I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 213 The Real Man Doesn't Show His Face

After Zhao Dezhu heard that the other party had reported himself as his family, his feet softened and he almost knelt down!

I was really not mentally prepared.

The last time I saw the richest man's father, he had done business with a certain treasure net for so long, and when the other party invited him to Zhejiang and Hangzhou, he knew that he would probably meet the big man with a strange face.

So it's pretty gradual.

Did you install Tianyantong this time, or connected my big data, how do you know me...

A two-thousandth share change has attracted the other party's attention so quickly?

And do you go directly to the king's bomb at every turn?

Zhao Dezhu took a few breaths, then slapped Pan Jiangyuan's door open casually, motioning him to receive Brother Feng and the others, and made a gesture that the phone call was very important.

I hurried to the front desk of the office, asked Li Yuanyuan for a pen and paper and sat behind the front desk.

Also responded with a sweet voice: "Oh, hello, hello, do you have any advice?"

The second rich dad didn't beat around the bush: "We just learned that you have traded part of Penguin's equity. I don't know what kind of business considerations or operational plans it is for?"

Zhao Dezhu was delighted by the word you, the richest man's father had never called him that, he swayed a few times lightly and cheaply, feeling extremely comfortable.

As a result, Li Yuanyuan, who had been standing by the side and looked at him, probably thought he had lice, so she hurriedly scratched him. The down jacket was thick, and she simply stuck it in from the neck to scratch.

In the morning, his hands and claws were cold, and Zhao Dezhu couldn't help but gasped.

It may sound like the insidiousness of facing a python over there: "Mr. Zhao?"

Zhao Dezhu was so angry that he turned around and made a tiger face, and quickly nodded and bowed to the phone: "Yes, yes, um, I don't have any business considerations or operational plans, what should you do, go! I wish the company's business take off, I will follow Just drink some soup!"

Yes, he desperately had to have any influence now.

As far as the country is peaceful and the people are safe, let Penguin grow into the number one company in the world, even if it suppresses a certain treasure net.

Who said that the shares over there are none of his business.

The other party may feel more and more abnormal about his unprogressive shareholder attitude.

What a targeted behavior it must be to persevere in searching from HK until now there are only 2/1000 shares outside.

The real person doesn't show his face, and the ruthless corner doesn't speak?

So after only a few seconds of pause, the other party still chose to make a single-handed advance: "Then may I use the name of the corporate legal person, CEO, to acquire the shares you hold?"

Zhao Dezhu was just curious: "What's your asking price?"

That's right, like a speculator waiting for a price, the other party doesn't look too old and cunning, and his tone is relieved: "I heard that you bought it for 120,000 US dollars, let's increase it by ten times. 1.2 million dollars to buy, are you satisfied?"

Hahahaha, I'm not a little digital prince, I'm satisfied to leave after earning ten times.

Zhao Dezhu couldn't help but silently shrugged his shoulders and shook several times.

It's so cool.

Li Yuanyuan now confirmed that his shoulder and neck were uncomfortable, and she had heard that Gao Yuxin liked to give him massages.

Immediately reached out to help pinch her neck. She was standing, so she tried her best.

That's really comfortable.

On the phone, the second rich dad gently asked if he wanted $1.2 million.

There are caring massages outside the phone.

Zhao Dezhu almost snorted in comfort, but he was still unambiguous on the issue of money: "Thank you for your generosity. In fact, money is not important. The main reason is that I admire you very much. Ever since I got my first QQ account From the beginning, I liked this company very much, so when I had the opportunity to obtain this share, I decided to keep this share and stand with you forever."

Crap, who wouldn't want to be with a winner?

He laughed at the word forever before so much, but now Zhao Dezhu...

Just at this time, Long Zhiyu walked in, and at a glance, he saw Zhao Dezhu with his legs up, leisurely like a young master of a landlord's family.

Li Yuanyuan leaned over so hard that her chest was used as a pillow!

And also heard forever...

Oh, hello, that face full of disgust.

She could do it too, and exaggeratedly covered the side of her face with her palms, indicating that I went upstairs without seeing it.

Zhao Dezhu didn't even care about her anymore, so he gave her the middle finger!

Because I heard the confirmation from the other side: "You mean that this equity will not be sold, and any price will not be accepted? You can set a price to discuss, and I will try my best to satisfy it."

Forget it, Zhao Dezhu felt that if he quoted 2 billion for 2/1000 of the shares at this time, he would definitely be dragged out and killed by the other party.

Don’t bully people too much: "That’s almost what I mean, please believe that I am absolutely kind. Of course, if there is something that needs to be voted by shareholders, I will definitely stand by your side, and I can even help you shine your shoes. Tea or something."

He thought he was humorous and expressed his willingness to kneel and lick.

Little did they know that for the big boss who was ups and downs in the business world, he felt a little joking.

The tone was as serious as possible: "If we inject capital into the entire company to expand and dilute the shares, do you agree with me?"

Zhao Dezhu slapped himself in the face every minute: "Oh, I will definitely not participate in this kind of thing. I can give you the contact number of my law firm in HK. As the original shareholder, I got this part before you went public. Equity, I have the right not to participate in any activities that dilute my shares, and correspondingly I will also give up my voting rights, and you have no right to dilute my shares, thank you."

Yes, this is the most powerful part of the original stock of angel stocks.

For example, Li Zhengdao invested in a certain Baowang early on and accounted for a few percent of the shares. It is impossible to dilute the proportion by being followed by others casually, especially for small shareholders.

Otherwise, the million-dollar angel stocks will easily be smashed by the later venture capital.

It will greatly destroy the enthusiasm of investors for the earliest angel investment.

Therefore, for minority shareholders below a certain percentage, as long as they give up voting rights, management rights and other rights to dictate, that shareholding ratio can never participate in dilution.

The follow-up investment of diluted shares can mean that the entire market is diluted, or it can be a certain major shareholder, or a combination of several major shareholders, and what percentage of shares they take out to dilute and enlarge the total investment.

But stubborn minority shareholders can also be like nail households. I don’t care, I’m nailed here anyway, and you can do whatever you want. I only want my share, and the ratio will never change.

Otherwise, I do not agree with all dilution of shares, as a hostile takeover.

You can kill me if you have the ability.

How many old aristocrats and old families actually used this method to earn their money in the big group.

Otherwise, with the expansion of the Internet economy, those old money would have been diluted to the point where there is no bone left.

Zhao Dezhu alone must not understand this.

Luo Shixin understands, and the lawyers and accountants he introduced understand even more.

Capitalist societies have been playing these tricks for hundreds of years.

As long as it is put on the bright side, there are very few cases of using public power to exert pressure. At least Zhao Dezhu didn't hear about doing such things publicly until more than ten years later.

After all, everything in the capitalist system is based on the rules and integrity of capital operations.

Western European and American societies also emphasize very much that if you broke the rules and robbed others this time, you will rob me next time.

At least in the same class, they still have to face.

Of course, if Zhao Dezhu was just a young man from the mainland, with this share, he could just find a reason to say no, and he might lose it.

But he bypassed the offshore company's law firm in HK, and everything went according to the standard procedures.

This is not a matter of the identity of the young people in the Mainland, it is that HK professionals will take money to do things, and they will not let go when they are bitten to death.

In fact, HK's great existence value for the mainland is this kind of replacement.

The use of HK under different systems can be transformed ingeniously.

It's not that HK is so awesome, it's just that it is a necessary converter.

Immediately caught blind here.

They knew they were in the toughest situation, tougher than they had imagined.

The reason why we delayed until today to inquire about the last two-thousandth attribution is because today is the first working day in 2004.

They must inform shareholders of the company's upcoming actions.

So the phone was quiet for dozens of seconds, and they must have covered the microphone while discussing.

Zhao Dezhu also took the phone away to see if it had enough battery power. If this important call was cut off because of a lack of power, it would be a mess.

Fortunately, it is not a smart phone of later generations, and it usually does not need to be charged for a few days.

Li Yuanyuan also quickly seized the opportunity to whisper in his ear: "Xiexie, your hands... are sore!"

Zhao Dezhu was overjoyed, tilted his head and whispered: "Next time I will take you to HK to play!"

As soon as the voice fell, a voice came from the phone: "Can we invite you to come to Pengzhen or HK for an interview..."


Kneeling and licking face to face, the miraculous skills are displayed.

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