"It's not like watching games is so bullying!"

"The Animal Protection Association and the Women's Rights Organization are here to join in the fun... Climb away!"

"The child's three views have not been developed, and violence may be cultivated. I wonder if this is not a restricted game?"

"That's right, don't think about how your child is exposed to restricted-level games, but come to blame the game instead!"

"I've played games since I was a child, and when I saw what these people said, I almost thought I was a heinous villain, a cancer of society!"

Countless players who love the game have made their voices heard.

It's just that they are soft-spoken. After all, the purpose of these individuals touching porcelain is also very clear. They are not here for your gamers.

Instead, they came to your game company, as well as onlookers.

Just like some unscrupulous marketing accounts, they deliberately sell anxiety, and then let your thinking reach a consensus with them and unconsciously agree with their views.

But let Chen Xu have some unexpected places.

That is, some domestic and foreign manufacturers, even including Big Goose Games and AE games, have not brought down their hands.

There are even some channels expressing support for Nebula Games.

But think about it, in fact, 540 is reasonable.

After all, no matter how Chen Xu's Nebula game smashes in the game circle, but the game market is so big, even if they are in a competitive relationship, as long as they don't pull their hips.

Even if the market is taken away by Nebula Games, the game field is not destined to be a zero-sum industry, and they are only temporarily down.

But these existences staring at the game to **** blood are different. They are the foundation of the game industry that has truly affected the game.

This time, it was Nebula Games, but who among the top big companies in the past has not been disgusted?

Although it was only verbal support, Chen Xu still received this love.

Chen Xu, who has become one of the game leaders, is naturally the contact information for the top players in the industry.

On the same day, Chen Xu also contacted Yao Xiaoguang to express his gratitude.

"It's not a big problem. As a game practitioner, I don't have a favorable impression of any of these people, but the Big Goose game is different from your Nebula game, so verbal support is all we can do." Facing Chen Xu, The opposite Yao Xiaoguang also responded.

"It's enough to be able to do this." Chen Xu said with a smile.

"But what should you do with Nebula Games in the future? In fact, the best way is to pinch your nose and pay a protection fee, otherwise, it will not be so easy to solve when the heat really gets hot and becomes a hot topic in (bibf) society. "Yao Xiaoguang also gave his own experience.

"Don't worry, Nebula Games has already made some moves, and it won't take long for you to see the results." Chen Xu smiled and sold out.

Hearing Chen Xu's confident words, Yao Xiaoguang was also a little curious.

What will the other party do?

And this curiosity did not last long.

Soon major manufacturers at home and abroad knew how Chen Xu survived the public opinion crisis of "Grand Theft Auto" this time.


【Shock! In this game, you can even kill innocent passers-by! 】

[In recent years, there have been frequent shootings, and the culprit has been found! 】

In a city in a certain state in the lighthouse country, a middle-aged man in his thirties was leaning on the sofa, constantly tapping the laptop keyboard on the coffee table in front of him.

A rhythmic theme article was uploaded to various forums by him.

"Damn game company, it's better to do public relations sooner rather than later. We have to work so hard." After sending the article, the middle-aged man said with a dissatisfied face.

He is a member of a certain women's rights organization, and as for what he does, it is natural to touch porcelain.

In the past, the high probability game company would contact them immediately, and then the two sides had a 'friendly' negotiation.

Of course, sometimes the negotiation is unsuccessful, but they don't suffer from it. They use the popularity of the game to advertise their own organization to attract more people to join or donate, which is also a good thing. .

After all, women's rights organizations are not an overall organization. There are too many large and small in various countries and regions.

However, they also have a common skill, that is, pulling the banner into a tiger's skin.

But just when he was still fantasizing about when Nebula Games would come to publicize them.

The phone on the coffee table rang.

After the connection, there was a voice that made him stunned.

'Hello Mr. Charles, I am a criminal litigator at Baker & McKenzie LLP, according to my employer, Ms. Lisa, you will be charged with insulting a woman, we have translated the court summons and related documents and sent them to your mailbox, you will receive a state court subpoena within the next two weeks...'

He didn't hear the following content very clearly, he was completely stunned.

Baker McKenzie, the world's top law firm, was he indicted?

Before he could tell the truth from the fake, the stamp on the electronic file sent from the mobile phone had already told him that it was all true.

He was not alone in receiving the notification.

All the heads of relevant organizations targeting Nebula Games were brought out one by one.

Not only that, the major relevant media have also exposed the black material of these organizations during this period of time.

In an organization designed for women's rights, the senior leaders have carried out gender harassment and even molestation.

Members of the Animal Protection Association have even tortured and killed stray cats and dogs.

It's not a big secret, but no one has specifically targeted it in the past, but now through Chen Xu's investigation regardless of the cost, these things have surfaced.

Emphasis on speaking skills, a united front, and a set of combined punches.

Almost instantly, the negative public opinion topics related to "Grand Theft Auto" overseas were completely covered up by these.

Even most of the organizations that have not been prosecuted have drawn a clear line with these people and organizations whose black materials have been exposed.

As for continuing to find trouble with Nebula Games?

There is no such idea at all, this is clearly killing chickens to warn monkeys, and this butcher knife may not be finished yet!

At this time, if you don't run quickly before the knife falls, is it possible that you still want to fight with Nebula Games?

Can you beat the luxurious team of lawyers over there!

And for them, it is more important to shape a concept for people, that is, this group of people are all black sheep and belong to an exception.

Similarly, all game manufacturers at home and abroad have all been stunned at this time!

This is so special! Who can play your Nebula game?

It is too exaggerated!

Want to make trouble and ask for protection fees?

No problem, I spend money, but not for you, but to kill you with unreasonable money.

This is the power directly measured in 100 million units and with US knives as currency!

Especially the major game manufacturers, many people have thought about what Nebula Games will do before this.

Compromise, no bird at all.

But no one thought that Chen Xu would be so simple and rude.

He smashed hundreds of millions of dollars abruptly, and settled this matter directly before public opinion formed a social topic.

The method is simple, but few game companies dare to do so.

After all, this income is not proportional to the return at all! .

Chapter 184 Cultural dross? Ninth Art!

The topic of "Grand Theft Auto" overseas has gradually cooled down.

Domestically, Chen Xu was also in the Nebula game and was interviewed by the CCVT news channel.

As for the topic, it is naturally related to "Grand Theft Auto".

Although compared with foreign countries, the domestic rhythm is much better, but there are still some.

In addition, when it comes to the entire industry, Chen Xu, one of the leaders, naturally has to stand up.

As for the troubles that may be encountered above, Chen Xu is not too worried about this one.

After all, if there is trouble, it is impossible for "Grand Theft Auto" itself to be reviewed and launched in China.

Now that it has been launched, this problem will naturally disappear, mainly because of some public opinions in the society.

In the lounge of Nebula Games, Chen Xu was sitting on the sofa, accepting an interview.

"Mr. Chen, "Grand Theft Auto" has attracted much attention since its release. Up to now, it can be said that it has set a new high in sales in the global game market, and it is widely known around the world, but the violent and criminal content shown in the game , has also caused controversy around the world, including many people in China who are also worried that "Grand Theft Auto" may affect the physical and mental health of young people, what do you think, Mr. Chen?"

He Yunxuan, who was a reporter for CCVT's exclusive interview this time, asked Chen Xu.

It's not a sharp answer, it's a hot topic on the Internet.

"First of all, this is simply a false proposition. "Grand Theft Auto" will affect the physical and mental health of young people. First of all, I have to explain that my country has a strict game censorship and sales system, and "Grand Theft Auto" is a restricted game. Games, for teenagers who grow up with values ​​and moral values, first of all, their age is not able to access the game "Grand Theft Auto"."

"If someone says what happens to their children because they play "Grand Theft Auto", then I think they should be more concerned about why underage children can play this game, parents' indulgence or what reason ?" Chen Xu shook his head.

"As for the possibility of criminal behavior, this is even more ridiculous. First of all, the laws of many countries consider 18-year-old people with sound minds to be adults and have full capacity for civil conduct, which means that they have their own thinking. Behaviors can be held accountable for their own actions, not minors who cannot discern the correct values ​​in life."

"Whether they embark on the road of crime is closely related to their life and growth environment, not to say that they have embarked on the road of crime after playing "Grand Theft Auto" or watching a crime-themed movie."

"If it is defined by a criminal who has played "Grand Theft Auto", then any novels, comics, TV series and movies can be attacked, and I can even say that it is because the criminals saw the murder in the wet market. Is it reasonable to instigate them to commit crimes by killing chickens or killing fish?"

Listening to Chen Xu's words, He Yunxuan, who was sitting at the other end, was really dizzy.

She also did some homework before coming here, and the leaders above explained the objective of her interview this time is also very simple, that is, neutral records are the main thing.

After this conversation, He Yunxuan felt very reasonable, and even wanted to unconsciously lean towards Nebula Games.

He Yunxuan, who woke up from a start, also hurriedly moved on to the next topic.

"So Mr. Chen, do you think the violence and criminal elements in "Grand Theft Auto" will not have a negative effect?"

He Yunxuan asked Chen Xu.

"Of course! Reporter He, have you experienced the game "Grand Theft Auto"?" Chen Xu nodded.

"No, I just learned from some information." He Yunxuan also shook her head honestly. She is not a game lover herself, and her knowledge of games basically stays with the ones that come with her mobile phone.

"Then I believe that reporter He must have read 'Camel Xiangzi', 'Scream', 'Fumbling' and other novels." Chen Xu asked.

"Of course!" He Yunxuan nodded, of course she had read it. This is an unforgettable experience for any student, and a frequent visitor to reading comprehension!

"In these works, we see the story of a young and strong rickshaw driver Xiangzi, who eventually degenerated into 'urban garbage'. Can you say that this article has no positive effect?"

"Of course not, because this is a ruthless exposing and lashing out of the old society, reflecting the profound social reality at that time, depicting the corruption, vulgarity, and feudalism of the society at that time. Xiangzi did not want to be like that from the beginning, but was ill at that time. The society is forced to become like that step by step.”

"The same goes for Grand Theft Auto!"

As Chen Xu's words fell, He Yunxuan was completely stunned.

Are these two really related?

"From the beginning of the story, Mike persuaded Xiao Fu to go to college and not think about fighting and killing!"

"Also in the game, Xiao Fu, Mike, and Trevor stand in front of the police with guns and do nothing. Mike is the one with the least number of arrests, but not Trevor with a bad face. The odds of being a rich man are five times that of Mike."

"At the same time, in the game, Xiao Fu has a recorded crime of 'public exposure', but this is only because Xiao Fu accidentally exposed some underwear again and was arrested."

"And [Obey to Live] signs on the Los Santos Police Department police cars."

'The first time Mike and Trevor meet, Mike's daughter is participating in an entertainment show, she can be said to do everything possible and even sell her looks just to be famous in this show, and this is a satirical criticism of impetuousness and quick success. ’

"As well as the side quests in the game, Hongmu Tobacco was subjected to a class action lawsuit initiated by patients with emphysema, so the company spent money to buy four jury members who could influence the verdict."

"Fleeca Bank advertises 'loans are easy money' and 'everything can be swiped', however the description of the fleeca credit card on the in-game website is 'unstoppable loan sharks', indicating that overspending is just a A tempting financial trap."


"As for the protagonist played by the player in the game, because of various threats, he has to help some 'big men' do dirty work, which indicates that this violent machine will do evil in the name of so-called justice."


All kinds of small details were revealed from Chen Xu's mouth, and then matched with the pictures on the laptop next to him.

It made everyone stunned, as if... In this way, the entire game of "Grand Theft Auto" is full of irony!

Almost everything was beaten over and over again!

Is there something wrong?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

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