I just want to be self-reliant

Chapter 1006 Powerful strength does not require good fortune

The cooperation Lao Li wants to talk about is: "We have a lot of projects that we can cooperate with. Why do we have to limit ourselves to HK? We can explore all over the world, or there are many prospects for cooperation in the Mainland."

Zhao Dezhu sneered: "Real estate? If I want to make money from real estate, it is indeed possible to make a steady profit, but I will definitely not be able to earn the wealth in front of me."

Lao Li obviously had a very comprehensive understanding of Zhao Dezhu: "Indeed, I am very surprised by your brilliant performance, but what is even more surprising is that five years ago, you were only less than nineteen years old, so you were so sure that you would succeed. In the past few years, I often think of what you said at that time, and I often pay attention to your development, which seems to be the opposite of the business philosophy and investment principles I understand!"

That's right, since getting rid of the plastic flower business he started, Li Bancheng has never set foot in the manufacturing industry again.

Unlike most HK bosses, who make money by opening factories in eastern Guangdong and the mainland, he believes that the manufacturing industry is too easily affected by market conditions, and it is difficult to sustain and stabilize sudden wealth.

It is still the most reliable investment in real estate, property and the stock market.

However, Zhao Dezhu is keeping his eyes on the smartphone industry steadily and ruthlessly, attacking the manufacturing industry with a ferocious momentum that he himself did not expect!

The earliest purpose is to solve the employment of higher vocational students.

Because the game industry, e-commerce, and logistics all need smartphones and mobile Internet.

Zhao Dezhu's obsession with promoting the implementation of smartphones is only a year or two ahead of the expansion in his previous life.

In fact, technically, in 2006 and 2007, we could touch the edge, and it would not be too difficult.

The key is that everyone is groping for direction and hesitating about direction.

Until Joe Bush was the first to determine the runway.

At that time, Zhao Dezhu still didn't lock up the manufacturing industry, it was an OEM.

As a result, starting from Yue Yaofeng's chips, Zhao Dezhu started to spend money desperately and expand production capacity desperately.

He didn't want to make money, but he gained a pivotal position in this wave of expansion of the smartphone manufacturing industry.

The Wanhai OEM in the previous life has also reached the world's largest scale with a hundred production lines.

But only a subcontractor.

This is very different from Zhao Dezhu holding Dopta's own brand, vertically and horizontally combining Microsoft, Apple, Guge, and Sansun to develop various systems and APP ecology.

So today some people say why not invest more in the smartphone industry.

Uh, at present, Zhao Dezhu is probably the biggest player in the smartphone industry. Do you still need others to participate in your own vote?

In the same way, is Zhao Dezhu's goal now to make money?

To invest in other parts of the world, he needs to cooperate with Li Bancheng?

Zhao Dezhu didn't come to HK to make money at all.

But can't tell.

Shaking his head: "No matter what you think of me, I started with Richard's penguin shares, and I will repay you. Believe it or not, I said five years ago that I didn't have the slightest malice towards you, but now HK There is a problem with the model, we will try to adjust it."

It's impossible for Lao Li's eyes not to shine: "You're only twenty-four years old, so what are you thinking about?"

Zhao Dezhu was helpless: "I don't want to either..."

What the hell, it will start to be a mess in a few years, and then it will completely decline and confront for five or six years.

No Chinese person wants to see such a disgusting scene.

Originally, Hong Kong was beautiful in the minds of every mainlander, but compatriots who love brothers and sisters keep calling brothers and sisters to become enemies.

Zhao Dezhu didn't understand the general principles, and he didn't dare to discuss with others. He just believed in a simple and simple way, so that the people at the bottom could get more connected with the mainland, and there would be a way out.

And the ones who have the most contact with the bottom are the connections between e-commerce and food delivery that can go deep into everyone's side.

As a native of Guangdong, in the last few years of his last life, Zhao Dezhu visited HK many times.

He doesn't understand the principles of social economics, but at least he has seen social phenomena.

The e-commerce in the Mainland and Citigroup are in full swing, but they are silent in HK.

This is already very weird.

It is far-fetched to say that Hong Kong people are not used to mobile payment and prefer to use credit cards, or that this global metropolis is so rich in goods that online shopping is not needed.

Also takeaway is not very developed.

In HK, where even Star Master has acted as a takeaway boy, the metropolis that has traditionally had takeaways for many years can actually keep the cost of takeaways at 50 to 100 Hong Kong dollars per order!

To order a takeaway, you have to pay an extra 100 Hong Kong dollars. It is no wonder that this model has become popular.

The food delivery system in the mainland, which is known for bargaining prices, has never been able to enter HK.

The euphemistic name is that HK labor costs are high, and the psychological income of the delivery staff is 30,000 to 50,000 Hong Kong dollars!

If it is too low, there will be a strike and riots.

Because our house prices in HK are very high, how can ordinary income support it?

This becomes a vicious circle.

The cost of express delivery and takeaway is so high that no one will consume it, and the advantages of the Internet economy will not be reflected if no one consumes it.

In fact, what is guaranteed is that e-commerce and food delivery, two Internet consumption models that have become popular all over the world, are crushed to death in HK.

To say that behind this, the old landlords didn't work hard, and a flexible IT entrepreneur in HK didn't appear.

Even if Zhao Dezhu was killed, he wouldn't believe it.

Everything is still operating according to the favorite mode of the rent collectors, high rent and high housing price, isn't it good to make money steadily?

What is the Internet economy, why do you spend so much effort?

Usually throw some red envelopes to gain a reputation, and those who are born in thousands of families will be philanthropists.

As for those who can't survive such a high social cost, it must be because they didn't work hard enough and deserved to be a waste of society.

More and more waste, of course, has become a ticking time bomb.

It's none of their business whether they blow it up or not?

Anyway, global investment just pat their ass and leave.

Leaving a mess is a system issue.

So Zhao Dezhu is simple and rude now, taking advantage of the fact that everything in e-commerce has just entered HK, and the big bosses and big families have not yet established a preventive suppression situation, boom!

He didn't have Huang Zheng's kind of slow-motion picture, because he knew in his heart what kind of disgusting mess this mess would turn into.

The sooner you change, the better you will be anyway.

So I looked at Lao Li, who had flickering eyes and a thoughtful expression.

Zhao Dezhu still chose to blog: "It's not ashamed to make money, but the times are really different. I definitely don't come to HK to make money, but to make HK the world's best template for e-commerce and e-commerce platforms. You can Do the math, should you continue to make money from rent and housing prices, or do you come to make money in the new era?"

Lao Li spoke very slowly: "Every year, countless people tell this is the best way to make money. It is the latest technology. It turns out that it is basically a pitfall. Steady development is the kingly way. towards bankruptcy, right?"

Zhao Dezhu took a strong medicine: "Then let's try it? You have seen the power of the new era media in the Zhang family's affairs. Next, let's look at the power of e-commerce?"

Lao Li also seemed to feel the invisible pressure: "What are you going to do?"

Zhao Dezhu Mingpai: "There are more than 12,000 restaurants and food shops in Hong Kong. At present, we are only trying some of them. In the past month or so, we have used higher vocational students to drive express delivery and takeaway work, but in the future this may exceed 5,000 to tens of thousands. We will promote a group buying commission system in all communities in Hong Kong, do you want to see it?"

Huang Zheng has never participated in this level of negotiation, and every word and deed may bring about huge changes in interests.

They all held their breath.

Are you just exposing yourself so directly?

Lao Li had to think: "Group buying commission system? What do you mean?"

Zhao Dezhu just wanted to intimidate: "How can the cost of a product be the lowest?" He gestured to Huang Zheng.

This guy is like a repeater: "Consumers can accurately provide the total amount of purchases, and the supply side can reduce the uncertainty of organizational production. This is group buying."

Zhao Dezhu really couldn't understand this kind of written language, but he could match the indifferent expression.

Thinking of himself as a ruthless businessman: "This is a kind of...fission-style social selling, because e-commerce sales eliminate the need for counter shelves, where do consumers go to pick up the goods? As long as there are a few in each community who are free Those who earn commissions can just use their own home as a pick-up point, and I’ll stress it again, in the era of the mobile Internet, everyone can buy products with their mobile phones, and the demand for stores will gradually decrease.”

Li Bancheng is trying his best to understand, but this is really beyond the cognition of a seventy-year-old man.

Besides, he doesn't buy daily necessities, rice, oil and salt, and his expression is disbelieving: "Buy without looking at things? How much is the commission? It's up to the consumers."

Zhao Dezhu smiled: "Compared with the monthly shop rent of tens of thousands of yuan, which side do you think the cost is compressed the most? For a commission of 3 to 5%, see if anyone will earn it."

Lao Li is still trying to resist: "3 to 5% commission... We HK citizens are after the quality of life!"

Zhao Dezhu said evilly: "Then... shall I try it out?"

In Lao Li's eyes, the young man in front of him was like a rhinoceros rushing into a porcelain shop, rushing unruly.

But he didn't say why he had to change after all.

The world is always changing and innovating, young people are always challenging the rules, why doesn't he understand all this.

Nod slowly.

As a result, Zhao Dezhu said hehehe: "But it's like gambling. Betting at this time, and following up after a few days later, the price is completely different."

Lao Jianghu smiled lightly: "I will definitely pay enough for a valuable investment. Can the Zhang family's situation be resolved?"

Then Zhao Dezhu smiled lightly: "For reform, someone has to pay the price. This is to be a model for many parties to see, and you can't escape."

Li Bancheng's gentle and refined attitude has finally been applied to his eyes, staring at him as if there is any substance: "Young people, kindness makes money, and the more good karma you have, the more help you can get."

Zhao Dezhu was unmoved: "First, he will not remember my kindness, but he will remember his kindness on your head. Maybe he will hate me for causing him losses. Once he has the opportunity, he will definitely take revenge on me. Second, I also want to show you, don’t force me to complete the goal at any cost, because I want so many investors in HK to see that I am right, so my cost is hundreds of billions, trillions of dollars.”

Oops, I just became the number one VC investor in the world, and then I beat people with tickets.

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