Zhao Dezhu really left the next day.

But before he left, he led a team to inspect Nanhua College. It was a rare public appearance for him, which attracted a large number of self-media and HK media to follow.

Long Zhiyu, together with Man Lin and the others, received this kind of scene as a school director and supervisor.

The principal, La Ge, and the honorary principal, Mr. Cha, are the main characters accompanying the photoshoot.

It is said to be among the top nine universities in HK, but in fact Nanhua College is located in three buildings in different blocks, the farthest being more than ten kilometers apart.

It is more like the kind of evening schools, vocational schools, and cram school training institutions that are called in China.

Zhao Dezhu left after reading it.

But all the media and self-media have obtained the press release issued by Nanhua College.

First of all, the HK e-commerce platform and the international real estate investment company "sublet" the HK e-commerce center to Nanhua College as an e-commerce professional practice base!

Then the e-commerce platform will rent the logistics center in Yuen Long Industrial Park for 90 years and open it to Nan Hua College as a logistics professional practice base.

Finally, the Silver Lake Commercial Center, which was purchased with HK$5 billion, was injected into the assets of Nanhua College as a whole.

A commercial center, coupled with the huge volume of several rental apartment buildings, makes Nanhua College easily rank among the top assets of HK universities.

The purpose of expanding assets is to directly get the scale of the school building, and then expand the number of students enrolled.

After a year of running-in, and mainly through the comprehensive acceleration of the expansion of the e-commerce platform, it now has a series of industrial supports such as Insein Bank, International Real Estate Investment Group, and Fruit Media.

This year it claims to expand the number of students to 10,000!

In a city of 7 million people, there are only more than 30,000 high school graduates a year.

Last year, it also claimed to strive to reach the scale of enrolling 5,000 students within three years, which already made people feel that this is a giant.

Even when Zhao Dezhu proposed this goal last night, Man Lin and the others were intimidated. Is this necessary?

Can you recruit enough students?

Zhao Dezhu waved his hand, it must be scaled up.

Only he knew in his heart that it was imminent.

As a Cantonese, a tourist who often came to HK for shopping in the previous life.

How did HK get so noisy?

It seems that in the two years since Lao Li started withdrawing, he suddenly became flustered. The previous sense of superiority was burst into soap bubbles, and even Superman was abandoning HK.

The young man, who was overwhelmed and unable to see hope, suddenly collapsed.

In other words, under the instigation and promotion of various forces, the fire suddenly became fierce.

Zhao Dezhu wants to draw the bottom line to give young people a way to survive.

He didn't need to explain the reason to anyone, the president just followed suit.

If there are not enough fresh graduates, then the age limit will be relaxed. Anyone over the age of 16 and under the age of 30 can obtain the qualifications for vocational education and training.

In addition to the drastic expansion of school attendance, of course, a large number of employment opportunities must also be provided.

Hong Kong needs more than 8,000 courier and takeaway personnel. In the future, this position will definitely require vocational training qualifications before taking up the job.

The e-commerce major needs to train more than 4,000 e-commerce practitioners one after another, and the performance, brokerage, animation and other majors also have thousands of people. In addition to production management, they are all occupations that require a large number of mobility with the mainland.

Infinity Bank and International Real Estate Investment Group have also launched brand-new industrial education classes, new occupations linked to the Internet era.

In the past year, no less than 500 higher vocational students from Nanhua College have gone to the mainland for internships and employment. Dozens of them have obtained internship opportunities in Nanli and Citigroup because of their better oral English.

Zhao Dezhu asked SHEbuy to try to recruit local young people from Hong Kong as employees, and will provide more than 3,000 jobs in the future.

The last is the newly established Internet media major, which will provide a lot of vocational training for Internet celebrities, self-media and other majors.

In other words, the self-media standards in the mobile Internet era are in the hands of Nanhua College. If all news media practitioners in Hong Kong want to keep up with the whole Internet game, they have to come to Nanhua College to study.

The press release made it very clear that there are more than 10,000 jobs in Hong Kong that can be provided at present, not to mention job opportunities in the Mainland, Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States.

But no matter how many jobs there are, there will definitely be a day when they become saturated.

If you come early, you will benefit, but if you come late, you may not even be able to drink soup.

Nanhua College even timely released several outstanding student representatives from last year, in fact, they were the ones who received tens of thousands of internship subsidies.

Is it a bit familiar?

When Zhao Dezhu was in Southwest College, he was just starting to promote his work.

It is not also to promote the enthusiasm of students by earning more than 10,000 yuan.

Thoroughly push the sloppy and boring high school students into the passionate ranks of strugglers.

This time in HK, the standard price has to be raised.

The e-commerce platform also launched a series of new advertisements.

High-paid small experts in express delivery and delivery, managers of logistics e-commerce systems, and e-commerce owners who have begun to make achievements in mainland and international trade through the HK e-commerce platform have become the protagonists.

This series of role models is completely different from the style of acting stars, stock market managers, and real estate agents advocated by HK in the past.

Fruit Media naturally takes advantage of its industrial advantages and emphasizes the promotion of new media practitioners. Ting Feng personally promotes the transformation of the film and television animation industry. The foundation of Hong Kong films in the current era is developing towards a completely different service field.

HK has a very strong base of practitioners in the film and television industry, but in the era of overall decline in Hong Kong films, using experience to transform into a professional guidance team is the most feasible direction.

He is still high-spirited, and originally has many connections in the film and television industry in the mainland, so he announced a full cooperation with Dexi Films to launch an outsourcing company mainly composed of TVB actors and Fuhuadao lighting professional teams.

That is to say, use the Hong Kong film crew to go to the mainland to develop business and make money.

This is actually the most common mode he used when he went to the Mainland to shoot TV dramas to make money a few years ago.

But at that time, it was far from the scale he advocated now. After all, the survival crisis of Hong Kong films was not as critical as it is now.

It was really a call, and it was immediately organized under the echo of the chairman of the Artists Association, such as La Ge.

I have to say that Man Lin, who has been running TVB for more than half a year, went to the mainland to host weddings and weddings.

The simple and rude words brought a lot of word of mouth.

Even those crew members who have been to the Mainland a few years ago feel that the Mainland has changed too much.

Put down your body to adapt to this change, even if the arrogance in your bones is still there, at least you will understand that the future is in the mainland.

Of course, the actions of the entertainment industry will become the focus of public gossip.

It also seems to have become a weathervane.

So many old actors and actors have begun to go to the mainland to work and earn money.

The channels provided by higher vocational colleges to ordinary people are even clearer.

Last year's registration was packed, largely because of chasing stars and following Ting Feng's footsteps.

This year is when parents and young people alike see the future.

That is called a lively and lively!

And as Zhao Dezhu returned to the mainland, a series of good news came. Nanli Pujia’s chemical and electronic industry vocational technical colleges, Sansun mobile phone vocational colleges were established in Pingjing and Zhongyuan, and SansunBuy Nanli e-commerce college in Seoul Together, they signed an exchange student agreement with Nanhua College, providing exchange opportunities for 50 to 100 students.

The number of students is not the point, but the quality. The exchange students of vocational colleges of famous brands in Japan and South Korea make vocational education not so low.

In the future, it is said that there will be an exchange program for the e-commerce academy of North American Yama Xun.

That made Mu Yang's HK citizens flock to it even more.

Zhao Dezhu will not criticize these deep-rooted thinking or mentality, but will launch a series of affairs in a down-to-earth manner to adapt to the changes.

It also avoided the real estate industry that the HK giants are most wary of.

Maybe only Lao Li understood what he was doing.

But in the eyes of capitalists, why do they care about these things?

They only care about whether public opinion will cause their stock prices to fall.

With Nanhua College, Fruit Media, e-commerce platform, a series of vocational education public opinions promoted by the United Insein Bank and International Investment Real Estate Group.

It was really hard to digest the theory about Li Bancheng's escape.

After all, most of the participants on the mobile Internet are young people, and most of the so-called keyboard warriors are unemployed, incompetent, and unpaid.

Now must be the main force to obtain this batch of information.

Do you know that self-media can make money, do you know how to realize profits, even if you are a keyboard warrior, you can have income.

Come to South China College for vocational training.

In fact, most vocational education classes for half a year to one year are basically free.

It is equivalent to providing vocational training for major industries such as e-commerce platforms.

In theory, it should be the enterprise that pays the training institution.

So all the young people from HK were attracted.

Then at this time, what did Lao Li do?

Quietly in Europe, officially took over Xisaka Telecom, once again becoming the third largest telecom operator in Europe.

Then in HK, I warned the young people in HK to work hard, the future world belongs to everyone...

He and his family business will continue to provide employment opportunities for young people in HK, provide an environment for everyone to create wealth, and provide tens of millions of charitable donations for the scientific research of H University and the life exploration of Medical University.

And then... there is no more.

In fact, this is the foundation of their HK giants, earn tens of millions, take out tens of thousands of dollars to feed candy to appease them, and then use hundreds of billions to express it.

And it is provided to the elite as always, so that their existing situation can be further consolidated.

But this kind of thing, I never thought of it before.

Now there is Zhao Dezhu as a comparison.

What is benefiting the people's livelihood? It's not that everyone sends hundreds or thousands of Hong Kong dollars.

Zhao Dezhu, who is illiterate, can't even say that it is better to teach people to fish than to give them fish, but he knows that ordinary people should have the ability to rely on themselves.

Then we need vocational education and training, and we need to create job opportunities for ordinary people.

This is the social responsibility of the wealthy and successful people in society.

Do you not understand the principle of releasing water to raise fish?

In short, the comparison of the hatchback shows Lao Li's hypocrisy and indifference at once.

If you co-operate, just talk about it?

Let's play PUA here.

The noise immediately revived...

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