I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 1035 So What If I Want This Change

Because apart from Lao Gai and Song Xuanjian, Zhao Dezhu has hardly talked to the investment tycoons that his main business is higher vocational education.

What people care about is making money, when did they care about investing in the education industry.

Even Zhao Dezhu revealed intentionally or unintentionally that he engages in vocational education for the purpose of making more money as a businessman.

Therefore, international investors are not interested in going to the backward China to investigate and wander around, so let's meet directly in HK.

Moreover, at this time, Hong Kong did have the super quality of an international metropolis, and its economic strength and consumption level also opened up a huge distance from the mainland.

A simple statistic shows that in the 1990s when Hong Kong films were booming, in such a city with a population of several million, the single-day box office of three to four million could be achieved on the first day of release, and several two-time films could be supported by local box office alone. Thirty million works.

Until the decline of Hong Kong films in the new century, it was also a problem in the entire film and television industry chain, and the consumption power of citizens was still astonishing.

This point has also been truly reflected in the global simultaneous release of "The Great Sage".

Speaking of which, this giant animation production that Zhao Dezhu personally decided to invest in has really eaten up all kinds of cultural dividends.

Needless to say, Pierce's box office appeal in the entire European and American countries, the carefully crafted style of only releasing a cartoon every one or two years has long had a large number of fans.

In last year's "Robot Story", the cute and cute Wall-E became popular all over the world by licking the dog behind Bai Fumei's robot girl.

Once again, Pierce's status in the arena has been pushed to the point where it cannot be added.

This is Pierce's first foray into oriental themes. From the release of posters and trailers, he has firmly attracted attention.

The short trailer that Zhao Dezhu showed at the Jiaopen IPAD conference in March was even more touching.

Focused viewers are the main force bearing the brunt.

They claim to be the best in East Asia, and they are still very honest about traditional Chinese culture in their hearts. In the past few months, there have been various online discussions, and online avatars who have found screenshots of trailers are everywhere. Together with European and American audiences Very eagerly awaited.

Needless to say, Hong Kong audiences, Ting Feng’s company participated in the post-production, and the entire director team even experienced shooting in HK to find the original Chinese traditional cultural characteristics.

Then in China, it will focus on publicizing that this is the full participation of the Shanghai Film and Television Animation Academy. It is the first time in China to cooperate with Disney. top spot.

By the way, Zhao Dezhu didn't know that Citi Hollywood's cartoons had outsourced most of the basic materials to the small country north of Nanli until this cooperation.

How can there be so many doctrines in this world? Business is everywhere.

That is to say, how many dynamic pages per second in the cartoon, except for the key frames before and after are produced by those talented top animators, the connecting frames in the middle are all outsourced layer by layer to the hands of cheap labor.

Traditional Disney animation is a well-known general contractor in the entire animation industry.

This time, the Academy of Film and Television Animation actually undertakes this part of the work.

The characteristics of Pierce Animation Studio, or the all-computer CG animation software led by Joe Bush, originally emphasized that the work of this part of the intermediate frame is handed over to the computer.

But to achieve the hand-painted effect of this kind of fully computer-synthesized thing, or to erase the blunt electronic feeling, the cost is bound to be high.

Robot Story, it took three years to produce, and the cost was close to 200 million US dollars!

It would be much cheaper if it was handed over to an official contractor like Beili instead of a computer.

However, with the attitude of learning technology and doing internships, the Animation Academy almost placed this big order for free, and the exchange of thousands of sets of equipment is worth thousands of dollars.

With Zhao Dezhu's investment, a lot of expenses can be spent on publicity.

Capital followed the mentality that the lower the cost, the better it hit it off.

Zhao Dezhu ingeniously coaxed the gang of unruly Pierce genius otaku to be extremely happy, and he was very busy as a student, teacher, and creator in Jiaopen, Shanghai, and Hong Kong respectively.

So this time "The Great Sage" is the first time that Pierce Studios has accepted a considerable proportion of manual intervention.

It has truly achieved the perfect combination of computer special effects CG animation and artificial creation.

It also adds a lot of traditional oriental aesthetic elements to the film, and tells oriental stories from a western perspective.

This approach will be very embarrassing to the Eastern consciousness awakened ten years later, and the Western society, which is vigilant and backward, will also feel very uncomfortable.

It is a typical two-headed disagreement.

But in 2009, it only made the Easterners feel flattered, and the Westerners were very fresh.

The whole story only selects a short section of the widely-known legend that the stone monkey learns art and the monkey king dominates.

It is obvious that there is still a sequel to continue to save money.

Zhao Dezhu was a bit miserable.

Originally, at the premiere, he definitely wanted to take his wife to have a romance.

However, Long Zhiyu became less and less fond of the two people's public appearances, and finally went to watch the midnight show under the covers.

Then Nana got out of school on weekends, and before going home, she had to take her dad to watch a show, saying that she had already searched for movie reviews on the Internet, and everyone said yes!

I am very proud to have invited students from all majors to watch it. The Military Uniform Department did not dare to invite them.

Now I have to pull my father and ask him from the beginning to the end, why is this dealt with here, why is that character so funny, Zhao Dezhu said that you should go directly to HK Pierce studio to ask the director during the summer vacation, how do I know?

Nana was very happy: "I know, I heard from Yi's mother that this animation is for screenwriters, the story told to animation masters, or the few lines you sang, I told my classmates! "

Zhao Dezhu almost yawned.

In the past few days, Yuanyuan, Feng Xiaoting, and Chen Yanling all dragged him to watch this movie under the pretext of business. They are really tired of aesthetics!

In the end, when I arrived in HK, I had to watch it with Ha Mei!

This is how the precious time of billionaires who spend millions every minute is consumed.

But there are still many Hong Kong audiences who have watched it many times in the cinema.

Before the show started, someone was humming.

Because it really followed the tune that Zhao Dezhu sang when he was a fool at the beginning, and the king asked me to patrol the mountain.

The carefree little monster monkey in the mountains is wandering in a fantasy world filled with beautiful mountains and seas and monsters...

Just this unique creation of the world is refreshing. When the group of monkeys is tumbling, the subtle happiness is revealed from every monkey hair.

The audience who watched it for the first time will definitely be amazed, amazed by the beautiful picture, the master's exquisite skills, and the superb level of choreographer and director.

Zhao Dezhu heard Ha Mei sigh.

He hurriedly asked his little daughter how she felt: "Is it not good?"

Hamei's immature face is reflected by the colorful light: "It's still a monkey to be happy. To be a human being, you have to work, and you have to pursue money and fame."

Shocked by his sober daughter in the world, Zhao Dezhu quickly promised: "You can! You don't have to pursue everything, and you can live as you want."

Hamei smiled perfunctorily at him: "Watching a movie."

Zhao Dezhu spent the rest of his time looking after his daughter.

The little monkey grows up with curiosity and longing for the outside world, learning the legend to grab the golden cudgel, it really travels all over the world, and he can live as he really wants.

Chic and freehand, attracted applause from the audience.

But when he came back, he became the free and easy Monkey King in Huaguo Mountain, but in order to win back the lives of the monkeys from the hand of death, he angered the Heavenly Court...

The other audience members were very excited, but Hamei shook her head slowly, as if to say, look, look, even monkeys can't be relaxed and happy.

This is not a cartoon for kids.

Especially in the face of those heavenly soldiers and generals who have boundless mana and descended from the gods, the great sage began to block and kill gods and Buddhas with violent output!

Basically, it can be regarded as a restricted violent fighting movie.

But that is really the lawless Monkey King!

The whole movie theater will be full of exclamation and applause, and the blood will be excited.

It's such a simple plot, from being relaxed and funny in the early stage, to being irritated and suppressed and then rebellious and fierce in the end, the rhythm is extremely coherent in one breath!

In the end, Zhao Dezhu hummed: "What is the use of this iron rod if I want it, and what is the change if I want it..." Amidst the lingering voice of the long singing, the great sage in a broken golden armor sat alone on the top of the cliff and left behind. back view.

He won the world, but lost his home.

The evil ways of the world are dangerous, and the ashes are wiped out.

The whole movie ends with a deep tragedy.

Eastern audiences will look forward to the next episode even more than anyone else, knowing that this is just an appetizer, and the real highlight is Havoc in Heaven.

European and American audiences will be able to see that the hero is thinking about life, and he has to accept all kinds of Amway praises from his Asian companions around him that the next episode will be better.

This is precisely the second year that Marvel movies have just started. Faced with the emergence of Iron Man, the Great Sage seems to provide another, more complicated understanding of life.

But fortunately, at this time, the entire European and American countries have not yet seen the kind of metaphor that perhaps only Zhao Dezhu can understand.

The West is condescending to the East, controlling destiny by taking whatever it wants.

The factor of resistance is just flowing in the blood, and sooner or later it will pierce the sky.

Even from the deliberate creation of the director team, it is more like the fire thief in ancient Greek mythology, or Atlas who resisted Zeus.

This idea is much taller than Marvel heroes.

For a while, the image of Dasheng became popular all over the world. Fortunately, the film was invested by Fruit Media, and the copyright of the new image of Dasheng was in hand, and a series of sales of Disney peripheral products could charge fees.

But Hamei came out and hugged a plush toy of the Great Sage, still looking thoughtful.

Zhao Dezhu's heart ached so much, he put so much thought into it at such a young age: "It's vacation, it's already summer vacation, where do you want to go to play?"

Hamei glanced at her father: "Playing? Playing is optional, and roses are also optional. Seize the time to read more and learn more. This is called self-love."

Zhao Dezhu was so frightened that he almost knelt down and worshiped his daughter: "You... are you not the reincarnation of Guanyin Bodhisattva?"

Ha Mei sighed helplessly: "Guanyin Bodhisattva is a man, if you don't know, read more books."

Zhao Dezhu panicked and secretly delighted.

There are smart people in the old Zhao family.

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