You already have a score?


At the same time, the commercial vehicle that arrived at the Taoist temple on the mountain stopped.

The secretary who got out of the car hesitated and said in a low voice: "That young man also makes some sense, it seems that you can follow up?"

The richest man's father stood by the stone railing on the top of the mountain overlooking the northern suburbs, and he might really feel that he was already in ecstasy.

After pondering, he said, "It's not too late to... observe, right? The most important thing for us now is not to develop the company's employee team."

People who are determined to climb to the top are easy to worry about gains and losses.

It's up to someone else to advance him.

More importantly, it's really a bit floating.

An incredible battle was won.

I feel like I am the chosen one.

So I have to believe in fate.

And maybe it was Feng Xiaoting's interruption.

Let God's favored Zhao Dezhu calm down from his passion.

In no rush to sell his new ideas.

Introduce the outside city with the guests who are not very skilled.

"Actually, I don't have much time to go shopping and sightseeing. Vocational colleges are more like a closed environment. I think it is good for vocational students who are not very qualitative."

"This is the Outlets. We have done express logistics practice here. After New Year's Day, the freight volume suddenly increased. I guess you have seen this situation in many cities, especially in Pengzhen, East Guangdong. There are so many, but I think the most developed ones may still be in the Yangtze River Delta area of ​​East China.”

The three future billionaires over the age of thirty said nothing.

Looking at the night view of the city speeding by outside.

Not much to see either.

But Zhao Dezhu was surprised that he had already had so many intersections with this municipality directly under the Central Government.

"Oh, the relatively high-end real estate on the right is the development zone of Tianhu Real Estate. This is a part of our professional sponsorship and supporting companies for higher vocational education."

"Tianhu Real Estate is opposite our school. It has just started the construction of an international golf course and real estate with an investment of 300 million yuan. I talked with the boss and the financial officer that day, and then I went to their design meeting in HK. Real estate, Internet, etc. I don't know much about it, but golf has a say."

Gradually entering the urban area, Zhao Dezhu's explanations decreased instead.

He even had to let Yang Qian drive to the front to lead the way.

Because of the twists and turns of Jiangzhou City, which is built on the hillside, it is easy for outsiders to lose their sense of direction.

But the lights outside are gradually increasing, and the urban buildings are overwhelmingly crowded.

It also failed to let the CEO, CFO, and what other O speak.

They seemed to be listening to Zhao Dezhu's explanation in a tacit understanding.

As if to observe this guy from the expression of these few words, the habit of choosing words and making sentences.

Occasionally, I would um, but I seldom even looked at the street scene outside.

Zhao Dezhu parked the car in front of the Haitian Hotel.

It was the place where he asked Xi Lianying to sell the car.

It was almost twelve o'clock midnight.

Zhao Dezhu asked the investor: "Should I have some supper, or should I go to bed early, and then consider visiting the city tomorrow, or visit our school again."

Second rich dad finally said, "Where do you live?"

Zhao Dezhu said casually: "I live in the student dormitory. If you want to go sightseeing tomorrow, I will leave the car for you. If you need to talk to me about work, I will accompany you at any time."

It's a good business negotiation, he said it a bit in a manner that depends on the situation.

The three senior executives didn't look at each other and didn't discuss.

The second rich dad directly suggested: "Let's go directly to your school. There are many things that count against the clock. We have to see and feel with our own eyes."

It's midnight!

Zhao Dezhu didn't feel sleepy either, so he nodded and agreed.

Feng Xiaoting, please confirm that the luggage of the three bosses is in the car.

Ask Li Yuanyuan to take the key and leave.

Arranging check-in here, some young managers can't wait to walk on the empty pedestrian street to feel the different mountain city.

Mercedes-Benz left first.

Long Zhiyu can arrange everything.

This is definitely a sense of trust that no companion around Zhao Dezhu can give him.

100% can't go wrong.

But the atmosphere in the Mercedes-Benz was slightly different this time.

There are many kinds of continuous inquiries.

It mainly focuses on the reason why Zhao Dezhu, a native of Guangdong, came to Jiangzhou.

Pay attention to his experience, his education, his experience.

It's a bit of an internal smell of HR when recruiting.

It is also miraculous.

It seems the route is just right.

When the Mercedes-Benz left the city center, it first passed the bar and nightclub area.

Zhao Dezhu talked about his failure to sell wine here.

Pass the second-hand car market before leaving the city on the expressway.

Zhao Dezhu smiled and talked about his failure in renting a car.

On the side of the expressway, we passed the exit of Nanyun Golf.

Then at the end of the road, the logistics market was already a bit noisy: "The logistics market in the west is still too small. Large trucks from all over the country arrive around the early morning, load and unload during the day, and leave at night."

"So we are working with Tianhu Real Estate to create a huge logistics market..."

At this time, let's talk about Sister Xia's logistics and golf land tricks, and it feels a bit like attacking and defending.

The three senior executives looked at each other uncontrollably.

Obviously, they all felt the same about Zhao Dezhu's failed experiences.

Any entrepreneur will encounter such a similar state.

Looking for direction, looking for an exit, experiencing failure.

But Zhao Dezhu climbed to the level of this layout so quickly!

It's the same as upgrading the game of fighting monsters and filling up the money, and going directly to VIP!

The kind that blasts the boss with one knife, and treasures all over the place.

And the most important thing is that Zhao Dezhu's growth can be seen with the naked eye.

His focus has also increased step by step from foreign wine, car rental, golf, and logistics.

And these concerns are areas with a bright future.

It felt obvious that he was trying in every part.

Finally suddenly broke out in higher vocational education?

Because after skimming the last few kilometers and arriving at Southwest College, even though there were no lights at night, and it was dimly lit, it still outlined the building built against the mountain.

Like a silent giant.

It was pitch black all around!

It sets off the excellence of the college.

When Zhao Dezhu stopped the car, he took a photo to explain: "It's interesting, I have a very good art and design team, and I ask them to improve the night scene of this school."

Except for the polite nod of the second rich dad.

The other two couldn't wait to rush to the window of the roadside e-sports training center.

Details, this is the detail that Zhao Dezhu couldn't do before.

Neither can his high-ranking team.

Lao Wan and the others made floor-to-ceiling glass partitions, and improved the doors of cake shops, training centers, bars, columns, and the like.

For example, the perimeter of the training center is covered with dark red aluminum-plastic panels, which directly transform the ordinary front of the rolling shutter door into an elegant and noble window. .

Well, maybe in Zhao Dezhu's view, it's like Helan or Jiaopen, a showcase for candidates in some red-light districts.

But for people with culture and taste, it will feel like the famous red frame cover of Time Magazine!

The value of design is here.

The glass is covered with large and small Chinese and English stickers according to the pattern of the cover title.

"Game is a belief"

"Games are also an attitude"

"Similarly, this is also a dream, a job, a career"

wait wait wait.

At any rate, Zhao Dezhu still felt that he couldn't explain why, but it was so beautiful anyway.

The high vocational students who usually crowded here to spy on the e-sports players would complain and block their sight.

But at this time, in the eyes of the executives, no matter what is inside, this is a cover image, the kind that has a lot of meaning.

It took a lot of film to be seen by other media groups.

Even more surprised now.

Especially in such a wild place.

Suddenly a colorful dreamy glass house appears.

Let's say it's shocking or not.

Zhao Dezhu himself didn't expect to see this effect in the middle of the night. The three senior executives applauded lightly and took out their small cameras to take pictures.

I don't know if I'm planning to plagiarize.

There are two or three e-sports players practicing.

Pan Jiangyuan also told Zhao Dezhu that he absolutely abides by the school discipline and standard work and rest, but some people are used to staying up late and playing games better, so let's get used to it slowly.

Now Zhao Dezhu opened the door of the bar next to him, and turned on the air conditioner: "Wait for the temperature to rise, let's take a look at our office first, beware of vicious dogs."

The high-level executives who were excitedly going around to the training center to watch, hurried back behind him.

The IT elites are wise, because Heiwa's low-pitched roar has already begun.

Zhao Dezhu smiled and went over to comfort Hei Wa, who was tied to a ten-meter-long iron chain at night, before turning his growl into a proud whine, and he went back to the automatic hut with his mouth clattering.

Liu Jiangtao is also fond of it, and specially made a dog house with wheels, so that Heiwa can use it at work.

Zhao Dezhu was about to unlock the office when he caught a glimpse of a car headlight hurrying over on the road.

In view of the sparse flow of people here, Zhao Dezhu knew that it was his partners who realized that this was the most important scene.

Someone came along to help.

Who has such a quick mind?

Turn on the lights in your office, even at the front desk.

A few well-informed and successful entrepreneurs who have just made their way through hard work couldn't help but wow: "Yes!"

"You are really good at it!"

In fact, it was Lao Wan and the others who did a comprehensive photo spray painting. They combined the pictures of the models in the previous online store, the pictures of the high vocational students here, the pictures of Zhao Dezhu's famous caddy shaking hands, and the picture of Long Zhiyu being interviewed. etc.

Black and white or brown monochrome, enlarged to the entire wall.

Just like the decoration promotion of some clothing stores.

Coupled with the carefully set spotlight group.

The effect is very high-end like a big-name clothing store.

It's actually just a wall sticker.

Of course, the most eye-catching, of course, is the handshake photo on the Internet.

Even if Zhao Dezhu is a corner caddy, he has shown his status in participating in it.

It was originally used to lick the richest man, but now it has basically become a prop for Penguin executives to show their promotion.

But now in Zhao Dezhu's eyes, it has become a notice to encourage him to go beyond!

So somehow, that person's interpretation of the photos at that time was really a bit magical.

At this moment, of course, it also attracted the serious attention of the three senior executives: "You have a very deep relationship with a certain treasure network?"

More than an hour ago, it used to be.

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