I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 495 Shocking exploits

"What?" Shen Xiaowu stared blankly at the correspondent, his pupils dilated instantly.

Five hundred thousand alien beasts attacked an area that was very difficult to defend. What was that scene? Maybe... it was a one-sided massacre, right?

And there are abyss-level beasts? Shen Xiaowu knew very well that the appearance of an abyss-level alien beast must be accompanied by four to five titled strong-level alien beasts. Even if he didn't see the ending with his own eyes, Shen Xiaowu could still guess the ending.

The western region will be completely defeated, and then the entire Sea of ​​Clouds reclamation space will be defeated. The best result is that the efforts of the past ten years will be put on fire, and the space opened up by human pioneers will be compressed by one-third.

Immediately, Shen Xiaowu came back to his senses with a jolt.

This is not the time to be shocked, and corresponding adjustments must be made immediately.

"Order, the frontier corps in the south, southwest, northwest, and north directions immediately shrink. The defense line in the south, shrinks to the cross-neck cliff, and uses favorable terrain to block the breakthrough of the alien beasts. The southwest direction, shrinking in the northeast direction, must be smaller than the front line in the west. The strange beast occupied the 233 canyon one step faster, so as to stop the strange beast.

For the north defense line, retreat to the glacier, build a defense line with the help of the glacier, for the northwest defense line, retreat to the southeast defense line, and finally form a joint headquarters in Lin Yao in the southwest area, and work together with the beasts of hell. "


"Also, send someone to invite Baidi immediately, and make sure Baidi comes to support him as soon as possible."


After General Shen Xiao gave the order, his whole body seemed to be drained of power, as if he was powerless. Staring blankly at the map of the sand table, he suddenly punched the center of the sand table at the west line of defense.

"Damn El Nino! Let us work hard for ten years, ten years of hard work will be in vain, 50,000 brothers, 50,000 brothers..."

The entire command center instantly suppressed the aura of impending rain, and everyone's chest seemed to be blocked by a huge boulder. This accident is a huge test for everyone.

After about half an hour...

"Report—the latest battle report from the west direction."

"What? There are battle reports? Si Yu is not dead?"

Shen Xiaowu's first reaction was not what was in the battle report,

But at this time, Si Yu can still send out the battle report? He is still alive?

Shen Xiaowu knew very well that Si Yu's branch headquarters was placed at the forefront. Half a million alien beasts and abyssal alien beasts attacked the defense line, and the headquarters was the first to bear the brunt. It's been half an hour, the Zhengxi area should have been a mess, right?

"Read!" Shen Xiaowu shouted quickly after recovering.

"Respected Commander-in-Chief, Your Majesty Qinghu, after Mianxia Landwalker and Lord Wang Lan rushed to the western front, the fog of chaos surged, and the tide of beasts was ready to go.

Landwalker first created a ten-kilometer-long mountainous terrain outside the defense line to reverse the disadvantage of lack of defense in the west.

When the fortifications had just been completed, alien beasts came out of the chaotic fog. First, ten thousand flying alien beasts were the vanguard, and then half a million alien beasts rushed out to attack the front line of defense.

Master Wang Lan used his flying ability to wrestle with 10,000 flying beasts by himself, and killed 10,000 flying beasts within ten minutes. But at this moment, the offensive of the alien beasts was still in full swing, advancing nearly three kilometers, half of the defense line of the mountain range fell, the alien beasts were everywhere, and more than a thousand brothers were killed or injured.

At this time, after dealing with the flying alien beasts in the sky, Master Wang Lan used large-scale star martial arts to kill the alien beasts in the crowded area with the help of favorable terrain, and slaughtered more than ten thousand alien beasts within a few minutes.

Then, with the help of the continuous tunnel, three super S-class star martial arts were lowered, and lava was first used to impact the two-kilometer tunnel to form a lava river in the mountains and valleys. Then he used the ice-type star martial art to freeze the lava to fix it, and finally used the explosive star martial art to shatter the herd of alien beasts that stretched for two kilometers.

In this battle, more than 50,000 alien beasts were killed.

Then Lord Wang Lan and Landwalker Mianxia joined forces, Landwalker Mianxia controlled the terrain, Lord Wang Lan output firepower, fought fiercely for an hour and ten minutes, and successfully drove the alien beasts out of the mountain terrain, killing more than 300,000 alien beasts in total. "

After reading this, everyone in the headquarters stared straight at the herald who was reading, and they no longer knew what to think about.

But the content of the battle report is far from over.

"The horde of beasts was strangled, and then the fog of chaos surged, and three beasts of the titled strong level burst out, causing serious damage to the position in an instant.

Master Wang Lan struck the sky with an eagle, fighting a golden eagle alone, and burned it to death with magical flames. Then, with the assistance of Landwalker, they confronted the remaining two beasts. The ape-shaped beast was killed on the spot, but the green-haired lion was captured by Wang Lan's combat power and turned around to escape. Before entering the mist in the future, he was killed by a white light.

The white light instantly split the ten-kilometer terrain defense line into two. Under this blow, another two thousand brothers were killed on the spot with no bones left.

This is the abyssal beast, the azure blue griffin.

The Griffin is powerful, destroying a ten-kilometer line of defense with one shot, and the Landwalker was defeated and seriously injured. His Majesty the Landwalker wants Wang Lan to evacuate with us and other defeated soldiers, but Master Wang Lan refuses.

Afterwards, Master Wang Lan sublimated to the extreme, fighting fiercely with the griffin alone, releasing a sword energy with the power to destroy the world, severely injuring the griffin, and then burning the griffin with the combination of Samadhi real fire and ghost fire.

The griffin was wounded and turned around to recover the fog of chaos.

So far, the one-and-a-half-hour defensive counterattack came to an end. In this battle, a total of 500,000 alien beasts were killed, three title-level alien beasts were killed, and one abyssal alien beast was repelled.

The soul orbs are still being collected, the number cannot be counted yet but they are piled up like a mountain. I hereby report to inform the headquarters that everything is fine and there is no need to worry too much. "

After reading the long battle report, Shen Xiaowu only felt that the whole world was unreal.

The abyssal beasts brought an army of 500,000 beasts to attack the west line of defense, not only did they not collapse, but they even fought back? What the hell did you win? Are you sure this isn't a TV show?

But Shen Xiaowu is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves after all, and he recovered in a very short time, "Send someone to the Zhengxi area to verify the battle report."

Under normal circumstances, Shen Xiaowu would not verify the battle report. Since the branch headquarters dared to send the battle report, what was recorded must be true.

But the content of this battle report was too exaggerated, so exaggerated that Shen Xiaowu had to wonder if Si Yu was dreaming?

The executive ability of the star warriors is still very fast, especially the speed advantage of the messenger star warriors, whose legs are like the wind, and can reach a speed of 200 kilometers per hour when running wildly, and the flying star warriors can reach a speed of 300 kilometers per hour.

When the star warriors rushed to the front camp in the west 500 kilometers away, the 10,000 star warriors in the west were still collecting soul orbs within a radius of ten kilometers.

The courier didn't need to ask at all, just looking at the mountains of soul beads, the courier knew that what was said in the battle report was true.

After briefly understanding the situation with Commander Si Yu, the messenger turned back and rushed to the headquarters without stopping. When we came, it took more than two hours for the courier, but when we went back, the same journey took less than two hours.

When the courier rushed into the headquarters and saw Shen Xiaowu, he was so tired that he slumped on the ground. He only had time to say a word, what was said in the battle report... was all true... and then fell into a coma.


Really, does it mean that Wang Lan and Qiao Shan really blocked the impact of the 500,000 beast tide and killed them all? Does it really mean that Wang Lan did beat the abyssal beast back?

What kind of extraordinary feat is this? What an earth-shattering feat is this?

When this news came out, not to mention the headquarters, the entire space for reclamation in the sea of ​​clouds boiled. The brilliance of Wang Lan alone makes everyone dim and becomes a foil.

The news spread quickly to open up wasteland, and then swept across the country at the speed of a virus. The political arena, the military, and the alien space were all shocked by the whole news.

Yu Ruoyun, who was on a mission somewhere far away, was stunned for a moment when he heard this information, and then a wry smile appeared on his face.

"As expected of you, I have been completely thrown away by you."

No. 1 became very excited after learning the news, picked up the calligraphy and swiped the book, and a line of vigorous and powerful characters was naturally formed, without any trace of carving.

Hero boy, boy hero. The important weapon of the country, the great fortune of the country!

When the whole country was boiling over for Wang Lan's feat, Wang Lan drove a truckload of Soul Orbs to Jiang Xinyu at the headquarters to offer treasures.

Jiang Xinyu was transferred to the headquarters. For the first day or two, she really thought it was a normal job transfer. Until two days later, when Wang Lan was fighting fiercely on the front line, Jiang Xinyu found that the soldiers in the headquarters were extremely busy.

After asking, I found out that El Niño had appeared, and the sea of ​​clouds was about to experience a huge storm. At this moment, Jiang Xinyu understood everything, why she was transferred back from the front line, and there was no new task arrangement for two days. If it wasn't for Wang Lan's tricks, she wouldn't believe it even if she was beaten to death.

But Wang Lan kept her secret. She was the only one who didn't know what the entire cloud sea space knew. It's not that Jiang Xinyu can't accept being protected by Wang Lan, but she didn't know anything when she couldn't accept being protected by Wang Lan.

So, the Snow Queen is very angry. She wished she could go to the front line immediately to find Wang Lan and kick him hard. But at this moment, the battle report of Wang Lan killing 500,000 alien beasts and defeating the giant beasts of the abyss came.

When Jiang Xinyu first heard the news, she wasn't frightened, worried, or scared. What emerged in front of her eyes was the scene of Wang Lan standing under the gate of the underworld on the ice cliff that day, watching Wang Lan alone fighting a hundred thousand alien beasts, and fighting two titled strong level alien beasts alone.

It's not that Wang Lan wants to hide it from her... It's that Jiang Xinyu is too weak. In such a situation, she can't help anything.

It was agreed to fight side by side with the wind and rain, but with the strength of Jiang Xinyu, the peak of the Galaxy, and the strength that the Star Sea Realm did not have in the early stage, how could he fight side by side with Wang Lan?

On that day, Jiang Xinyu didn't practice, she stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the west facing the wind and weeping silently.

Wang Lan never shattered Jiang Xinyu's pride, but her pride was torn apart bit by bit by reality. She is not Wang Lan. Wang Lan can defeat two title-level beasts at the peak of the Galaxy Realm, but she can't.

She is not Yu Ruoyun, who can have the combat power of the peak of the Star Sea Realm when she is at the peak of the Star River Realm. Jiang Xinyu is a genius, but she is just an ordinary genius. Although she advances rapidly, she doesn't have the strength to leapfrog challenges.

This kind of situation will definitely happen again in the future. In the face of an unmatched, catastrophic enemy, Wang Lan can face up to difficulties, but Jiang Xinyu can only face difficulties and die.

"What's wrong?" When Wang Lan found Jiang Xinyu, Jiang Xinyu was still lost in thought on the top of the mountain.

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