I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 111 How can you ask others to respect you even if you look down on yourself?

After eating, it was only natural for Zhao Dezhu to pay the bill.

Boss Xia didn't care anymore, and let a few girls come over to play when they had time.

Everyone bid farewell to Mr. Xia politely. After getting in the car, Shen Jianing sighed: "Auntie is so kind."

Feng Xiaoting rolled her eyes: "You have never seen how people in her company face her, like a mouse seeing a cat!"

Chen Yanling also reminded: "The last time a real estate company went to the club to do team building, it's not like you haven't seen it before. Those bosses are as scared as they are in front of her, that is, they look at the squad leader differently."

Feng Xiaoting hummed meaningfully.

Zhao Dezhu spoke freely: "Where is Li Yuanyuan, don't you usually talk the most?"

The girl leaned against the corner as soon as she got into the car, feeling weak: "Hold on..., I don't want to talk, wild mushrooms...delicious..."

While talking, he clicked his mouth twice.

Zhao Dezhu sighed: "You live a relaxed life, just like Hei Wa."

Shen Jianing babbled: "I remember! You, you, you still want to put Hei Wa...huh!"

The pronunciation is the same, but the taste is different from Feng Xiaoting.

The girl who majored in broadcasting laughed so much that she hurriedly touched the camera and said, "I will definitely record every beautiful figure that has appeared around Lao Zhao, and show it to that unfortunate wife when he gets married."

Chen Yanling tried her best to hold back her laughter.

Shen Jianing was immediately distracted: "Ah? Zhuzi is going to get married, with whom?"

Zhao Dezhu sighed again, speechless to the two idiots.

But drive the car slowly, so that you can eat slowly.

Anyway, college activities don't start until three o'clock in the afternoon.

As a result, Li Yuanyuan and Shen Jianing fell asleep leaning against each other like Bing Dilian.

It was so beautiful that Feng Xiaoting took pictures again.

Chen Yanling also took off her little suit and covered them both, like a sister who can take care of others.

However, the silhouette of her leaning against the window with her chin resting on her shoulders was captured by Feng Xiaoting, "It's so beautiful. Lao Zhao put the window down a bit, and it feels like the wind is blowing his hair! Wow, good!"

Chen Yanling couldn't help but poke her head over to look: "Can it be developed into a photo?"

Zhao Dezhu had already driven into the bustling education area, and he walked around the university with ease to find the photo studio: "It's marked with digital photo-processing over there, now take it to have it washed, and you can get it when you leave later, it will be very fast. "

Feng Xiaoting went overjoyed.

The car parked on the side of the road was quiet for a while, and Chen Yanling finally said, "Thank you, monitor."

Zhao Dezhu didn't look back at the beautiful figure, but he was very interested: "It seems that your grades should be very good. You should have no problem getting into a better university, right? Why did you come to Southwest College?"

Chen Yanling thought for a while: "Something happened in the college entrance examination family, so...that's it."

Zhao Dezhu said: "Okay, if there is any need for assistance in the future, our class and friends from the whole college will help."

Chen Yanling glanced at the driver's seat quickly, and her tone was as sincere as possible: "Thank you, squad leader."

Feng Xiaoting bounced back: "Haha, I edited several selfies of the two of us together, and asked me at home, so this is the top one."

Zhao Dezhu took care of everything: "I can come to your house to sleep with you."

Feng Xiaoting hahaha was greedy for roadside ice cream again, but she didn't say stop to buy it.

Zhao Dezhu understood in seconds: "Can't eat?"

The secretary despised him: "It's disgusting, can you pretend you don't understand!"

Zhao Dezhu just wanted to make people feel distanced: "You just care about it as a good sister. Drink porridge at night. I just saw a nutritious porridge shop."

Feng Xiaoting was a little affected just now: "You are the best!"

Zhao Dezhu reminded her: "Don't dirty the seat, the car belongs to someone else's catering company, and you still wear white."

Feng Xiaoting was so angry that she screamed.

Chen Yanling glanced quickly, but mainly kept her eyes outside.

After staying in the desolate suburban campus for a long time, I feel very clear when I come to this kind of popular old town.

On the other hand, Jiangda is an old education area in the entire municipality with a history of nearly a hundred years. Bookstores, learning and training courses, teaching equipment, and even drink shops, water bars, and restaurants can be seen everywhere on the streets.

After I transferred to the campus, the academic atmosphere under the shade of the thick sycamore trees became stronger.

There are students sitting under the trees with books in their arms, studying on the lawn, and students walking in a hurry, even the figures on the sports field are particularly vigorous and full of sunshine and vitality.

You can't see the kind of idle, idle, wandering characters.

Teachers and students are polite and polite, and their cultural literacy is written on the faces of these people, and most of them are full of self-confidence.

Zhao Dezhu drove very slowly, because he felt like another world from the moment he entered.

very clear.

He never went to university as a student before, so he had no way of experiencing it.

And now I have been in Southwest College for more than a month, and I already have a little understanding of this kind of campus feeling.

But Jiangzhou University, one of the most important national universities in the Southwest, still gave him a very clear sense of gap.

This is the real university.

Feng Xiaoting also felt his slow movement, and whispered: "I never dared to come before... Well, our art school and later colleges, and now higher vocational colleges are afraid to come, just like rural people leaving It’s like entering the city, it feels weird, as if you’re inferior and afraid of being looked down upon.”

Zhao Dezhu: "I'm from a small place, and I didn't feel that I was inferior when I came to a big city, but our school is a bit poor... We have to work hard and try to be respected."

Feng Xiaoting hehe: "I think they will look down on you no matter how much money you make."

Zhao Dezhu regretted: "Then I should drive the Ferrari over!"

Feng Xiaoting immediately snorted: "You're making me happy again, you've already thought about it if you really want to lose face, you don't care at all, are you?"

Chen Yanling's voice suddenly came from the back seat: "Someone said that an outstanding person, firstly, does not care about other people's evaluation, and secondly, is not afraid of being alone."

Zhao Dezhu immediately raised his hand: "I'm afraid of being alone!"

Feng Xiaoting at the same time: "I care about other people's evaluation!"

Tacitly smashed the serious temperament of the high-cold girl to pieces.

Only then did Shen Jianing wake up in a daze: "Ah, where are you? Hehe... Yuanyuan? Wake up!"

The girl clicked her mouth a few times, opened her eyes and squeezed into the corner: "Ah, let me squint for a while..."

Zhao Dezhu has already seen the magnificent International Academic Conference Center building in front of him. The all-glass building is full of modeling design. This is what a university looks like.

He turned the car to the parking space in front of the building, turned around in full clothes, "Let the prince kiss the princess awake!"

A girl as reserved as Chen Yanling couldn't help but open the door hahaha, grabbed her clothes and jumped down, Shen Jianing quickly followed.

Only then did Li Yuanyuan, who lost her support and collapsed on the cushion, startled: "What's wrong! What's wrong? What's wrong!"

Feng Xiaoting provoked: "He wants to pick you up!"

As a result, the chubby little girl stretched out her hand delicately: "Come on, give me a hug..."

Zhao Dezhu was defeated by her: "The skirt is gone! Hurry up and tidy it up, and I will bring you to represent the image of the school!"

Li Yuanyuan blushed and covered her skirt.

The secretary despised him: "You have the nerve to dislike the image of us four beauties accompanying you?"

Zhao Dezhu casually said: "Just based on the looks of the four of you, I'm very honored to be the backdrop of the green leaves..."

The girls are very happy.

Feng Xiaoting reached out to help Zhao Dezhu organize his clothes again, and now she felt that she had this right and obligation.

The dark gray long-sleeved POLO shirt she designated was covered with a dark blue fleece vest worn in the competition.

Even the standard golfer's clothes, Zhao Dezhu didn't resist.

Shen Jianing still took him by the arm, and then put her hands in her suit pockets and jumped up: "Yuanyuan, hold the pillar over there, we have to show our momentum... Wow, a lot of people are looking at us!"

The five people who looked up were startled.

This is the case with glass buildings. It is difficult to notice the inside because of the reflection from a little farther away.

In addition to seeing welcome banners and posters standing on the steps, there were only a few people on the steps of the building.

Only when you get closer can you see that in the almost completely transparent glass curtain wall, there are densely packed students standing against the wall on the first, second and third floors, staring at the five people from the window.

Zhao Dezhu looked back subconsciously.

There are only a few black Audi and Passat official cars empty in the parking lot, and the white Jetta King is particularly eye-catching.

And the distance is very close, the way the few people were laughing and joking just now was almost in full view of the public.

Feng Xiaoting really cared about other people's evaluations, and couldn't help covering her face: "Southwest College has completely lost face!"

Zhao Dezhu hehe: "Does the school run by Laolong still have face?"

With his hands in his trouser pockets, he walked in swaggeringly.

Chen Yanling really pursued excellence, she gritted her teeth and straightened her chest to keep up.

The two silly, white and sweet people are completely inexplicable. What's so strange about being good-looking and being watched by others?

Everyone in the conference reception team was surprised: "You are... Southwest City College? Ah, let me look for it, Southwest, Southwest...why there is no..."

Zhao Dezhu just remembered: "Oh, what is the name of our school, what is the full name of Ming..."

Feng Xiaoting couldn't even remember: "In the past we were called Chutian Art School, then we were called Energy College, and then...well, we changed our name every year."

Fortunately, there is a top student: "Kaiming Southwest City Higher Technical Vocational College, Kaiming."

The other four people suddenly realized that our school is called this.

No wonder others look down on it.

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