I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 137 Kneeling is not dignity, but life

When it landed at the Zhejiang-Hangzhou Airport, the online shopping platform, which was still in its infancy, unexpectedly provided a commercial vehicle to welcome the guests.

It fully shows that this is still the stage when customers are bullying the store, and it also shows their confidence.

Zhao Dezhu was also a little surprised.

He knows nothing, he doesn't know that he is already a unicorn company that has received international venture capital by now.

I have long been ambitious to do a big job.

It's just that the personal online trading platform has just started, and other parts are already quite powerful.

So Sister Lian Xia asked someone to do a little research and confirmed that the online shopping company that Zhao Dezhu was looking at was definitely different from the plethora of online shopping malls back then.

She came two days in advance, but she was not in a hurry to go to the other party's company to inspect, and more to bring her own team to investigate the real estate in Zhejiang and Hangzhou.

This is a real domestic economic powerhouse. The weight of the entire East China Delta, together with the East Guangdong Delta, may exceed the sum of all other places in the country.

Zhao Dezhu also sent a text message to Sister Xia saying that he had arrived.

Zhang Zegui is already waiting to meet at a five-star hotel arranged by Baowang in advance.

Even if the public relations department at the reception knew that there were sixteen or seventeen people here, they still held their identity information.

But when we met at the airport, I was still shocked by the JK outfit team here.

The discipline that Long Zhiyu trained in the golf class.

Now it has become a scene to set off Zhao Dezhu.

The six girls stood in a row with solemn expressions, and they all sat and stood meticulously.

Fortunately, the temperature in Jiangzhou has also started to cool down recently, so the pantyhose can also keep the little skirts warm.

The girls in Huang Panpan's online store group must have poor looks and figures, but as Zhao Dezhu said, everyone can learn from the golf class's style of light makeup.

At the end of the flight, the girls were asked to help each other put on makeup.

Everyone bought Ou Fanny's autumn and winter clothes, and they still look a bit fashionable.

I only suffered from those few boys who were responsible for helping everyone carry their luggage.

It is even more contrasting with Zhao Dezhu's young boss, accompanied by a pretty and smart secretary, and his idle demeanor is uniquely charming.

The PR reception manager Ben said: "You are the largest and most beautiful customer team I have ever seen!"

Zhao Dezhu squinted: "It's not that there are too many people coming, or that it's just a matter of looking good."

It's really hard for another person to express the cynical, nonchalant, and teasing tone of the second generation X to such an essence.

The other party's manager, who was a bit arrogant, didn't dare to take the blame.

I guess I don't think it's easy to think about my temper.

Only Feng Xiaoting knew that the entire cost was borne by others, and she whispered in Zhao Dezhu's ear after getting into the car, "Aren't we going too far, at least the competition group..."

Zhao Dezhu hehe: "If you didn't bring all the dozens of people who cleaned up the goods, it's already taking advantage of them."

The style of desperately asking for money of a certain treasure.com who turned his face and refused to recognize others, later on, the people of the whole country probably would have such an opportunity to slap their wool.

By the time I stayed at the hotel, I was actually a little out of control.

Five-star hotels in economically developed areas like Zhejiang and Hangzhou are pavilions with a bit of a club atmosphere, and the lobby is full of elegant interweaving of gurgling water and piano performances.

Including the teacher from the Southwest Associated University, everyone was in a dizzying state of bumpkins.

From the very beginning, Zhao Dezhu revealed the usefulness of attacking his confidants with luxurious packages.

Both Huang Panpan and Gao Yuxin could suppress their emotions and urge their own people not to lose face.

Ding Wei was close again, he hadn't taken the initiative to manage and remind the other boys' self-consciousness, but he was able to carry his luggage with his head buried in his head, almost making the doorman think that they were robbing business.

Zhao Dezhu was unrestrained, and when he arrived, he left it to the secretary to make arrangements, and he and Zhang Zegui went to the nearby coffee shop to chat about business.

He brought the improved national sales display applet, and Zhang Zegui brought the logistics tracking system.

The two of them have communicated a lot on the phone these days. As long as the courier company uses this system, it will be almost the same as the later generations when it is reflected in the backstage of a certain treasure.com.

The key is how to realize it.

The way the two communicated in a low voice was definitely like two wretched middle-aged men, which made the reception manager who had been observing him lament over and over in his heart that a hero turned out to be a boy.

In fact, Zhao Dezhu's focus has long since jumped away from e-commerce: "First make some computer web games, and use "Legend" to change it. The focus is to train me through this. I must train this video game major."

Zhang Zegui was dumbfounded: "I'm not a professional in making games, but I can find someone for you...Why would you focus on such crooked ways?"

Even those who work in IT feel that making games is not right.

At the moment, online games like "Legend" are already on the decline, because private servers and cheats are spreading everywhere, and the online game market is always a big production.

There are definitely those who make money, but if you enter without knowing anything, the probability of losing money is 99%.

When it comes to the development trajectory of high technology and e-commerce, Zhao Dezhu may only have a half-knowledge.

But when it comes to playing, he is too professional: "CS is still stand-alone, Internet cafe server, and game dealer server. If we develop a game similar to CS, just like ordinary online games, we have to log in to the online game to join various rooms to play. Doesn’t the game unify all players on our platform?”

Zhang Zegui tried his best to think: "Well, this year, CS only released a version recognized by global e-sports. The game has a great influence, but everyone plays pirated versions. It is difficult to increase sales after joining the anti-piracy link. At worst, people play For the LAN version, are you planning to charge for the online game?"

Zhao Dezhu shook his head: "It's free! Only free can attract people to this platform, and there are competitions to join at any time."

Zhang Zegui was surprised: "Then how do you make money?"

Zhao Dezhu took out the nirvana of Penguin Dad: "Selling skins, skins for different props, skins for different clothes, and even props with stronger firepower, you have to spend money to buy them. It is the uncle who spends money. Free players let spend money." Just have fun."

This kind of attitude, which contains the philosophy of human nature, shocked the IT man: "Fuck... this idea is too, too... can it work?"

Zhao Dezhu hehe: "Just wait and see, hahaha, I'm sure I can make a lot of money."

He is alone in Jiangzhou, and rarely discusses this with others. Now that he discusses it with experts, he feels that he can do it himself!

Earning his small goal of 100 million first is definitely not a problem!

Zhang Zegui is very pragmatic: "As for the investment, I don't make games, but I can help you find a team of talents in this field. If you do this, it will cost at least seven or eight million yuan. Do you have it?"

This is what Zhao Dezhu is a little bit embarrassed about. There are still two or three years before the demolition and relocation, but it seems that the father Penguin's copying of CS's crossing fuse also started two or three years later.

If you start at that time, you will definitely miss this knife.

Although Zhao Dezhu doesn't care about this knife, he still knows a lot of knife, but it's a pity to miss the white money.

At present, e-commerce sales are making money, but a considerable part of him is paid salary and bonuses, which can fall into his own hands, which is estimated to be tens of thousands of yuan this month. It will take some time to gradually make up for the investment he takes out of the money to do things.

How can there be millions of dollars suddenly used to do this?

But a few million is really not a problem, Aunt Xia can handle it: "You don't have to worry about this, I can still get investment, but it is best to accumulate manpower through this, programming, art design, and What?"

Zhang Zegui pouted: "You are the most courageous person I have ever seen. You dare to do anything without knowing anything. Game engines, data structures... There are a lot of these technologies. When the game comes out for promotion, marketing, and publicity, what do you think? I am such a navigator software, several million can only be used to make a base first, if you really want to promote it on the platform nationwide, you can do it without spending tens of millions on promotion and advertising? Look at the current Internet cafes. How fierce is the competition for local promotion of this kind of game, why do people get on your platform, and your idea is good, a big company will copy it for you every minute, believe it or not, it is better than you, surpassing you in every aspect A little bit, even if it is launched later, it can catch up from behind."

Zhao Dezhu had failed so many times, and when Zhang Zegui threw cold water on him, he immediately gave up his fantasy.

That's right, dad penguin is so popular, why?

Isn't it because he has hundreds of millions of Penguin users, and logging in with the Penguin account is a registered user, and all new games can be played with this entry alone.

Not to mention the tyrannical strength of Papa Penguin, who can make any good thing better.

So excited for less than three seconds, Zhao Dezhu immediately regained his composure: "Then it's still down-to-earth. There is no professional professional for the game industry in China. Please help me find some people who really understand games, but they are not good at doing it by themselves." If you are successful, if you are willing to become a teacher at my side to cultivate game talents in an all-round way, I will set up a game university!"

Zhang Zegui was silent, and it took a while before he spoke: "You really dare to think, the most important thing is that you don't have much money in your hand, but you dare to plunge into it without hesitation. I really envy your decisiveness. I don't even know. Say you are ignorant and fearless, or you are far-sighted and ambitious, but I also kind of want to give up my stall selling navigation and go with you."

Zhao Dezhu hehe: "Come on, each person who navigates the future will have one, everyone's navigation is free, and those who can't make money, come and make money with me."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zegui smiled: "Go away, don't tempt me, I want to be a lifetime of navigation, some things are not measured by money, maybe I am running around for money now, kneeling to make money, but satellite positioning is a Things that benefit humanity, and..."

The atmosphere is elegant, and the light in the coffee bar is soft and the music is soft.

But at this moment, this greasy IT guy raised his hand and put on a pose: "Our journey is a sea of ​​stars, and I will give everything I have for this goal..."

Damn it, Zhao Dezhu actually felt a little swayed, compared to those cronies who just want to eat, drink, and follow him to get wool.

This is a good partner worthy of walking together in the future.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand to hook him up, Zhang Zegui slapped him in distaste: "Get lost! I don't want to be gay!"

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