I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 1026 The Pit King Vs the Pit

The transfer of online banking payment shares was silent.

TM equity restructuring is too eye-catching.

The new TM Education Fund Group and the original Dexi Education Group are two independent structures.

The former focuses on creating characteristic vocational education in major colleges and universities and even remote areas, so as to promote the growth of students in different disciplines and aspects.

The effect can be seen in a relatively short period of time.

The latter is a higher vocational college established steadily, focusing on teaching quality and employment ratio.

This is an asset fund worth hundreds of billions according to the valuation of the financial market!

It was definitely the first time in China that various media instantly detonated Zhao Dezhu to the top of the charity list!

In Pang Yong's words, this practice of donating stocks as charitable funds is not uncommon in European and American countries, and it is even one of the most effective tax avoidance schemes.

Immediately, some people in China jumped out with ulterior motives to "expose" Zhao Dezhu's true face of charity.

After all, for foreign billionaires with net worth of billions or tens of billions, the inheritance tax can be levied by about half, and for example, Sansun, a large enterprise worth hundreds of billions of dollars, has to pay tens of billions of cash taxes, or even It can break the enterprise's capital chain!

But charitable funds can reasonably avoid taxes, and how to use scientific research, medical research, poverty-stricken charity projects, etc. to promote social responsibility construction is not up to the top management of the foundation, that is, the donors will give it to whomever they say.

It can be more tricky.

But Zhao Dezhu is not, he is only responsible for donating the equity, how much dividends TM can generate to the foundation every year, and then all TM employees automatically become shareholders of the foundation, and they are the ones who monitor, manage and even use these funds.

This has raised TM's sense of social responsibility to an unbelievable level.

And it was only at this time that the whole society knew that Zhao Dezhu had been receiving an annual salary of 100,000 yuan as the chairman of TM!

Even if there are still people who immediately jump out with sour "science popularization", as the chairman, all kinds of consumption, even vehicle purchases, house purchases, and household consumption are counted as operating expenses. Sexual ones only take one yuan.

But this couldn't cover up Zhao Dezhu's soaring reputation in the country.

Zhen Yuejin immediately found Zhao Dezhu, and he really mass-produced the TV.

The press conference in early January is now in late March.

With the assistance of the "Qianlong Project", the brand-new self-owned smart TV system is seamlessly integrated into Xishi TV.

For the high-tech research institute that has been developing and researching mobile phone systems for two or three years, this shrunk version of the smart TV system is actually much simpler. The main difficulty lies in running smooth effects on such a low configuration.

Zhen Yuejin is here to show Zhao Dezhu his densely packed TV warehouse with tens of thousands of TV sets, so hurry up and give me the money...

In the past two months, Xishi TV has pre-sold more than 4 million units!

It's like saying that 4 billion prepayments were pressed on TM, and Zhen Yuejin really couldn't hold back: "I have to pay for every link, and now such a large scale, I need to support the scene, office buildings, production lines, R\u0026D centers, Acquisition of film and television copyright...but everything is money?"

Zhao Dezhu is ruthless and indifferent: "Shipping, you send me the payment for one set, and the buyer pays 999 yuan, and I will pay you 1,000 yuan. I will help you grab the market with such a large subsidy, and I will also help you You saved so much marketing expenses, how many billions is this?"

Zhen Yuejin has all kinds of tastes: "I really admire you, and we have been friends for so many years. I don't know why you have been so defensive against me."

Zhao Dezhu couldn't resist: "I'm doing it for your own good. You are courageous and courageous in doing things, but if you move too fast, I will give you a lot of face in HK. Did you get any benefits from fooling around with foreign bosses?"

Sure enough, Zhen Yuejin is not a fuel-efficient lamp: "Didn't I say that, now I am waiting for funds to acquire the broadcasting rights of overseas sports events, this time I negotiated with the other party in HK!"

Zhao Dezhu was speechless. He was used to flipping boxes of US dollars back and forth. This guy is good at flipping them out: "Listen to me, the right to broadcast sports events is really meaningless. Foreigners took advantage of it.”

Zhen Yuejin was not happy: "You don't care about it, I want to create a complete film and television ecology, don't you also do ecology on mobile phones, don't you only allow state officials to set fires, and not allow ordinary people to light lamps?"

As a senior gambling dog, Zhao Dezhu had no choice but to analyze: "If you want to engage in music copyright, film and television copyright, or even cooperate with a film and television company like Yao Min, it's fine, but for sports broadcasting rights, let me tell you this. The news I got is that a company in Pengzhen has already integrated some technologies of the North American Northern Network, and the expansion capacity of the optical fiber trunk line will be rapidly increased. In short, every household can directly use the computer to watch online video.”

Zhen Yuejin, who started out with video technology, frowned: "I know, that's why I rushed to build the ecology of smart TVs first, otherwise, the market trend will not be reversed when the computer can reach the point where the video bandwidth can be accessed online."

Zhao Dezhu can't help but laugh: "Why are you so stubborn? A 42-inch LCD TV is 2999. What computer is so cheap that it has such a big screen? The TV will do the job of the TV, but no matter how many sports rights you buy, if I bought the original version from you to watch, do you think I have a way to export the original version to the Internet, and it will become a piracy rampage?"

Zhen Yuejin froze for a moment.

Ordinary people may not know this matter, but betting on dogs can even be used to gamble on the French second and Swedish leagues. Isn't it just to track the game scene through a series of pirated sports website to judge whether there is any tampering.

Originally, Zhen Yuejin spent a lot of money to acquire the copyrights of overseas events. All the technical foundations were based on the fact that no one could pirate TV videos, and sports events are often time-sensitive. It is difficult to burn them into CDs or download them online like movies and TV shows. The video has a market, so he originally thought this idea was wonderful!

In the end, Zhao Dezhu punctured it right away.

Bandwidth breaks all rules of the game!

Zhao Dezhu understands even better than he imagined: "This is a pit, a huge pit, if you want to transfer funds out, this thing is a huge pit, because you will soon find that no one comes to you to buy genuine Members, and pirated copies are everywhere on the Internet. Just start a live broadcast of an event and your audience will not know where they went. So, let’s make a drama. I still promise that Dexi Films will acquire and shoot all film and television copyrights. Share it all with you, and be self-reliant in a down-to-earth manner, is the kingly way."

Zhen Yuejin was extremely irritable!

Zhao Dezhu always restrained him.

But it seemed to be full of kindness, which prevented him from getting mad.

But his capital chain is really in crisis: "Two billion, first give me two billion in payment, I have already negotiated the property acquisition, and we must first erect the Xishi Building brand."

Zhao Dezhu was unmoved: "Old Zhen, one yard is worth one yard, and I will pay for the delivery. I know you have only ordered 500,000 panels so far, even if you can deliver 100,000 TVs every month, It can also support all aspects, if you don’t ship in the first half of the year, I really want to join hands with other manufacturers to seize the smart TV market.”

Zhen Yuejin looked like a bloodthirsty beast, staring at Zhao Dezhu viciously, maybe he had a heart-to-heart plan to use his connections to get rid of Zhao Dezhu.

But Zhao Dezhu is still slow: "It's still the same sentence, I won't harm you, the building, small things, I will pay for you first, and I will rent you for free for one year after buying it. It’s smooth, if you buy it back at the original price, I will also waive your interest, but if you don’t buy it after a year, I will charge rent, according to the market price.”

This kind of brown candy made Zhen Yuejin really helpless.

Moreover, the huge amount of funds controlled by Zhao Dezhu is indeed what he fears and hopes the most, especially overseas funds.

Finally had to agree to come down.

Zhao Dezhu snickered inwardly, this is equivalent to using Xishi's money to buy a building, the building in Pingjing...

No loss at all.

In his heart, he really didn't believe that Zhen Yuejin would buy it back in a year. This guy belonged to the master who forgets about it when he has money.

Well, it is essentially the same as my previous life, except that there may be billions and tens of billions of thunderstorms.

Unexpectedly, Duan Tianping made an appointment to buy a property tomorrow, but Duan Tianping rushed back from Citigroup after traveling thousands of miles in the evening.

Before that, he went to Jiaobain to look for Casio's technical patents on wrist sensors, but after in-depth research, he found that the strongest research and development was still at Citigroup, and he immediately went to North America without stopping.

What is brought back now is a series of patented technologies, which are very fragmented and distributed in many large and small R\u0026D institutions and small companies.

It would be troublesome to talk about it and put it together

But in turn, it proves that no one is eyeing the blue ocean market of smart watches.

In addition, by the way, Duan Tianping also brought back a new high-tech technology that he found very interesting: VR.


Zhao Dezhu's first reaction was, it's okay to use this thing to watch movies, and the others... It seems that it will be a trap in more than ten years, right?

It seems that it was very popular for a while, so popular that even their small 18th-tier cities opened VR game halls.

But so what, within a few days the entire market disappeared.

God knows why?

The last day, um, I finally ask for a monthly ticket. The new book should be released around September 10th. I am working hard on the preparations.

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