Zhao Dezhu really needed to stay in Pingjing.

Brother Dong got the domestic general agency right of IPAD as he wished, which is almost the only gain that Zhao Dezhu made public in the IPAD project.

He didn't even get a penny for the research and development experience. It was purely to help Job Bush push the project of the tablet computer, which was originally a little disturbed, to the market one year in advance.

But the smart retail represented by Li Xiaojun basically got nothing.

In fact, including the so-called domestic general agency rights of IPAD, it doesn't make much sense in Zhao Dezhu's view.

Li Xiaojun’s generation of short-selling businessmen believe in that five hundred hard drives can grab all the hard drive markets in the country, and the closed era of tens of billions of order monopoly has passed.

After five or six years of rapid development, Zhao Dezhu also needs to make adjustments to the whole situation.

Partners who cannot adapt to the times must be eliminated.

But he didn't stay in the hotel.

After Yi Fei finished filming "The Thing of First Love", she took the dividends and bought a small courtyard in Pingjing, which was next to Lao Xu's courtyard.

Zhao Dezhu didn't know about it, let alone pointed her out about it.

Yi Fei's original intention was to buy a house near the film and television company to facilitate commuting and work. Her mother stayed in Jiangzhou, and it was enough for her to bring Wang Fang, An Bao and sister Hong to live in a safe and close place.

Unexpectedly, when she was filming "Bai Lu Yuan", she met many artists from the theater, art academy, and liberal arts academy. Now that the price of the courtyard house is getting higher and higher, she can definitely invest in the courtyard house.

Last year, I bought this small courtyard of 300 to 400 square meters for refurbishment, and the six or seven bedrooms are quite convenient for traveling and lodging.

Zhao Dezhu had never seen it before, and after looking around, he could only praise it!

He only knew that there would be a hurdle for skyrocketing prices in the Pingjing Courtyard, but as a second-generation demolitionist in eastern Guangdong who only made a fortune in 2006, he didn't know what the hurdle was.

When Lao Xu's courtyard house arrived at him, he said that he only received it for more than three million yuan...

However, in the late 1990s, it was indeed very rare for someone who dared to spend more than three million yuan to acquire a courtyard house.

Then in 2007, the city issued a series of policies to protect courtyard houses, allowing foreigners and outsiders to buy and repair courtyard houses.

The price is starting to skyrocket!

Yi Fei bought this yard for tens of millions in 2007, and it was her mother's decision to help her. The mother and daughter only had an apartment in Pingjing before, which feels like returning to their roots.

As a result, it has risen to almost 40 million this year!

It is said that Yao Min regretted it very much!

It's not that she regretted that she spent several million to buy a Bentley Continental. In the past two or three years, she used this car and the bungalow next to the school to hold parties at the film school.

The main reason is that the money she earned from filming TV series was carefully deposited by her mother in various banks. The numbers on the books look pretty good, but the result is not as good as Yi Fei's unintentional flowering.

The entire yard has been cleaned up where seven or eight families used to live separately, the bathroom equipment has been improved in an advanced way, and the yard has been greened beautifully.

Even Zhao Dezhu liked it when he saw it, so he brought his seven or eight people into the courtyard.

The next day, Pang Yong brought a few people to live in. He was responsible for signing a contract with the Pu family's head office to agree on a business relationship.

In addition to remote control of the entire progress income, Zhao Dezhu mainly discussed and understood the situation with Dong Ge, Li Xiaojun, Song Jia of Jingcheng Electric, Hao Wenjian and other parties.

Every morning, a large group of people, whether they are bodyguards or the staff of the film and television company next door, sit around the long table in the yard and have breakfast.

Yi Fei doesn't look like a hostess at all, she is low-key and invisible at all times, and she wears simple and elegant clothes. She sits quietly and eats her own food, and occasionally shares with Yuanyuan the advantages and disadvantages of eating in the north.

Zhao Dezhu asked Ms. Jin if she likes such a courtyard, or a high-rise bungalow, or a mansion. It may be a little farther to the outskirts of the city. If you are not used to the life in Pingjing, you can also arrange it in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Even go to the south along the coast to try it out, and the customers must be taken care of.

Yi Feicai was in charge of translating to the guests, and also recommended a Nanli people's community. Do you want to go there to see more? The streets are full of Nanli students and Nanli people who are doing business. The living environment is similar to that in Seoul.

Zhao Dezhu shook his head: "Why join in the fun? Once her family's identity spreads among Nanli people, it will be troublesome."

Li Yuanyuan pursed her lips and whispered: "Well, you deserve it right to be a mistress!"

Her voice must be low, but she made sure that Yi Fei could hear her.

Yi Fei actually made a face!

At this time, someone was whistling at the gate outside the courtyard...

Originally, there should be a wall facing the gate of this kind of courtyard house, called the screen wall.

Just to prevent outsiders from seeing the yard at a glance.

Southerners also especially believe that this is an essential feng shui setting for avoiding danger and gathering wealth.

But now, unless there is a well-preserved large yard, the obstructive guy is generally removed.

People around the table turned their heads inexplicably to look at the man who was poking his head over there.

Early in the morning, the bodyguard who went out to buy breakfast confirmed that the media reporters had all withdrawn.

Zhao Dezhu looked up at the appearance of the oily noodles, and called the bodyguard who got up and was about to chase him away: "Everyone, ignore him, hurry up and go to your own business after eating."

Yi Fei quickly looked into his eyes, a little inquiring.

Zhao Dezhu grinned at Wang Fang.

Yi Fei's eyes widened!

Wang Fang worked as a nanny assistant when Ha Mei's mother was pregnant, and later became a counselor specializing in domestic help, and then became an assistant for Yi Fei.

Is this a relationship?

But Wang Fang is busy cooking.

After everyone had breakfast and Yuanyuan began to contact and arrange today's work, Yi Fei was like a curious little rabbit, quietly circling around Zhao Dezhu: "What? What's going on? How can you tell that it's Wang Fang's boyfriend? ?”

Zhao Dezhu leaned against the pillars of the corridor outside the upper room to peek at Wang Fang's actions outside: "It's actually very simple, because the man whistled very loudly at that time, and it was clearly for the inside to listen to. My people probably don't know him, and Everyone at the table, even Jin Xiaosan glanced at it, but Wang Fang lowered her head vigorously, what does this prove?"

Yi Fei smiled: "It proves that she is avoiding, she is shy! Avoiding is knowing!"

This is also the way of acting, character behavior.

It seems that Zhao Dezhu was very happy when he said it.

Zhao Dezhu didn't smile: "That man's appearance and clothes can definitely find someone prettier than Wang Fang. If he is really hooking up with Wang Fang, hehe, what do you think of her?"

Zhao Dezhu, who was used to being hunted, was subconsciously vigilant.

Wang Fang is a standard country girl, strong and alert, but she really can't be called good-looking or good-looking.

Follow Yi Fei dressed very low-key and ordinary.

The current Zhao Dezhu is still the second generation of demolition in his previous life.

His eyes are like torches!

But Yi Fei was startled suddenly: "If you don't divide it, you must have a plan. Can the person who plans our family be a good person?"

Immediately jumped up and ran to look for Wang Fang, but only took two or three steps before returning to a stable and mature appearance.

Zhao Dezhu couldn't take his eyes off that fairy-like, bright girlish look, and the interaction with this kind of young woman.

Li Yuanyuan came out of the main room and kicked: "Wipe your drool! I have a meeting at the online banking payment center today, so hurry up and change your clothes!"

Zhao Dezhu quickly obeyed.

Ms. Kim Ee-won in the distance stared dumbfounded.

Sure enough, after Zhao Dezhu went to work for a whole day, and came back after dealing with business affairs with all parties, Yi Fei took Wang Fang and waited in the living room: "Miss Jin has taken a fancy to the courtyard next door, but she thinks it is too expensive, and she doesn't want such an expense. Affecting Mr. Park..."

Zhao Dezhu looked at Wang Fang who was crying, and couldn't help joking: "Did your first love meet a master?"

Wang Fang also dared to roll his eyes: "You have so much experience!"

Li Yuanyuan immediately laughed wildly and applauded!

Yi Fei is quiet: "Xiao Zhang and the others immediately followed the phone number and name given by Wang Fang to Minister Yao. They found out that they were all fake. They stopped him at noon and kept saying that he was free in love and that he was with Wang Fang. My fellow, I could tell his accent was fake, and I was a little flustered when he said he wanted to call the police, but the police actually found out that he was a fraudster with a criminal record."

Wang Fang was dejected: "I borrowed more than 20,000 yuan...now it's all spent..."

Zhao Dezhu heaved a long sigh: "Don't forget everything when you see you are handsome, and record the transfer and withdrawal to Yuanyuan. I will make up for you if you lost, and learn a lesson next time."

Wang Fang bowed her head vigorously: "Thank you, brother Zhao, please don't tell others that you are so embarrassing, and Xiao Zhang and the others laugh when they see me! I am so embarrassed that I don't want to live!"

Yi Fei suppressed a smile, and stretched out her arms to hold her, but she still felt that Zhao Dezhu could comfort her.

Zhao Dezhu is treating his family members: "What a big deal, do you want to go to HK Broker Academy to be a student or teacher for a few months, and you can also listen to the star assistant courses over there, and come back after the embarrassment is over, or You will be responsible for other work in the future."

Yi Fei hurriedly urged: "Take it as a vacation, we go to Citigroup next week, do you want to go to Citigroup first and then go to HK?"

Wang Fang is simple but firm: "I don't have the face to go on a business trip with everyone, I'm leaving now!" Only I apologize to Yi Fei: "I heard they said that he still wants to come and act, I'm really sorry to trouble you... "

Yi Fei quickly shook her head and hugged: "In our circle, there are many liars. Brother Zhao is right. It is a good thing to improve yourself by taking advantage of this incident. It is a good thing to learn a lot of wisdom."

Li Yuanyuan curled her lips immediately, she is younger than me, what is her name Zhao Ge?

But seeing Zhao Dezhu pretending to be old-fashioned contentedly, he was still soft-hearted after all, and directly pulled Wang Fang out: "Let's go, then I will arrange for you to go to HK immediately, and I will send someone to pick up your shift, so don't bother me here." Brother Zhao is a married couple."

The two sitting in the living room decorated in the new Chinese style were actually a little silent.

Zhao Dezhu also wanted to forcibly defuse it: "Uh, let's buy it. The courtyard house will go up a lot in the future. No matter how expensive it is now, it will go up in the future. Treat it as a fixed asset of a film and television company or a branch office, and then decorate it and rent it to her... ...they don't care about money at all, but only pay attention to the design of people."

Yi Fei said softly, "You have to learn a lesson after watching this scene where the mistress is in charge."

This can also be regarded as eating other people's ditch to grow one's own wisdom.

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