I Don’t Want To Be Popular

Chapter 410 System Pay and Compensation

"Welcome the new owner of Tuwell." Louis greeted Chen Chuan.

The three of them clinked a glass, shook it, smelled it, and each took a sip.

Chen Chuan didn't think there was anything special about it. It was similar to what he drank at lunch. Anyway, the wine produced in the village of Saint-Estèphe had this earthy, astringent taste with strong tannins.

However, Chen Chuan saw that Lewis looked quite nervous.

Louis knew that the new boss would not be happy if he kept hesitating, so he gritted his teeth and said: "As we all know, 2017 and 2018 were rainy years. In humid environments, grape leaves are prone to mold growth, so an appropriate amount of pesticide……"

Lewis was serious and told the matter without any concealment.

Chen Chuan took another sip and smacked his lips, but felt nothing strange.

"It has been tested and the pharmaceutical content is not harmful to the human body, but it does affect the quality of the wine." Lewis said.

Chen Chuan looked at Marion.

Marion came into contact with Chen Chuan's gaze and felt a sense of trust in her heart. She said: "This is the normal operation of the plantation. In years with frequent rains, the use of pesticides will increase, but as long as it is not harmful to the human body, That’s it. As early as 1983, a boss purchased an ordinary winery, and the two-year-old wine stored in the cellar also had such a problem. At that time, the boss made a decision to destroy all the wine for marketing purposes and had already sold it. The winery also repurchased it, and the media reported it in a large way, and the winery gained a good reputation and gradually became famous.”

"Should we do the same?" Chen Chuan asked.

The wines from these two vintages are worth nearly 4 million euros. If they were all destroyed, Chen Chuan could bear the loss, because this book was given as a gift from the system.

"Times have changed, sir. Even if you destroy all the wine now, no media will care. Unless like the boss back then, you find someone to do marketing, which is hype. Otherwise...duck doesn't have to." Marion He said, "I tasted this wine and found that the quality of the wine was slightly affected. At most, it was sold at a reduced price."

Louis said nothing.

Chen Chuan looked at Lewis.

Louis said: "The responsibility is all mine. The content of the medicine is the one I approved. In fact, too much was used. As for whether to destroy it or reduce the price, it is not appropriate. If you destroy it, boss, you will lose too much. If you reduce the price, you will lose too much." Bad for the brand.”

There are benches in the wine cellar.

Chen Chuan sat down and sipped the wine slowly.

"Destroy it." Chen Chuan made a decision.

Although this resulted in a loss of nearly 4 million euros, according to Chen Chuan's character, he could not tolerate such flaws in the properties under his name.

It is better to destroy it.

At this time, the system suddenly sounded a prompt:

"The [Special Event] of Chateau Tuvel was triggered. Since the host followed the virtue of honest management, the loss of 4 million euros in destruction and repurchase was paid for by this system. In addition, a 4 million euro winery development fund was awarded, and [a bag] Grape Seed]. ps: Host, please apply for a local bank card and inject funds into the local bank card.”

After hearing the system prompts, Chen Chuan felt confident.

In essence, this incident is considered as the system being "cheated". When it bought the winery, it must have paid for the cost of storing the wine in the cellar, but it did not know that the quality of the wine was defective. Now the system actively pays the bill, and also rewards 4 million euros in development funds and grape seeds. It can be said that knowing mistakes can make great improvements.

Chen Chuan remembered that he had obtained this [bag of grape seeds] in the world and planted it in his Nan Penglai manor. However, he left before the harvest and did not know how good the quality was.

Now that I have obtained it again, I can find an opportunity to plant it. As for whether to plant it in Bordeaux or the [Tianxiang Manor] in China, I am not in a hurry.

The pot-bellied Uncle Garfield Louis and Miss Marion looked a little stunned, especially when Chen Chuan said "Destroy it" lightly.

For 4 million euros of goods to be destroyed just because of some flaws, the new boss was simply ****, and Marion felt this especially deeply.

"je suis vraiment désolé..." Louis was sweating profusely as he kept repeating this sentence.

In French, this means "I'm really sorry, I'm sorry."


Louis' phone vibrated, but he didn't answer it.

Chen Chuan smiled: "You answer the phone first."

"It's my daughter. She must have begged me to hold a birthday party." Louis said.

But when the boss spoke, Louis went to the side to answer it.

Chen Chuan heard a young girl's voice coming from the mobile phone. It was a sweet girl's voice. The sound quality was mellow and felt very smooth.

Chen Chuan looked at Louis. Apart from being a little fatter, this old man was actually quite handsome. He should have been a handsome boy when he was young. He expected that his daughter would also be quite beautiful.

"No, no, no, no..." Louis replied on the phone.

Chen Chuan originally didn't want to listen to the call from the father and daughter, but he couldn't help it because of his poor hearing. He vaguely heard the girl on the phone begging to have a birthday party with his best friends in the castle...

Marion must have heard it too, because the environment here was quiet and the three of them were not far apart.

Marion saw Chen Chuan and smiled.

Chen Chuan didn't think it mattered. The castle was empty anyway, so it didn't matter if a group of young girls came to have a party.

Lewis hung up the phone and took out his handkerchief to wipe his sweat. He has no time to attend to birthday parties now. The new boss has lost 4 million, and he, the manager, is directly responsible.

He looked uglier when he smiled than when he cried. 4 million worth of goods were destroyed. This kind of loss cannot be compensated by his resignation.

But Chen Chuan patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's okay if you tell me truthfully as soon as possible. The destruction of the wine cannot be in vain. You should also report it to the local media and take the opportunity to enhance the brand value."

"I understand, I understand." Louis nodded.

"As for your daughter's birthday party, how old is she?"

"18 years old."

"That is indeed a big day worth remembering. When will it be?" Chen Chuan asked.

"Next month," Louis said.

Next month, Chen Chuan thought it was just for these few days. Then he would not be here, so they would just let them use the castle. Although France is known as the "Land of Castles", ordinary people must have never experienced it.

Accompanied by Louis, Chen Chuan visited the wine cellar for a while, and then the three of them left the wine cellar.

There were stables in the manor, and Chen Chuan and Marion rode horses to tour the entire castle and manor. They felt like medieval knights, and Marion next to him was his maid.

After riding a horse around the manor, Chen Chuan thought about applying for a bank card.

He needs to apply for a local bank card, and the system will remit the fee. In total, it should be 8 million euros, which is not a small amount. Among them, 4 million is the loss from the destruction of wine, and the other 4 million is the winery development fund.

The so-called winery development fund, according to understanding, is to purchase some items. Chen Chuan's first thought was to buy a transportation vehicle, which can be regarded as a belongings of the winery. In this way, it would be more convenient for him to visit Bordeaux and France without having to always use Marion's car.

Marion's small car still had too much space, and he was not used to riding in it, let alone driving it.

Half past two in the afternoon.

Chen Chuan took Marion's car back to downtown Bordeaux and applied for a bank card with his passport at the National Bank of Paris.

The mandatory requirement for a bank card account is to have a local address in France. In this regard, Chen Chuan provided the address of [Château Tourville], which met the requirements for opening an account. In addition, you also need to reserve a local mobile phone number.

Chen Chuan went to buy a new mobile phone and applied for a mobile phone card from the operator Bouyguestelec. The package is 19.9 euros, with unlimited free calls, unlimited domestic text messages, and 20GB of traffic...

Not long after applying for the bank card, I heard the system prompt: "€8,000,000 has been transferred to your bank card, please check."

Immediately, Chen Chuan received the reserved mobile phone message prompt that "8,000,000€" had arrived.

Chen Chuan found it amazing that text message reminders on mobile phones were available. He thought text message reminders were only available in China, but he didn't expect them to be available in foreign countries as well.

Since the 8 million euros had arrived, Chen Chuan was in a good mood. He looked at Marion, who was accompanying him all the way, and thought about how hard it was for her to ride in her car today, and she worked hard along the way. Especially when applying for a bank card, it stands to reason that you should leave your address and wait a week for the bank to mail it over. But with Marion's help, I got the card on the spot.

So, in the store outside the bank, Chen Chuan bought her a cigarette without repaying her.

French cigarettes are very expensive, so they young people have a habit of always smoking in the company of others. Marion was like this. Chen Chuan saw her ask for cigarettes from others more than once, whether it was an acquaintance in the manor or an acquaintance he met in the bank.

These cigarettes are really expensive, basically 6 or 7 euros a box. The brand Chen Chuan bought is called "davidoff", which is transliterated as Davidoff, a Swiss brand. It is the most expensive cigarette in the store, with a box costing 24 euros and a pack costing 240 euros.

Chen Chuan opened the strips, kept one box for himself, and gave the rest to Marion.

The two of them were standing outside the shop smoking. France has banned indoor smoking since 1992. However, both men and women in this country are addicted to smoking, and the proportion of women who smoke can reach 45%, so they can often be seen in twos and threes upstairs. Get together and smoke.

This Davidoff is a green box. It has a light woody and creamy flavor when smoked, which is very different from domestic cigarettes.

"I invite you to my house for dinner tonight, will you come?" Marion asked.


"very convenient."

"Then don't go." Chen Chuan said.

Marion laughed and said, "It's really convenient. I'm single and not married. There are only five people in my family, including my father, mother, sister and brother. The house is quite big, so I can live in it."

"Forget it." Chen Chuan put out his cigarette and threw it into the trash can. "Let's just say goodbye. If I come here next time, I'll go to your house again."

After hearing this, Marion looked a little disappointed, but she still maintained a graceful smile. She asked again: "Then where are you going soon? Is anyone going to have dinner with you tonight?"

"Eat it yourself." Chen Chuan said, "At the winery, I will tell Louis to appoint you as the supervisor. Let him continue to do the manager's position. If he handles the matter of destroying the problematic red wine well, Even if he makes up for it, keep him. If he can't handle it well, replace him."

"No problem." Marion said, "Mr. Chen...for dinner, I know a restaurant with two Michelin stars. It tastes very good. The chef is a Chinese. I think it will suit your taste."

"Want to eat with me tonight?" Chen Chuan asked.

She nodded and said, "I'll pay the bill, are you willing?"

Based on Chen Chuan's understanding of prices here, a Michelin two-star restaurant costs about 130 euros per person including service charges, and a more sophisticated meal for two people costs 300 euros as a base, which is not a small sum. Although Marion is a high-income earner, she is not the type to spend money lavishly. It can be seen from the fact that she smokes "basic" cigarettes that she is quite stingy.

"Are you willing to spend money?" Chen Chuan asked with a smile.

She thought for a while and said, "Order more dishes. Halfway through the meal, you can urinate and run away. Then I will tell the restaurant that we met on the social platform and met for a date. In the end, you ran away halfway. Eight out of ten Jiu Restaurant will give you free orders..."

Chen Chuan was amused and couldn't tell whether it was French humor or genuine.

But she said seriously: "Really, if you don't believe it, we can try it."

"Forget it, I'll buy it." As a wealthy man who just earned 8 million euros from the system, Chen Chuan couldn't escape from a meal.

The two stood at the door of the store for a while, chatting. Chen Chuan thought this Miss Bordeaux was interesting.

She said that she would not easily accept a meal from a boy. She knew that many boys hoped to exchange a meal and a meal of wine for a night of passion. She didn't do that.

to 3:30 p.m.

Chen Chuan looked at the cars coming and going on the road and asked her, "Do you think it is necessary for me to buy a car here?"

"If you don't come here often, it doesn't matter. If you come, I will be your driver the whole time, as long as you don't mind the small size of my car." Marion said.

Chen Chuan thought for a while, and it seemed that he would not come often, but the 4 million euro winery development fund given by the system would not be justified if he did not make some money.

But...stay one more night to see if the system is considerate and gives you a [Daily Gift Pack].

But he had nothing to do, so Chen Chuan asked Marion to drive him around the city. He looked at the famous attractions and the car market, and learned that Renault cars ranked first in sales here. The second is Peugeot, the third is Citroen...

French cars are not very popular in China, and in the European market, they have no advantage over several German brands. But in France, French brands have an absolute monopoly, supported by the French's strongest national heart in Europe.

Marion's car is a Peugeot 308, a compact hatchback. When Chen Chuan is in it, the riding experience is indeed very compact. Moreover, it has been 4 years ago, so it is not considered a new car. It may look new on the surface, but the mileage is there.

"These cars don't look expensive," Chen Chuan said, looking at the cars on the street.

"Well, do you think the French are not keen on driving luxury cars?" Marion said with a smile, "Actually, we are as keen on cars as the Germans, but we don't have money. French luxury goods are the best in the world. Famous, but the average Frenchman is not as wealthy as the outside world thinks.”

"Hey, why are there so many cars on the street full of potholes?" Chen Chuan discovered the New World.

Marion laughed loudly: "It's because of poor driving skills. The French are famous for their poor parking skills in the world... Look at the Citroën's butt that was hit like that. The female car owner didn't drive calmly." .”

Chen Chuan remembered that the butt of her car was also smashed, but she still had the nerve to laugh at others...

When the two got out of the car, Chen Chuan treated it like a game. He went to a Land Rover experience center on the street and asked about it. The Velar starts at 53,000 euros, which is indeed cheap enough.

Velar is Land Rover's new car released in 2017. It is between the Evoque and Sport. The domestic sales volume is about 700,000.

Since it was only over 50,000 euros, Chen Chuan bought one casually.

Anyway, I don’t come here often, and there’s no need to spend more than 200,000 euros on a Ferrari or something like that. Just have one and drive it wherever it’s convenient. But in terms of brands, in Europe, Land Rover is slightly higher than Mercedes-Benz and far higher than BMW and Audi.

"Do you also want one?" Chen Chuan asked, "Just think of it as an advance of one year's salary for you."

Marion looked at the brand new Land Rover Velar. This SUV was really beautiful. She opened her mouth and said, "As the old Chinese saying goes, no reward will be given without reward. I haven't done anything for you yet. How dare you ask for it? Besides, Tuwell Winery There is a quality problem with the wine stored in the store, but I did not audit it. You trusted me and signed the contract directly. I have already betrayed your trust, and I feel very uneasy."

"So, you have to work harder in the future."

"Of course I will, but I don't want anything until I satisfy you completely," she said.

While waiting for the car to be checked in, the two stood outside the store smoking.

It was already sunset and dusk.

She said seriously: "I have to bear at least some responsibility for the 4 million euro loss of wine stored in the wine cellar. How do you want me to compensate you? I agree.

"As a aside, how old are you?" Chen Chuan looked into her light blue eyes. "

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