I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 116 Crossing the river by feeling the stones is the true color (thanks to Numi's leader

Although the principal is not sitting in the most eye-catching C position.

But when he speaks, he has an undoubted momentum: "Everyone is a college student who knows how to think. The vocational education system of Hans and Jiaopen was actually gradually formed a hundred or even two hundred years ago. It is they The magic weapon that can rise in the industrial revolution has also brought important assistance to their development in the past one or two hundred years."

That kind of deep and heavy pronunciation made Feng Xiaoting more determined to help Zhao Dezhu be more perfect.

Because even Zhao Dezhu listened very seriously.

"However, one or two hundred years have passed. The speed of industrial development and upgrading is accelerating, and the specific forms of social services are changing rapidly. Do you understand that intelligent industries and an aging society are rapidly becoming a reality? Many of the original ones do not follow. Come on, vocational education is popular today, but it may not be popular tomorrow, and new industries are constantly emerging, and the transformation of professional workers is very, very difficult, and this is the problem before Hans and Jiaopen."

"I visited Jiaopen this year to inspect their complete vocational education system, and found that new technologies and services are being promoted very slowly in Jiaopen. The reason is that their original vocational education is too deep-rooted, and it has been proven to be effective decades ago. In contrast to this student, I see that we are facing the rapid promotion of brand-new vocational education, which may be an important battlefield between us and Western developed countries in the future!"

"The productivity promotion of high-tech scientific research can only be transformed into practical application and mass production. This requires vocational education to fully promote it. Students, there are various components in a huge scale system. A classmate said it well, the responsibility of higher vocational students is not research and development, but an important booster link to maximize the application and development of new technologies and new industries, so how to increase exchanges between colleges and higher vocational colleges and increase opportunities for new industries and new technologies Promotion is the breaking point of new productivity in the future.”


Zhao Dezhu couldn't help but ask the student cadre next to him in a low voice: "This...Principal Li is the leader of Jiang University?"

The side is also polite: "No, he is the president of Southwest Associated University... Jiangzhou is a comprehensive university second only to Jiang University."

Zhao Dezhu almost snorted, Southwest Associated University, we are Southwest City College, it sounds like there is some connection.

Sure enough, this Principal Li did pay a lot of attention to Zhao Dezhu. During the second half of the fellowship, during the free discussion and exchange period, he basically sat with him and seriously asked about the details of Southwest City College.

It can be seen that he has never heard of this high-ranking pheasant at all, but he has a very detailed understanding of the details of Zhao Dezhu's learning content on e-commerce, online shopping, and express logistics.

Where is the starting point, what is the learning content, where the teaching materials come from, and what is the goal.

That is purely Zhao Dezhu using the cheap labor of the school students to do business.

It was almost seven or eight years later that later generations heard that there were majors in e-commerce and logistics, and there would be majors in e-sports later. He just pulled it here to brag.

Who knew I would meet an expert!

Although I am not an expert in e-commerce and logistics, I am very interested in the application of this new technology in higher vocational education.

If you change someone, you may feel panicked.

Zhao Dezhu is thirty-six and seven. He has seen so many scenes, and he is very stable: "There is no starting point. We can't learn anything in school. We are forced to find something to do, not to mention selling wine and car rental. Slowly we need to learn something. Technology, learning to drive, but also the source of clothes, as a result, clothing companies have a large backlog of clothes, we sell them online, and ship them all over the country, and express logistics, so we have to learn by doing.”

Principal Li's eyes sparkled with excitement: "Where did you learn it from?"

Zhao Dezhu still shook his head: "There is no teaching material, even the teaching materials I originally belonged to as a golf major, I bought them from HK entrusted, because our major is golf hotel management... There is no such thing in China now, who will teach it? ? So we're basically teaching ourselves."

Principal Li suddenly slapped his chin with joy, startling Li Yuanyuan who was watching quietly not far away, the chocolate jelly beans almost got stuck in her throat.

Feng Xiaoting still buried her head in the book and kept the secretary's records. Zhao Dezhu needed to analyze what the other party said and looked back at it slowly.

These guys have limited comprehension ability, if they are too academic and professional, they can only write it down and think about it later.

This was suggested by Chen Yanling.

She sat quietly behind Zhao Dezhu and listened.

This can be compared with what Feng Xiaoting remembers.

This principal Li said happily: "That's right! That's right!" He even reached out and patted Zhao Dezhu on the shoulder vigorously.

Zhao Dezhu was confused, what's wrong?

Someone gave him an analysis: "If people in Jiaopen do what you said to be online shopping and e-commerce, they will do a course first, and then do a demonstration after the course is out, and start recruiting for training after the demonstration. , see the problem?"

Zhao Dezhu immediately understood: "Who knows, who is qualified to take courses, and who is qualified to demonstrate? These are brand new industries. The online shopping mall has been in operation for two or three years. I only learned about it in the past few days. There is a lot of bragging on the Internet, and it was not until the eBay.com abroad and the certain treasure website in China that they started to get serious. They were only established in March this year. This website is still groping, who will do the courses?"

Principal Li smiled: "You, aren't you doing courses?"

Zhao Dezhu wants to say that we are just brushing orders...

Still held back: "We... many of our higher vocational students' family conditions are very average, and it will be very good to find a job, so let's try to do it first."

Principal Li's expression was very satisfied: "Yes, I found that you are very clear about the key points. This is our characteristic. A large number of masters, a large number of eliminations, and a large number of professional technical assistance have gradually formed an effective and large-scale backbone team. , and finally quickly guide a large number of practitioners to imitate and plagiarize, and this industry will become bigger and stronger. The industries that we can now form an advantage in the world basically have this characteristic. Taking advantage of our size advantages and system advantages, we will do it while doing it. Trial and error, seize the opportunity!"

How can Zhao Dezhu have such a high vision and vision, and he can't keep up with his thoughts: "You mean...we can make these things bigger and stronger?"

Principal Li patted him on the shoulder: "I was originally engaged in social science research in this area, please give me your contact information, and I will arrange research later. I very much agree with the vocational education of these new industries that you promote. , do it! Be sure to do it! Oh, yes, what's your name?"

Zhao Dezhu was still checking his mobile phone number, Feng Xiaoting had already silently handed over his business card, the business card of the general manager of Dexi Auto Accessories Trading Co., Ltd.

She likes making business cards for Zhao Dezhu the most.

Principal Li took it over and laughed: "Trading company, you'd better figure out the identity of this kind of vocational education academic leader!"

Turning around and waving, he also had a secretary assistant come over and leave a business card for him, shook hands and left.

This kind of university president with tens of thousands of people, many student cadres are waiting to say a few words, and even other school leaders greet Principal Li and point to this side to laugh.

It made Zhao Dezhu, the chairman of the Higher Vocational Student Union, feel a little bit of attention.

Fu Jianqing came over: "Gold shines everywhere. President Li is the leader of the national soft science major research project, and he is also an expert who has long been engaged in strategic management, regional economy, enterprise management and university financial management. He likes it, maybe you can skip the higher education and go directly to Southwest Associated University for further study!"

Zhao Dezhu finally pouted: "Am I a material for studying? Mr. Xia said that he can contact me to help me study before I go to school. Forget it, don't waste time. I think this Principal Li is also very good and rewarding." , hurry up and do things, then shall we leave first?"

Fu Jianqing was shocked by his super utilitarian style: "Everyone is here, there will be a buffet dinner later, and I will get in touch with the student union cadres of various colleges and universities to communicate and improve..."

Speaking of this, I may think that Zhao Dezhu really doesn't need to improve anything here: "You have very special study and work experience, you can share it with everyone."

Zhao Dezhu is not interested in communicating with these children who have not been beaten by the society: "Are you working there, or are you studying here?"

Fu Jianqing explained: "I am a postgraduate student, and then I will conduct research on Mr. Xia's business model."

Only then did Zhao Dezhu remember what Principal Li said just now: "What's the matter with the investigation? The principal said just now that he would come to our school for investigation. What should I do?"

His humility to ask for advice caused Fu Jianqing to immediately say, "Ah? Great job, to organize the items you mentioned in a more beautiful and decent way, just like our forum format today, Mr. Xia mentioned it to me, and then I According to the suggestion of photos taken by your golf course team building, Principal Li, as an expert in social sciences, you are also a matter of the education industry, so you must seize this opportunity to show your school better in various fields. in front of you."

Zhao Dezhu suddenly thought, that is the school of the old bastard, and he helped him make it look good, isn't it a wedding dress magic skill...

Mentioning this, he thought of the magic technique of the wedding dress last time.

Helped Xia Boss Zhang Luo out of the car project, and in the end he followed suit and benefited.

This time... Let's take it as a way to help Sister Long, er, yes, I can take this opportunity to have a detailed interview.

People around who were watching this lucky guy suddenly noticed that the grandson's face began to look colorful and exciting.

Who would have thought that what excites him is not being favored by big leaders, nor showing his face in front of college elites, but just being able to flatter Sister Long.

Zhao Dezhu found that he also seemed to have a bit of a dog-licking trait.

The more people ignore themselves, the more excited they become.

But this kind of feeling not only did not delay the matter, but also prompted him to work harder.

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