Huzi and Xiaolong sat next to him and watched his mother put so many dishes for Qingyue, then pouted and whispered, "Mom, I'm really willing."

Xiaolong: "Brother, why don't we have something to eat in the past?"

Hu Zi rubbed his stomach, "No, I'm full, I can't eat any more."

Xiaolong: "Then I'll go over and eat." After speaking, he sat down at the dining table, picked up the steamed bun that Han Wen had broken for Qingyue, and ate it.

Seeing him eating, Han Wen asked in surprise, "Aren't you full just now?"

Xiaolong: "I'm not full."

After dinner, Han Wen asked Hu Zi to take Fu Jin to get water for a bath, while she went to find and change clothes for the two children.

They came back directly from Beijing and didn't go to the recycling station at all, so the two children had no clean clothes at all except the one they were wearing.

Although Hu Zi didn't like Fu Jin, he took seriously what Han Wen told him.

"This is a pot specially designed to heat hot water. After cooking at night, this pot is replaced with warm water."

"This is a bucket that holds hot water. It's hot now, but my mother doesn't let us take a shower with cold water. You can use this bucket to hold hot water when you take a shower at night." Hu Zi said as he took the bucket and filled it with hot water.

"Just carry the hot water to the bathroom." Then he picked up the bucket and walked out.

When Fu Jin saw it, he stepped forward and took the bucket from Hu Zi's hand.

Hu Zi raised his eyebrows when he saw it, and went to the bathroom without saying a word.

"There's a big tank of cold water in the bathroom, and my dad fills it up in the morning."

"You can just use the cold water in the tub when you take a bath, oh ~ if you're not afraid of people looking at it and washing it in the yard."

"I've already told you that you can take a bath! You're smelling all over your body." Hu Zi said with disgust.

After he finished speaking, he remembered something and said, "Wait a minute."

Then he ran to their house and shouted, "Mom! Whose towel is he using for the bath!"

"I have new ones in the house, you go find two."

After hearing this, Hu Zi ran to Han Wen's house and rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find two towels, both of which were bright red. Hu Zi looked at the embroidered mandarin duck and handed it to Fu Jin, "I only have red ones in my house. Towels, you use this!"

Fu Jin reached out to take it, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Huzi pinched his nose and deliberately said, "You smell so bad, go take a bath!" After that, he ran to his mother.

Fu Jin stood alone at the door of the bathroom, and after a moment of silence, he resolutely entered the bathroom.

Hu Zi ran into his bedroom and saw that his mother was rummaging through boxes to find something, Hu Zi asked curiously, "Mom, what are you looking for?"

Han Wen: "Look for Xiaolong's old clothes."

Xiaolong was originally sitting next to Qingyue staring wide-eyed at Han Wen's words, and immediately turned around and asked, "Why are you looking for my clothes?"

Han Wen turned around for a long time before she found it, and said without looking back, "Give Qingyue the clothes she didn't bring to change."

Xiaolong: "Oh, my clothes are all boys', does she wear them properly?"

Han Wen took Xiaolong's shorts and vest when he was a child and looked back: "It's suitable, you can wear it regardless of gender at that time."

Han Wen said to Hu Zi, "You also find a set of your clothes for Fu Jin to send over, and you have the final say if you want to find it."

Han Wen didn't want to neglect the Huzi brothers because of Fu Jin, causing them to have a psychological gap.

Huzi: "He is taller than me, can he wear my clothes?"

Han Wen frowned, "Or I'll find two of your dad's clothes for him."

When Hu Zi thought that his dad's clothes were big and fat, he frowned and said, "Let me find it for him!" After that, he went to his closet.

When I designed the double bed for them, I made two more cabinets for them.

Huzi rummaged in his cabinet for a while before finding two pieces and handing them to Han Wen.

Han Wen raised her eyebrows when she saw these two clothes. This was a street-style T-shirt made for Huzi in the beginning of summer. At that time, Huzi was wearing fat and big, but the whole person looked very cool and handsome. .

"Are you willing?"

Hu Zi touched his clothes with some hesitation and said, "Forget it, let him wear it! I don't have anything suitable for him except this one."

Han Wen patted her clothes and replied, "Okay, you'll bring it to him later."

"Mom! Mom! I gave him all this clothes, can you make me another one?" Hu Zi looked at Han Wen and asked expectantly.

Han Wen: "..."

"When the time comes, I'll make you autumn clothes! You've grown a bit fast recently. Summer will be over soon, and you won't be able to wear it for a few days."

Hu Zi nodded, "Then don't forget it."

Han Wen: "I can't forget it."

After speaking, I went to clean up the study. The bed in the study had not been occupied for a long time, so I had to clean it up for Fu Jin.

As soon as she entered the study, Hu Zi followed her in. Han Wen asked angrily, "What's the matter with you?"

Huzi: "Mom, I want to ask you, will Fu Jin and the others have to live in our house in the future?"

Han Wen: "Don't ask me to ask your dad."

Huzi: "I won't go, my dad is snoring now."

The trip to Beijing that Wang Hao accompanied Fu Jin to was really exhausted. After dinner, he went back to the house to sleep.

Han Wen turned to Hu Zi and said seriously: "Well, they may live in our house in recent years, you have to learn to accept them."

"You can come to me at any time if you have any discomfort."

Huzi: "Do they really have no family?"

Han Wen: "Well, his grandparents just passed away recently."

Huzi: "Where are his parents?"

Han Wen: "It seems that they left when they were very young."

Huzi: "How pitiful."

Han Wen patted Hu Zi's head, "Okay, go get him clothes! It should be finished."

"Also! In the future, I will call Fu Jin the eldest brother and Qingyue the younger sister. Do you hear me?"

Hu Zi was not happy: "It's clear that I am the eldest brother." After speaking, he went out.

Fu Jin took a shower and watched the dirty clothes in the basin in a daze. He was wondering whether to take them out and put them on when he heard someone knock on the door.

Fu Jin was startled.

I heard it say from the outside: "Hey! My mother asked me to bring you clothes. Open the door and I'll pass it to you."

Fu Jin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Hu Zi's voice, and then heard Hu Zi say: "You stand behind the door and just open a crack."

Fu Jin listened to it and walked over to obediently do as Huzi said.

Sure enough, as soon as the door opened, a hand reached in with his clothes in his hand.

Fu Jin grabbed his clothes and said in a low voice, "Thank you." Then he closed the door.

Hu Zi was almost caught by Fu Jin's hand, standing at the door and muttered unhappily, "What are men afraid of?"

Fu Jin closed the door, took the clothes, hesitantly opened it for a moment, and saw that it was a brand-new clothes with mixed feelings, and even brought him his underwear.

He is taller than Huzi, and this dress is extraordinarily suitable.

It's just that he hasn't worn these short-sleeved shorts yet.

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