I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 182: Embracing Thighs Dezhu Ascension to Heaven

That's right, about YOHOO's financing of one billion U.S. dollars for a certain treasure.com, and it includes news that a certain treasure.com acquired YOHOO's Huaguo branch.

Finally, it detonated overwhelmingly on major domestic portals.

Not to mention that on Huaguo YOHOO's own portal website, there is a banner advertisement of "New Era, New Treasure".

At a time when Guge and Baidu are vying for the number one position in domestic search engines.

The Huaguo YOHOO search page, which has already stepped down from the altar, has also rushed to a wave of popularity.

Then almost all the front-page photos quoted by the media are joint advertisements between the huge YOHOO and the LOGO of a certain treasure net on the New York Manhattan Plaza.

A treasure.com acquired all the assets of YOHOO Huaguo, and also received a billion-dollar financing from YOHOO!

The whole world is lying!

Zhao Dezhu can only say that the richest man's father has an expert.

It was obvious that YOHOO provided billions of dollars in financing, and then packaged and presented YOHOO Huaguo assets.

It was deliberately reversed to say that it was Baowang who acquired it first, and it would provide one billion US dollars in exchange for 40% of the shares of Baowang.

Make the topic extra strong.

It also invisibly raised the status of a certain treasure network.

At least Yibai will never want to buy a certain treasure.com again.

About seventy-two hours have passed since today.

It seems that the parties involved have basically finalized the acquisition and financing agreement, and announced it officially in this way.

Abao.com has officially become the well-deserved top brand of the domestic Internet!

The richest man's father has since embarked on his road to being a hero.

Even though Long Zhiyu believed in the legendary stories that Zhao Dezhu told before, she was still like a little girl for a moment, stretched flat in surprise and then raised her fingers to cover her mouth.

Because Zhao Dezhu just pointed at the photo ingratiatingly and said: "I gave them an idea to do this, and the effect is absolutely good!"

She clicked on the photo.

The content of the article I saw, the title picture is a group photo of two giants standing on the green grass of Pebble Beach, holding clubs and shaking hands.

And Zhao Dezhu was standing in the corner behind them.

Maybe his image is better than that middle-aged caddy.

Anyway, he was the only one left.

Although not in the C position, Zhao Dezhu's gaze was very strange.

At such an important moment, as a little caddy, the focus of his eyes is not on the boss, nor is he looking around, but seems to pass through the two Internet giants and look at the void on the photographer's side.

Then the English title below is: "Young Chinese, walking onto the stage".

The authentic Banana Man of Chinese descent is the master of Internet 1.0, and 2.0, which straddles the East and the West, is taking over with the help of developed countries in Europe and the United States, and then a pure Chinese youth is eager to hit 3.0!

This front-page news from the New York Times expresses this kind of view full of morals.

Sitting in the dilapidated office of a pheasant university in the urban-rural fringe of Jiangzhou, watching the Internet news of the most developed country on the planet on a brand new ibook.

Zhao Dezhu, one of the three core members of the news, actually wagged his tail like a pug and smiled at the table, showing off: "Haha! There is really me, next time I have this opportunity, I will definitely show my heart to you!"

While talking, Zhao Dezhu rubbed his thumb and index finger triumphantly.

It's a pity that this cute gesture from Nan Li was not popular at all in 2003.

Long Zhiyu looked at him as seriously as possible, and then compared with the big boy on the screen, there was a kind of illusory dislocation of montage.

This is obviously an illiterate who can't even recognize what is said in English on the screen, but is actually regarded by the New York Times as the hope for the future of Huaguo?

Met your big head ghost.

But apparently the photo has gone around the country.

Zhao Dezhu's suggestion really hit the nail on the head.

In this era when the vast majority of people still look up to Citigroup, the light of the lighthouse is shining brightly, and a little bit of Huaguo elements on the New York Plaza in the center of the world can arouse a sense of pride and supreme glory.

In fact, as long as you spend more than 10,000 U.S. dollars, you can enjoy ten seconds of glory.

But it is obvious that the billion-dollar deal cannot afford to lose this person.

It actually captured the images of all the large display screens in the square at this moment...

Overwhelming while playing.

The ambition to occupy the central topic of the world is manifested to the extreme.

Afterwards, Zhao Dezhu found out that half of these billboards were originally related to YOHOO's advertising system, and their own business was severely discounted!

All in all, a Huaguo website has made its peak appearance in the Beacon Country.

This news with national pride was reprinted in all directions.

Including the mainstream media and the news after seven o'clock are treasures.

Many people really knelt for too long and couldn't stand up from the bottom of their hearts.

To be precise, all the international and domestic news today will mention this incident and put this photo on it.

Even because of the accuracy of the large display screen in the square, it is difficult to recognize the face of the big boy behind.

But at this moment, a certain treasure network has gained a great reputation, and it has gathered all the popular concepts of the Internet in one, and has become famous both at home and abroad!

Not only ruthlessly rejected Yibai's idea of ​​acquisition, but also blocked the entry threshold of many Internet companies that are eager to move towards e-commerce.

Do you want to follow suit and make a shopping website?

Let's see if I can get billion-dollar financing...

Can Citigroup, the birthplace of the Nasdaq Internet, get such a heavy attention.

Can you get the whole ecological layout of e-commerce + search engine + portal + instant messaging!

Perhaps apart from e-commerce, Baowang is not the first in several other items, but it is almost impossible for other companies to own these several items at the same time.

obviously. The father of the richest man, who was almost deprived of the control of a certain treasure net, started on the mythical road of half-human half-god.

He is building himself to be the core of all these miracles, ensuring that he is synonymous with e-commerce.

The benefits that come from this are not realized by others.

Zhao Dezhu couldn't help but be overjoyed!

The familiar father of the richest man has begun!

Feng Xiaoting has good eyesight. Seeing Zhao Dezhu leaning against the desk flatteringly, he quickly disappeared after reporting the news.

Among these large offices, which are connected by winding paths, the one reserved for the boss and the general manager must be the innermost one.

In fact, there is also the original door on the side to leave the corridor outside.

But now it is set up in the form of three large offices plus an outside office area.

Given that even the two bosses have only established their identities with each other, there is naturally no chief office assistant outside.

To go to a large room next to it is Zhou Mengxia's financial office and supervisor's office.

The other two rooms are open creative office areas reserved for future departments, and game consoles have been brought in, and then connected to the reception area on the first floor.

Now Feng Xiaoting and the others are all crowded in the financial room to read the news.

So the two of them are alone in the general manager's office.

Long Zhiyu just felt that the two of them were alone in the same space, and seemed a little flustered.

Seeing the expression on Zhao Dezhu's face, he couldn't help but ask, "What?"

Zhao Dezhu applauded himself: "The last time I went back to Zhejiang and Hangzhou, Boss Xia didn't pay attention to this Jack at all, including Principal Li. If I talk to him about the e-commerce major, which shopping website CEO should come? As the head of the department, he would definitely not approve of it, but what about now?"

Whether in the eyes of the owner of Tianhu Real Estate or the president of Southwest Associated University.

The Internet upstart is obviously different today.

So if you want others to look up to you, you still have to rely on self-reliance to change your strength.

Even Zhang Zegui called: "Wow, I saw that a certain treasure.com has secured a billion-dollar financing. Why did you appear in the photo?"

Zhao Dezhu proudly said, "You know how good I am! Come and worship me! Hahaha, call me Dad!"

Zhang Zegui is rich and can't be lewd: "Get lost!"

But he changed his tone and said the business: "If you have time, you should go to HK to communicate with Jiang Taotao. He is very focused and professional in his work, but in terms of personality, it would be great if he has half of your sophistication."

Zhao Dezhu yelled strangely: "Are you praising or mocking me..."

Looking at the big boy who was chattering with his new mobile phone, Long Zhiyu could finally secretly show a doting smile.

Look at the outstanding calm young man in the news, but she didn't let herself be indulging in this illusion, she closed her laptop and got up quietly.

Holding his waist, he passed behind Zhao Dezhu, who was still having exaggerated and funny conversations.

When I went to the financial office, I saw a large group of people crowded to watch the financial director flip through the webpage, all kinds of amazed and excited.

Reach out and knock on the partition wall seriously: "Xiao Ting, you immediately form a general manager's office with ten to fifteen people, and then Xiao Zhou sorts out the list of the finance department, and finally adds all the members of the e-commerce team, Training starts at six o'clock tomorrow morning!"

training camp?

What is the training camp?

The students of Southwest City College feel that their careers in higher education have been completely baffled by the incomprehensible couple.

But it is full of vigorous vitality.

Who wouldn't want to follow a promising (money) leader?

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