I Found A Planet

Chapter 118 Holding 8% of the shares and ordering tens of millions (seek the first order!)

So all eyes were on Chen Jin.

Chen Jin put his hand in front of his nose, and said, "I plan to buy 2.5 billion worth of shares in your company by way of capital injection to become one of your company's shareholders."

2.5 billion!

Hear the number.

Zhang Weijing and the others looked at each other with great excitement.

"Mr. Zhang, this investment is quite a lot. The company's current market value is 32 billion. This 2.5 billion fund is equivalent to a 7.8% increase in the company's stock!" Executive President Qiu Cifeng secretly calculated.

"Yes, due to the impact of the general environment, the company's stock price has been falling all the way recently, and it has been in a long-term downturn. If we announce the news of Xinghai Technology's large capital injection, the confidence of shareholders will be greatly boosted, and our market value may reach a high of 36 billion."

As a listed company operating on pure capital, Zhongxin International can issue shares on the stock market to obtain financing, and can also accept capital injection from other investment institutions.

As a listed company, Zhongxin International must consider its shareholders in every move it makes, and must produce attractive reports, be responsible to shareholders and capital... This urges them to make greater achievements.

This is pressure, but also a kind of motivation.

For Chen Jin, investing in Zhongxin International is not a whim, but a part of the long-term layout and planning in his mind.

As for the 2.5 billion funds he wants to take out, it is not the funds in Xinghai Technology's financial account, but the cash in the two mysterious bank cards in his hand.

A total of 2.546 billion.

This money is exactly what he and the simulation robot earned after "selling" 3.2 million brushless motors and 5.5 million pairs of mechanical moving parts.

It's all hard-earned money!

However, looking at the accumulative account balance, Chen Jin was afraid of being targeted by the regulatory agencies and asked to pay some taxes, which was not safe.

The best way to deal with it is to spend it quickly!

But a heart disease.

Take it out and invest it.

Also, the director Shi Xiaotao who came to see him last time, Chen Jin invested 100 million in her film, of which 50 million was transferred from his own personal account, and the money he spent was the money earned by the Jinshengyuan Jewelry Store.

The other 50 million was the money in one of the mysterious bank cards.

In this way, the deposits of the three bank cards are also completely spent.

When this investment is completed, the total amount of cash left on Chen Jin's body is less than 500,000.

The money on the Xinghai Technology Company's financial account has not been touched, and has no effect on the normal operation of the company.

So... Chen Jin injected as much as 2.5 billion into Zhongxin International Company. What does he want?

"8% of your company's shares, one voting seat on the board of directors, and the right to participate in your company's strategic meetings." Chen Jin said.

"Mr. Chen, we have to think about this. Based on our market value, your request is a little bit high. 7.5% to 7.8% is within our acceptable range. 8% is not impossible, but with our current If the shareholders and shareholders know about the market value, they will definitely not be very happy."

"As for the voting seats on the board of directors, there are shareholders who hold more than 3% of the shares. You can even get two seats. Your company also has the right to participate in the strategic meeting. You can even participate in the strategic planning meeting of Zhongxin International. ideas and suggestions.”

Mainly in the shareholding ratio, did not meet the 8% standard.

If you add tens of millions of investment, it is no problem to hold 8% of the shares.

However, Chen Jin didn't intend to increase the money, but proposed two conditions one after another, which made Zhang Weijing and others open their mouths in surprise.

"Mr. Zhang, if my investment is considered as a long-term investment and will not be recovered within ten years, it will be kept as a basic stock for a long time. Can you give up some more shares?"

"It is said that your company has proficiently mastered the 14-nanometer chip manufacturing process, and has the ability to produce mobile device chips and Ai smart chips. It just so happens that Xinghai Technology's Wawa robot will use tens of millions of CPU chips in the future. Another product will require tens of millions of CPUs and AI smart chips in the future.”

"These chip needs, if your company has sufficient production capacity, Xinghai Technology intends to place the first batch of orders for 10 million pieces, I wonder if your company has the ability to complete it? If your company has this strength, all future chip orders of Xinghai Technology will be fully delivered. It will be completed by your company, and the two sides will continue to cooperate for a long time."

Basic stocks that have not been cashed out for ten years.

10 million chip orders!

Guarantee of long-term strategic cooperation.

In exchange for 8% of the shares of Zhongxin International.

Does this still require hesitation and consideration?

Zhang Weijing took a deep breath and stood up immediately to express his opinion: "Mr. Chen, Zhongxin International's 14nm production line has a good product rate of over 95%. We are capable enough to complete your company's chip orders! We are also capable of completing all subsequent orders!"

"8% of the shares, I agreed on behalf of all shareholders! Mr. Chen, I wish us a happy cooperation and create brilliance together!"

He stretched out his generous right palm to Chen Jin.

"Pleasant cooperation."

Chen Jin stood up, smiled and shook hands with him.

Strategic cooperation has been reached!

After the talks.

The executives of Zhongxin International were extremely excited and had a heated discussion.

"Great! Large capital injections, tens of millions of chip orders, and long-term strategic cooperation are all great benefits!"

"It is foreseeable that Xinghai Technology will become our super customer! If we get all the chip orders from Xinghai Technology, the company's revenue will increase by at least 30%."

"With so much good news, our company's stock can go up by at least 10%, right?"

"10%? Absolutely more than that, at least three daily limits!"

"We, Zhongxin International, have encountered a golden opportunity that is rare in ten years. Xinghai Technology is a big customer, and we must firmly grasp it!"


On the way back to the company.

Some executives raised their doubts and puzzles.

"Mr. Chen, Zhongxin International is only the fourth-ranked chip foundry company in the world, and there is a big gap between the top three, Moss Semiconductors, Sanxin, and Intel. The market share is less than 6%, and the process technology is 10% lower than others. Nano, 7 nanometers, there is a gap of one or two generations, why don't we find cooperation with the strongest technical strength?"

"Mr. Chen, this is giving money and giving orders. I still buy chips with backward performance. Can this make the best product? Users are not willing to pay the bill." This person complained, feeling young Boss, it's really...

"Shut up!"

Chen Jin glared at the two of them: "If you really can't figure it out, get out!"

He turned his head and glanced at the crowd and said: "I don't want to repeat it too many times, what I said is very clear, one, the learning machine is not a mobile phone, it is very big, and the performance of the 14-nanometer chip is completely sufficient!"

"Second, I don't want to be choked by anyone, and no one wants to be choked by Xinghai Technology!"

"Also, Xinghai Technology holds 8% of Zhongxin International's shares, and it may increase its holdings in the future. I don't want to hear people say that other partners are better, and chip orders are better given to others...Who will say such a thing? Stupid words, get out immediately!"



The two men shrank their heads and dared not speak again.

Other executives of the company nodded one after another: Although the young boss is not mature, this cooperation is definitely far-sighted and far-sighted.

And, very patriotic.

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