After the end of the "Yuanshen" S1 line Shanghai qualifier.

The players who made it to the online semi-finals all started researching their competitors.

Especially the top few super masters in the standings!

【Affection and Wine】, [Night Wind and Rain], [Nancheng Qingmeng], [Sennan], [Beiyu] ......

Each of them was basically figured out by the semi-finalists.

So it's really hard to say what the final result will be in this S1 event.

However, the high-level players are not vegetarians either.

[Sentiment and Wine] has developed a new tactic, and has also specially trained several sets of lineup matching schemes.

Enough to deal with all kinds of situations!

The S1 online qualifier has begun.

This re-election will be broadcast live on the official public of the game.

There were a total of 100 finalists in the semi-finals.

But in the end, only twenty-five people were able to participate in the offline competition.

So this time the competition is very fierce!

Basically, in every game, each player will show their strongest strength.

But the most exciting thing in the semi-finals is a thirteen-year-old child.

That's right, thirteen!

He's ninety-nine in the standings.

Neither the technique nor the tactical thinking can compare to those senior players.

But this kid is stubborn, with the spirit of not giving up and his love for "Genshin", he actually won

[Sennan]! You know, [Sennan] is the favorite to win the championship.

Especially for the newly trained grass characters, various elements react and match, which is an efficiency.

But in the live broadcast, he was defeated by a thirteen-year-old child, can you believe it?

To be honest, [Sennan] himself doesn't believe it.

But fortunately, there is no point ranking in the semi-finals, and they are all best-of-three games.

So in the second game, [Sennan] was full of firepower!

Originally, he saw that the opponent was a player ranked ninety-nine, and he didn't care about it in his heart, thinking that he could win by playing casually.

But the fiasco in the first game completely cheered him up.

So, in the second and third games, [Sennan] won smoothly.

This made [Sennan] breathe a sigh of relief.

If you really lose at the hands of a thirteen-year-old.

Shame on him.

You know, it's live now.

However, this rematch, just this game, is more moving.

The rest of the games are nothing special.

After all, there are powerful players, everyone is basically very clear.

Therefore, the twenty-five offline contestants quickly competed.

Their travel and accommodation, Yanhuang Game Group is all-inclusive.

And about the address of the offline competition.

Now it has also been determined.

[I'm going! It's actually the Triangle Gymnasium to hold a competition! This is the largest gymnasium in the entire magic capital! It covers an area of more than 6,300 square meters!]

[Good guys, Yanhuang Game Group is too proud, right?] [

Yes, this venue is not cheap for a day, how much does it cost.

[I've inquired, and it seems that the offline competition will last for one day.

[Oh, that's fine.

[But all the tickets have been sold out.] [

What! I still want to wait for the rematch to be over before I buy tickets!How can it be so fast!Isn't there 10,000 tickets?]

[Heh, others sold out in a minute.

[Alas, are there any scalpers, I'll charge it at a high price!

] [Forget it, people don't know that this ticket will sell so well.] [

Eh, how did the brother upstairs know so clearly?

] [Because I'm a scalper......]

Now, the discussion on the Internet about the offline competition of "Yuanshen" has soared again!

So now, six of the ten hot searches are basically related

to the offline competition of "Yuanshen"! and the first place in the hot search is related to the tickets of the offline competition of "Yuanshen".

[I'll pay 20,000 yuan! Collect tickets for "Yuanshen" at a high price!]

Good guy, there are really a lot of local tyrants.

This directly stunned netizens.

Because of the offline tickets for "Yuanshen", the cheap ones only cost 198 yuan.

The best location, the more expensive ticket, is less than 500 yuan.

This local tyrant directly charges tickets for 50,000 yuan, which is really a bit amazing.

But that's not the most amazing.

Just the next day.

Someone else directly put up 50,000 yuan to collect tickets!

But they only charge one.

Because he was going to see it for himself.

And there are actually many local tyrants like this in "Yuan Shen".

Anyway, according to Lin Mo's knowledge.

He just looked at the background recharge data of "Genshin", and he knew.

Now there are local tyrants who have spent millions for

"Yuan Shen"! And this is because there are restrictions on the daily recharge of "Yuan Shen".

If there is no limit, it is estimated that there will be several local tyrants who have recharged more than 10 million now.

But some things are weird.

Some local tyrants specially called the customer service department of "Genshin".

They have expressed their dissatisfaction with the recharge restrictions.

However, Lin Mo didn't pay attention to these local tyrants.

You don't love it.

Anyway, now that the moon flow of "Yuan Shen", Lin Mo is already very satisfied, and it is enough.

Money is a thing that can't be earned, it's almost enough.

However, the local tyrants are not easy to deal with.

Since there is a recharge limit for one account, then they will open several more accounts

! And the recharge limit for each account is directly pulled to the maximum!

Everything that can be bought in the game, all are bought.

And these local tyrants are still proud, and post screenshots of their recharge under the official account of "Genshin".

It was as if they had won.

Lin Mo was speechless.

"Can you give money now to give away a sense of superiority?"

Lin Mo couldn't understand, but it didn't matter.

Anyway, these local tyrants have contributed to the development of the Chinese game industry.

After all, Lin Mo has to spend all this money on the development of various game projects.

And just like that, time flies.

Come to the offline competition of "Genshin".

Lin Moke is very concerned about the holding of this offline competition.

Although it's only for one day.

However, Lin Mo spent more than 5 million on the construction of various equipment and equipment! The

cost of the entire offline competition has already soared to 20 million!

Relying on the ticket fee alone, he will definitely not be able to recover it.

But Lin Mo didn't think about making money from tickets.

He just wanted to test whether e-sports was feasible in this world.

And judging by the current situation.

It's no longer a question of whether it's feasible or not.


the Triangle Stadium, it can be described as a sea of people.

Densely packed, full of human heads.

Including some vehicles, which have long been blocking the streets.

This stunned some of the people who maintain law and order.

When they received the news, they thought it was just a game competition, and it was not a big deal.

The top has used so much manpower, and it's too much of a fuss.

The results go with the passage of time.

The number of people is growing.

They finally realized that something was not quite right

!"Everyone, please line up in an orderly manner!"

And don't litter

!"On that side!Hurry up and send more people over

to Exit A!"There are not enough people here, come on

!"Alas! There are too many people at Exit C!We need help too!"


The staff was already busy and sweating.

But even so, there are still not enough people to maintain security.

But fortunately, the audience is still relatively qualified.

It didn't make a big deal out of it.

But Lin Mo felt that something was not quite right.

"That's more than 10,000 people, right?"

Lin Mo came to the gate of the Triangle Gymnasium, staring at the people who were sitting by the flower beds under the scorching sun.

If they're spectators, then why don't they go into the venue,

which has cool air conditioning and soda.

Lin Mo casually walked up to a young man and expressed his doubts.

The young man smiled and said, "I didn't buy a ticket?"

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment.

You didn't get a ticket, what are you doing here?

But the next moment.

Lin Mo quickly reacted.

There was something complicated in his eyes.

Because Lin Mo didn't expect that the S1 event of "Yuanshen" would be able to attract so many people.

Even if you can't get in, you have to stay outside in the sun.

To be honest, Lin Mo was a little moved.

So he quickly made a decision.

"Hey, Xue Wen, I have something to tell you.

Lin Mo called Xue Wen.

Soon, there were still ten minutes left before the start of the offline match.

In a huge clearing outside the Triangle Gymnasium, a group of staff members appeared.

These people seem to be very busy, and they are carrying a lot of equipment, large and small, in their hands.

One of the most obvious devices is the LED screen.

And they are also very professional.

In a short time, a small viewing arena was set up.

And a lot of awnings were also moved, which were placed not far in front of the LED screen.

Some Genshin players, who did not have tickets, stood aside and watched the behavior of these staff members with curiosity.

Some of them don't quite understand what these people are doing.

"Eh, you say...... Could this be a place for us to watch the arena?"

"Uh...... It's impossible, right?"

"yes, we didn't even buy tickets, what are they going to do with us setting up a stadium?" "yes,

I'm ready to watch the live stream on my phone outside.

"That's weird, what are they doing?"


Just when everyone was discussing.

The viewing venue has been completely built.

There are many shades, large and small, and many shaded areas are built.

This can leave the staff tired and unclear.

These awnings are already the entire reserve of the Triangle Gymnasium.

I don't usually use it a few times a year.

As a result, they all moved out today.

But the most important thing is the huge LED screen.

Even from a distance of 50 meters, you can see it very clearly.

That's when it happened.

Xue Wen took a microphone and walked in front of everyone.

"Players, this is the viewing venue built by Yanhuang Games for everyone!" "

We would like to thank you for your support of Genshin!

" "Now you can choose your position at will, be careful not to compete for ......"

Xue Wen explained the matter simply.

It didn't take long for the voice to fall.

A cheer suddenly resounded in the sky.

Even the spectators in the Triangle Stadium could hear the grand cheers outside.

In fact, in terms of the number of people, the number of people outside the venue is even more than the audience inside the venue.


?" "What are the people out there doing?" "

I don't know, maybe I'm watching the game."

"But isn't this game not yet open?"


The audience inside the stadium can't understand the surprise of the audience outside the stadium now.

They are all ready to go outside and watch the live broadcast under the scorching sun.

The reason why I came offline is purely to show support.

As a result, I didn't expect that the game official thought about it so thoughtfully!

It even built a viewing venue for those who didn't buy tickets!

This is really ......

It's so touching!

"From now on, I'll be a fan of Yanhuang Games for the rest of my life!" A

young man looked firm.

Soon, though, his eyes changed.

Because there are not enough chairs in the observation venue.

But it can't be helped.

After all, there are so many people, even in the Triangle Gymnasium, there are not so many chairs.

But it doesn't matter.

Xue Wen had already taken this into account.

He placed most of his chairs away from the screen.

And the location closer to the screen is all lawn, and you can sit down directly.

In this way, it will not affect the viewing experience.

It won't be lost to some people.

"Perfect!" a

smile appeared on Xue Wen's face.

In fact, this matter is not of any interest to Yanhuang Game Group.

But when Lin Mo told Xue Wen about this arrangement.

Xue Wen did not deny a word, but completed the work assigned to him by Lin Mo very seriously.

But it was strange, a strange feeling surged in Xue Wen's heart.

That's a sense of satisfaction.

I don't know where it came from.

However, this kind of feeling, he had never felt it before in the fruit soft group.

And at the moment, for the players outside the stadium.

They were more satisfied

! Mainly because they didn't expect that they could experience a similar offline viewing experience without tickets!

Even compared to the audience in the stadium.

Their atmosphere should be a little more lively.

Because the audience in the venue, their seats are fixed, and they can't get up and move around at will.

But in the open space outside the venue, on the lawn, there is no such problem.

These players, who didn't have tickets, saw some wonderful operations in the game, and directly got up and cheered wildly.

Some players even joined hands and spun in circles directly on the lawn.

People are very happy when they are extremely excited.

There are 25 players in the offline competition, and the strength of each one of them should not be underestimated.

And their battles are also very exciting.

Overloading, freezing, melting, shocking, ......

A variety of elemental reactions emerge one after another.

And for the calculation of damage and the control of time, the players are very detailed.

And like this kind of detail, ordinary players can also see it very clearly.

Because they are also "Genshin" players, they can naturally understand it.

Coupled with the actions of the characters of "Genshin", it is not so fast that it is not clear to see.

Therefore, this kind of ornamentality is just right.


The live broadcast on the Internet is also very hot at the moment.

The short video of Microvision even has a hint of stuckness.

But it's okay.

Liu Xingming made temporary arrangements to directly transfer all the computing power of several central servers to the live broadcast of "Yuanshen".

Lin Mo is competing offline at the moment.

So the matter here can only be handled by Liu Xingming alone.

But it's okay.

After the allocation of computing power.

The live broadcast stabilized and there were no more stutters.

There is no need for Liu Xingming to look at the terrifying number of viewers, and secretly smack his tongue in his heart.

"Good guys, the number of viewers has exceeded 20 million.

"That's outrageous, isn't it? Liu

Xingming couldn't imagine it at all.

He didn't even know that the number of spectators for any game would exceed 20 million!

And this made him admire Lin Mo's foresight.

Suffice it to say, no one could have imagined.

A game competition would have such a high level of attention!

Even Lin Mo himself didn't expect it.

He foresaw in advance that e-sports competitions are feasible in this world.

But he didn't foresee that it was just a simple attempt.

At this moment, Lin Mo stood in the box of the gymnasium, looking at the audience through the glass.

Now, after many rounds of competition, the finals are about to begin.

[Affection and Wine] and [Night Wind and Rain], these two high-level plays, finally entered the finals.

[Night Wind and Rain] is a player who has been showing the mountains and water before.

Whether it's in the auditions, or in the re-finals.

Although his ranking is very high, the operation is not flashy, and it can even be said to be ordinary.

Therefore, the attention has not been very high.

But at this moment, whether it is offline or online, the audience sees [Night Wind and Rain] enter the finals.

They reacted suddenly.

This player is not easy!

he can defeat [Nancheng Qingmeng], [Sennan], and [Beiyu] these favorites in a row.

The strength of [Night Wind and Rain] is a bit terrifying!

At this moment, all the curiosity of the audience was raised.

They would love to know.

Who will be the winner of this championship?

However, [Affection and Wine] is not vegetarian either.

He can go all the way to this moment, and his own ability is beyond doubt.

Even if the [Night Wind and Rain] is hidden, he is not afraid.

Before the start of the finals, the host walked up to the stage.

[Night Wind and Rain] and [Sentiment and Wine] are both young people.

However, both of them stood on the stage a little shyly, facing the cheers of tens of thousands of spectators in the venue.

After a brief warm-up by the host, the finals are about to begin.

[Affection and Wine] and [Night Wind and Rain] sat in their respective positions, looking at the computer screen in front of them with serious expressions.

However, it is a little strange that the positions of the two are far apart, and the middle seems very empty.

There was at least fifty meters apart!


And at this very moment.

The huge LED screen, which was originally lit up, suddenly became pitch black.


The entire center of the game.

That is, the distance of fifty meters between [Night Wind and Rain] and [Sentiment and Wine].

An incomparably large PVP arena appeared directly in front of everyone's eyes out of thin air!

At this moment, whether it is online or offline, or the contestants.

They were all staring wide-eyed!

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