[Brothers, what are the best channels lately?] My game is about to be completed. [

Game release channels, of course, the first choice is the three major game platforms!These are all old platforms, users are guaranteed!]

[It can't be said that although the three major game platforms have many users, the competition is also very fierce. [

Yes, and their share is still high, if the sales volume is less than 100,000, basically can't make any money, it's better to go to a small

platform!] [I know a platform is very good, Yanhuang

game platform!] [Eh, why does this name sound so familiar?] [

It's the game platform that issued "Big Witch" and "Minecraft", and the number of users is over 100 million, which is medium, and the commission is small.

[Oh!, then I'll take a look!If it's all right, choose them!]


This is a chat in a group of indie game designers.

And chats like this have happened in various indie game groups during this time.

Because of the excellent number of users of the Yanhuang game platform and the good commission, everyone is very interested in it.

And because of the Zhu Yu of "The Great Witch" in front, everyone has a clear understanding of the potential of this platform.

The 35 million sales of "The Great Witch" are still the first in the world!

Not to mention, this is just an indie game.

You must know that even Elysium, the favorite to win this year's Best Game Contest, has only surpassed 15 million in sales so far.

There is no way, a game like Elysium is destined to be able to feel the charm of only a few players.

Baker is also very aware of this, so his next game, is ready to make the action genre.

At the moment, Baker is picking the right game distribution platform for his new game.

And after he was screened, he took a fancy to the Yanhuang game platform at a glance.

Because the number of users of this platform is guaranteed, the commission is also very fair.

The commission of the Yanhuang game platform is basically determined by sales.

The higher the sales, the less the platform will draw results.

If the sales volume is not good, then the commission will be slightly higher.

But that's okay.

Because the sales volume is not good, the commission platform will draw a little more, and it will have no impact.

"I feel that this game platform created by Chinese people is not bad.

"And the platform's best-selling game has 35 million sales.

"It's a lot better than me.

Baker looked at the details interface of "The Great Witch", and there was a hint of envy in his eyes.

And if anyone notices the length of play.

Then you will find out

that Baker has played this game for a full 130 hours! Yes, Baker is a veteran player of

"The Great Witch"! And a player who has successfully cleared the game with a perfect ending

! He loves this Chinese indie game very much!

Even if he knows that "The Great Witch" and his "Elysium" will be rivals in the Game of the Year competition.

"It's so nice that Huaguo can have such a rich history and culture. Baker

was envious.

He is a native of a beautiful country.

But he was disgusted with his country.

In a society where capital is rampant, Baker feels that it has no potential, and will only be destroyed in the end.

Moreover, the alienation of capital to people is very terrifying! It is almost the ultimate evil of human nature!

And his "Elysium" is actually a CRPG game that criticizes the alienation of capital to people


This game is the epitome of Baker's thinking and talent.

And in Baker's mind, the worldview of Elysium is huge.

It's just that for some reason, he can only choose to make it into a CRPG game.

And if it weren't for the timely pull to the investment.

It is estimated that this game can only be stillborn in the end.

"The next game must be made into an action genre!" Baker

already had a clear idea in his mind.

In the game "Elysium", he did not spread out the overall world view.

Even just a small part of the area is shown.

And it unfolds from a detective's point of view.

"Wait until you win the award, and then you can get started.

Baker thought to himself.

He thinks that he will definitely win the award at this Game of the Year competition!

But he doesn't know which of the three major awards he will get in the end.

But it doesn't matter.

As long as he wins a prize, he can get more investment!

"Hey, my friend, what are you doing here?"

Suddenly, a curly-haired man walked out of Baker's office.

He is Baker's investor and the owner of the company.

"Yo, William, you're here.

Baker said hello.

In a sense, he and William are in a partnership.

He is responsible for the development of the game, and Weichat is responsible for the promotion and distribution of the game.

"I'm looking for a publishing platform for my next game. Baker laughs and says, "My new game feels very good, and I need to find a suitable platform to release it." "

Eh, isn't the vapor platform bad?" asked William.

Baker said: "Their rake is too high, and I already have some fans, so I don't have to rely on the channels of the vapor platform anymore.

"Oh, well.

William shrugged and didn't say much.

The next second, he took out a few documents and asked Baker to sign them.

"This is about the peripheral licensing contract for Elysium. With

that, he handed the contract document to Baker.

Baker didn't look much and didn't think about it, so he picked up the pen and signed his name on several contracts.

William smiled slightly, took back the contract documents, and walked out of the office.

But the moment he walked out.

William couldn't help but open the contract documents and take a few looks.

It reads.

All copyrights to Elysium will belong to the company


! ......

Tiangong Studio, "Wukong" release seminar.

Alston came up with an idea at the meeting.

Do you want to improve the game "Wukong" anymore? "

No! It must not be changed! Now that the game program has been packaged, it can be released directly!"

Xiong Yi sternly refused.

But Auston didn't see it that way.

He waved his hand and said, "Mr. Xiong Yi, don't be so extreme, we're all here to make this project better."

"Heh, it's good now, I don't need you to interfere!" Xiong

Yi didn't give Auston face at all.

There were dozens of people at the meeting, all of whom were involved in the project.

from all over the house, and even the head of the marketing department of the goose factory.

A cold glint flashed in Auston's eyes.

But soon, a smile was on his face again.

"Mr. Xiong Yi, if "Wukong" is only like this, then it is easy to fail internationally.

"You know, because of different cultures, a lot of things will only have a higher chance of success if they adapt to internationalization.

"In my opinion, there are some places in "Wukong" that are just made behind closed doors, and foreign players may not understand them, and problems will easily arise when the time comes......"

Auston seemed to say bitterly.

It's basically about discussing issues from the perspective of making the game better.

To put it simply, it's actually a sentence.

"Wukong" is not international enough, it needs to be further improved!

The others present also nodded their heads, thinking that what Auston said made sense.

He is a world-class game producer!

"Our studio is running out of funds.

Xiong Yi said with an ugly face.

Alston continued to laugh and said, "It's okay, we can provide some of the funds, we just need you to give us some more copyright shares." "


Xiong Yi sternly refused again.

His refusal, however, had little effect.

Because as long as the goose factory and Yada studio don't agree.

Then the game "Wukong" can't be released at all!

Before that, the three of them have signed a contract.

This is part of the contract.

So at this moment, even if Xiong Yi refuses, it is not convincing.

In more sense, it is just expressing one's own attitude.

But this expression is also useless.

Because if Auston insists on improving the game "Goku".

Then Xiong Yi can only agree.

Just say, how much money are they going to pay for Auston.

After all, according to the contract, this is due to the time default caused by Alston.

But Alston didn't care about that.

Because in the contract, the amount of compensation for breach of time is not much.

And Xiong Yi didn't expect that Auston was not in a hurry to release "Wukong".

Therefore, Xiong Yi could only grit his teeth and agree in the end.

As a result, the release time of "Wukong" began to be postponed.

As for how long it will be postponed, it is not known.

It mainly depends on how big Auston's appetite is.

How much copyright share does he want to eat "Wukong"!

But this incident actually gave Lin Mo and Shu Xingzhi a chance.

They are now working overtime to prepare for the development of Black Myth.

That night, Lin Mo sat in his room.

The system panel appeared in front of his eyes.

【God-level Game Production System

】【Host: Lin Mo

】【Emotional Energy:10455674 Points

】【Story Design:SS-level (0/10000000)】【Level Design:SS-level (0/10000000)】【Numerical Design:SS-level (0/10000000


【 Art

Design: SS Level (0/100000000)] [Soundtrack Design: SS Level (0/10000000)]

Now Lin Mo's emotional energy has reached 10 million points.

But he hesitated.

He has been hesitating since Shu Xingzhi left.

The sequelae of the SSS-level design ability improvement are serious, Lin Mo is not clear.

But by improving the SS-level ability before, Lin Mo still remembers the sequelae.

Now every night, I even have some nightmares.

There is no way, there is something to give.

Although the system was able to quickly improve his game design abilities.

But again, he has to suffer certain after-effects.

Therefore, Lin Mo has been hesitant.

But now.

Lin Mo knew that he couldn't hesitate any longer.

The "Black Myth" game project needs him to be in charge, so his own ability must be guaranteed!

Even if the sequelae are very serious, no one will see them.

And he just happened to be able to get some sleep.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo resolutely thought in his heart.

"System, add points!!".

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